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V -- Marshalling Services

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
485991 — Special Needs Transportation
Contracting Office
General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), National Admistrative Services and Office Supplies Acquisition Center (2QSA), 26 Federal Plaza RM19-100, New York, New York, 10278, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Wanda Patterson,, Phone: 212-264-3931, David A. Lopez,, Phone: 212-264-5770
E-Mail Address
wanda.patterson@gsa.gov, david.lopez@gsa.gov
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
We propose to issue subject solicitation for vehicle marshalling services on 10/1/08. The closing date will be on 10/24/08. This procurement is set aside for small business concerns only... The details of the solicitation are as follows: REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) Issuance Date: October 01, 2008 RFQ No.: QSDABB-EL-09-0001-N Issued By: Address:U.S. General Services Administration Federal Acquisition Service Northeast & Caribbean Region, Region 2, Fleet Services Branch (2QMDA) 26 Federal Plaza, Rm. 20-112 New York, New York 10278 ATTN:David A. Lopez TEL:(212) 264-5770 FAX:(212) 264-5771 Email:david.lopez@gsa.gov NOTICES TO OFFERORS TWO CONTRACTS WILL BE AWARDED BASED ON ZONE ONE OR ZONE TWO ZONE 1 - THE BUFFALO NEW YORK STATE AREA FOR THIS SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION CONTRACT. ZONE 2 - THE SYRACUSE NEW YORK STATE AREA FOR THIS SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION CONTRACT. The Statement Of Work is as follows: SECTION C – STATEMENT OF WORK C.1 BACKGROUND The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), Northeast Caribbean Region 2, Fleet Division seeks contractors who are regularly engaged in the auction of vehicles (Marshalling New and Used Vehicles). Auctions of Government-owned or leased vehicles must include participation by the general public. Offers are solicited from: ZONE 1 - THE BUFFALO NEW YORK UPSTATE AREA FOR THIS SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION CONTRACT. ZONE 2 - THE SYRACUSE NEW YORK UPSTATE AREA FOR THIS SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION CONTRACT. The Government’s requirements for marshalling of new/used vehicles include sedans, station wagons, light trucks (including vans and pickups), medium and heavy-duty trucks and buses and special purpose equipment. This is a solicitation involving the Marshalling of approximately: ZONE 1 - THE BUFFALO NEW YORK UPSTATE AREA - UP TO 275 VEHICLES POSSIBLY PER WEEK FACILITY PARKING REQUIRED ZONE 2 - THE SYRACUSE NEW YORK UPSTATE AREA - UP TO 250 VEHICLES POSSIBLY PER WEEK FACILITY PARKING REQUIRED Each will be a Simplified Acquisition Purchase, Set Aside Open Market commercial service schedule, with one contractor for each Zone. Further, its use is non-mandatory on the Government. FOR EACH CONTRACT: The Base Year, will commence for a contracted period of One Year with Three One Year Option Periods.. Actual Period of Performance start shall be January 1, 2009, or date of award which ever is later, through to December 31, 2009. The offeror awarded a contract may be selected by the Government to perform any and/or all of the requirements awarded under this contract. There is no assurance that any contractor will be the sole agent for the sale of vehicles within any given area. The Government reserves the right to sell its own vehicles at any time and/or relocate vehicles to another area and/or another contractor to be sold, or to a vendor not on this contract. C.2 SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES C.2.1 SCOPE This Request for Quotes (RFQ) provides for the containment, enhancement and product improvement of Marshalling new/used vehicles to include vehicle transportation, vehicle acceptance, vehicle inspection, vehicle’s condition reporting, and vehicle assignment. These cited requirements and others are established throughout this contract’s Sections with detailed specifications. C.2.2 OBJECTIVES The objective of this RFQ is to provide Marshalling support services for new and used vehicles, in; ZONE 1 - THE BUFFALO NEW YORK UPSTATE AREA ZONE 2 - THE SYRACUSE NEW YORK UPSTATE AREA which will satisfy the requirements of each contract in support to the overall effort of marshalling services to the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), Northeast Caribbean, Region 2, Fleet Division. C.3 STATEMENT OF WORK The Contractor shall provide marshalling support services to the General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service, Northeast and Caribbean Region, Fleet Division, specifically in: ZONE 1 - THE BUFFALO NEW YORK UPSTATE AREA ZONE 2 - THE SYRACUSE NEW YORK UPSTATE AREA This SOW supports the marshalling service requirements under this Simplified Acquisition service contract Solicitation – QSDABB-EL-09-0001-N. The following items are required when providing marshalling services. Marshalling services are defined as the receipt, inspection and assignment of either new or used vehicles. The marshalling service requirements will vary depending on whether the vehicles are new or used. New vehicles will either be shipped directly from the manufacturer or from the dealership that initially receives them. Used vehicles will either be picked up by the offeror, or dropped off at the offeror by the drivers, to exchange for new vehicles. AutoIMS, (is optional for offerors), can be utilized at the contracted rates for new/used vehicle marshalling (bid in Line Item 7). Alternate Method, option for offerors is the Interactive Link to online programs. This capability will provide access to FMS (Fleet Management System), Vehicle Transaction Module, Screen Links to Form 1152 and 1153A electronically via MC50 hand held device, See Section J – Attachment 3. The MC50 device will be provided to the offeror at the digression of GSA. These provisions do not apply to used vehicles which are delivered to the contractor to be sold. Services for those vehicles are covered in the auction provisions of the base contract, as well as the new AutoIMS contract provisions. ((See Section J – Attachment 3 – MC50, Alternative Method- Interactive Link to online programs utilized by Auction House. Device will be supplied by GSA) C.3.1 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The offerer shall be compliant with the requirements contained in each contract Section. Where the offerer cannot comply prior to award with any routine methodology requirement usually an alternative is offered for the offerer to still meet with the guidelines / requirements of this contract and applicability to the requirements of this Solicitation – QSDABB-EL-09-0001-N, where they apply. Offerers should pay attention to the alternatives offered to fill out Forms often cited in either a specified requirement or Section J – List of Attachments of this contract. C.4. STATEMENT OF WORK TASKS C.4.1 TASK 1 – NEW VEHICLE MARSHALLING The contractor shall complete the following subtasks for U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), Northeast Caribbean, Region 2, Fleet Division: C.4.1.1 SUBTASK 1 – VEHICLE ACCEPTANCE A visual inspection of the vehicle’s interior and exterior shall be performed when the vehicle arrives at the auction to verify that the vehicle has no physical defects. Any discrepancy discovered during Vehicle Acceptance must be annotated on both the “Receiving Inspection Form”, (will be given to awardee of this contract), and the carrier’s shipment document, and signed by BOTH the contractor and the carrier. If damage is evident, the auction representative must contact the FMC immediately. If the vehicle is delivered during non-business hours, the contractor should note the damage, have the carrier acknowledge the damage and sign BOTH the receiving inspection form and the carrier’s shipping document, and then contact the FMC via email (or by phone and follow up in writing) immediately. On subsequent inspections, should any previously undocumented damage be noted, the contractor will be held responsible for the repair of such damages. These vehicles will be picked up and transported by a pre-designated third party of acceptance. C.4.1.2 SUBTASK 2 – INSPECTION The contractor is responsible for inspecting all new GSA Fleet vehicles delivered to the offeror’s facility. GSA Fleet will provide the contractor with identification lists of the vehicles to be drop shipped prior to the expected delivery of new vehicles. The Receiving Inspection requirements consist of the following: •Checking each vehicle to be sure it has auxiliary equipment such as vehicle jack, spare tire, antenna, two sets of keys and, if applicable, two remote/keyless access devices. •Verify that the vehicle has sufficient fuel to be driven off the premises and get to a reasonably close gas station. This should be a minimum of 3 gallons of fuel in the tank at the time it is driven off the premises by the Government or sufficient Natural Gas for a dedicated CNG vehicle to get to a CNG filling station. Contact your servicing FMC, (Fleet Management Center), for instructions when no CNG is available within a reasonable distance. The GSA Fleet Management Center (FMC) must be notified immediately of any discrepancies involving vehicle specifications, options, or equipment. C.4.1.3 SUBTASK 3 – PRE-ASSIGNMENT PREPARATION Once a vehicle has been inspected and received, the contractor shall install the appropriate Government license plates (tags). GSA will provide the offeror a set of 2 license plates, 2 key tags, and a Government credit card for each new vehicle delivered. The contractor should contact the FMC to obtain the Government License Plates and Government Credit Card for the applicable vehicle if GSA has not provided