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U -- UStructural Firefighter Training for Bureauof Indian Affairs (BIA) Employees and Selected TribalFire Department Personnel

Notice Date
Notice Type
Contracting Office
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). AlbuquerqueAcquisition Office, 1001 Indian School Road NW,Albuquerque, NM 87104
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Curtis D. Wilson (505) 563-3129
Small Business Set-Aside
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation forcommercial items prepared in accordance with theformat in FAR 12.6, as supplemented with additionalinformation included in this notice. Thisannouncement constitutes the only solicitation; quotesare being requested and a written solicitation willnot be issued. This solicitation, RABQ2080018, isissued as a Request for Quotes (RFQ). Thesolicitation document and incorporated provisions andclauses are those in effect through FederalAcquisition Circular (FAC) 05 23. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is requestingservices of a Fire Service Training Entity to provideStructural Firefighter Training. This training will befor approximate 80-90 Bureau of Indian AffairsEmployees and selected Tribal Fire Departments, theweek of June 9, 2008. Four-32 hour fire servicecourses are requested; Introduction, Advanced, VehicleExtraction and Liquefied Petroleum Gas & FlammableLiquids. History. The Bureau of Indian Affairs manages 6,953buildings located at 350 sites in 26 states. Themajority of these facilities are comprised ofeducational and detention facilities of which are madeup of 186 schools 65 dormitories and two colleges.Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs established thisSFPP to carry out objectives to insure occupants ofBureau facilities have fire protection and rescueresponse. The SFPP has identified educationalfacilities as being the most crucial area needing fireprotection response with sleeping area(dormitories/detention) facilities being paramount. The majority of these facilities are located in ruralareas where the only emergency response is the BIA orTribal fire department. In an emergency additionalhelp via mutual aid may take 30-60 minutes for anotherentity to arrive on scene. Bureau fire departmentsprovide structural fire response to gradesKindergarten thru grades 12. This is done primarily byBureau employees as collateral duty and referred to ascall back or sometimes volunteer firefighters. Thenormal duties of identified fire personnel include;facility worker, school bus driver, cook or otherrelated facilities position. General Requirements. The fire service entity will bereferred to as contractor and shall be in the fieldof fire service training. The contractor shall haveknowledgeable staff certified in firefighter trainingand other subject matter listed where applicable. Thecontractor shall have a training facility to providethis training including props, equipment andclassrooms. The contractor shall be familiar withfire & rescue scenarios pertaining to the location ofBureau of Indian Affairs educational facilities. NFPA 1500 Standard on Fire Department OccupationalSafety & Health Program, NFPA 1001 Standard forFireFighter Professional Qualifications, NFPA 1041Standard for Fire Service Instructor ProfessionalQualifications, NFPA 1403 Standard for Live FireEvolutions and NFPA 1901 Standard for Automotive FireApparatus and NFPA 1971, Protective Ensemble forStructure Fire Fighting, these codes and standardsshall be the fundamental criteria used/referenced forstructural firefighter training. The contractor shall be in reasonable proximity ofmotels or hotels where government rates are normallyavailable. Eating establishments should also bereadily available with fast food restaurant locationsbeing paramount. The BIA estimates approximately 80-90 firefighterswill attend with various levels of experience instructural firefighting. Some of these firefighterswill have wildland firefighting experience andcertification. Class size should be determined basedon manageable amount of participants and safetyguidelines per class. If agreed upon by both partiesthe amount of classes may be decreased or increased toaccommodate the amount of participants with noadditional charges to either party. Course Subjects- The course subjects listed aregeneral headings for structural firefighting trainingand gas emergencies. The content of the subject matteris to provide an understanding of the type of fireservice material being requested. Participants shallbe provided classroom lectures followed by drills orexercise to support classroom theory as applicable.Prior to any live fire scenarios the contractorstraining staff shall inspect fire clothing to insurethe clothing meets NFPA standard(s) for the safety ofparticipants. The contractor shall provide a syllabusor outline of each subject to the BIA Structural FireProtection Program Manager for approval prior to thestart of training. Each course listed is for oneclass. Introduction (Basic) to Firefighting, 12- 25Participants. Intro or Basic firefighter trainingtargets participants that are newly appointedstructural firefighters that have little or nostructural fire training. Subject matter shouldinclude fire behavior and personnel protectiveequipment; (turnout gear and self contained breathingapparatus). Other subject matter; fire ground safety,fire hose, appliances, fire equipment, fireextinguishers, ventilation, forcible entry, and groundladders. Drill should include use of hose lines,search and rescue techniques, fire truck equipment,ground ladders and hose loads. This course shall havea fire behavior scenario with burn room or firesimulator. Advanced Structural Firefighting, 20-25 Participants. This training is for firefighters who have completedbasic firefighter training. The advanced class willinclude a series of live structure burns, search andrescue techniques with tactical considerationsincluding fire extinguishment of structural fires. Asa safety precaution use of personal protectiveequipment and fire behavior will be reviewed. Fireground communications, incident management system isalso suitable for Advanced Structural Firefightertraining. