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99 -- The contractor shall provide all equipment, material, labor, supervision, supplies and items necessary in support of the Oregon Army National Guards Annual Training (AT) to be conducted at Gowen Field Training Facility, Boise Idaho

Notice Date
Notice Type
561210 — Facilities Support Services
Contracting Office
USPFO for Oregon, ATTN: USPFO-P, P.O. Box 14840, Salem, OR 97309-5008
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Brandy Kloock, 503-584-3769
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
1. Incorporate the questions and answers into the solicitation documents. Vendor Questions and Answers #2 RFQ No. W912JV-08-T-2001 and Amendment 0001: 1.Is the government moving the ice between the Contractors delivery truck tothe Governments storage trailers? Answer:No - the contractor will be responsible for either: swapping out refrigeration vans at each FOB and to consolidate the ice into the refrigeration van that is being dropped off. If the contractor is dropping off ice into the refrigeration van that is set in place it will also be the contractors responsibility to move the ice from the delivery truck to the refrigeration van. 2.Is the government unloading Contractors delivery trucks of palletized bottle water at the FOBs? Answer:It will be the contractors responsibility to deliver and off load the bottled water to each FOB in designated location. The specific location of delivery will be coordinated by the FOB representative. These locations may very from inside a tent to outside on the ground. 3.Regarding 0016 Catered Breakfast Meals on page 12: a.First sentence, The contractor is to provide meals to include condiments plates, utensils and napkins; there is no mention of drinking cups or bowls required to serve a complete meal; are drinking cups or bowls being provided by the Government? Answer:No Contractor will need to provide every thing required in this regards for meals. b.Fourth sentence, The breakfastmeal as a minimum need to consist of a main entre' (meat) two sides, etc.; this statement is not consistent with sub-paragraph 1b. Statement of Work Catered Meals on page 20, which states three side items, which statement is correct? Answer:Threeis correct. 4.Regarding 0017 Catered Dinner Meals on page 12: a.First sentence, The contractor is to provide meals to include condiments plates, utensils and napkins; there is no mention of drinking cups or bowls required to serve a complete meal; are drinking cups or bowls being provided by the Government? Answer:Contractor will need to provide every thing required in this regards for meals. b.Regarding the Request of Warming and Cooling Beverages: (1.)Is there a schedule for warming and cooling beverages? Is warming and cooling beverages to be estimated off of the head-count list? Answer:Yes as stated in the Statement of Works, warming and cooling beverages will be provided 24 hours a day between 13 August 2008 and 18 August 2008. Yes this is to be estimated off the head-count list for those given days per each FOB. (2.)Is the warming and cooling beverage services to be provided in accordance with DA Pam 30-22, Chapter 4-8? Will the contractor berequired to provide the insulated containers for warming and cooling beverage service? Answer:Yes Yes Contractor need to provide any and all thing that are required. 5.Same issue as outlined in #3 and #4 above exists for White Cell andOPFOR. Answer:See answer to #3 and #4. 6.Regarding STATEMENT OF WORK - CATERED MEALS (page 20), sub-paragraph 1.d and 2.c: a.Please define real juice; do you want 100% fruit juice or can a blended juice be serviced? Answer:This needs to be 100% fruit juice. b.Please define Salad Bar requirement as sub-paragraph 2.c states green salad bar, states page 12 under 0017 states fresh salad is required. Is the requirement a salad bar or a salad in a bowl served individually? Answer:Salad Bar as stated on page 20 paragraph 2.c. A Green Salad Bar will be provided plus minimum of three side items (tomatoes, carrots, celery, cucumbers, radish, green onion, shredded cheese, croutons and sunflower seeds). The side items need to vary thru out the week. 7.Regarding Item #2 and #5 under Minimum Sanitation Requirement on page 22: a.Please clarify rather the requirement is to (i) wear food handling gloves at all times,or (ii) to have clean washed hands; which is consistent with TB Med530? Answer:As per page 22 gloves shall be worn at all times when serving or handling food. Wearing gloves also applies when handling food that will be consumed without cooking, such as consumable fruit. b.Regarding Item #5 statement will have food handler's permit; please clarify rather the permits is required for the FOB as the State of Idaho does not require this document. 1.Answer:Every food handler will have a valid Food Service Handlers Card and be available for inspection at any time. See page 22 paragraph #5. All personnel handling, cooking, or serving food, will have a current food handlers permit. 8.Regarding projected head-count on Page 23, the sub-total of DNR reads 33,142, however we calculate this as 45,590, please advise if the DNR is 33,142 pr 45,590? Answer:You are correct the total dinner meals are 45,590. 