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U -- Army Civilian University

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
611430 — Professional and Management Development Training
Contracting Office
Department of the Army, Defense Contracting Command-Washington, Contracting Center of Excellence, Army Contracting Agency (ACA), Contracting Center of Excellence, Army Contracting Agency (ACA), ATTN: Policy and Compliance, 5200 Army Pentagon, Room 1D245, Washington, DC 20310-5200
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Jeannette Jordan, 703-695-2043<br />
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. Interested parties may request full synopsis/solicitation package No Later Than 25 August 2008. All requests must be in writing via emaiil to jeannette.jordan@hqda.army.mil or ruby.mixon@hqda.army.mil. NO TELEPHONE REQUESTS. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES FOR Army Civilian University (ACU) For the Civilian Development Office 1.0Scope This effort requires the contactor to provide advisory and assistance services supporting Army Civilian University (ACU) to develop an integrated structure that ties various Department of the Army (DA) schools together in one system under existing guidance of regulations shown in section 3 below. The ACU and its schools will reside under the Combined Arms Center (CAC), TRADOC. A concept of operations template must be designed to describe and transition each non-TRADOC school under ACU oversight resulting in an effective and efficient ACU school model that incorporates best practices of business/industry, academia, and government schools to strive for high educational quality at efficient costs through shared services. Using the Army Management Staff College (ASMC) as the ACU pilot school coming under ACU, the contractor shall develop an ACU prototype analysis and design template to bring each future school under the ACU command and control. 2.0 Background: a. In 2003, the Secretary of the Army (SA) became convinced that Army civilians had insufficient educational and training opportunities. Senior Army leaders commissioned various studies including the Army Training and Leader Development Panel (ATLDP), the Senior Army Workforce (SAW), and later the Review of Education, Training and Assignments for Leaders (RETAL). b. The RETAL initiative determined how the Army develops military and civilian leaders to serve in both operational and generating force capacities. Senior Army leadership accelerated change in leader development programs to grow leaders for tomorrows strategic environment. In the area of civilian training and education, a modified program enhanced civilian leader education: the Army Management Staff Colleges (AMSC) Civilian Education System (CES) offers progressive and sequential civilian leader training. The ACU will be the higher headquarters for civilian generating force training and leader development activities. c. To meet increased leadership demands and grow leaders for tomorrows strategic environment, on 19 July, 2007, the SA and the Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA) directed the establishment of the ACU to provide enterprise-level oversight of the civilian education system. On 9 April, 2008, HQDA approved the concept plan to stand up the ACU, and move to TRADOC. On 11 July, 2008, the SA and CSA signed an Army implementing Directive that established the ACU. The ACU will provide oversight and governance of each appropriate DA generating force and civilian leader development activity. The stand-up of the ACU is just the beginning of an Army enterprise plan to develop the capabilities and leadership of Army civilians in the Generating Force. d. The inclusion of schools under ACU will facilitate the increased role of civilians in Army leadership positions, mitigate the Base Closure and Realignment Commission (BRAC) impact, allows the Army to effectively compete for talent, and enhances the Armys ability to prepare for demographic changes occurring in the civilian workforce. 3.Applicable Documents "Army Regulation (AR) 350-1 Training and Leader Development "Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Regulation (TR) 350-70 Systems Approach to Training Management, Processes, and Products 4.Statement of Objectives: 4.1 The contractor shall perform advisory and assistance support services in accordance with the current Army regulatory and policy directives and any portion of the contractors proposed processes that are incorporated into this contract. This effort requires the contractor to conduct extensive data collection and analysis to assist DUSA in establishing the framework for the emerging corporate university. Specific tasks include: 4.1.1 The contractor shall schedule, organize and facilitate a kick off meeting among the COR, contractor and ACU staff within five (5) work days after contract award. No less than one (1) work day prior to kick-off meeting, the contractor shall prepare and submit an agenda to the ACU Deputy for review and approval. Purpose of this meeting is for government and contractor to meet initially, ask questions, and discuss future plans. Two (2) work days after the kick-off meeting, the contractor shall prepare and submit to the ACU Deputy minutes of the meeting including follow-on action items, and any issues or concerns. This action will be completed upon acceptance of the meeting minutes by the ACU Deputy. 4.1.2 The contractor shall prepare a draft Plan of Actions and Milestone (POA&M) within 10 days of award, inclusive of MS Project plans for each module addressed in the kickoff meeting. Upon acceptance by the COR, this plan will be updated as necessary (IAW actual performance), and delivered on a monthly basis. 