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99 -- Interpretive Panels - Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, USFWS

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
Contracting Office
Contracting and General Services U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service PO Box 1306, Room 5108 Albuquerque NM 87103
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Lisa Rodriguez Contract Specialist 5052486797 lisa_rodriguez@fws.gov;
E-Mail Address
Email your questions to Point of Contact above, or if none listed, contact the IDEAS EC HELP DESK for assistance
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation issued by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), Region 2, Division of Contracting and General Services, Albuquerque, New Mexico for commercial services prepared and processed in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Part 12.6 as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This solicitation is for interpretive panels for Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge located 15 miles from Sherman, Texas as described in the Scope of Work below. This solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-23 effective January 25, 2008. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. The solicitation number is 201818Q004; this solicitation is a Request for Quotation (RFQ). This procurement action is a total set aside for small business. The NAICS Code is 541430 Graphic Design Services and size standard is $6.0. STATEMENT OF WORK: 1.0 Significance of Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge The Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge encompasses more than 11,000 acres in Grayson County, located in north-central Texas approximately 15 miles from the City of Sherman (population 31,600). Several small towns are within 60 miles of the Refuge. Dallas, with a population of 1,007,000, is within 75 miles of the Refuge. Including Ft. Worth and the Mid-Cities, more than 2,000,000 people live within 100 miles of the Refuge. The Refuge provides various wildlife-dependent recreational opportunities with wildlife observation and photography being the most popular, followed by fishing. According to traffic counts, the Refuge receives approximately 120,000 visitors a year. The majority of visitors are from nearby locations, though proximity to the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex allows for visitors from foreign countries to tour the Refuge. In cooperation with the Army Corps of Engineers, the Refuge was established in 1946 on lands purchased by the U.S. Department of the Army for the Denison Dam Project. Strategically situated on the Red River between Texas and Oklahoma, the Refuge provides valuable sanctuary for the natural resources of the Great Plains. The Refuge is located on the Big Mineral Arm of Lake Texoma in a transitional zone between two major vegetational areas known as the Blackland Prairies and the Eastern Cross Timbers where the gently rolling prairies meet the south side of Lake Texoma. The Refuge is located at the heart of a culturally diverse community in rural north-central Texas with increasing influences from the nearby urban areas of Dallas and Forth Worth. The distinct landscape, diversity of biological communities, and secluded location are inherent characteristics that contribute to the area's value as a natural preserve. The Refuge provides a variety of protected habitats for wildlife, open space and nature-oriented recreational activities for the public. The influences of the Blackland Prairies and Eastern Cross Timbers contribute to the diversity of plant species on the Refuge. Stream banks and overflow floodplains support typical bottomland hardwood vegetation. The Blackland Prairies and Eastern Cross Timbers encompass approximately 26,000 square miles in north and central Texas and represent the primary ecological region of northcentral Texas. The Refuge is located within the Central Flyway, a route traveled annually by numerous species of waterfowl and migratory birds. The Refuge enjoys a reputation as a birding mecca in north-central Texas. Although a total of 316 bird species have been recorded on the Refuge since it was established in 1946, recent surveys show 273 different bird species regularly occur on the Refuge, of which 80 species nest and 193 are migratory. This northcentral area of Texas has always been a historic waterfowl area. Farming of grain crops, and the availability of small lakes and stock tanks, provided the necessary habitats for migrating birds, especially waterfowl. Today, the Refuge continues to offer food and sanctuary to migratory waterfowl in the fall, winter and spring. The value of these lands that were set aside and dedicated to providing waterfowl habitat, benefit other migratory bird species throughout the year. Each spring and fall sees thousands of shorebirds thronging the mudflats on the lakeshore. Hundreds of wading birds flock to the Refuge to feed on food resources left by falling water levels in late summer. The Refuge's land and water restoration activities are designed and implemented to improve waterfowl habitat, and to benefit more than 270 species of birds, 34 species of mammals, 65 species of reptiles and amphibians and 62 species of fish. While the primary challenges on the Refuge have centered primarily on restoration of habitat for migrating waterfowl, the Refuge also provides habitat for federally listed threatened and endangered species, and several other species of concern, including the least tern (Sterna antillarum), piping plover (Charadrius melodus), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), white-faced ibis (Plegadis chihi), Texas-horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum). 