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611310 — Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools
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The purpose of this amendment is to post the full body of NRA AnnouncementNNK09ZXA001N.Summary of Key InformationNRA NNK09ZXA001NMinority University Research and Education Programs (MUREP) Small Programs (MSP)OpportunityThe National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Office of Education is releasingthis NASA Research Announcement (NRA) for proposals for NASA Minority University Researchand Education Programs (MUREP) Small Programs (MSP) Opportunity. This effort will seekinnovative approaches to using NASA-themed content in support of higher educationteaching and learning.Each funded proposal is expected to leverage NASAs uniquecontributions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to enhancestudents academic experiences and/or to improve educators abilities to engage andstimulate their students. The outcomes of the proposal shall support NASA educationreporting metrics for higher education. The target students shall be enrolled at anaccredited college or university, with a declared major in STEM, or pre-service teachers. Proposed work must be grounded in education research and/or best practices, andincorporate formative, summative, and other evaluations, as appropriate.Desired Outcomes The Minority University Research and Education Programs (MUREP) Small Programs (MSP) Competitive Grant Opportunity (MSPCG) activity will consider proposals that use the STEMcontent of NASAs missions to:Develop, promote, or utilize new, innovative, and replicable approaches toimproving STEM learning and instruction in support of NASA's reporting metrics; andProvide experiences and activities that are grounded in education research orutilize evidence-supported approaches, techniques, and tools.Number and Size of AwardsIt is anticipated that approximately 3-4 awards, ranging from $50K - $350K each ($840Ktotal has been allocated for this solicitation), for a one-year period of performance maybe made under this NRA, pursuant to the authority of the NASA Grant and CooperativeAgreement Handbook (http://ec.msfc.nasa.gov/hq/grcover.htm), Section 1260.12(d). Successful projects will be eligible for renewal for up to two additional years, based onproject performance and funds availability. NASA reserves the right to partially fundprojects, limit the number of projects funded, or limit the funding level below theallocated amount.EligibilityProposals will be accepted from Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) and organizationsthat support MSIs and underserved/underrepresented students. Eligible MSIs include theDepartment of Education designated Historically Black College or University (HBCU),Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), Tribal College or University (TCU), or MSIs thatoffer degrees in STEM disciplines. Please checkhttp://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/edlite-minorityinst.html for a complete listingof the minority institutions. These organizations and universities may apply throughpartnership with a NASA field center, although such a partnership is not a requirementfor eligibility.Proposal Process: Notice of Intent and Full ProposalsProposers shall submit a short Notice of Intent (NOI) that briefly describes the work tobe performed, NASA content to be featured, audiences to be reached, need, innovativeapproaches to be employed, estimated costs, and summary of evidence supporting themethods, techniques, and tools to be used. NOIs assist NASA in assessing the response tothis NRA and to determine the expertise required for the proposal review panel. The NOIwill be due on April 26, 2009.NOI submission by the due date is required. Full proposals will be due on May 25, 2009. Proposal SubmissionAll information needed to respond to this solicitation is contained in this NRA and inthe companion document entitled Guidebook for Proposers Responding to a NASA ResearchAnnouncement January 2008 Edition (hereafter referred to as the NASA Guidebook forProposers). This document is located athttp://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/nraguidebook.NRA AvailabilityThis announcement is accessible through the NASA Solicitation and Proposal IntegratedReview and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) and through Grants.gov.To access through NSPIRES, go to http://nspires.nasaprs.com and click on Solicitations.To access through Grants.gov, go to http://www.grants.gov/search/agency.do and select thelink for NASA.NASA Safety Policy Safety is the freedom from those conditions that can cause death, injury, occupationalillness, damage to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment. NASAssafety priority is to protect: (1) the public, (2) astronauts and pilots, (3) the NASAworkforce (including employees working under NASA award instruments), and (4) high-valueequipment and property.InquiriesTechnical and education questions about outcomes sought or programs referenced in thisNRA may be directed, in writing, to:Theresa MartinezNASA KSC, XA-DKennedy Space Center, FL 32899Theresa.C.Martinez@nasa.govResponses to questions will be made available to all proposers through the NSPIRESwebsite.Release Date:March 25, 2009Notice of Intent Due:April 26, 2009Full Proposals Due:May 25, 2009Awards Announced:Week of August 7, 2009Table of ContentsSummary of Key Information.......2I.National and Agency Priorities.....7II.NASA Education Strategy and Framework....7III.Description of Opportunity.......8IV.Project Overview and Guidelines.....9A. Background....9B. Overview....10C. Award Range and Performance Period..11D. Eligibility....11E. Proposal Process....11F. Announcement of Solicitation Updates......12G. Cancellation of Announcement......12V.Education Work Targeted by this NRA.....12A. Overview.....12B. NASA Higher Education Resources.....12C. Inquires and Assistance......13VI.Proposal Preparation.....13VII.Proposal Evaluation Criteria and Selection Process.17A. NASA Education Operating Principles..17B. Evaluation Criteria.....18C. Review and Selection Process....19D. Selection Announcement....20E. Process for Appeals.... 