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D -- COTS Software Solution for Labor Relations Management; Financial Disclosure Reporting and Ethics Training Tracking; and EEO Complaints Tracking functionalities - Request for Information (PDF version)

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Request for Information (PDF version)
541512 — Computer Systems Design Services
Contracting Office
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Administration, Division of Contracts, 11545 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, 20852-2738
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Michele D. Sharpe,, Phone: 301-492-3633
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Small Business Set-Aside
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Office of Information Services (OIS) Request for Information COTS Software Solution for Labor Relations Management; Financial Disclosure Reporting and Ethics Training Tracking; and EEO Complaints Tracking INTRODUCTION This Request for Information (RFI) is issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Office of Information Services. This RFI is for planning purposes only and shall not be construed as a Request for Proposal (RFP) or as an obligation on the part of the NRC to acquire any products or services. The NRC does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this RFI or otherwise pay for the information requested. Submission of a response is entirely voluntary. The voluntary submission of a response to this RFI shall not obligate the NRC to pay or entitle the submitter of information to claim any direct or indirect costs or charges or any other remuneration whatsoever. BACKGROUND The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is an independent Federal agency established by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 to regulate civilian use of nuclear materials. NRC’s mission is to license and regulate the Nation's civilian use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear materials to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety, promote the common defense and security, and protect the environment. The Office of Human Resources (OHR), Employee/Labor Relations and Worklife Branch (ELRWB) manages employee relations, labor relations and work life activities agency-wide. Develops, coordinates, and implements labor-management, employee relations, and work life policies, including but not limited to disciplinary and adverse actions, performance based actions, administrative grievance procedure, prevention of harassment, No Fear Act, requests for reasonable accommodation, labor relations, telework, and the employee assistance program. Maintains and fosters relationships with all appropriate internal offices, including, OIG, OGC, and SBCR in order to insure that all sensitive employee matters are handled in an appropriate manner. ELRWB provides day-to-day guidance and support to managers and supervisors in dealing with employee conduct and performance issues. Negotiates and administers collective bargaining agreements; conducts day-to-day interactions with the employee union including processing of grievances filed under the negotiated grievance procedure, requests for information, and all negotiations dealing with the impact and implementation of changes in working conditions affecting members of the bargaining unit. The Office of the General Counsel (OGC), Assistant General Counsel for Legal Counsel, Legislation, and Special Projects, assists the General Counsel in providing advice to NRC employees on ethical conduct and manages the financial disclosure and ethics training programs. The Office of Small Business and Civil Rights (SBCR) is responsible for the administrative processing of discrimination complaints, filed under the various civil rights statutes (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), the Rehabilitation Act, and, the Equal Pay Act of 1963), from the informal/pre-complaint stage through the formal stage. SBCR has the responsibility of monitoring EEO complaint activity to produce congressionally mandated reports under the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (NO FEAR Act) and regulatory required reports to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. To comply with these legislative and Agency mandates, SBCR must provide numerous ad-hoc, monthly, quarterly, annual and multi-year reports on civil rights activity. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION NRC invites prospective entities to respond with information regarding capabilities for a COTS integrated solution that will provide Labor Relations Management; Financial Disclosure Reporting and Tracking, Ethics Counseling and Training; and EEO Complaints Tracking functionalities. This solution would also include software licenses, software maintenance, software documentation, integration services, end-user training, implementation strategies, and migration services. Prospective entities may consider how they could team with other entities to provide an integrated solution. ASSUMPTIONS Please consider the following assumptions when submitting responses: 1) COTS software solution will be web-based and meet the technical and functional requirements detailed below. 2) The software will be hosted on NRC owned equipment in the NRC Data Center; hosting offsite will not be considered. 3) Number of concurrent application support users for each module will be limited to five users each. 4) Number of end users for filing financial disclosure statements is currently estimated to be approximately 1000. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Please identify whether your product(s)/solution fulfills the following requirements. If you feel additional information is necessary to qualify your response (i.e., requires additional third party product or additional customization, meets most but not the entire requirement, etc.), please state as such: System Requirements 1.The product must run under either Windows 2000 (or higher) or UNIX. 2.The product must be installed and run on NRC owned equipment. 3.The product must utilize thin client installation with no support or client-side files required. 4.The product must run exclusively on a web browser (IE 5.0 or higher). 5.The product must be section 508 compliant. 6.The product will support a total of 5 concurrent users per application module. 7.The product must be role-based, and these roles will include various user levels and a system administration role. 8.The product will provide proactive error notification. 9.The product must retain a time stamped audit trail of all input actions. The product will provide the ability to attach documents to a case record. These documents will include types such as.doc, spreadsheets,.PDF,.jpg,.bmp, etc. 10.The product must include a standard set of internal reports. 11.The product will provide email notification capabilities. 12.The product will support multiple levels of security defined by User and Role. 13.The product will provide configurable business rules. 14.The product will provide the ability to vary business rules for the completion of case events. 15.The product will provide the ability to export standard letters. 16.The product will allow for the generation of ad hoc reports and SQL statements. 17.The product will provide a configurable dashboard.. 18.The product will provide 4 auxiliary data fields per tab. 19.The vendor will provide software maintenance support including technical help desk support between the hours of 8am and 8pm (U.S. east coast time). This will include product upgrades and/or releases. The OHR/ELRWB, OGC Ethics, and SBCR EEO Complaints system administrator designees will provide client side coordination for these activities. 