2.0 Interpretive Objectives The majority of visitors to Hagerman NWR will gain an overall understanding of why the refuge was established. The majority of visitors will be introduced to the major ecosystems and ecological processes that affect Hagerman NWR. The majority of visitors will learn the importance of the refuge to migrating and resident bird species and be able to identify a few of the more common and intriguing bird species that utilize the refuge. The majority of visitors will learn the multiple functions of the refuge in managing for wildlife, habitat and public use opportunities. The majority of visitors will be able to recognize from the refuge map, their current location and the locations of other refuge public use areas, attractions, facilities and major landforms. The majority of visitors will understand that Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge is one of over 545 NWR's belonging to the National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS). The NWRS is the largest national network of lands dedicated to the conservation of America's diverse and abundant wildlife resources and the habitats they depend upon. 3.0 Target Audience and Themes Hagerman NWR attracts approximately 250,000 visitors annually from throughout the country. Reasons for visiting the refuge are varied and include; sportsmen and women seeking hunting and fishing opportunities, wildlife observation (particularly bird-watching), wildlife photography, persons seeking the solitude and aesthetic qualities of nature and those wishing to learn more about the natural resources of the refuge. Most visitors have little or no conservation background, but are interested in a general understanding of the importance of NWR's, specifically Hagerman NWR. Many fail to recognize the difference between NWR's, State wildlife management areas, State parks or National Parks. Themes: 1) Hagerman NWR is a very important area for the conservation of a diverse array of wildlife species and the habitats they depend upon. The refuge's role in conservation will become even more critical as habitat is continually lost, altered and fragmented. The refuge plays an important role in the protection, management and restoration of vital wildlife habitat in the southern Great Plains ecoregion. 2) Hagerman NWR provides the public with opportunities to enjoy and interact with the natural world. As part of its mission, the refuge provides hunting, fishing, bird-watching, wildlife photography and observation, outdoor interpretation and environmental education. Other uses are evaluated individually to determine compatibility with the mission of the refuge and its purpose. 3) Hagerman NWR is also an area with considerable historic significance, steeped in the rich cultural history of pre- and early-statehood Texas and the values and traditions of the Native American tribes inhabiting the area. 4.0 Deliverables The vendor shall furnish all materials, labor, equipment, transportation and professional expertise and other related requirements which are not identified as government provided, necessary to finish five (5) interpretive panels to be installed on the Refuge. Panel sizes are four (4) 38x42 and one (1) 34x12. Panels will be resin-based embedment similar to Folia. Panels will be installed in 3412 NPS-type upright in-ground aluminum exhibit display structures; drawings will be supplied. The delivered product shall consist of a combination of high-pressure laminate interpretive panels related text, artwork, maps, graphics and photographs. The vendor shall draft all interpretive text based on the background and reference material provided by the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). The vendor will develop and create all artwork, graphics, maps, and photo enlargements necessary for the panel exhibits. The vendor will provide text proofs of all interpretive material used on the panels for Regional Office point-of-contact (RO-POC) approval prior to fabrication. After initial planning discussion with Hagerman NWR staff, the vendor shall submit basic design drawings for review and approval by the Regional Office Point of Contact (RO-POC) before proceeding with detailed design and fabrication. Fabrication of the materials shall conform to the final approved design drawings and specifications provided by the vendor and approved by RO-POC. The vendor will provide a color key proof for RO-POC approval prior to fabrication. The vendor will provide a blueprint or proof drawing of all graphics, photographs, maps or other visuals used to fabricate interpretive panels for RO-POC approval. The vendor shall furnish a warranty of at least seven years on all materials and workmanship. The vendor is responsible for acquiring all maps, photos and graphic designs or other items used to fabricate panels. The vendor shall provide all mounting and installation hardware and instructions to secure the panels and brochure rack to the metal structure of the kiosk frame. Refuge will fabricate the kiosk structure and mount all materials. 5.0 Government Furnished Materials If available, the USFWS will assist with providing photos, maps or other graphic materials. The USFWS will assist with background information and reference materials related to the interpretive text to be used in the fabrication of exhibit panels. (USFWS is not responsible in writing the text for the panel). The RO-POC will secure all necessary approvals for all proofs, text, layout, design, and color schemes. RO-POC has final authority over all decisions regarding this project. All proofs, materials, notices, decisions, or changes must go through and be approved by the RO-POC. This includes any aspect of this project funded by USFWS sources or non-USFWS sources. 6.0 Submittals All responding vendors must submit a "dummy" proposal which addresses at a minimum the major elements identified in the Statement of Work. The submittal should only be a basic, broad concept. Final design work can only be accomplished after site visit by vendor awarded the contract. The background information which is part of this solicitation is for general knowledge only. It may be utilized in formulation of the "dummy" proposal but it is not to be interpreted or construed as all inclusive of the contents of the final accepted product. BASIS OF AWARD: The government anticipates award or a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsive/responsible quoter whose quote conforms to the solicitation and is most price advantageous to the government. Award will be made on a best value analysis to include price, past performance, and technical merit as demonstrated within and by the contents of the required submittal. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS: The contractor shall be responsible for the observance of all applicable Federal, State, and local laws governing the shipment of this item and maintaining any required management practices. PROVISIONS AND CLAUSES - In addition, FAR provisions/clauses listed below apply. This information is available on the Internet at http://www.arnet.gov/far. FAR 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors - Commercial Items; FAR 52.212-2, Evaluation - Commercial Items; FAR 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items, Contractors shall include a copy or complete on-line at www://orca.bpn.gov; FAR 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions - Commercial Items; FAR 52.212-5, Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders are incorporated by reference, however, for paragraphs (b) and (c) the following clauses apply; FAR 52.222-21 - Prohibition of Segregated Facilities; FAR 52.222-26 Equal Opportunity; FAR 52.222-35 - Affirmative Action for Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era; FAR 52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities; FAR 52.222-37 - Employment Reports on Diabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era; FAR 52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer - Central Contractor Registration; 52.225-1 - Buy American Act - Supplies; Offerors are reminded that the Buy American Act restricts purchase of supplies that are not domestic end products. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: OFFERS ARE DUE ON FEBRUARY 25, 2008, 4:00PM LOCAL TIME. Quotes may be submitted on letterhead and must include, at a minimum, lump sum price for the items, prompt payment terms, warranty terms, contract remittance address, DUNS number, federal tax identification number, name, phone number and address of your point of contact, a completed copy of FAR 52.212-3, and the proposed submittals described above. Offerors should include past performance information along with their quote (see questionnaire below). All responding vendors must submit a "dummy" proposal which addresses at a minimum the major elements identified in the Statement of Work. The submittal should only be a basic, broad concept. Final design work can only be accomplished after site visit by vendor awarded the contract. Submit two (2) copies of offer to: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Contracting & General Services, Attn: Lisa Rodriguez, 500 Gold Avenue, SW, Room 5108, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102. Amendments to this solicitation will be posted to the FWS electronic commerce website (https://ideasec.nbc.gov), it is your responsibility to monitor the website. In order to receive the award, vendor must be registered at http://www.ccr.gov and at http://ideasec.nbc.gov and https://orca.bpn.gov/. Be prepared with your company's DUNS number (available from Dun and Bradstreet at 1-888-546-0024) and your Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN). The government reserves the right to cancel this solicitation. Payment under this contract will be made by electronic funds transfer. Any contractor/vendor interested in participating in this acquisition MUST be registered in Central Contractor Registration (CCR) at www.ccr.gov before purchase order is issued. POINT OF CONTACT: Offerors requiring additional information on this solicitation should contact: Lisa Rodriguez, Contracting Officer, Division of Contracting and General Services Division, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, phone (505) 248-6797, fax (505) 249-6791, email: lisa_rodriguez@fws.gov. Please submit all questions by email or in writing. R2-036 Questionaire of Bidder's Responsibility Offeror's Name, Address: Telephone #: ___________________________ ___________________________ Facsimile #: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ E-mail Address: _________________________________________________ Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) #:_______________________________________ (call 1-888-814-1435 or website "www.dnb.com/eupdate to obtain a number) How long in present business? ________________________________________________ Type of Organization: [ ] Individual [ ] Individual doing business as a Firm [ ] Partnership [ ] Joint Venture [ ] Corporation, Incorporated under the laws of the State of _________ [ ] Non~Profit Organization Names of Officers, Owners, or Partners: Owners or Partners: ________________________________________________ President: _____________________ Vice President: ___________________ Treasurer: _____________________ Secretary: _______________________ Individuals and their telephone numbers authorized to sign bids, offers, and contracts in your name: 1. ________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ Bonding Company: Telephone number and point of contact for Bonding company. Not applicable for this action Financial Position: Net Worth: ____________________ Date: ________________ Name, address. telephone number, account number, and point of contact for Financial Institutions that you do business with: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Amount of money Available and set aside purchasing supplies and paying employees until first payment is received under this contract $____________________________________ WORK PERFORMANCE: Current Projects of similar magnitude: Contact Person/Tel. # Type of Project $ Amount 1.________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________ Past Projects completed during the past three years. (Preferably Government Type - (Federal, State, County): Contact Person/Tel. # Type of Project $ Amount 1. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________
Web Link
Please click here to view more details.
Place of Performance
Address: Sherman, Texas (Grayson County)
Zip Code: 75092
Country: US
SN01493093-W 20080127/080125233955 (fbodaily.com)
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