20VIII.Submission Information....21A. Responding to this Announcement....21B. Electronic Submission of Proposal Information.21C. Proposal Submission Dates....21D. Proposal Submission Inquiries and Assistance..22IX.Award Information....22A. General Information.......22B. Notice of Award.....22C. Administrative and National Policy Requirements.... 23D. Special Note on U.S. Citizenship Requirements....23E. Post Award Reporting.... 23F. Special Note on Data Collection and Reporting.24APPENDICESAppendix A: NASA Education Strategy and Framework.25I. Overview.....25II. Education Goals...... 25III. Education Outcomes and Objectives.25Appendix B: Strategic Framework for NASA....27I. Global Exploration Strategy....... 27II. NASA Missions.....27Appendix C: NASA Higher Education Resources29Appendix D: Notification of Potential Deviation 14 C. F. R. Sections 1260.12(c)(2) and1260.12(c)(3).....31Appendix E: Proposal and Submission Information.32I. Proposal Instructions and Requirements.32II. Content and Form of the Proposal Submission..32III. Notice of Intent to Propose...........37IV. Proposal Funding Restrictions....... 37V. Conflict of Interest Check Information..37Appendix F: Sample Proposal Cover Sheet....39Appendix G: Useful Websites...40I.National and Agency PrioritiesThe Vision for Space Exploration drives NASAs Strategic Goals for the period 2006through 2016. Proposers responding to a NASA CAN may become familiar with the 2006 NASAStrategic Plan by accessing http://www.nasa.gov. The 2006 Strategic Plan establishes theframework to advance NASAs unique competencies in scientific and engineering systems tofulfill the Agencys purpose and achieve the NASA Mission: To pioneer the future in spaceexploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research.Although NASA will assume the lead for our Nation in the implementation of thisexplorationvision, this will be a joint journey with contributions by other nations, commercialorganizations,and thousands of university researchers, private sector scientists, engineers, andentrepreneurs from around the globe, all committed to the same objective.II.NASA Education Strategy and FrameworkAs identified in the 2006 NASA Strategic Plan, education is one of the Agencyscross-cuttingmanagement strategies. NASA will continue the Agencys tradition of investing in theNationseducation programs and supporting the countrys educators who play a key role inpreparing,inspiring, exciting, encouraging, and nurturing the young minds of today that will manageandlead the Nations laboratories and research centers of tomorrow.A highly educated and well-prepared workforce has been and continues to be critical tothesuccess of the Agencys mission. NASAs investment in education is directly linked toinspiringthe next generation of explorers and innovators.Beginning in 2006 NASA began pursuing three major education goals:Strengthen NASA and the Nations future workforceNASA will identify and developthe critical skills and capabilities needed to ensure achievement of the Vision for SpaceExploration. To help meet this demand, NASA will continue contributing to the developmentof the Nations science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce of thefuture through a diverse portfolio of education initiatives that target Americasstudents at all levels, especially those in traditionally underserved andunderrepresented communities.Attract and retain students in STEM disciplinesNASA will focus on engaging andretaining students in STEM education programs to encourage their pursuit of educationaldisciplines and careers critical to NASAs future engineering, scientific, and technicalmissions. Engage Americans in NASAs missionNASA will build strategic partnerships andlinkages between STEM formal and informal education providers. Through hands-on,interactive educational activities, NASA will engage students, educators, families, thegeneral public, and all Agency stakeholders to increase Americans science and technologyliteracy.To achieve these goals, NASA Education developed three Education Outcomes. The EducationOutcomes form a critical component of the Education Strategic Coordination Framework (seeAppendix A). The three Outcomes are as follows:Outcome 1: Contribute to the development of the STEM workforce in disciplinesneeded to achieve NASAs strategic goals through a portfolio of investments.Outcome 2: Attract and retain students in STEM disciplines through a progressionof educational opportunities for students, teachers, and faculty.Outcome 3: Build strategic partnerships and linkages between STEM formal andinformal education providers that promote STEM literacy and awareness of NASAs mission.The Framework guides the planning, implementation, and assessment of the NASA Educationportfolio and provides a coordinated tool to describe the Overarching Philosophy andOperatingPrinciples for NASA education. Higher education projects serve as major links in thestudentpipeline used to address the education outcomes.Outcome 1 of the NASA Education portfolio includes six NASA Performance Assessment andRating Tool (PART) higher education metrics. This NRA is intended to focus on projects specifically designed to contribute to these particular metrics. The six Outcome 1 PARTmetrics are:Number of new or revised courses targeted at STEM skills needed by NASA that aredeveloped with NASA support. Number of institutions served in designated Experimental Program to StimulateCompetitive Research (EPSCoR) states. (See Appendix C for EPSCoR link)Number of underrepresented and underserved students participating