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Solicitation 01
213115 — Support Activities for Nonmetallic Minerals (except Fuels) Mining
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REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST REMOTE-HANDLED WASTE PROCESSING CAPABILITY AT THE IDAHO NATIONAL LABORATORY •I. INTRODUCTION Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC (BEA), the Management and Operating Contractor of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), is requesting an expression of interest from prospective Vendors to provide existing technology to retrieve, open, segregate, characterize, treat (as necessary), and repackage for final disposition remote-handled wastes stored at the INL. This expression of interest shall serve as a method of screening potential Vendors; allowing only qualified candidates to receive a formal Request for Proposal (RFP). •II. BACKGROUND The INL currently does not have the necessary capabilities to process all remote-handled wastes resulting from the Laboratory's nuclear-related missions. Over the years, various DOE-sponsored programs undertaken at the INL have produced radioactive wastes and other materials that are classified as remote-handled (contact radiological dose rate > 200 mR/hr). These materials include Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF), transuranic (TRU) waste, waste requiring geological disposal, low-level waste (LLW), mixed waste (both radioactive and hazardous per the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act [RCRA]), and activated and/or radioactively-contaminated reactor components. The waste consists primarily of uranium, plutonium, other TRU isotopes, and shorter-lived isotopes such as cesium and cobalt with radiological dose rates up to 20,000 R/hr. The hazardous constituents in the waste consist primarily of reactive metals (i.e., sodium and NaK), which are reactive and ignitable per RCRA, making the waste difficult to handle and treat. A smaller portion of the waste is contaminated with other hazardous components (i.e., RCRA toxicity characteristic metals). Such remote-handled materials and waste at the INL are presently stored at the Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) Radioactive Scrap and Waste Facility (RSWF), a RCRA-permitted waste storage facility. The waste originated from the operation of three major hot-cell facilities at MFC and Experimental Breeder Reactors I and II (EBR-I and EBR-II). In many cases, the SNF and the various waste types are co-mingled within the same storage container necessitating the capability to remotely segregate SNF from the waste and segregate the various waste types to meet disposal facility waste acceptance criteria. Much of the waste is contaminated with sodium, also necessitating a remote sodium treatment capability; bulk sodium will also be encountered during management of the remote-handled wastes. A variety of storage containers and shielding configurations have been used at the RSWF since 1965. Material stored at the RSWF pre-1978 were placed in 11-in. diameter, 6-ft long, thin-walled waste containers (commonly referred to as paint cans), which were placed in 16-in. diameter, 12-ft 4-in. long, Schedule 10 sealed carbon steel pipes (RSWF liners) buried vertically in the ground. The paint can was then covered with gravel for shielding and the liner closed with a metal plate or the liner was closed with a 30-in. concrete and metal shield plug. Post-1978 to present, the material is placed in a double-can assembly referred to as an HFEF-5 can. The inner carbon-steel cans have a diameter of approximately 11.5-in and are 5 ft long with a bolted lid. The outer can assembly is 12.75-in. diameter stainless steel and is approximately 6-ft long. This double container configuration is then placed in a 16-in. RSWF liner and closed with a shield plug. Pre-1990 most of the RSWF carbon steel liners were not protected from corrosion. In the early 1990s the original 16-in. carbon steel liners containing material stored in the pre-1978 configuration were trans-located to new, cathodically-protected, 13.5-ft long, 24-in. diameter, Schedule 10 carbon steel liners; HFEF-5 cans were transferred from the 16-in. liners to new cathodically-protected 16-in. liners. In addition to the storage configurations identified above, several variations of these configurations have been employed including a double-can configuration consisting of an outer 22.25-in diameter, 11.25-ft long outer can assembly; the associated inner can contains a payload of 0.5 cubic meters (5X that of the HFEF-5 can). The high radiation levels, the co-mingled nature, and storage configuration of INL's remote-handled waste necessitate remote-handling and treatment capability not currently available at the INL. The purpose of the planned project is to characterize, segregate, treat (as necessary), and repackage waste for shipment to a DOE-designated permanent disposal site(s). Spent fuel segregated from the waste during processing will be returned to the RSWF for continued interim storage pending future processing or disposal at a permanent, geologic repository. •III. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Information is sought to identify prospective Vendors who can provide existing, demonstrated technology that can be applied to the retrieval, sorting, treatment (as required), and repackaging of INL remote-handled wastes. It is the desire of the INL to minimize the capital investment required to disposition INL's legacy remote-handled waste. To that end, the INL is particularly interested in the possible application of mobile technologies that do not require construction of fixed capital assets. The technology must meet the following requirements: Technology must be based on existing design/equipment/facilities with proven full-scale (proof-of-process) demonstration of remote-handled waste retrieval and repackaging Treatment methods must be based on existing technology for remote treatment of sodium/NaK with proven, full-scale (proof-of-process) demonstration Technology must be capable of processing various waste container configurations as described in Section II up to, and including, a 24-in. liner containing an inner 16-in. liner and waste can Technology must be portable/modular and require minimal on-site fabrication/construction The safety design requirements of DOE Order 420.1B, Facility Safety, must be capable of being satisfied The technology must provide radiological shielding and must be designed/configured to maintain worker exposure As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) The technology must be designed/constructed to the requirements of NQA-1. •IV. TECHNICAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Prospective Vendors shall provide: A description of existing capabilities that meet the performance requirements identified under Section III - Performance Criteria that can be applied to the retrieval, sorting, treatment (as required), and repackaging of remote-handled wastes Provide evidence that substantiates full-scale, field-proven operation of Vendor's technology(ies) under similar operating conditions as will be encountered at the INL A listing of references who represent direct clients of your firm and that can validate past performance of the technology(ies) to similar conditions as will be encountered at the INL A summary of your firm's previous experience within the U.S. Department of Energy complex, including previous work experience at the INL. Formal proposals (through the INL's RFP process) will only be solicited from candidate firms, identified through this expression of interest, who currently possess the necessary technology(ies). •V. ADMINISTRATIVE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Prospective Vendors shall provide: A budgetary estimate to complete pre-conceptual design/feasibility analysis of application of the firm's technology(ies) to the specific conditions as will be encountered at the INL and in accordance with all applicable Department of Energy requirements. A formal cost estimate (and schedule) to complete pre-conceptual design/feasibility analysis will be obtained via RFP. A schedule to complete the above identified pre-conceptual design/feasibility analysis. It is the INL's desire to complete this activity by the end of July 2008 to support INL's completion in Fiscal Year 2008 of an options evaluation for processing INL's remote-handled waste. An initial cost range for deploying the identified technology(ies) to the INL. Note: It is expected that this estimate will be updated as part of the pre-conceptual design/feasibility analysis. An initial timeline for deploying the identified technology(ies) to the INL including, but not limited, completion of conceptual, preliminary, and final design, fabrication, and mobilization. Note: It is expected that this schedule will be updated as part of the pre-conceptual design/feasibility analysis. Identify your firm's currently approved Quality Assurance (QA) programs and/or industrial QA certifications (e.g., ISO 9000). Please provide your expression of interest to the undersigned by Close of Business, April 18, 2008. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Robert T. Crowton at (208) 526-7746 or email at Robert.Crowton@inl.gov. Technical questions must be submitted in writing (U.S. Mail or email).
Solicitation 01
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