them before the vehicle arrives. The contractor will verify that the Government Credit Card provided matches the license plates on the vehicle. The FMC will also provide the contractor with copies of the GSA Form 1152 (Assignment document via MC50 Internet Link to FMS), Vehicle Driver’s Packet, and Accident Reporting Kit, and any other form as necessary to include with the vehicle, as well as the receiving Customer Agency information. Once the Government License Plates and Credit Cards are received by the contractor, the contractor is responsible for any loss, theft, or misuse of the vehicle and the above items. The Offeror Contractors’ responsibility remains until the Customer Agency signs for, and takes receipt of, the vehicle and Government Credit Card. Should loss of Government License Plates, or loss of the Government Credit Card occur the contractor shall contact the FMC immediately. The vehicle inspection and pre-assignment preparation must be completed within 3 business days of vehicle delivery to the offeror’s facility. C.4.1.4 SUBTASK 4 – ASSIGNMENT After the PDI and maintenance have been completed and the license plates have been installed, the contractor shall contact the Customer Agency within 24 hours to arrange vehicle rotation if so requested by the FMC. The vehicle shall be washed within 24 hours of the scheduled delivery to the customer agency. When issuing a new vehicle to a GSA Customer Agency, the contractor shall ensure the following is accomplished / provided: •Prepare the GSA Form 1152 - “FMS Vehicle Assignment/Termination Transaction,” complete with the signature of the Customer Agency’s representative and the representative accomplishing the vehicle assignment. (Please Note Section B.2.2 and C.3 AutoIMS alternative use of MC50 Internet Link to FMS) •Two complete sets of keys for the vehicle (ignition and doors/trunk if different) and two remote/keyless access devices, if provided with the vehicle by the vehicle manufacturer. The contractor shall attach a tag (furnished by the FMC) to each of the two sets of keys identifying the US Government License Plate number. •Vehicle Driver’s Packet, Accident Reporting Kit, and the Vehicle Owner’s Manual. •Tire-changing equipment, including spare tire and wheel, jack and lug wrench (unless the FMC has advised the offeror that such equipment will not be provided for a specific vehicle. •The Government credit card that matches the license plate number for the vehicle will be provided to the GSA Customer Agency’s Representative. C.4.1.5 SUBTASK 5 – TURNED IN VEHICLES AWAITING SALES When issuing a new vehicle to a GSA Customer Agency, the contractor shall ensure the following is accomplished / provided: •The representatives of both the contractor and the GSA Customer Agency will inspect the vehicle prior to transfer for any damage. Both representatives shall sign a “Vehicle Accountability Form”, (which will be provided to the awardee of this contract), at the time of transfer that specifies what damage, if any, there is to the vehicle. One copy will be given to the GSA Customer Agency’s representative, one copy retained by the contractor and one copy of this form will be forwarded to the FMC. C.4.2 TASK 2 – USED VEHICLE MARSHALLING The contractor shall complete the following subtasks for U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), Northeast Caribbean, Region 2, Fleet Division: GSA will advise the contractor what used vehicle(s) are to be turned in, the license plate number of the vehicle, and whether the turn-in is for offeror service or reassignment. In each case, delivery is defined as occurring when the vehicle is in possession of the contractor either at the contractor site or in the possession of the contractor’s employees or subcontractor if the vehicle is picked up off-site. C.4.2.1 SUBTASK 1 – VEHICLE ACCEPTANCE A visual inspection of the vehicle’s interior and exterior shall be performed when the vehicle is delivered into the offeror’s custody to verify that the vehicle has no physical defects. Any discrepancy discovered during vehicle acceptance must be annotated on both the Vehicle Accountability Form and the carrier’s shipment document, and signed by both the contractor and the individual providing the vehicle to the contractor. If damage is found, the offeror representative must contact the FMC, (Fleet Management Center), immediately. If the vehicle is delivered during non-business hours, any damage must be noted on the receiving inspection form and the carrier’s shipment document, and signed by both the contractor the individual delivering the vehicle. The FMC, (Fleet Management Center), must be notified on the next business day. On subsequent inspections, should any previously undocumented damage be noted, the contractor will be held responsible for the repair of such damages. BUSINESS HOURS: Hours to return used vehicles to offeror’s facility site should