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) & Flammable LiquidsEmergencies, 20-25 Participants. Training is targetedfor firefighters who have completed basic firefightertraining. Liquid Petroleum Gas training will include;LPG properties, control, extinguishment and gasemergencies. LPG prop(s) are required for livetraining fire scenarios. As a safety precaution use ofpersonal protective equipment and fire behavior willbe reviewed. Fire ground communications, incident management systemwill enhance LPG Training. Flammable liquids firetraining shall include the same format as LPGEmergencies. Vehicle Extrication - Use with Hand Tools, 8-15participants. This training will enable firefightersto gain safe entry into wrecked or damaged vehicleswhen normal entry cannot be accomplished. Trainingshall focus on the use of hand tools normally found intool boxes or carried on a fire truck. This trainingwill not teach patient care (EMS) but will insure thepositive side of gaining access to safely remove avictim(s) from a damaged vehicle. The contractor shallprovide all hand tools and vehicles used for theextrication course. Pneumatic tools may bedemonstrated but are not considered as part of theteaching requirement. Personal Protective Clothing -Bunker Gear. Allparticipants are responsible in providing their ownprotective clothing which includes; helmet, hood,coat, pants, suspenders, boots and gloves. Thecontractors fire trainers shall inspect turnout gearto insure compliance prior to any live fire scenario. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Supplied byContractor. The contractor shall provide selfcontained breathing apparatus (SCBA) for use by theparticipants, when required by training or drillactivity. This shall include Introduction, Advancedand LPG courses. The contractor shall have means toimmediately recharge empty air SCBA cylinders or have2 extra air cylinders per SCBA available. Drinking Water or Replacement Fluids Supplied byContractor. The contractor shall provide and havereadily available drinking water or an electrolytefluid replacement. This liquid(s) shall be availableon the drill grounds for continuous large intakes byparticipants. Fire trainers shall promote the intakeof fluids to help prevent dehydration. Classrooms and Support Staff. Classroom lectures andinstructions shall be provided in a suitableenvironment for the comfort of student learning. Thecontractor shall maintain training records of allparticipants who attend and participated in any of thecourses listed. Records shall include; participantname, course name, date, location, instructor(s),course syllabus or outline, and narrative of training.Where a social security number is requested by thecontractor, the participant may provide their lastfour digits of their SS number. A copy of allinformation mentioned shall be provided to SFPPManager within 30 days of training completion. Anytest or quiz administered by the fire trainer shallalso be provided to the SFPP Manager. The narrativeshall include any incidents where corrective ordisciplinary action was taken, problems with fireequipment or personal protective equipment etc. Certificate of Completion/Attendance. Eachparticipant that completes their 32 hours of trainingshall be given a certificate of Attendance. Thecertificate shall have the contractors logo, course,date and signature of instructor and AdministrativeOfficial. Safety Plan. The contractor shall have a writtensafety plan in place prior to the start of trainingand approved by the BIA SFPP Manager. The plan shallidentify capabilities of the training facility such astreatment room in the event of an accident or illness.The plan shall identify staff or positions that aretrained to provide emergency care. The plan shallinclude procedures taken when transport is needed foradditional medical treatment. The plan shall alsoidentify medical treatment center location(s) andtransport time to that emergency medical center. Training Criteria. Training criteria shall mirrorNational Fire Protection Association Standards.Instructional material used can be from nationallyrecognized organizations or designed in house ifaccepted and approved within their jurisdiction. Uponrequest the contractor shall provide the StructuralFire Protection Program Manager a copy of all trainingmaterial that will be used or referenced prior to thestart of training for approval. Training & Contact Hours. Each subject identifiedshall be a four day 32 hour block. Start date will beon Monday (start time will be negotiated). Anyparticipant who is tardy or absent and charged with anun-excusable absence the lead instructor orcoordinator shall make determination if theparticipant should be dropped from class do to thelack of contact hours. Scenarios Involving Water Supply Operation. Thecontractor shall provide an adequate water supply whenneeded for all field scenarios, if a fire truck pumpis used an operator/driver will be identified. Thepump operator will be in the immediate vicinity of thepump panel during all fire scenarios and drills. Thefire pump used shall be mechanically sound and inoperating order annual service test shall have beenconducted