4.1.3 The contractor shall prepare a school survey that contains questions about both micro and macro descriptions of ACU schools and allows the ACU to get baseline information about the organization, governance, operation, and business practices of each school, college, university, or activity (hereafter called school) designated to come under the ACU. The ACU HQ will reside under the Combined Arms Center (CAC), TRADOC. The school surveys will provide the ACU with a template of inquiry that individual schools answer. The contractor shall develop the draft survey and submit through the COR for Government review and preliminary approval. As required, the contractor shall incorporate comments required by the ACU President and modify as needed after government review. The contractor shall provide the government a digital copy of the final school survey in Word 2003. 4.1.4 Contractor shall develop at minimum two command and control alternatives as ACU HQ target models, annotated with pros and cons for each model and identification of the optimal model. a.Develop, at a minimum, two command and control alternatives as ACU HQ target models, annotated with pros and cons for each model and identification of the optimal model. The ACU target model report is named such because it will reflect the status of the ACU HQ during the first year of this contract and is expected to change over time. The evolution of the ACU HQ models may change over time due to size and composition so the initial ACU HQ target models reflect a snapshot in time. The contractor shall provide ACU HQ target models that reflect the reporting requirements, assessment requirements, and frequency of occurrence of each up and down the chain of command from the ACU, to CAC, to HQ TRADOC, or to the Army. Proposed models shall comply with following constraints: -For those reporting requirements and standards already dictated by CAC, HQ TRADOC, or the Army, the contractor shall identify the name of the regulation, memo, or other source. -The models shall include all required operational standards and reporting requirements required by ACU from ACU schools and organizational wire diagrams. - The contractor shall recommend staff of not-to-exceed (NTE) 21 people. - ACU job positions oversee ACU school processes, and these positions will not perform operational tasks reserved for the schools. b.The contractor shall write the Standing Operating Procedures (SOP), policy memos, and standards for the ACU HQ to operate as a university HQ. The contractor shall provide the initial deliverable as draft to the COR and incorporate Government comments into final deliverable. c.Draft suggested job descriptions for the ACU HQ staff NTE 21 people. The contractor shall provide the initial deliverable as a draft to the COR and incorporate Government comments into final deliverable. 4.1.5 Develop operational model for the Army Management Staff College (AMSC) subordinate to the ACU. The contractor shall analyze information provided by ACU from AMSC on the school survey to determine current procedures, and to compare those to the requirements of AR 350-1, TR 350-70, and best practices from business/industry, academia, and government. a.The contractor shall identify standards, doctrine, regulations, and/or laws that apply to the school operations. b.The contractor shall conduct a gap analysis between AMSCs current operational and organizational state on the surveys and the desired future state based on standards, doctrine, regulations, and best practices of industry, academia, and government, and develop individual school operational models for each school. c.The contractor shall compile a plan with goals, actions, and milestones for AMSC to meet the target model end-state for the school to operate under ACU using best business practices. d.The contractor shall prepare and submit a draft school operational report to the COR and incorporate Government comments into final deliverable. 4.1.6 Individual School Operational Model Reports. The contractor shall prepare and submit an operational model for each of up to 20 additional schools (after AMSC) subordinate to the ACU that will come under ACU oversight. Each Report shall have a unique task number 1-20 and school name. The contractor shall analyze information provided by ACU from each school on the contractor-developed school survey to determine current procedures, and to compare those to the requirements of AR 350-1, TR 350-70, and best practices from business/industry, academia, and government. a.The contractor shall identify standards, doctrine, regulations, and/or laws that apply to the school operations. b.The contractor shall conduct a gap analysis between the schools current operational and organizational state on the surveys and the desired future state based on standards, doctrine, regulations, and best practices of industry, academia, and government, and develop individual school operational models for each school. c.The contractor shall compile a plan with goals, actions, and milestones for AMSC to meet the target model end-state for each school to operate under ACU using best business practices. d.The contractor shall prepare and submit a draft school operational report to the COR and incorporate Government comments into final deliverable. 4.1.7 Operational Redundancy Report. The contractor shall develop a report that describes the operational or facilities redundancies across ACU schools from which efficiencies may occur. a.The contractor shall perform a cost benefit and functional analysis and provide an operational redundancy report that contains the functions or activities performed by one or more schools that, through economies of scale, can add value or cost savings/avoidance to ACU. b.The contractor shall identify where ACU consolidation provides best value for the Army and how standardization of functions benefits the ACU. c.The contractor shall develop recommendations to implement and consolidate three of these functions into the fully-operational ACU model (after individual school operational model reports are accepted by the government under 4.1.6 above, in increments of three schools). d.The contract shall provide the initial deliverable as a draft to the COR and incorporate Government comments into final deliverable. 