R -- NIA Information Resource Center - DRAFT SOW
- Notice Date
- 12/31/2008
- Notice Type
- 511199
— All Other Publishers
- Contracting Office
- Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Mental Health, Contracts Management Branch, 6001 Executive Blvd, Rm 8154, MSC 9661, Bethesda, Maryland, 20892-9661
- ZIP Code
- 20892-9661
- Solicitation Number
- NIHDA2008065-R
- Response Due
- 1/12/2009
- Point of Contact
- Kathleen E. Giuliano,, Phone: 301-443-6427, Suzanne R Stinson,, Phone: 301-443-4116
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Total Small Business
- Description
- Notice Information SOLICITATION: NIHDA2008065-R AGENCY/OFFICE National Institutes of Health (NIH) LOCATION: National Institute on Aging (NIA) TITLE: NIA Information Resource Center DESCRIPTION: SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE FOR a requirement entitled: The National Institute on Aging (NIA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Information Support Services including: Information Centers (NIAIC and ADEAR); Database Development and Website Management; Health Communication Research; Publication Development; Public Inquiry Response; Logistical Support; Warehousing and Distribution; and other Communication Support Services. INTRODUCTION: This SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE is to determine the availability of potential small businesses (e.g., 8(a), service-disabled veteran owned small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, veteran owned small business, and women-owned small business) that can provide information support services to the National Institute on Aging(NIA). The primary objective of the requirement is to provide all management, technical, logistical, and administrative services, including, facilities for the continued operation of the NIA Information Centers, which include the NIA Information Center (NIAIC) and the congressionally mandated Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center. The information from this market research will help the NIDA Neuroscience COAC, NIMH/NIA Contracts Management Branch, plan their acquisition strategy. Please be sure to indicate if you have a GSA schedule contract, a contract on GSA 8(a) STARS, or a contract on GSA VETS GWAC. THIS IS STRICTLY MARKET RESEARCH, NIDA NEUROSCIENCE COAC, NIMH/NIA CONTRACTS MANAGEMENT BRANCH, WILL NOT ENTERTAIN QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS MARKET RESEARCH. BACKGROUND: This is not a new requirement. A similar requirement to the requirement entitled The National Institute on Aging (NIA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Information Support Services including: Information Centers (NIAIC and ADEAR); Database Development and Website Management; Health Communication Research; Publication Development; Public Inquiry Response; Logistical Support; Warehousing and Distribution; and other Communication Support Service contract, is currently awarded to JBS, International. For your reference, a draft Statement of Work (SOW) is attached to this Sources Sought Notice. RESPONSE INFORMATION: In order to respond to this notice, interested Small Businesses should carefully read the instructions below and the attached Draft Statement of Work (SOW) and respond with a capability statement. The National Institute of Aging (NIA), under the National Institute of Health (NIH), part of the Department of Health and Human Service (DHHS) is seeking information from all small business sources capable of providing NIA with an information support system. The contract will be designed to ensure that the vitally needed information associated with aging is disseminated to the members of the general public and to the health care professionals responsible for their care. The potential interested Small Business must demonstrate experience and capability to perform in the following fourteen (14) areas: 1)The Contractor must have the experience and knowledge in responding to inquires on public health issues and staff with requisite on biomedical research community and the working of NIH and DHHS. To meet the requirements the Contractor must demonstrate ability to provide all management, technical, logistical, and administrative services for the operation of the NIA Information Centers. Further, the Contractor must have knowledge and expertise sufficient to adapt and communicate technical information on aging and AD research to diverse professional and lay audiences. The major tasks of both Information Centers include: Management; Database Development and Information Management; Web Site Management and Maintenance; Information and Referral; Training and Quality Control; Communications Research; Product Development and Graphic Design Services; Outreach; Meeting and Conference Support; Warehouse, Inventory, and Distribution. 