occur between the operating hours of 9am to 3pm. Observance of Federal Holidays will remain in effect where upon no delivery of vehicles by client agencies will occur. C.4.2.2 SUBTASK 2 – INSPECTION The following marshalling provisions apply only to vehicles that will be prepared for reassignment to another customer agency. Prior to accepting a vehicle, the contractor shall perform a Receiving Inspection on each vehicle, using a standard offeror Vehicle Accountability Report, to be provided by GSA. The receiving inspection requirements consist of the following: •Checking each vehicle to ascertain that the vehicle has all components, equipment, and accessories. This includes such auxiliary equipment as vehicle jack, spare tire, antenna, a minimum of one set of keys and, if applicable, a minimum of one remote/keyless access device(s). Should any items be missing, they must be documented on the inspection form and the FMC must be notified. •Verification that there are two license plates on the vehicle and that the license plates on the vehicle are the correct ones. The contractor shall also verify that the Government Credit Card with the vehicle matches the license plates on the vehicle. Should there only be one license plate or should the Government Credit Card not match the license plates or be missing, the contractor shall document that fact on the inspection form and immediately notify the FMC. •A visual inspection of the vehicles interior and exterior shall be performed to verify that the vehicle has no physical defects. If any damage is noted on the vehicle, it must be documented and the FMC contacted. If requested by the FMC, the contractor will prepare an assignment termination document GSA Form 1152 via Internet Link utilizing MC50 as alternate method of access. If prepared, the original will be provided to the FMC, (Fleet Management Center), and a copy to the Customer Agency. C.4.2.3 SUBTASK 3 – PRE-ASSIGNMENT PREPARATION Once a used vehicle has been inspected and received, the contractor shall contact the FMC, (Fleet Management Center), regarding any potential repairs required and coordinates with the FMC, (Fleet Management Center), on how to arrange for any approved repairs. After the vehicle is repaired (if required), and cleaned or detailed, as specified by the FMC, (Fleet Management Center), the contractor shall contact the FMC, (Fleet Management Center). If the contractor is to assign the vehicle, the FMC, (Fleet Management Center), will provide information regarding the Customer Agency and the correct point of contact at the new Customer Agency. The contractor shall also then reassign the GSA Form 1152 via Internet Link utilizing MC50, (See Section J – Attachment 3 for picture of device), as alternate method of access, Vehicles Driver’s Packet and Accident Reporting Kit from the FMC, (Fleet Management Center). The vehicle shall be washed within 24 hours of the scheduled delivery to the customer agency. The contractor is responsible for any loss, theft, or misuse of the Government License Plates and Government Credit Cards and the vehicle until the new Customer Agency signs for and receives the vehicle and Government Credit Card. Should loss of Government License Plates or loss of the Government Credit Card occur, the contractor shall immediately contact the FMC, (Fleet Management Center). The vehicle inspection and pre-assignment preparation must be completed within 3 business days of vehicle delivery to the offeror’s facility. C.4.2.4 SUBTASK 4 – ASSIGNMENT When issuing a used vehicle to a GSA Customer Agency, the same procedure outlined for assigning new vehicles (above) must be followed. After the PDI and maintenance have been completed and the license plates have been installed, the contractor shall contact the Customer Agency within 24 hours to arrange pick up of the vehicle. The contractor is responsible for arranging delivery to the Customer Agency within normal business hours. The offeror should provide all sets of keys for the vehicle (ignition and doors/trunk if different) and all remote/keyless access devices with the vehicle at the time of turn-in. The offeror shall verify that the key tag(s) match the vehicle’s US Government License Plate number. The contractor will verify that the Government Credit Card provided matches the license plates on the vehicle. C.5 ELECTRONIC REPORTING REQUIREMENTS All vehicle data must be provided to GSA electronically within 5 days of receipt of the vehicle as instructed by the Region 2 New York City, NY office (cite address Section C - C.3.3.2) and a copy to the local servicing Region 2 Fleet Management Center (FMC), (cite address Section F – F.3). This may require loading information via FMS2GO (proprietary hardware) or other electronic means, MC50, See SECTION C.3, STATEMENT OF WORK or statement underlined below. GSA will define the electronic file requirements in a comma delimited ASCII