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R -- The Department of Transportation (DOT) Maritime Administration is seeking an independent, high quality program evaluation of the Maritime Security Program (MSP) that provides an assessment of the program's impact on the American marine transporta

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
Contracting Office
Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration (MARAD), MAR-380, DOT/Maritime Administration, MAR-380 1200 New Jersey Ave SE, MAR380 W26-429 Washington DC 20590
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Ronald Parker Contracting Specialist 2023664118 ronald.parker@dot.gov;
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
The Department of Transportation (DOT) Maritime Administration is seeking an independent, high quality program evaluation of the Maritime Security Program (MSP) that provides an assessment of the program's impact on the American marine transportation industry and that industry's ability to support U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) sealift requirements. The results should be generalizable and reproducible. The Maritime Administration's primary focus is to promote an American marine transportation industry broadly defined to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. Additionally, the Agency must balance this perspective with a wider range of today's transportation challenges such as congestion, the need for improved intermodal connectivity, improved safety and reduced environmental impact. The Maritime Administration's priorities reflect the need to improve the U.S. marine transportation system by addressing these systemic challenges. In order to ensure that an active U.S. flag fleet of militarily useful ocean going ships and the crews to operate them will continue to serve both the economic and national security objectives of the U.S., the Maritime Administration administers the MSP. The operators of U.S. flag MSP vessels receive financial support to partially offset the higher operating cost of keeping these vessels under U.S. flag in exchange for a commitment to provide intermodal sealift capacity to D.O.D in times of national emergency or war. The MSP is a crucial part of the Maritime Administration's national security efforts as it helps to assure the availability of the U.S.-flag oceangoing fleet and thousands of skilled mariner jobs that support the commerce and national security of the United States. The program was initiated in 1996 and was reauthorized in 2005. The program is currently authorized through 2015. The Maritime Security Program is a crucial part of the Maritime Administration's national security efforts as it helps to assure the availability of the U.S.-flag oceangoing fleet and thousands of skilled mariner jobs that support the commerce and national security of the United States. The program was initiated in 1996 and was reauthorized in 2005. The program is currently authorized through 2015. The Maritime Administration desires a high quality program evaluation of the Maritime Security Program in order to assess the program's effectiveness in achieving the desired results and to provide information that may contribute to program improvement. This impact assessment must be of sufficient scope [matched to the program's size and complexity] and quality in order to assure that the evaluation accurately demonstrates the program's impact and effectiveness in achieving its desired results. Since the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) prefers that program evaluations be conducted by independent, non-biased parties with no conflict of interest, the Maritime Administration has determined that the evaluation will be conducted by a highly competent third party. According to OMB, impact evaluations are the most rigorous form of program evaluation, but also are the type that is most likely to yield meaningful results. Impact assessments use empirical data to compare measurable program outcomes. It is possible to evaluate the results that would be expected in the absence of the program. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis may be used in this evaluation. However, judgmental approaches alone will not be sufficient for purposes of this evaluation. ***General description of services to be provided The vendor shall provide a high quality program impact evaluation of the MSP effectiveness and to provide information that may contribute to program improvement. The evaluation must be of sufficient scope [matched to the program's size and complexity] and quality in order to assure that the evaluation accurately demonstrates the program's impact and effectiveness in achieving its desired results. Impact evaluations are the most rigorous form of program evaluation, but also are the type that is most likely to yield meaningful results. Impact assessments use empirical data to compare measurable program outcomes with similar subjects that are not affected by the program. It is possible to evaluate the results that would be expected in the absence of the program, or through the use of alternative programs. This is accomplished by isolating the effects that are directly attributable to the program and external factors (e.g., political, regulatory, and economic situations) that may limit or enhance the effects of program activities. The preferred type of evaluation is the Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT). Some other commonly used methodologies are: Direct Controlled Trials, Quasi-Experimental Studies, and Non-Experimental Analysis (Direct or Indirect). Both quantitative and qualitative analysis may be used in this evaluation. However, judgmental approaches will not be sufficient for purposes of this evaluation unless combined with one or more of the above methodologies. The results of this research shall include: 1. An evaluation of the program's effectiveness in complying with the regulations set forth in 46 CFR Part 296 as well as achieving the Maritime Administration's national security strategic objective and desired outcome for: "Sufficient surge and sustainment sealift (both commercial and government-owned) and shipyard capacity is available to support DOD deployment requirements."2. An evaluation of the program's effectiveness in achieving the Department of Transportation's Security, Preparedness and Response strategic goal and desired outcomes for "Preparedness for emergencies affecting the transportation sector; and effective response to emergencies affecting the transportation sector" and the performance measure "Percentage of DOD-required shipping capacity (both commercial and government-owned) complete with crews available within mobilization timelines." 3. An assessment of the program design. Is it free of major flaws that would limit the program's effectiveness or efficiency? 