in NASAeducation programs. Percentage of student participants employed by NASA, aerospace contractors,universities, & other educational institutions.Percentage of undergraduate students who move on to advanced education in NASArelated disciplines. Percentage of higher education program participants who have participated in NASAelementary or secondary programs. III. Description of OpportunityNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Kennedy Space Center is releasingthis Announcement of Opportunity (NRA) proposal for NASA Minority University Research andEducation Programs (MUREP) Small Programs (MSP) Competitive Grants (MSPCG). This effortwill seek innovate approaches to using NASA-themed content in support of higher educationteaching and learning.Each funded proposal is expected to leverage NASAs uniquescience and exploration missions and contributions in science, technology, engineering,and mathematics (STEM) to enhance students academic experiences and/or to improveeducators abilities to engage and stimulate their students. The outcomes of theproposal shall support NASA education PART metrics for higher education. The targetstudents shall be enrolled at an accredited college or university, with a declared STEMmajor, or shall be pre-service teachers. Proposed work must be grounded in educationresearch and/or best practices, and incorporate formative, summative, and otherevaluations, as appropriate.The MSPCG activity will consider proposals that use the STEM content of NASAs missionsto:Develop, promote, or utilize new, innovative, and replicable approaches toimproving STEM learning and instruction in support of NASA's reporting metrics; andProvide experiences and activities that are grounded in education research orutilize evidence-supported approaches, techniques, and tools.The proposed work shall be new or innovative projects that directly support NASA PARThigher education metrics. These metrics support NASA's education portfolio, specificallyOutcome 1 (Higher Education): Contribute to the development of the STEM workforce indisciplines needed to achieve NASAs strategic goal through a portfolio of investments. NASAs Education Framework is detailed in Appendix A, with links for more information. Funded proposals shall be innovative and clearly provide evidence that the project cansupport at least one of the Outcome 1 PART metrics, as defined in Appendix A. Information about NASAs missions can be found in Appendix B. Funding authorization for this NRA is provided through Public Law 110-161. Awards will bemade in the form of grants or cooperative agreements, following guidance described inTitle 31 United States Code Section 6305. IV.Project Overview and GuidelinesA.Background Recent programmatic reviews and recommendations from external organizations andcommittees have reinforced the validity of the underlying principles of the educationframework: relevance, emphasis on NASA content, diversity, evaluation, continuity, andpartnerships for sustainability. They also emphasized a need for projects and activitiesto be grounded in education research, and/or based on research evidence and bestpractices. Proposers must reference education research, best practices to be employed, or otherevidence supporting their rationale for their approach, tools, or techniques. NASA doesnot endorse or require the use of any specific source of information, but does encouragethe proposer to survey research and best practices described in peer reviewed journalsand credible organizations specializing in STEM education research. See Sections VI andVII for guidance in proposal preparation.B.Overview Awards will be made for work that results in a deliverable using the STEM content ofNASAs missions to develop, promote, or utilize new, innovative, and replicableapproaches to improving STEM learning and instruction in support of NASA's Outcome 1 PARTreporting metrics. This NRA is specifically targeting new and innovative ideas whichshall directly support at least one of the Outcome 1 PART reporting metrics as detailedin Appendix A. Higher Education supports students and faculty at universities andcolleges to strengthen their research capabilities and provide opportunities that attractand prepare increasing numbers of students for NASA-related careers. Participation inNASA programs and research can stimulate increasing numbers of students to continue theirstudies at all levels of the higher education continuum and to earn advanced STEMdegrees. In addition, NASA funded research conducted at the institutions of highereducation will contribute to the research needs of NASA's Mission Directorates. Detailedinformation on NASA's Mission Directorates is provided in Appendix B.MUREP projects focus on strengthening the academic and research infrastructure ofMinority Serving Institutions and attracting and preparing students in STEM disciplines,and support their completion of undergraduate and graduate degrees with the ultimate goalof providing access to careers in the scientific and technical workforce. Successfulproposals may foster new aerospace science and technology development concepts, providemechanisms for expanded participation by faculty and students of MSIs in mainstreamresearch, or increase the number of underrepresented and underserved U.S. studentsobtaining advanced degrees in NASA-related fields and entering the aerospace workforce. NASA engages under-represented populations through engaging minority institutions,faculty and students in research pertinent to NASA missions, and encouraging completionof degrees and entry into the workforce.Potential deliverables may include the following, although all innovative ideas will beconsidered:Targeted student participation in individual and collaborative scientific andengineering research.Education projects that will strengthen the scientific and technicalinfrastructure of participating institutions in EPSCoR states.