9.Regarding Price List table on Page 26, Items 16.0 and 17.0,: a.It appears that Item # 16.0 is over projected by 5,363 meals based on the Daily FOB headcount table on Page 23, which mean count is correct Page 23 or page 26?. Answer:The head count for Item #16 was calculated to be an average day times 20 days. The Head Count Roll-Up sheet is to be the most accurate with the correction made as noted in question 8 above. b.It appears that Item # 17.0 is over projected by 2,110 meals based on the Daily FOB headcount table on Page 23, which mean count is correct Page 23 or page 26. Answer:The head count for Item #17 was calculated to be an average day times 20 days. The Head Count Roll-Up sheet is to be the most accurate with the correction made as noted in question 8 above. See answer to 9a. 10.Is the bottled water to be priced under CLIN 0001 versus CLIN 0002 (which is for subsistence or catered meals)? Answer:Priced under CLIN 0001. 11.Is the Gator-Aide to be priced under CLIN 0001 versus CLIN 0002 which is for subsistence or catered meals? Answer:Priced under CLIN 0001. 12.Is the Warming and Cooling Beverages to be priced under CLIN 0001 versus CLIN 0002 which is for subsistence orcatered meals? Answer:Priced under CLIN 0001. 13.Are there any security requirements for construction personnel to gain access to the Post? Answer:There are no construction requirements under this contract. However delivery andsetup access will need to be coordinated thru the Orchard Training Area (OTA) Training Site Manager. 14.What are the proposed grid locations (MGRS or UTM format) for the separate FOBs? Answer:These will be provided during the JFHQ-OR Contracting Site Visit on 24 April 08. 15.The 50 foot command trailer (item 0014.01 and 0014.02) seems to be something already fabricated, can we propose an alternate item that meets the needs of the requirement but may be in modular setup as opposed towheel mounted? Answer:Yes you may propose an alternate item. 16.Re Portable Shower Unites -- The RFQ states the showers need to be portable would shower tent(s) be acceptable? Answer:Yes you may propose an alternate item, but the customer is requesting portable shower trailers. 17.What class of Ammo will be stored in the AHA (class 1.1, 1.2 etc) to determine this distance of the AHA from other structures. Answer:1.6 and 1.4 pyro and small arms 18.Under Item 0001-Sleeping Tents, the RFQ states contractor is responsible for power generation if needed. Can the Government provide a grid location of the structures so we can determine requirement of power generation? Answer:Yes The grid locations and FOB layouts will be briefed during the JFHQ-OR Contracting Site Visit on 24 April 08. 19.Regarding the roads leading to each FOB location, is the condition of the roads able to handle heavy commercial trucks? Or do deliveries of supplies and structures need to be made with smaller off-road vehicles? Answer:Yes the road at Orchard Training Area (OTA) will be able to handle heavy commercial trucks that are DOT certified to run on any highway. All roads are gravel improved. 20.No Wage Determination has been incorporated in the RFQ documents; does the Government intend to incorporate an applicable wage determination for services employeesperforming under the contract? Otherwise, is this RFQ not subject to the Service Contract Act? Answer:This RFQ is a non personnel service contract. 21.Submission of proposals are Offerors to submit their proposal electrically to brandy.kloock@ng.army.mil mailto:brandy.kloock@ng.army.mil or through facsimile in accordance with FAR 52.215-5? If through facsimile, what is the telephone number that will be receiving facsimile? Answer:The preferred method is e-mail. Fax is ok and the number is 503-584-3771 as per synopsis #W912JV-08-T-2001. 22.Past Performance Evaluation Factors page 22 under Statement of Work-Catered Meal section, and page 35 under Section M, FAR 52.212-2 indicate that offers will be evaluated on past performance, are there specific evaluation factors regarding past performance. Answer:Past Performance information will be evaluated based upon work of a similar nature within the last three years as stated in your Representations and Certifications. Section M Evaluation Factors: (a) The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other factorsconsidered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers: (a)Technical capability of the item offered to meet the Government requirement; (b)Past performance (see FAR 15.304); (c)Price; Technical and past performance, when combined, are significantly more importance, when compared to price. 23.Technical Evaluation Factors page 22 under Statement of Work-Catered Meal section, and page 35 under Section M, FAR 52.212-2 indicate that offers will be evaluated on food quality and technical capability of the item offered, are there specific requirements to be submitted and evaluation factors? Answer:See page 22 Delivery Schedule Item 4. A full complete menu MUST be provided or you will be deemed non-responsive. Section M Evaluation Factors: (a) The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers: (a)Technical capability of the item offered to meet the Government requirement; (b)Past performance (see FAR 15.304); (c)Price; Technical and past performance,when combined, are significantly more importance, when compared to price. 