2)The Contractor shall develop, implement, and maintain an effective and efficient project management and planning process for the NIAIC and the ADEAR Center operations. This process shall include but is not limited to the planning, identification, evaluation, execution, and assessment of methods to control costs incurred in the performance of this contract. 3)The ADEAR Center and NIA Information Center manage and maintain a number of Information Center-related databases, including but not limited to those that support the internal and administrative functions of the Centers, as well the publicly accessible databases described in the draft SOW. The Contractor shall develop and maintain online systems to facilitate the use of Information Center resources including but not limited to the AD Lib, Aging and AD Clinical Trials databases, and Health and Aging Organizations database, as well as standard responses, inventory, and the inquiry tracking system so they can be accessed easily and quickly. The Contractor shall establish a regular schedule to evaluate the current databases and systems, and should propose improvements, additions, and refinements to existing databases when technology or program needs make them necessary or as required. The Contractor must be able to develop, implement, and maintain real-time electronic systems to support the information dissemination and outreach activities such as inquiry tracking, inventory management, and reporting. In addition, the Contractor must have the capability to develop, implement and maintain an Extranet site for communication and reports to the NIA Staff. The Contractor must have expertise in and familiarity with developing and managing multiple searchable online information data bases (such as the AD Clinical Trials database, Health and Aging Organizations database, and ADC Article database). 4)The Contractor shall be responsible for all aspects of the design, operation, management, application support, and maintenance of the NIA Web sites. The Contractor shall establish and maintain appropriate security measures to protect the integrity of the Web sites, their content, and related data files. 5)The Contractor shall respond to written, electronic, and telephone inquiries received directly or assigned to the Information Centers by the OCPL. The Contractor must have the ability to respond to both written and telephone requests received in English and Spanish. Information specialists must be knowledgeable about the full range of NIA publications and resources for inquiry response and distribution, as well as other research centers and organizational resources. Information specialists shall provide accurate, current information about aging and AD to health professionals, patients and their families, and the general public. Information specialists shall apply widely accepted best practices in customer service to their interactions with the public and NIA stakeholders. The Contractor shall develop an electronic system to record and track all inquiries. 6)The Contractor shall design, field test, produce, and distribute health messages and materials for the public and health care providers through a variety of channels. The Contractor shall use state-of-the-art communications research techniques to identify target audiences, create culturally-appropriate messages in English and/or Spanish, develop useful and accessible products, work effectively in a variety of media, select channels that will reach the specific target audience, plan and implement public and professional health education campaigns, and use appropriate evaluation techniques during each phase of the process. 7)The Contractor shall plan and implement formative research activities, including but not limited to focus groups, usability testing, and other methods to evaluate messages and materials in a variety of target audiences, including multicultural audiences and those with limited English proficiency. The Contractor also shall evaluate outcomes and effectiveness of outreach campaigns and materials. 8)The Contractor must have the capability to develop, implement, and evaluate health communication messages and write, design, and produce outreach materials and campaigns and work in all types of media, including print, broadcast/cable, electronic, advertising, and display. 9)The Contractor must be able to implement all aspects of conference planning and management. 10)The Contractor shall plan, research, write, design, test, produce, print publications, and post online materials needed by the NIA, including but not limited to multimedia presentations, video, and PowerPoint. The Contractor shall perform writing and editorial functions, draft concept clearances, develop appropriate graphic treatments, ensure compliance with usability and accessibility (508) standards, and assume responsibility for all tasks related to product development. 11)The Contractor must be capable of conducting and tracking the outreach activities of the NIA Information Centers on an ongoing basis. 