(See Appendix C forEPSCoR link.)Education activities designed to develop and/or enhance specific STEM knowledgeand skills using NASA resources. NASAs higher education efforts may include developmentof specific university curricula in support of the NASA mission and student-builtinstruments. Proposals that increase usage of and/or add value to existing educationresources, including repurposing existing NASA products, materials, projects, andleveraging supporting infrastructures.Use of existing content developed by NASA is alsoencouraged. Targeted development of individuals who prepare for employment in disciplinesneeded to achieve NASAs mission and strategic goals. Professional development opportunities for pre-service educators, related to NASAcontent and targeting elementary and secondary education.Proposers are also referred to the NASA Education home page at http://education.nasa.govfor a list of existing education projects and resources.C.Award Range and Performance Period It is anticipated that approximately 3-4 awards, ranging from $50K - $350K each ($840Ktotal has been allocated for this solicitation), for a one-year period of performance maybe made under this NRA, pursuant to the authority of the NASA Grant and CooperativeAgreement Handbook (http://ec.msfc.nasa.gov/hq/grcover.htm), Section 1260.12(d). Successful projects will be eligible for renewal for up to two additional years, based onproject performance and funds availability. NASA reserves the right to partially fundprojects, limit the number of projects funded, or limit the funding level below theallocated amount.D.EligibilityProposals will be accepted from Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) and organizationsthat support MSIs and underserved/underrepresented students. Eligible institutionsinclude the Department of Education designated Historically Black College or Universities(HBCU), Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI), Tribal Colleges or Universities (TCU), orMSIs that offer degrees in STEM disciplines. Please checkhttp://mured.nasaprs.com/institutions/ for the executive orders governing thoseinstitutions, and http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/edlite-minorityinst.html for alisting of the minority institutions. These organizations and universities may applythrough partnership with a NASA field center, although such a partnership is not arequirement for eligibility. No limits are placed on the number of proposals submitted by an institution ororganization. There will be no more than one award per institution or organization.E.Proposal ProcessProposers may opt to submit proposals in response to this NRA via either of two differentelectronic proposal submission systems: NSPIRES, located at http://nspires.nasaprs.com,or Grants.gov located at http://www.grants.gov (see Appendix E). Proposers should notsubmit the same proposal to both electronic submission systems. NASA plans to use theNSPIRES system to facilitate the review process so all proposals received throughGrants.Gov will be transferred into NSPIRES.Notice of Intent (NOI): Organizations planning to submit a proposal in response to thisannouncement are required to submit an NOI. The information provided in the NOI will beused by NASA Education to determine the expertise required of merit reviewers.NOIs areto be submitted by the Principal Investigator through NSPIRES by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time,April 26, 2009.Proposers will have approximately one month to develop the NOI. Information required inthe NOI includes a short project summary describing the general concept, NASA content tobe featured, audiences to be reached, intended outcomes, and the education researchand/or best-practices informing the approach, strategy, or techniques to be used. TheNOI must also include evidence of customer need, evidence of a grounding in educationresearch, a preliminary general timeline, and an initial estimate of costs. The NOI mustinclude the name, title, regular mail and e-mail address, telephone, and fax number ofthe proposed principle investigator. See Section VI for additional details.All organizations submitting NOIs will be able to submit full proposals; there will be nodown select. Full Proposal:Proposers will have approximately one additional month to complete thefull proposal package.Requirements for the full proposal are described in Sections VIand VII. Full proposals must be submitted by the authorized organization representative(AOR) of the applicant institution. Electronic proposals are to be submitted throughNSPIRES or Grants.gov by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time, May 25, 2009.F.Announcement of Solicitation UpdatesAdditional programmatic information for this NRA may develop before the NOI or fullproposal due dates. If so, such information will be added as a formal amendment to thisNRA and posted to its homepage on http://nspires.nasaprs.com. Similarly, anyclarifications or Frequently Asked Questions that arise will be posted on the NRAshomepage. It is the responsibility of the proposer to regularly check this NRAs homepagefor updates.G.Cancellation of AnnouncementNASA Kennedy Space Center reserves the right to make no awards under this NRA and tocancel this NRA. NASA assumes no liability (including bid and proposal preparationcosts) for canceling the NRA or for anyones failure to receive an actual notice ofcancellation.V.Education Work Targeted by This NRAA.OverviewAll proposed activities should address the following guidelines/requirements, as well asthe guiding principles that underlie the NASA Education Strategic Framework (see AppendixA for additional information).Use/highlight NASAs unique contributions to science, exploration, and STEM.Show evidence of a grounding in education research and/or best-practicetechniques.Use or apply innovative approaches, techniques, and