A -- Broad Agency Announcement for Innovative Technologies in Support of US Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center, Applied Technology Initiatives Directorate
- Notice Date
- 2/21/2008
- Notice Type
- Modification
- 541712
— Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)
- Contracting Office
- US Army Aviation and Missile Command (Missile), ATTN: AMSAM-AC, Building 5303, Martin Road, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5280
- ZIP Code
- 35898-5280
- Solicitation Number
- W31P4Q-06-R-0159
- Response Due
- 3/8/2009
- Archive Date
- 5/7/2009
- Point of Contact
- LISA STARBUCK, 256-876-3080
- E-Mail Address
Email your questions to US Army Aviation and Missile Command (Missile)
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- Using a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) process, the US Army Aviation & Missile Research, Development & Engineering Center (USA AMRDEC), Applied Technology Initiatives Directorate (ATI) is interested in receiving proposals from offerors capable of sa tisfying Government requirements for research and development utilizing new and innovative technologies to advance the capabilities in Applied Technology for interceptor technologies and defense infrastructure technologies. Proposals with new and inno vati ve technologies are needed which could enhance the state-of-the-art and scientific knowledge for the following areas: Proposals should address one of the technical areas listed: A: INTERCEPTOR TECHNOLOGIES, 1. Interceptor Systems, 2. Threa t Negation Sys tems, 3. Simulation and Modeling Systems, 4. Command, Control & Communications Systems, 5. Networks, 6. System Interoperability, 7. System Requirements, 8. Other Applicable Interceptor Applied Technology Systems, and B: DEFENSE INFRAST RUCTURE TECHNOLOGIE S (AIR, CRUISE MISSILE, ARMOR, FORCE PROTECTION AND OTHER), 1. Interceptor Systems, 2. Integrated Missile Systems, 3. Simulation and Modeling, 4. Target Systems, 5. Transportation Systems, 6. System Operational Analysis, 7. Battle M anagement Systems, 8. F ire Control Systems, 9. Directed Energy Systems, 10. Other Applicable Defense Infrastructure Applied Technologies. All development activities related to this BAA are subject to International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Performance will require ac cess to and/or generation of technical data the export of which is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act, Executive Order 12470, and/or DOD Directive 5230.25. This acquisition is not open to foreign firms. Any con tractor or subcontractor considering this BAA can not have foreign nationals working on the effort. Foreign Nationals (also known as foreign persons) means any person who is NOT a citizen or national of the US; or a lawful permanent resident; or a protecte d individual as defined by 8 U.S.C 13 24b(a)(3). In order to streamline the proposal process and to assist offerors in determining whether to incur the cost of generating a formal BAA proposal, it is requested that the offerors first submit a summary conce pt paper for evaluation. From this sum mary concept paper the Government will indicate whether the subject matter technology described is of interest to the Government and whether a formal proposal would be likely to succeed. The Government, at its opt ion, may provide comments that might be of assistance to the submitter in determining how or whether to submit a BAA proposal. Concept papers will be evaluated as soon as they are received. Acknowledgement of receipt of concept papers will no t be made, and concept papers will not be returned. The Contracting Office will ask only those offerors with promising concept papers to submit full technical and cost proposals. The Contracting Office will notify offerors within 90 days of receipt of concept paper if a full proposal is requested. Concept papers not selected for full proposal submission will be disposed of in a manner that protects proprietary data. All proprietary material should be clearly marked. The summary concept paper should state the proposed technical concept including the ration ale and objectives, methodology, expected results, and its contribution to the USA AMRDEC. In addition, the summary concept paper should include a period of performance, anticipated cost and offerors past performance on Government contracts. The concept p aper shall be limited to 5 pages (8 1/2 x 11 single-spaced), of English text with one additional page for technical drawing if necessary, and shall be in MS Word for Windows format. All concept papers, proposals, written communications or documentation co ncerning this BAA shall be forwarded to the Contracting Officer, Ms. Debra Scruggs , via e-mail, with a copy to Ms. Camille Jones, via e-mail Facsimile proposal submission is not authorized under this announcement. No classified data shall be included in the concept paper o r proposal. A review of concept papers by the Government will determine which efforts a re of sufficient interest to merit a formal proposal. Concept papers will be evaluated based on technical merit and offerors past performance. Technical merit will rank significantly higher than past performance. If there is sufficient interest, a formal proposal will be requested. Contractors are not authorized to submit formal proposals unless invited to do so by the Contracting Office. This announcement is an expression of interest only and does not commit the Government to make any award or to pay fo r any response preparation costs. The cost of proposal preparation or response to a BAA is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resultant contract or any other contract and interested parties should be alert for any BAA amendments that may be p ublished. Proposals may range from theoretical studies to a proof-of-concept that includes fabrication, delivery and test of prototypes. USA AMRDEC is intere sted in receiving proposals for the research efforts described under this BAA. USA AMRDEC contracts with educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and private industry for research in those technical areas listed above. Awards as a result of this announcement will take the form of a contract. Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee completion and/or level of effo rt type contracts are expected to be awarded. For planning purposes, awards are anticipated in the $100K to $30M range for the basic contract wit h a period of performance not to exceed 36 months. In addition to the basic contract, up to four options can be proposed. However, the total contract value (of each individual contract) for the basic and options cannot exceed $75M and the total per iod of performance for the basic and options cannot exceed 60 months. This includes time for preparation, approval, and distribution of the final report. The following reports may be required (specific reporting requirements will be specified b y the Government in the event a contractor is requested to submit a formal proposal): 1. FUNDS AND MAN-HOUR EXPENDITURE REPOR T, DI-FNCL-80331/M, monthly; 2. TECHNICAL REPORT, DI-MISC-80508, as required and a one time Final report; 3. STATUS REPORTS, D I-MGMT-80368, monthly; 4. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SPECIFICATION (SPS), DI-IPSC-81441, as required; 5. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (SDP), DI -IPSC-81427, as required. 6. PERIODIC PROGRAM REVIEWS (such as IPRs, SRRs, SDRs, etc.), as required. 7. DA Manpower R eporting Requirements. Long term proposals should contain a summary of the work contemplated for each 12-month period, so that contract s may be negotiated for an entire five-year project or for individual one-year increments of the total project. A detailed performance schedule for each discrete task must be included along with cost data to include labor-by-labor category. To be eligible for award of a contract, a prospective contractor must meet certain minimum standards pertaining to financ ial resources, and ability to comply with the performance schedule. This acquisition is not open to foreign participation at any level. The Governme nt will provide selected offerors with proposal content requirements. Proposal content and format shall contain and not be limited to: (1) Statement of Work (SOW): The SOW should be a concise document suitable for incorporation into a resultant contract. It should provide a qualitative description of the proposed work, which should be described in t erms of advancement, improvement, or end product to be developed. The SOW should state the objectives to be achieved and how these objectives would benefit th e Government. These objectives should be stated in terms of their potential usefulness to the Research & Development and Warfighter communities at and supporte d by the USA AMRDEC. The SOW should also include a proposed schedule detailing significan t milestones and deliverables. (2) One page Resumes of the offeror's key personnel (including alternates, if desired) who will be involved in the research. Documenta tion of previous work or experience in the field of the proposer is especially imp ortant. (3) The type of support, if any, the offeror requests of the USA AMRDEC, such as facilities, equipment, or materials. Any request by offerors for Government furnishe d property/equipment must be clearly identified in the proposal. The Governmen t is under no obligation to comply with such requests. Thus, offerors should make provisions for alternate approaches in the event the Government is unwilling or unable to provid e the requested property/equipment. (4) A statement regarding possible im pact, if any, of the proposal's effect on the environment. (5) A brief description of your organization. (6) The facilities to be used for the work, if appropriate for and underst anding of the proposal. (7) A listing of current similar R&D con tracts along with Government POCs (contracting officer & technical) shall be included. The financial portion of the proposal should contain a cost estimate that is sufficiently detailed by ele ment of cost for meaningful evaluation and must include suffici ent detail to support and explain all costs proposed, giving figures and narrative explanation. Cost proposals must contain certifiable cost or pricing data, and shall be in sufficient detail to allow direct and indirect rate verification. The budg et must include the total estimated cost of the project. The estimated project costs must be broken down for each year of the program to show the following: (1) A list of participants, not necessar ily by name, showing the time and number of direct productive person hours (DPPHs) to be charged by principal investigator(s), research associates, and assistants, and the total amount per year to be paid to each from the project. For proposals from unive rsities, the time and amounts to be charged sh ould be identified by academic year and summer effort. (2) An itemized list of permanent equipment showing the cost of each item. Permanent equipment is any article of non-expendable tangible personal property having a useful life of more than two years, and an acquisition cost of $500 or more per unit. (3) A general description and total estimated cost of expendable equipment and supplies. (4) Contemplated expenditures for travel with brief explanation. Tra vel budgets that exceed $1,50 0 per principal investigator per year or that include foreign travel or travel by other than principal investigators will require special investigation. (5) Other direct costs. (6) Cost for consulting services, if any, showing number of days, daily rates, and estimated travel/per diem costs. The need for consulting services must be fully justified. (7) Indirect costs indicating whether rates used are fixed or provisional, and the time frames to which they are applicable (e.g. , a fixed rate may apply until a specified date, after which the rate becomes provisional). (8) The