within the past 12 months of the trainingdate. Printed Lecture Information. The contractor shouldprovide handouts pertaining to each subject matter ifapplicable. Any lectures where handouts are notincluded, the source of information shall bereferenced for future procurement by the location orBureau. Additional Equipment. The contractor may furnishadditional equipment not listed if available at nocharge to the federal government. Participants Conduct. Each participant shall beprovided the training facilities policy or rules andregulation pertaining to conduct. Any instructor shallhave the authority to stop or remove any person fromtheir drill or exercise for repeated negligence ormisconduct that may create a serious accident,emergency or hazard. The lead instructor orcoordinator shall have the authority to dismiss anyparticipant for negative behavior or disruption toother participants. Items not Mentioned. The SFPP Manager shall have theauthority to request additional training items thatmay have been overlooked in this SOW pertaining tosubject matter. The request shall not increase theallotted course hours or cause for additionalinstructors. The request shall be agreed upon betweenthe contractor and SFPP Manager. Where changes wouldrequire additional cost the BIAS contracting officershall be contacted to modify or deny any contractchanges. Requested Training Date for All Courses. Start June9, 2008 end June 12, 2008 1.Introduction (Basic) Firefighting -One Course 2.Advanced Structural Firefighting -One Course3.Liquefied Petroleum Gas & Flammable Liquids - OneCourse4.Vehicle Extraction - One Course 32 hours of training based on classroom and drillfield exercises. Classes shall start Monday and end Thursday or Friday. Class times are 8:00AM- 5:00PM daily. The fire trainermay adjust daily training times to meet objectives. The technical advisor for the Bureau of Indian Affairswill be Structural Fire Protection Program Manager,Edward Abeita. Please include your TAX ID Number, CAGE Number (obtainat www.ccr.gov) and DUNS Number when submitting yourquote. The offeror shall provide the lump sum cost forthe term of the contract with a breakdown of theircost to provide this service and provide a copy oftheir credentials, including but not limited thecollege diploma. The offeror shall provide the lump sum cost with abreakdown of their cost to provide this service andrespond to the Evaluation Factors delineated at theend of this synopsis. This solicitation incorporatesone or more solicitation provisions by reference, withthe same force and effect as if they were given iffull text. Upon request, the CO will make their fulltext available. The provisions at FAR 52.2Instructions to Offerors Commercial Items, FAR52.212-3 Offeror Representations of Certificationsapply to this acquisition. Offerors must include acompleted copy of the provision FAR 52.2 12-3, OfferorRepresentations and Certification/Commercial Itemswith their quote. If the offeror does not have a copyof this provision, you may obtain a copy atwww.arnet.gov or contact the CO to receive a copy.Provision FAR 52.252-1 Solicitation ProvisionsIncorporated by reference.. Clauses Incorporated byReference. FAR 52.212-4 Contract Terms andConditions-Commercial Items (SPR 1998). FAR 52.2Contract Terms and Conditions Required to ImplementStatutes or Executive Orders Commercial Items, FAR52.203-6, Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to theGovernment (JUL 1995); FAR 52.219-4, Limitations onSubcontracting (DEC 1996); FAR 52.222-3 Convict Labor,FAR 52.233-3 Protest after Award, FAR 52.222- 19 ChildLabor-Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies, FAR52.225-16, Sanctioned European Union Country Services(FEB 2000); FAR 52.232-36 Payment by Third Party. FAR52.239-1 Privacy or Security Safeguards. FAR 52.214-64Preference for Privately owned U.S. Flag CommercialVessels, FAR 52.222-21 Prohibition of SegregatedFacilities, FAR 52.222-26 Equal Opportunity, FAR52.222-35 Affirmative Action for Disabled Veterans ofthe Vietnam Era, FAR 52.222-36 Affirmative Action forWorkers with Disabilities. FAR 52.222-37 EmploymentReports on Disabled Veterans and Veterans of theVietnam Era, FAR 52.232-33 Payment by Electronic FundsTransfer Central Contractor Registration, FAR 52.243-1Changes Fixed Price (Alt I), FAR 52.222-41 ServiceContract Act of 1965 (as amended), FAR 52.242-15 StopWork Order, FAR 52,242-I 7 Government Delay of Work,DIAR 1452.204-70 Release of Claims; Travel CostsClause; FAR 52.217-8; 52.2 17-3 Evaluation Exclusiveof Options; and, FAR 52.2 12-2, Evaluation. TheEvaluation Factors are in descending order ofimportance. All evaluation factors other than cost orprice, when combined are significantly more importantthan cost or price. The Evaluation Factors are: 1)Technical Capability: Describe ability to provide thetraining courses described above and the datesrequested, 2) Price, 3) Past Performance: Providerecent & relevant contracts for the same or similaritems, contract numbers, points of contacts withtelephone numbers and other relevant information. Award will be based on the Best Value to theGovernment, overall acceptable quote, as submitted bya responsible offeror & ability to provide the aboverequirements. Quotes will be submitted in writing andsigned by an individual with the authority to bindtheir respective company; electronic submissions viafax are acceptable. The due date for receipt ofquotes is June 4, 2008; 4:00 pm Local Time. You maymail your quote to BIA, Albuquerque AcquisitionOffice, Attention: Curtis D. Wilson, PO Box 26567,Albuquerque, NM 87104, or you can fax your quotes to(505) 563-3034.
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