tools.Ensure participation of a diverse audience, adhering to the NASA philosophy thatthe knowledge, expertise, and unique background and life experiences of each individualstrengthen the Agency.Be designed for replicability and scalability beyond the initial effort.Engage appropriate local, regional, and/or national partners in the design,development, and/or dissemination of activities or experiences.Include appropriate and meaningful formative and summative evaluation.B.NASA Higher Education ResourcesA listing of potential NASA education resources is provided in Appendix C. It providesa starting point that may assist proposers in developing their concept, ensuring thatefforts are not duplicative of existing projects. Usage of existing NASA educationresources is encouraged, including repurposing existing NASA products, materials,projects, and leveraging supporting infrastructures. The list is not intended to limitor restrict proposer creativity, and is not comprehensive of all resources available. C.Inquiries and AssistanceTechnical and education questions about outcomes sought or programs referenced in thisNRA may be directed, in writing, to:Theresa MartinezNASA KSC, XA-DKennedy Space Center, FL 32899Theresa.C.Martinez@nasa.govResponses to questions will be made available to all proposers through the NSPIRESwebsite.VI.Proposal PreparationRequired elements of the proposal are described below and must be submitted as one ormore PDF documents that are uploaded for proposal submission. Please refer to Appendix Efor more information on proposal submission procedures. Section 2.2 of the NASA Guidebookfor Proposers provides guidelines for style formats.STEP 1: Notice of IntentPageGuidelineCover Pages: The Cover Page is used to collect all of the information required to submitan NOI.Proposal Information: PI information, proposal title, proposed start and end dates,submitting institution information, certification and authorizationProposal Team: Names and contact information for key personnel and organizationsProject Summary: Provide a brief description of the project/concept, NASA content to befeatured, audiences to be reached, expected outcomes, and innovative approaches, tools,and/or techniques. Program Specific Data: Include 1) documented evidence of customer need; 2) evidence thatthe proposed work will be grounded in education research or best practices; 3)preliminary timeline, including projected activities and milestone delivery dates. Note: The timeline entered will be considered preliminary and may be adjusted ordeveloped more fully in the actual proposal, but should reasonably represent the scheduleof the work proposed.Budget: Include estimated figures for all years of the proposed project. Note 1: The budget figures entered will be considered preliminary and may be adjusted ordeveloped more fully in the full proposal, but should reasonably represent the funds tobe requested. Note 2: Describe and provide an estimate of any non-fiscal (in-kind) support from NASAthat will be required for successful completion of the project (e.g. access to or work byNASA scientists/engineers and other experts, facilities, materials, infrastructures,etc.).The support needed should be minimal and a strong justification will be required.The length of the proposal Cover Page will vary from proposal to proposal. Sample first page of Cover Pages is located in Appendix F of this NRA.Maximum 10 pages totalSTEP 2: Full ProposalPageGuidelineCover Pages: All elements in the Cover Pages should be updated at the time of fullproposal submission.Note 1: Be sure to update the NOI timeline and budget forms to reflect any modifications.Note 2: The length of the proposal cover page will vary from proposal to proposal. Note 3: Sample first page of Cover Page is located in Appendix F of this NRA.Table of ContentsProject Description: A detailed description of the proposed effort. It should address thefollowing items: Project Purpose: Define the educational need the proposed effort will address and clearlydescribe how NASA content and/or resources will be used to meet that need. Describe howproposed effort will contribute to NASAs education priorities and identify the specificNASA education outcome(s) and objective(s) it supports. Identify collaborators anddiscuss how the proposed effort aligns with the goals of the participating entities.Clearly define target audience(s). Goals and Objective: Clearly state goals and objectives for the proposed effort andprovide a rationale for the approach that will be used to achieve them. Include evidenceof best practices and/or education research used to inform approach, tools, ortechniques.Project Content: Clearly describe documented evidence of customer need, how the proposedeffort will address this need, and how the goals and objectives will be achieved.Describe and provide evidence of the research base or best practices on which the projectis grounded. Describe how this project provides innovative approaches, tools, andtechniques.Anticipated Results: Describe the anticipated results or outcomes of the proposed effort.Deliverables: Provide a list and short description of the products or other deliverables.If appropriate, map deliverables to the updated timeline included in the Cover Page.Sustainability: Include discussion of how project will be sustained beyond fundingperiod.Dissemination: Outline plan for disseminating results to broader community. Evaluation: Describe evaluation plan for informing and guiding project development andmeasuring project success. Evaluation plan should be appropriate for scope of proposedactivity and should include a discussion of data collection and analysis procedures.Include evidence demonstrating evaluation plan is informed by evaluation expert. Note: the evaluation plan may need to be modified at the time of the award to ensure datacontributes to the NASA Educations PART objectives.Management: Identify roles and responsibilities of team members involved in thedevelopment and execution of proposed activity.Prior Performance: Demonstrate effectiveness of prior work or successes in supportingwork similar to the proposed project. It is expected that the proposed effort will beinformed by past experiences of the proposing team, particularly among seasoned PrincipalInvestigators.Note the page limit includes all illustrations, tables, and figures, where each n-pagefold-out counts as n-pages and each side of a sheet containing text or an illustrationcounts as a page.See Section VII. Proposal Evaluation Criteria and Selection Process for a detaileddescription of proposal evaluation criteria. Maximum 15 pagesBudget: Narrative and Details: Include a budget breakdown for each year of proposed work,along with total budget figures for the entire period of performance. Budget shouldinclude proposing organization budget, summary of work effort for proposal personnel,itemized lists detailing expenses within major budget categories, and detailedsubcontract/subaward budgets. Notes on Budget1.Dollar amounts with no explanation (e.g. Equipment: $12,000) may reduce proposalacceptability, or cause delays in funding should the proposal be selected.2.Funds awarded through this NRA will not be used to cover supporting work/resourcecosts incurred at NASA Centers or Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). If proposed workrequires non-fiscal support from NASA (e.g. access to or work by NASAscientists/engineers and other experts, facilities, materials, infrastructures, etc.),describe requirement and costs in the narrative. Proposers may request assistance inestimating these costs by working with Education Office personnel at the appropriate NASACenter or JPL. Evidence of these costs and/or letters of support may be appended to theproposal. It is expected, however, that requests for personnel support from NASA Centersor JPL will be modest.3.Cost sharing is not required, but NASA may accept it when voluntarily offered.4.Requested domestic travel should include purpose, the number of trips andexpected location, duration of each trip, airfare, per diem and any registration costs. Domestic travel should be appropriate and reasonable to conduct the proposed activity.5.Foreign travel is allowable only if it is required to successfully meet projectobjectives. Travel to international conferences to present project results is notconsidered an appropriate use of funds. Foreign travel is capped at $1,500 per year. Requested foreign travel should include justification, purpose, the number of trips andexpected location, duration of each trip, airfare, per diem and any registration costs.6.Individuals receiving "direct support" under a NASA education or training grantmust be U.S. citizens (14 C.F.R. Sections 1260.12 (c)(2) and 1260.12 (c)(3)). See SectionIX. D, Special Note on U.S. Citizenship Requirements. No PageLimitAppendices (do not count against proposal page limit)Biographical Sketches: Submit sketches for key personnel using the following guidelines:Principal Investigator, Co-Investigators: maximum 2 pages eachOther Key Personnel: 1 page eachProject Evaluators and/or Evaluation Consultants: 1 page eachNo PageLimitReferences and Citations: Supporting Evidence of Customer Need, Research-Base or BestPractices Supporting Methodology, Approaches, Techniques, ToolsNote: Cite and reference reports, papers, and other documents. Do not append fullresearch papers or simply provide a list of websites. No PageLimitCurrent and Pending SupportNo PageLimitNotification of Potential Deviation 14 C.F.R. SECTIONS 1260.12 (c)(2) and 1260.12 (c)(3),If Applicable No Page LimitStatements of Commitment and Letters of Support No PageLimitVII.Proposal Evaluation Criteria and Selection ProcessA.NASA Education Operating Principles Successful proposals shall provide a clear plan for meeting Outcome 1 PART metrics.Successful proposers will also demonstrate the potential for making sound contributionsto national STEM education improvement by employing or developing innovative approaches,techniques, and tools that are replicable, scalable, and sustainable.Evaluation criteria for proposals submitted under the MSPCG project are based on NASAsEducation Operating Principles:Relevance: To effectively strengthen the Nations STEM workforce, NASA mustimplement activities that are useful to the education community and that enhance itsability to engage students in the STEM pipeline.Content: Education investments use NASA content, people, or facilities to involveeducators, students, and/or the public in NASA science, technology, engineering, andmathematics.Diversity: NASA strives to ensure that underrepresented and underserved studentsparticipate in NASA research and education programs to encourage more of these studentsto pursue STEM careers. Programs and projects are representative of Americandemographics; engage underrepresented and underserved minorities, women, and persons withdisabilities; and reflect an atmosphere of equity, balance, and inclusiveness. NASA willcontinue to focus on enhancing the capabilities of Minority Serving Institutions tocontribute to the research needs of the Agency.Evaluation: Education investments document their intended outcomes and usemetrics to demonstrate progress toward achievement of these outcomes and of annualperformance goals. Evaluation methodology is based on reputable models and techniquesappropriate to the content and scale of the targeted activity, product, or program.Continuity: Projects and activities draw from audiences who have alreadydemonstrated interest in NASA and connect participants to the next level of engagement. Ablend of projects and activities encourages continued student affiliation with NASAthroughout their academic careers.Partnership/Sustainability: Education investments leverage and achievesustainability