24.If the Contractor is to provide all items necessary in support of the SOW ready for occupancy on 28 July 2008, on what date would access to the site be available to the Contractor to enable the Contractor to begin site set-up. Answer:As stated in the first Vendor Question and Answers Document, You should be able to start setting some FOBs after 1 July 08. Some of the other FOBs will still be in use and will becleared around 15 July 08. The set up of all FOBs will have to be coordination thru Gowen Field Range Control. 25.If the Contractors support ends on 25 August 2008 are there a limited number of days the Contractor have to demobilize its equipment, materials and personnel from the Government site? Answer:According to OTA Training Site Manager the date is 1 September 08. On a case by case basis,if more time is needed you will need to negotiate with OTA Training Site Manager. 26.Re Questions/Answer #10 of Amendment 0001, please clarify if the award to the RFQ would be made about 28 April 08 is correct, it is our understanding that due date for submission of offers is May 01, 2008. Has the due date changes, or is the anticipated award date other than April 28th? Answer:The due date has not change and we are projecting 29 May 2008 for the award. 27.Other than the completionof Section B is there any other cost or pricing data required? Answer:Yes you must complete the Price List located on pages 23 - 26. 28.Is the Offeror supposed to complete the Price List table of pages 23 through 26 and include in itsprice submission? Or, is this tables just used to show required quantities. Answer:Yes. 29.Delivery Schedule on page 22, is the Offer supposed to provide a meal rate and incorporate this Schedule format into its Price and Schedule B? Answer:Yes cost per meal. 30.Is the Government serving the meals at all sites or is Contractor expected to provide personnel and equipment to serve the meals? Are the meals to be served at each FOB location or is remote site feeding acceptable? Answer:No - the government is not serving meals. The contractor will provide all personnel at each FOB location to meet the contract requirements. Yes meals will be served at each FOB location. There is currently no remote feeding site scheduled. If meals are to be moved to a remote site the government will provide mermites (the contractor will have the responsibility to clean them) and transportation to and from. 31.Section 0013 Shelter Support Trailer for STB: The Base-Xpart number quoted is basically a tailored 35kW generator and an 8ton AC/46kBTU Heating unit, towable by a Humvee, but it also states air transportable. Do they need the air transportability? Are they looking for these one of a kind Base-X units? Answer:There will be no requirement to transport by air. No - they do not have to be the one of a kind Shelter Support Trailers. As stated in paragraph 0013 the units must meet the minimum operational requirements. 32.Can we cook the food out of 2 or 3 central FOB's and distribute to the other DFAC's? Do we know the approximate distance between each DFAC? Answer:Please refer to answer to question 30. The contractor will provide all personnel at each FOB location to meet the contract requirements. Yes meals will be served at each FOB location. There is currently no remote feeding site scheduled. If meals are to be moved to a remote site the government will provide mermites (the contractor will have the responsibility to clean them) and transportation to and from. 33.On page 12, 0016 Catered Breakfast Meals it states there will be feeding at 7 different locations. On page 6, 0004 Feeding Tent it shows five DFAC's, one at each FOB, and page 15, 0004 Feeding Tent, 1 tent for White Cell/OPFOR, totaling 6. Answer:There are five FOBs for the maneuver units and one FOB for the OPFOR/White Cell. The OPFOR and White Cell are co-located at OTA range 10 which require one smaller feeding tent. So yes there will be a total of 6 DFACs. 34.Also, for both 0004 Feeding Tent descriptions, it states contractor responsible for cooling system. Are there any more specifics as to the type of cooling system? Answer:Yes the cooling system needs to be accompanied with generators (if needed) and also needs to maintain cooling from 100 degrees to 75 degrees. 35.There is no requirement for tables and chairs other than the 50 tables and 150 chairs required for the 41st TOC tent. If they are needed for the DFAC's or elsewhere, can the counts be specified? Answer:The DFACs need to have enough tables to feed at a rate of 100 soldiers an hour. There will be no requirement for chairs. The tables will have a minimum height of 40 ft such that the average soldier is able to stand comfortable at and eat. 36.There is no cot requirement other than the 300 for White Cell/OPFOR. If they are needed for the FOB's can the counts be specified? Answer:There is no other cot requirement at the other FOBs. 37. Can you please verify the date, time and meeting place for the site inspection. Answer: The Site Visit will be conducted on 24 Apr 08 at 09:00 a.m. at Ellsworth St., Bldg 950, Gowen Field, ID. The Agenda is as follows: 09:00-12:00 Briefings, Questions and Answers 12:00-1:00 Break for Lunch 1:00-Until completed-Walk the Orchard Training Area (OTA) 2. The hour and date specified for receipt of offer is not extended. 3. Offer must acknowledge receipt of this amendment by completing items 8 and 15 of this document, and returning 1 copy of the amendment with their request for quote.
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Address: USPFO for Oregon ATTN: USPFO-P, P.O. Box 14840 Salem OR
Zip Code: 97309-5008
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