4.1.8 Fully-Operational ACU Model Report. The contractor shall develop a fully-operational ACU model of schools joining the ACU in periodic sequence over the life of this contract and aligned to operate under the ACU HQ. a.The contractor shall integrate the final ACU HQ target model and the individual schools operational models for up to 20 schools into the fully-operational ACU model. b.The contractor shall integrate school operations under the ACU to reduce redundancy. As schools are added, the evolution of the fully-operational ACU target model may change and the target may change due to size and findings from school surveys. c.The fully-operational ACU target model will be a snapshot in time and list the reporting requirements, assessment requirements, and frequency of occurrence up and down the chain of command from the schools to ACU, to CAC, and/or to HQ TRADOC, explaining the ACU oversight. d.The contractor shall develop a list of the roles, responsibilities, and communications including new reporting requirements required among the ACU, the functional proponent, and the stakeholders for each school. The fully-operational ACU model will reflect the ACU policy guidance, academic governance meetings, and reporting requirements within the ACU both up and down the chain of command and horizontally including committees, leadership meetings, and standing committees. e. For those reporting requirements and standards already directed by CAC, HQ TRADOC, or the Army, the contractor shall identify the name of the regulation, memo, or law and the operational policy or structure it impacts. f.The fully-operational ACU model shall contain the steps, milestones, and courses of action to bring each individual school under ACU oversight. The contractor shall provide an end state with efficient and effective operations, using best practices of business/industry, academia, and government. g.The contractor shall provide the initial deliverable as draft to the COR and incorporate Government comments into final deliverable. 4.1.9 Faculty Development Plan Report. The contractor shall prepare a plan for common faculty development under auspices of ACU. This faculty development plan incorporates using personnel with appropriate expertise from academia, business/industry, and government to provide expertise for ACU faculty development from various locations. a.The plan shall incorporate instruction based in various educational and leadership theories, methods, and strategies and consistent with the instructional methods used by the individual schools to satisfy methods that best educate and train students for learning objectives and tasks taught. b.The plan will include standards required for faculty teaching based on best teaching practices. c.The contractor shall consider TRADOC Quality Assurance Program standards pertaining to faculty development in development of the faculty development plan report. d.The contractor shall submit the draft faculty development plan as draft to the COR and incorporate Government comments into final deliverable. 4.1.10 Bi-weekly Status Reports. The contractor shall prepare and submit status reports to the COR and ACU Deputy approximately every two weeks (no more than twice a month). The status reports must include, but not be limited to, tasks (work) completed, problem areas, critical issues encountered or anticipated, work planned (next steps) for the upcoming period, and new suggested stand up requirements. This deliverable will also be required in the six-month option period if that option period is exercised by the government. 4.1.11 In Process Reviews (IPRs). The contractor shall schedule, organize, conduct and facilitate monthly detailed IPRs with ACU either face-to-face, via VTC, or via teleconferences. These detailed IPRs must include, in addition to the task status for the month discussed in the status reports, expert recommendations on tasks due reflecting emerging results of what the models of the ACU system should look like under an educational business model. In addition to the status reports and expert recommendations, the contractor shall provide the following: a. Three days prior to a scheduled IPR, the contractor shall prepare and submit a meeting agenda to the COR for review and approval. b.The contractor shall prepare and submit IPR meeting minutes to the COR three days after completion of the IPR. c. Through analysis of the requirements to stand up a new ACU, the contractor shall identify a list of other stand-up requirements, as discovered, in the bi-weekly reports to the ACU Deputy. The contractor shall provide a one-page synopsis of each such stand-up requirement for consideration during the IPRs. This deliverable will also be required in the six-month option period if that option period is exercised by the government. 5.Place of Performance: The primary place of performance will be the contractor facility. 6. Travel: a. Travel and Other Direct Costs Account Status Sheet. The contractor shall submit to the COR for approved all planned travel at least two (2) weeks in advance. The contractor shall each month an accounting sheet reflecting total funds allocated for travel and ODC, funds expended for the month provide travel submitted for and the reason for expenditure. The account status sheet will be incorporated in the contractors monthly activity report. Travel cost of government contractors and contractor employees are governed by the rules of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 31.205-46, available at http://www.arnet.gov/far/current/pdf/FAR.book.pdf and shall not exceed the amount indicated on the travel CLIN. 7.Deliverables: All deliverables must be submitted to the COR as drafts, resubmitted with incorporation of Government edits, and approved by the ACU President. Due dates for all deliverables are listed below. NOTE: When a due date falls on a weekend or Federal Holiday, the default due date will be the next business day following the weekend or Federal Holiday. 