through their intrinsic design and the involvement of appropriate local,regional, and/or national partners in their design, development, or dissemination. Asappropriate, key aspects of projects and activities are replicable, scalable, anddemonstrate potential for continuation beyond the period of direct NASA funding.B.Evaluation CriteriaProposals will be evaluated based on the following factors: Intrinsic Merit, Relevance toNASA, Evaluation, and Budget. Intrinsic Merit (40%)Evaluation of Intrinsic Merit includes consideration of the following subfactors andcriteria:Educational merit: Degree to which proposed effort supports NASA's Education Outcome 1 PART metrics,as detailed in Appendix A (mandatory);Degree to which proposed effort offers innovative methods, approaches, andconcepts;Degree to which proposed effort builds on lessons learned and/or best practicesof past education and/or research activities undertaken by the senior personnel;Degree to which proposed effort is informed by educational and science researchand customer need; Reasonableness and clarity of project goals and objectives; andDegree to which the proposed effort provides sustained opportunities for facultyand students to contribute to the development of the STEM workforce in disciplines neededto achieve NASAs strategic goals. Management:Qualifications, capabilities, and experiences of the principal investigator andmembers of the senior management team;Likelihood proposed activities will result in an efficient and productive effort;Realistic schedule / timeline or other description of how project goals,objectives and major milestones will be met; andLevel of collaboration with other projects, institutions, professional societies,and/or other appropriate partners.Relevance to NASA (30%)Evaluation of Relevance to NASA includes consideration of the following criteria:Degree to which proposed effort is aligned with NASA's Education Framework, asdetailed in Appendix A;Degree to which proposed effort cultivates diversity and extends access toexisting NASA higher education curriculum;Degree to which proposed effort utilizes NASAs unique contributions to science,engineering, and exploration; andLikelihood that the proposed effort will be sustained beyond the initial fundingperiod.Evaluation (15%)Review of the Evaluation plan includes consideration of following criteria:Evaluation plan describes appropriate methods for determining the extent to whichthe project has achieved it goals and objectives;Evidence that an evaluation expert informed the development of the evaluationplan, and; Evidence that appropriate evaluation processes are embedded throughout thelife-cycle of the project.The federal government uses the Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART) toassess performance of federally funded programs. Proposals funded under thisannouncement shall be expected to contribute data to support NASA Educations PARTmeasurements for higher education. Details on required data collection, and how to inputinformation to the appropriate data collection system will be provided when awards aremade.Budget (15%)The following criteria will be considered in the evaluation of the Budget:Clarity and reasonableness of the funding request;Degree of alignment between proposal narrative and budget;Degree to which proposed effort demonstrates effective use of funds; andDegree to which proposed outcomes justify total costs.C.Review and Selection ProcessReview of proposals submitted to this announcement will be consistent with the generalpolicies and provisions given in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, Appendix E, SectionsC.1 through C.4. Evaluation criteria described in Section C.2 of that document issuperceded by the evaluation criteria described in this solicitation under Section VII.Proposal Evaluation Criteria and Selection Process. Proposals will be evaluated through an internal NASA review process. NASA will provide astandard rating system to reviewers.Awards will be made based on the availability of funds and comparison of viableproposals. During final project selection, NASA reserves the right to make judgmentsbased on programmatic factors, including the needs and overall balance of the NASA HigherEducation and MUREP Program portfolios. Selection procedures will be consistent with theprovisions of the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, Section C.45. The selecting official forthis NRA is the Chief of Education Programs and University Research Division, NASA KSC. D.Selection Announcement NASAs stated goal is to announce selections between 120 days and 180 days after the fullproposal due date. Those proposers not selected will be notified by postal or electronicmail and may request a debriefing consistent with the policy in the NASA Guidebook forProposers, Section C.6. E. Process for AppealsThis NRA is limited to awarding grants and cooperative agreements and will not awardcontracts. The appeals and reconsideration processes do not include protest rights eitherat the Government Accountability Office (GAO) or with the Agency, as defined in FAR33.101. The provisions at FAR 52.233-2 (Service of Protest) and NFS 1852.233-70(Protests to NASA) are not appropriate to this NRA.PIs should understand that appeals or reconsiderations will be limited to the originalproposal submitted by the established deadline for full proposals. Appeals or requestsfor reconsideration based on results or information obtained after the proposal wassubmitted or peer reviewed, for example, are not appropriate. Furthermore, because offactors such as program budget and other priorities factor into the selection process,reconsideration will not necessarily result in an award even if it is established thatthere was an error in the peer review evaluation or other evaluation processes.A PI who is not satisfied with the explanation of the basis for the declination