fee, if any, which the organization proposes to assess the research project. (9) Subcontracts and material costs proposed must be fully supported and docu mented ( written quotes, engineering estimates, etc). Pursuant to Section 8(d) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(d)), it is the policy of the Government to enable small business concerns to be considered fairly as subcontractors to contractors perfo rmin g work or rendering services as prime contractors or subcontractors under Government contracts, and to assure that prime contractors and subcontractors carry ou t this policy. Subcontracting goals for small business are 40%, for veteran owned small busi ness 3%, for service disabled veteran owned small business 3%, Hubzone small business 3%, small disadvantaged business (includes HBCUs/MIs) 5%, and women-owned sma ll business 5%. These goals are to be considered when proposals are submitted. The Government anticipates that any contract resulting from this BAA will be funded on an incremental basis as provided by FAR 52.232-22 Limitation of Funds. Proposals wi ll be evaluated on their own merit without regard to other proposals submitted under this announcement. The primary basis for selecting proposals for acceptance shall be technical merit, importance to agency programs, and funds availability. Ma nagement, cost realism and reasonableness, and past performance shall also be considered. The following factors will be considered in the evaluation of proposals received under this BAA. General: The government selection of the proposal(s) for award wi ll be based o n an assessment of which proposal(s) is/are the most advantageous to the government considering technical and management in accordance with the evaluation criteria, cost, best value considerations, availability of funds, and program balance, using the area s and factors set forth below. The Government anticipates multiple awards under this announcement, though no minimum or maximum number of awards can be guaranteed. THE GOVERNMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SELECT FOR AWARD ANY, ALL, PART, OR NONE OF THE RESPON SES RECEIVED. Evaluation Factors for Technical Area: a. Overall Scientific/Technical Quality: The offeror will be evaluated on the overall scientific/technical merits of the proposed research and development. The scientific/technical merits may include po tential for state-of-the-art improvement, with special emphasis on innovation, originality and uniqueness. b. Qualifications: Capabilities and qualifications of the key research personnel relevant offeror experience and adequacy of f acilities and instrumen tation as required. The offeror shall also be evaluated on past technical performance of current similar R&D contracts. c. Research and Development Contribution: Potential contribution of the proposed research to USA AMRDEC in the a bove technology areas. E valuation Factors Management Area: a. Overall Scheduling and Planning: The offeror's approach will be evaluated based on the overall scheduling and planning for performance of the effort. b. Expenditure Control: The approach for co ntrolling expenditures an d labor hours. c. Past Performance: The offeror's past performance for similar work will be considered. Evaluation Factors Cost Area: a. Cost Realism: The proposal will be evaluated to assess the likelihood that the technical and management approaches prop osed could be accomplished at the cost proposed. b. Total Evaluated Probable Cost: The proposal will be evaluated to develop the government's estimate of the most probable cost to the government of successfully completing the con tract using the technical a nd management approaches proposed. Relative Importance of Evaluation Criteria: 1. Technical: The technical area is significantly more important than the management area. The factors under the technical area are of eq ual importance. 2. Management: The m anagement area is significantly less important than the technical area. The factors under the management area are of equal importance. 3. Cost: Although the technical and management areas are more important than the cost area, cost is still considered a s ignificant evaluation factor. Proposed costs must be fully detailed and have a complete justification. The total proposed cost must be within the total contract value as specified in the Introduction of this BAA . Selection of proposal(s) for award will be based on an assessment of which proposal(s) is/are the most advantageous to the government considering technical an d management in accordance with the evaluation criteria, cost, best value considerations, availability of funds, and program balance. In som e cases the merits of a particular proposal in a technical discipline may lead to a decision with respect to fu nds availability relevant to the Applied Technolo gy Initiatives Directorate customer goals. This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is issued under the provisions of paragraph 6.102(d)(2) of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, which provides for the comp etitive selection of research proposals. Contract(s) based on responses to this BAA are considered to be the result of full and open competition and in full compliance with the provisions of PL 98-369, The Competition in Contracting Act of 1984. Th is BAA is an expression of interest only and does not commit the Government to make any award or to pay for any response preparation costs. This BAA shall remain in effect for a period of one-year from date of synopsis. Point of Contact L isa Starbuck, (256) 876-3080 Email your questions to US Army Aviation and Missile Command (Missile) at
- Place of Performance
- Address: US Army Aviation and Missile Command (Missile) ATTN: AMSAM-AC, Building 5303, Martin Road Redstone Arsenal AL
- Zip Code: 35898-5280
- Country: US
- Zip Code: 35898-5280
- Record
- SN01513917-W 20080223/080221224445 (
- Source
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