4. Identification of any areas that the program may need to improve in order to better achieve the three objectives outlined above. Deliverables: 1 Reimbursable travel to attend kickoff meeting; Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) 0002 Due: 2Weeks ADC Cost of attending a one (1) day meeting at The Department of Transportation (DOT), Maritime Adminisrtation Headquarters, Washington, DC, for one key person. NTE (Not-to-Exceed) Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) rates with prior written approval of Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR). Funds are not presently available for this Contract Line Item Number (CLIN). Funds shall be provided for this CLIN when travel is authorized. 2 Outline report CLIN 0003AA Due: 6Weeks ADC Deliver an outline of the program impact evaluation, including study tasks methodologies, questionnaires, and primary existing sources and reports to be used; as well as, the structure of the final report. Deliver the Outline to the attention of Lorraine Wakeman (COTR) and cc:Ronald Parker (Contract Specialist) of the DOT, Maritime Administration. The outline shall be in a Microsoft Word document format within six (6) weeks ADC. 3 Progress report- Not Separately Priced CLIN 0003AB Due 13 Weeks ADC Deliver a progress report including a description of the key milestones achieved in preparation of the report such as "survey completed" and/or "description of the program's logic model completed." The progress report shall provide a description of any hurdles and obstacles that may impede timely completion of the evaluation or the accuracy of evaluation such as "Only 5 percent of the surveys returned." Deliver the Progess Report to the attention of Lorraine Wakeman (COTR) and cc:Ronald Parker (Contract Specialist) of the DOT, Maritime Administration. The Progess Report shall be in a Microsoft Word document format within thirteen (13) weeks ADC. 4 Draft report CLIN 0003AC Due 17 Weeks ADC Deliver a draft program impact evaluation report as a Microsoft Word document to the attention of Lorraine Wakeman (COTR) and cc:Ronald Parker (Contract Specialist) of the DOT, Maritime Administration. The draft report shall be delivered within seventeen (17) weeks of award. At a minimum, the report shall consist of: a summary of the third party evaluator's credentials [both individual and in general] and ties, if any, to the Department of Transportation or the Maritime Administration; a description of the approach, process, procedures and methodologies used to conduct the evaluation as well as the evaluation's scope; a description of the program, its purpose and the environment in which it operates, a description of the program's logic model and a detailed list of the evaluation questions asked and the corresponding answers with supporting data, program evaluation conclusions; and, recommendations for program improvement and/or improved accountability. The documents shall be delivered in electronic form, preferably by email. The results of the analysis shall be fully documented and clearly presented in a written report containing text and tables describing the key results of the analysis in chapters dealing with each of the topics described above. The program evaluation findings and other analyses supporting the study's findings will be thoroughly documented in a manner that fully explains the methodology and resulting conclusions. Key findings shall be presented in an executive summary. 5 Final report CLIN 0003AD Due 21 Weeks ADC Deliver a final program impact evaluation report as a Microsoft Word document to the attention of Lorraine Wakeman (COTR) and cc:Ronald Parker (Contract Specialist) of the DOT, Maritime Administration. The draft report shall be delivered within twenty-one (21) weeks of award. At a minimum, the report shall consist of: a summary of the third party evaluator's credentials [both individual and in general] and ties, if any, to the Department of Transportation or the Maritime Administration; a description of the approach, process, procedures and methodologies used to conduct the evaluation as well as the evaluation's scope; a description of the program, its purpose and the environment in which it operates, a description of the program's logic model and a detailed list of the evaluation questions asked and the corresponding answers with supporting data, program evaluation conclusions; and, recommendations for program improvement and/or improved accountability. The documents shall be delivered in electronic form, preferably by email. The results of the analysis shall be fully documented and clearly presented in a written report containing text and tables describing the key results of the analysis in chapters dealing with each of the topics described above. The program evaluation findings and other analyses supporting the study's findings will be thoroughly documented in a manner that fully explains the methodology and resulting conclusions. Key findings shall be presented in an executive summary. Clauses: The clause at 52.212-01, INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS--COMMERCIAL ITEMS, applies to this acquisition and there is addenda to the clause. The NAICS Code that aplies to this procurement is 541611 and the small business size standard is 500 employees. Quoter's have one (1) week after posting to FedBizopps to forward questions concerning this announcement via- email to ronald.parker@dot.gov; cc: frank.bajowski@dot.gov. The Government anticipates awarding a fixed price Delivery Order for this service. The clauses, terms and conditions of the successful offeror's is incorporated by reference. This request for quote does not bind the Government into a contract. The Government reserves the right to award based on best value. Quoter's proposal shall also contain a contact name, phone and fax number. The period of performance is for 6 months after date of award The clause at 52.212-02, EVALUATION - COMMERCIAL ITEMS: applies to this acquisition and there is addenda to the clause. (i) Technical knowledge and performance capability of the item offered to meet the Government requirement; (ii) Past performance;and,(iii) Price Technical and past performance, when combined, are approximately twice as important when compared to price. Quoters shall provide at least three (3) references (include contract number, brief description of work, organization name, point of contact (POC) name, POC title, POC telephone number and POC e-mail address) for recent work of a similar type. (b) Options. The Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for all options to the total price for the basic requirement. The Government may determine that an offer is unacceptable if the option prices are significantly unbalanced. Evaluation of options shall not obligate the Government to exercise the option(s). The clause at 52.227-14, RIGHTS IN DATA--GENERAL applies to this acquisition and there is addenda to the clause. Rights in Data-General, the Government preserves unlimited data rights to data first provided in the performance of this contract. The Government may modify/ alter the data and use in whole or in part. The Contractor may obtain the rights to copyright and/ or publish data first provided in the performance of this contract with the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer at no cost to the Contractor.
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