format, in Microsoft Excel format, or other electronic format as directed by the FMR/PMR. AutoIMS, (is optional for offerors), can be utilized at the contracted rates for new/used vehicle marshalling (bid in Line Item 7). Alternate Method, option for offerors is the Interactive Link to online programs. This capability will provide access to FMS (Fleet Management System), Vehicle Transaction Module, Screen Links to Form 1152 and 1153A electronically via MC50 hand held device, See Section J – Attachment 3. The MC50 device will be provided to the offeror at the digression of GSA. C.6 NEW VEHICLE RECEIVING REPORTS •The receiving inspection to be completed within three (3) business days of the vehicle delivery to the contractor. •All vehicle data must be provided to GSA Fleet electronically within five (5) days of receipt of the vehicles as instructed by the servicing FMC. Receipt of the vehicle occurs when the marshalling contractor accepts possession from the transport company (new vehicle delivery). This date must be recorded electronically or on the form used to document the receiving inspection. Please insure that All marshalling contractors forward the Vehicle Receipt Date, (Vehicle Receipt = Delivery Date), to the servicing Region 2, POC and FMC, POC within 5 days of each new vehicle delivery. As a minimum, information to be included in the report is the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), Receipt Date, and RPN number. GSA Fleet associates must enter the Vehicle “Receipt Date” provided by the offeror on the 1153A Screen, (via MC50, See SECTION C.3 STATEMENT OF WORK) in the Fleet Management System (FMS). While we would prefer to continue to work with marshalling contractors using the Auto Auction Service Company’s (AASC) Automatic Inventory Management System (AUTOIMS) and are hopeful that they will be able to populate the delivery date in FMS by VIN electronically. (As previously mentioned see alternative method in SECTION C.3 STATEMENT OF WORK regarding utilization of MC50). We will accept receiving the data electronically via other means such as Email, Excel or Word with the information stated above as a minimum effort to provide the data. Please insure that the marshalling contractor forwards this vehicle receipt date to the servicing FMC and to Region 2, New York, NY POC below: Address: U.S. General Services Administration Federal Acquisition Service Buffalo, GSA, F.M.C. 130 South Elmwood Avenue Suite #336, Buffalo, NY 14202 Name: Linda Hastreiter Telephone: (716) 551-4596 Fax: (716) 551-3156 E-Mail: linda.hastreiter@gsa.gov Address:U.S. General Services Administration Federal Acquisition Service Northeast & Caribbean Region, Region 2, Fleet Services Branch (2QMDA) 26 Federal Plaza, Rm. 20-112 New York, New York 10278 ATTN:David A. Lopez TEL:(212) 264-5770 FAX:(212) 264-5771 Email:david.lopez@gsa.gov Address: U.S. General Services Administration Federal Acquisition Service Transportation Operations Officer (Motor) (2fbfm-03), Leo W. O’Brien Federal Office Building, Rm. 355 North Pearl and Clinton Avenue Zone 3 – Albany, NY 12207 Fleet Management Center ATTN:Tony B. Vaughns TEL:(581) 431-4319 FAX:(581) 431-4320 Email:tony.vaughns@gsa.gov Within five (5) days of each new vehicle delivery. As a minimum, information to be included in the report is the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), Receipt Date, and RPN number. GSA Fleet associates must enter the vehicle “receipt date” provided by the contractor on the 1153A screen in the Fleet Management System (FMS). NOTE: Alternative documentation of this data can be transposed onto, (cite Section J - ATTACHMENT 3 - Form MC50). C.7 TAG SECURITY / DESTRUCTION FOR USED VEHICLES Tags for sale vehicles WILL NOT be removed by a GSA Fleet associate or contractor immediately after delivery to a offeror facility. At turn-in and at any subsequent time that the vehicle changes hands, a GSA Fleet Associate or contractor must note the number of tags with the vehicle on the vehicle accountability form. Contractors must immediately notify a GSA Fleet associate whenever a tag(s) is found to be missing. A GSA Fleet associate upon discovering tags to be missing or upon being informed of missing tags by the contractor must report those tags missing pursuant to guidance in the GSA Fleet Tag Guide. C.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE The contractor shall establish, implement, and maintain a quality system that ensures conformance to contractual requirements and meets the requirements of. C.9 DELIVERABLES PLEASE SEE TABLE IN SECTION F.5 INVOICE AND REPORT’S SCHEDULE AND MILESTONE DATES FOR FULL DETAILS. For further information or to obtain a copy of the full solicitation and attachments please contact Wanda Patterson at 212-264-3931 or email Wanda.Patterson@gsa.gov Alternate POC David.Lopez@gsa.gov or 212-264-5770
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