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A -- Broad Agency Announcement for Deployable Systems

Notice Date
Notice Type
541712 — Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)
Contracting Office
Department of the Navy, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego, 53560 Hull Street Bldg A33 Rm 1602W, San Diego CA 92152-5001
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Point of Contact - Sarah M Downs, Contract Specialist, 619-553-4466; Mary Lake, Contracting Officer, 619-553-5727<br />
Small Business Set-Aside
The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific (SSC Pacific) in supportof Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Program Executive Officer forLittoral and Mine Warfare, NAVSEA, the Office of Naval Research (ONR), andDefense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovativeresearch and development (R&D) proposals to explore command, control,communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance(C4ISR) maritime domain awareness (MDA) systems. The challengespresented by undersea threats provide the impetus for the development ofdeployable and off-board acoustic surveillance systems which are networked,distributed, and multi-static capable, such as Fixed Distributed System (FDS),and Deployable Autonomous Distributed Systems (DADS). The very low noiselevels associated with modern submarines are a significant challenge forpassive systems and a natural augmentation of such systems is the addition ofan acoustic source. In addition to working with deployed systems, activesignalsfrom such sources could also be received and processed by surface ships withtowed arrays. In this context an active system has the potential forsignificantimprovement in coverage against a quiet target over a purely passive system.An additional benefit for acoustic sources deployed from small craft, unmannedsurface vehicles (USVs) or buoys is the elimination of vulnerabilitiesassociatedwith operating an acoustic source from a large vessel (beaconing). Operationsinvolving a group of small craft pose several challenges including: (1)dynamics of a small craft from the standpoints of deployment and recovery ofa low frequency active array; (2) shock and vibration effects associated withhigh speed transit of small craft; (3) energy storage and management; (4)high efficiency, high power density amplifiers and transducers; (5) power plantsizing to maximize mission performance; (6) networking and processing toexploit information provided by distributed sensors and information systems;(7) active acoustic marine mammal mitigation; and (8) interference affectingthose networked C4ISR systems. SSC Pacific, in support of NAVSEA, ONR, and DARPA, is particularly interestedinsoliciting innovative R&D proposals of multiple mechanical/ocean engineeringconcepts for automated deployment, recovery and operation of maritimesurveillance systems deployed from small craft (e.g., 11 m), suspended frombuoys, located on the littoral ocean bottom, and deployed from non-dedicatedsurface ships. Of additional interest are concepts supporting the networking ofsuch platform systems to provide robust anti-submarine warfare (ASW); C4ISR;port/harbor surveillance; and global domain awareness. While various militaryships can be considered, Surveillance Towed Array (SURTASS) Ships or theLittoral Combat Ship (LCS) or small craft are of most interest to the Navy. Theareas of interest include: (1) compact, low frequency acoustic source arrays;(2)deployment and retrieval mechanisms; (3) innovative packaging; (4) compact,lightweight power electronics (amplifiers, energy storage); (5) power systemsfor the lightweight towed arrays; (6) various material storage and handlingsystems; (7) associated control systems, and software/networking concepts tosupport distributed C4ISR global domain awareness; (8) cyber interferencetargeting those C4ISR systems; (9) active acoustic marine mammal mitigationand (10) adaptations of small craft design which may better support sensorsystems. This notice constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) as contemplatedby FAR 6.102(d)(2) and 35.016. Awards will be in the form of FAR procurementcontracts. Awards will only be made for basic research, applied research, ordevelopment that is not related to the development of a specific system.Awards will not be made for commercial or non-developmental items. Awarddecisions will be based on a competitive selection of proposals resulting fromapeer and/or scientific review. The Government reserves the right to select foraward all, some or none of the proposals received in response to thisannouncement. No additional request for proposal (RFP), solicitation or otherannouncement of this opportunity will be made. It is estimated that threeawards may be made as a result of this announcement with approximateceiling amounts of $1,000,000 each. Proposals are sought now for award andwork efforts in FY09 and FY10. Contractors are invited to submit cost and technical proposals for one or moreof the above areas of interest. Proposals are due no later than 15:00 PacificDaylight Saving Time on 25 March 2010; however, those proposals which arereceived by 15:00 Pacific Daylight Saving Time on 27 April 2009 will have thegreatest chance of being funded. Proposals must be submitted electronically tothe SPAWAR e-Commerce Central (E-CC) website athttps://e-commerce.sscno.nmci.navy.mil. Click on "SSC Pacific" andthen "Open BAAs." Additional submission instructions are available at thewebsite under "Submitting a Proposal?" The cost proposal shall be prepared in accordance with the two documents atthe website titled "Cost Proposal Instructions" and "Cost Proposal SampleSpreadsheet." There is no page limitation for the cost proposal The technical proposal shall not exceed twenty (20) pages in length, single-sided on 8 by 11-inch paper. The technical proposal shall be structured toaddress the following items, in the stated order: (1) BAA topic area addressedby proposal; (2) summary of key elements within proposal; (3) ability ofproposed work to satisfy BAA goals; (4) detailed explanation of proposed work,technical approach, critical issues, etc.; (5) schedule and milestones; (6)explanation of all deliverables, with identification of any data, informationorsoftware deliverables that would be provided to the Government with other thanunlimited rights; (7) self-evaluation of proposal against the BAA evaluationcriteria; (8) explanation of how the proposed effort satisfies thedefinition(s) ofbasic research, applied research, or development that is not related to thedevelopment of a specific system; the definitions are found in the DoDFinancial Management Regulation (DoD 7000.14-R), Volume 2B, Chapter 5;(9) proposals shall not include classified material and (10) identifyGovernmentFurnished Information (GFI) and/or Government Property (GP) required toperform the effort. SSC Pacific shall reject proposals that do not conform toinstructions. The proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria, which are ofequalimportance: (1) potential contribution to the mission of the SURTASS, LCSprograms and/or small craft to increase program responsiveness, efficiency andeffectiveness; (2) overall scientific and technical merit, validity ofapproach,and probability of successfully demonstrating the proposed technology; (3)realism of the proposed cost and availability of funds; (4) potential foreconomical integration (positive return on investment) into existing and futureNAVSEA, ONR or DARPA operations; and (5) interest by NAVSEA, ONR or DARPAcomponents in fielding successful concepts. All responsible sources capable of satisfying the Government's needs maysubmit a proposal. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) andMinority Institutions (MI) are encouraged to submit proposals and join othersinsubmitting; however, no portion of this BAA will be set aside for HBCU and MIparticipation due to the impracticality of reserving discrete or severableareas ofresearch for exclusive competition among these entities. SSC Pacific providesno funding for direct reimbursement of proposal development costs.Information and material submitted in response to this BAA will not bereturned. Questions of a contractual or technical nature should be directed toMs. Sarah Downs, SSC Pacific Code 22560, via email: sarah.downs@navy.mil ortelephone (619) 553-4466.
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