12)The Contractor shall research, distribute, track, and warehouse all NIA publications and ancillary materials, including but not limited to exhibits, videos, and materials archived from previous contracts. The Contractor shall provide any and all requisite labor, facilities, and equipment to safely and securely store and efficiently distribute NIA materials. 13)The Contractor shall also provide additional backup telephone services when the clearinghouses' toll-free telephone numbers are promoted in the national media. In addition, the Contractor shall provide direct telephone services, including local service to enable the NIA Project Officer to communicate with the Project Manager and project staff. 14)The Contractor must maintain the clearing houses within the Washington, DC, Metropolitan area. The clearinghouses must include sufficient space for all clearinghouse activities, including public reception area and library. Contractor shall provide a separate accessible entrance for the NIAIC and the ADEAR Center so that visitors will not be routed through other offices or lobbies. Any business or organization that believes it has the capability to fulfill this requirement should submit a brief narrative response (no more than 15 pages, maximum, single spaced), indicating previous experience and capabilities related to the above work. Capability statements should clearly describe: 1) the offerors experience and personnel qualifications to perform this work; 2) type of business or organization, and size (number of employees and gross annual revenue), your eligibility under 8(a) or other set-aside programs, as applicable (Note: the applicable NAICS code for this requirement is 511199 (this NAICS code has an SBA Size Standard limit of 500 employees); and 3) your management structure, history of your organization (e.g. number years in business and DUNS #); and 4) other resources available to perform this work (e.g. industry security clearance, etc.) As a result of this Sources Sought, the NIMH/NIA CMB may issue a Request for Proposals (RFP). In the event a RFP will be issued, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 511199 "All Other Publishers" with a size standard of 500 employees will be considered. However, should such a requirement not materialize, no basis for claims against the NIMH/NIA CMB shall arise as a result of a response to this Sources Sought or the NIMH/NIA CMB's use of such information as part of our evaluation process. Point of Contact, Kathleen Giuliano, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-443-6427, Fax 301-443-0501, Email PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT NO SOLICITATION IS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME; THIS NOTICE IS FOR INFORMATION AND PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS AND DOES NOT COMMIT THE GOVERNMENT TO AWARD A CONTRACT, NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. NO RECEIPT NOTICE WILL BE SENT TO THE SUBMITTER OF A CAPABILITY STATEMENT AND NO EVALUATION WILL BE PROVIDED OF ANY RESPECTIVE CAPABILITY STATEMENT. If the Government decides to issue a solicitation, a Request for Proposal (RFP) will be available solely via the FedBizOpps web page at It will be the offeror's responsibility to monitor the FedBizOpps web page for the release of any solicitation and amendments, and to download all documents. Capability Statements in response to this notice should be received no later than January 12, 2008, and can be sent either by mail, fax, or e-mail to Kathleen Giuliano, Contract Specialist. If using the U.S. Postal Service or commercial overnight services, please send an original plus five (5) copies of your response. (Note: for commercial overnight services, use Rockville, MD 20852.) Primary Point of Contact: Kathleen Giuliano Contracting Office Address: Research and Development Contracts Management Branch 6001 Executive Blvd, Rm 8154, MSC 9661 Bethesda, Maryland 20892-9661 Place of Contract Performance: 6001 Executive Blvd Rockville, Maryland 20852 United States Allow Vendors To Add/Remove From Interested Vendors: No Allow Vendors To View Interested Vendors List: No Solicitation External Reference: Solicitation External Reference To Packages:
- Web Link
FedBizOpps Complete View
- Document(s)
- File Name: Draft Statement of Work (DRAFT SOW.doc)
- Link:
- Bytes: 297.50 Kb
- Note: If links are broken, refer to Point of Contact above or contact the FBO Help Desk at 877-472-3779.
- File Name: Draft Statement of Work (DRAFT SOW.doc)
- Place of Performance
- Address: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Health, National Institute of Mental Health, Contracts Mangement Branch, 6001 Executive Blvd, Room 8154, MSC 9661, Bethesda, MD 20892-9661, UNITED STATES, Bethesda, Maryland, 20176, United States
- Zip Code: 20176
- Zip Code: 20176
- Record
- SN01726226-W 20090102/081231214858-51c6b8a1b8efc2023d15dacbbd5189fc (
- Source
FedBizOpps Link to This Notice
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