20.The vendor will ensure that the product remains current. The vendor will fully test both software patches and upgrades prior to installation. 21.The vendor will provide training for 5 users per application module and one (1) administrator, to be provided in one (1) day period. 22.The vendor will provide five (5) full sets of user and training documentation per application module. Documentation may be delivered in softcopy format. 23.The vendor will provide support for initial product installation and configuration. 24.NRC will identify personnel to perform User Acceptance Testing of the product’s operational capability. The vendor will provide support for this acceptance testing. Requirements Specific to the Labor Relations Software Module 1.The OHR, ELRWB automation platform must be a web-based COTS product. 2.The product will provide the ability to create, manage, track and report on Labor Relations/Employee Relations cases. 3.The product will support on screen searching and selection criteria by any of the following: Case number, Last Name and Source Location. 4.The product will provide the ability to view search results. 5.The product will generate/maintain a unique case number designed to NRC specifications. Requirements Specific to the Ethics Management Software Module The following are the general feature requirements of the system. 1.The OGC automation platform must be a web-based COTS product. 2.The product will provide the ability to create, manage, track and report on financial disclosure reports, ethics training, and ethics advice. 3.The product must run under either Windows 2000 (or higher) or UNIX. 4.The product will support a total of approximately 1,000 users or more. 5.The product will support on screen searching and selection criteria by any of the following: Last Name, office, date of filing. 6.The product will generate/maintain a unique identifier for each NRC employee who files a financial disclosure report, takes ethics training, or seeks ethics advice. 7.The product will provide the ability to vary business rules for completion of the ethics requirements. 8.The vendor will provide customized reports, based on OGC requirements. Requirements Specific to the EEO Complaints Software Module 1.The EEO Complaints automation platform must be a web-based COTS product. 2.The product will provide the ability to collect and capture information on EEO complaints. 3.The product will provide automatic time-sensitive event notification messages and reports. 4.The product must automatically track and retain a time stamped audit trail of all data entry input, updates and modifications. 5.The product will create formal and informal complaint cases, with the ability to edit inputs to all fields after initial input. 6.The product will create class-action complaint case from scratch or by combining existing individual cases. 7.The product will split a class-action case into separate complaints. 8.The product will assign a case to a counselor and case manager. 9.The product will generate/maintain a unique case number for informal and formal complaints, designed to NRC specifications. 10.The product will provide configurable business rules. 11.The product will provide the ability to vary business rules for the completion of case events. 12.The product will provide the ability to export standard letters (Acknowledgement letters, notification to Complainants/representatives/investigators), within preset parameters. 13.The product will produce statutory and regulatory reports formatted to federal requirements for the EEOC 462 and 715 reports, and the NO FEAR Act quarterly, semi-annual and annual, and multi-year reports. 14.The vendor will provide customized reports, based on SBCR requirements. 15.The product will track data entry, updates and modifications to complaints, referenced by user ID. 16.The product will track fees associated with processing complaint. RESOURCES AND COSTS: Based on your organization's experiences implementing your product/solution, please provide estimated staffing levels for implementation and operations phases. Your estimate should assume the implementation of all of the above requirements. Include the number of projected hours for implementation. Please add any additional roles you feel could be required, and the circumstances under which they could be. Staffing Estimation includes: Implementation (e.g., Project Management, Software Installation and Configuration, Infrastructure Integration, and End-User Training), Database Administration, and Help Desk/Software Support. Based on your organization's experiences implementing your product(s)/solution, please provide estimated costs for: 1.An Initial Solution for Labor Relations Management; Financial Disclosure Reporting and Tracking, Ethics Counseling and Training; and EEO Complaints Tracking COTS software licenses and professional services to implement the above requirements; and 2.An on-going software maintenance and update subscription. 3.Include Cost (Range) and Duration (Hours) for Planning and Implementation and Annual Dollar (Cost) for software update subscription and technical assistance. Please add any additional costs you feel are required. If NRC makes a decision to procure a solution to meet the above-mentioned requirements, NRC may write a Statement of Objectives (SOO) in lieu of a Statement of Work (SOW) or Performance Work Statement (PWS). The intent is to have offerors develop, as part of their response to the RFP, a performance work statement, performance metrics, a measurement plan, and a quality assurance plan. NRC is seeking offerors that can provide maximum flexibility to propose innovative approaches and solutions to NRCs Labor Relations Management; Financial Disclosure Reporting and Tracking, Ethics Counseling and Training; and EEO Complaints Tracking COTS requirements. With your RFI response submission, please include the advantages and disadvantages of using this type of procurement approach. Disclaimer: It is not NRC's intent to publicly disclose any vendor proprietary information obtained during this RFI. To the full extent that it is protected pursuant to the FOIA and other laws and regulations, information identified by a Respondent as "proprietary" or "confidential" will be kept confidential. It is emphasized that this RFI is for planning and information purposes only and is NOT to be construed as any commitment by the Government. Other than the estimated cost data, the Government requests that no proprietary or confidential business data be submitted in response to this RFI. Due to a variety of limitations, the NRC does not plan to entertain questions related to the substance of this RFI. Pre-solicitation and/or pre-proposal conferences may be held, pending the level of interest. Entities that have an interest in submitting responses please do so by e-mail to Michele.Sharpe@nrc.gov by no later than August 7, 2008, 10:00am EST. Responses should be submitted in MS Word and/or MS Excel format and include the following information: 1) Organization Name; 2) Organization web address; 3) A brief overview of your organization. 4) Proposed solution/product name(s); 5) A brief overview of your solution product(s). 6) Primary contact name having authority and knowledge to discuss your RFI responses with Government representatives; 7) Primary contact phone; 8) Primary contact e-mail; 9) Please describe how your software licensing works.
Web Link
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Request for Information (PDF version)
File Name: PDF version of the Request for Information. To request the Request for Information in another format, please contact Contract Specialist Michele D. Sharpe via email, Michele.Sharpe@nrc.gov or phone, (301) 492-3633. (Request for Information.pdf)
Link: https://www.fbo.gov//utils/view?id=754d22b7904a1a39ac444d1604d62e5b
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