7.1 Deliverables are summarized as follow: Deliverable Tasks SynopsisDue Dates 4.1.1 - Kick-off meeting. Five (5) work days after Contract award. Meeting minutes are due Two (2) work days after kick-off meeting. Agenda due one (1) day prior to Kick-off meeting. 4.1.2 POA&MTen (10) work days after award and updated monthly in status report 4.1.3 - School Survey. Draft School SurveyThirty (30) work days after award. Final School SurveyThree (3) work days after receipt of government comments to initial (draft) school survey. 4.1.4 - ACU HQ Target Models Tasks. (a) - ACU HQ Target Models Report. Draft ACU HQ Target Models Reports (minimum 2 descriptive models).Forty-five (45) work days after award. Final ACU HQ Target Model Report.Five (5) work days after receipt of government comments to initial (draft) ACU HQ Target Models Reports. (b) - SOP, Policy Memos, and Standards Report. Draft SOP, Policy Memos, and Standards Report.Sixty (60) work days after award. Final SOP, Policy Memos, and Standards Report.Five (5) work days after receipt of government comments to initial (draft) ACU SOP, Policy Memos, and Standards Report. (c) - ACU HQ Job Descriptions. Draft ACU HQ Job Descriptions. Seventy-five (75) work days after award Final ACU HQ Job Descriptions. Five (5) work days after receipt of government comments to initial (draft) ACU HQ Job Descriptions. 4.1.5 AMSC Operational Model Report Draft Individual School Operational Model Report for AMSC.Forty-five (45) work days after government provides results of AMSC School Survey to contractor. Final Individual School Operational Model Report for AMSC.Five (5) work days after receipt of government comments to draft Individual School Operational Model Report for AMSC. 4.1.6 - Individual School Operational Models Reports (For each of up to 20 Schools). Draft Individual School Operational Models Report (For each of up to 20 Schools). Forty-five (45) work days after commencement of the task (For each of up to 20 Schools).. Final Individual School Operational Models Report(For each of up to 20 Schools). Five (5) work days after receipt of government comments to draft Individual School Operational Models Report (For each of up to 20 Schools). 4.1.7 - Operational Redundancy Report. Draft Operational Redundancy Report. Thirty (30) work days after after commencement of the task - Operational Redundancy Report. Final Operational Redundancy Report.Five (5) work days after receipt of government comments to the draft Operational Redundancy Report. 4.1.8 - Fully-Operational ACU Model Report. Draft fully-operational ACU Model Report (HQ, AMSC and up to 20 schools). Forty-five (45) work days afte after commencement of the task - Fully-Operational ACU Model Report. Final fully-operational ACU Model Report (HQ, AMSC and up to 20 schools).Five (5) work days after receipt of government comments to initial (draft) Fully-Operational ACU Model Report. 4.1.9 - Faculty Development Report. Draft Faculty Development Report.Fifteen (15) work days after after commencement of the task - Faculty Development Report. Final Faculty Development Report.Five (5) work days after receipt of government comments to initial (draft) Faculty Development Report. 4.1.10 Biweekly Status Reports to ACU Deputy. (Task Also Required if Government Exercises Six-Month Option Period.)Twice monthly 4.1.11- In-Progress Reviews to ACU President. (Task Also Required if Government Exercises Six-Month Option Period.) Monthly Quality Control Plan PWS 12Within 10 working days of award Accounting for Army Service Contracts Report PWS 15NLT 31 October each calendar year 7.2. Quantity of Reports. The Contractor shall provide Two (2) hard copies of deliverables and one digital copy of each task deliverable to the COR in Word 2003. Timelines and schedules must be prepared using Microsoft Project. All plans and reports must be prepared using Microsoft Word 2003. 7.3. Data Rights. The government owns the copyrights to all deliverables developed under this contract IAW DFARS Clause 252.227-7020. Material developed under this contract will not be used outside the scope of this contract unless authorized by the COR. 7.4. Submit all Deliverables to COR, marked for: ACU President, 2530 Crystal Drive, Taylor Building, Suite 1600, Arlington, VA 22202. 8. Period of Performance The period of performance of this contract shall be 12 months from date of award with a 6-month option period. The Government at its discretion may exercise the option periods in accordance with FAR 52.217-9, Option to Extend the Term of the Contract. 9. Government Furnished Support. ACU will provide the contractor with necessary access to school personnel, points of contact (POC), and CAC TRADOC activities. If required to work at a government facility, the government will provide work space, desk, and chair in government areas on an as-needed basis. Government will administer and gather data from the school survey, and COTR will provide contractor with results. COTR will contact school personnel and arrange for contractor to conduct interviews if needed to complete contract requirements or clarify school survey results through interviews.
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Address: Contracting Center of Excellence, Army Contracting Agency (ACA) ATTN: Policy and Compliance, 5200 Army Pentagon, Room 1D245 Washington DC<br />
Zip Code: 20310-5200<br />
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