ofproposal may contact the MUREP Small Programs Project Manager, Office of Education, KSC,NASA in writing (delivered via e-mail, fax, or regular mail) stating the reasons forrequesting reconsideration of the declination before initiating a formal Request forReconsideration. The MUREP Small Programs Project Manager must 1) provide a writtenacknowledgement within ten business days of the request and 2) offer dates for an oraldebriefing. Send an appeal request for an oral debrief to:Theresa MartinezNASA KSC, XA-DKennedy Space Center, FL 32899Theresa.C.Martinez@nasa.govFax number: 321-867-8007Formal Requests for ReconsiderationFollowing an oral debriefing with the MUREP Small Programs Project Manager, if still notsatisfied that the proposals evaluation process was fair and reasonable, substantivelyand/or procedurally, a PI whose proposal has been declined may request a formalreconsideration. Electronic or faxed requests for formal reconsiderations will not beaccepted. Formal requests must 1) detail the reasons for the reconsideration request; 2)be printed on institutional letterhead; 2) be co-signed by the PI and the AOR and 3) beaddressed to the selecting official:Chief of Education Programs and University Research DivisionNASA, Mail Stop XA-DKSC, FL 32899Telephone: 321-867-8777Finally, the NASA Procurement Ombudsman Program is available under this NRA as aprocedure for addressing concerns and disagreements. The clause at NASA FAR Supplement(NFS) 1852.215-84 (Ombudsman) is incorporated into this NRA. The cognizant ombudsmanis:James E. Hattaway Jr.NASA, Mail Stop AA-BKSC, FL, 32899Telephone: (321)867-7246 VIII. Submission InformationA.Responding to this AnnouncementAll information needed to apply to this solicitation is contained in this NRA and in theNASA Guidebook for Proposers. Note, when the information contained in this NRA differsfrom the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, this NRA takes precedence.B.Electronic Submission of Proposal InformationOn-time electronic submission via NSPIRES or Grants.gov is required for every proposal.While every effort is made to ensure the reliability and accessibility of the web sitesand to maintain a help center via e-mail and telephone, difficulty may arise at any pointon the internet, including the users own equipment. Prospective proposers are urged tofamiliarize themselves with the NSPIRES site and to submit the required proposalmaterials well in advance of the proposal submission deadline. Difficulty in registeringwith or using a proposal submission system (either NSPIRES or Grants.gov) is not, in andof itself, a sufficient reason for NASA to consider a proposal that is submitted afterthe proposal due date (see Appendix E).C.Proposal Submission DatesFor this NRA, each full proposal must be submitted in its entirety by 11:59 p.m. EasternTime May 25, 2009.Proposals that are late will be handled in accordance with NASAs policy as given in theNASA Guidebook for Proposers, Appendix B, Section (g) (also see Sections 3.2 and F.23).It is not possible to submit a late proposal electronically via NSPIRES unless theelectronic Cover Page was initially created prior to the proposal due date. Lateproposals may not be submitted via Grants.gov. Proposals received after the due date maybe returned without review. If a late proposal is returned, it is entirely at thediscretion of the proposer whether or not to resubmit it in response to a subsequentappropriate solicitation.D.Proposal Submission Inquiries and AssistanceTutorials and other NSPIRES help topics may be accessed through the NSPIRES online helpsite at http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/help.do. For any questions that cannot beresolved with the available on-line help menus, requests for assistance may be directedby e-mail to nspires-help@nasaprs.com or by telephone to (202) 479-9376, Monday throughFriday, 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time.IX.Award InformationA.General InformationAwards made through the MSPCG project will be grants or cooperative agreements.Information concerning grants and cooperative agreements can be found in the NASA Grantand Cooperative Agreement Handbook, 14CFR.Part 1260. Any resulting grant or cooperativeagreement shall incorporate by reference the provisions set forth in 14 CFR Part 1260.21through 1260.39.It is anticipated that approximately $840K will be awarded through this competition.Efforts will be made so that a varied set of work is funded, but selection willultimately be driven by merit and alignment with NASA Education priorities. NASA reservesthe right to make judgments during final project selection based on programmatic factors,including the overall balance of viable proposals and alignment to the NASA Educationportfolio. It is anticipated that approximately 3-4 awards will be made, depending on overall budgetrequest of selected projects. The maximum amount that can be requested is $500,000(total, not annual) for a period of performance of one year. Successful projects will beeligible for renewal for up to two additional years, based on project performance andfunds availability. NASA reserves the right to partially fund projects, limit the numberof projects funded, or limit the funding level below the allocated amount.B.Notice of AwardNotification of both the selected, as well as the non-selected proposals, will beconsistent with the policy given in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, Section C.5.3. Forselected proposals, the offerors business office will be contacted by an Awards Officer,the only official authorized to obligate the Government. For a grant or cooperativeagreement, any costs incurred by the proposer in anticipation of an award will be subjectto the policies and regulations of the NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook,Section B, subpart B 14CFR1260.125(e).C.Administrative and National Policy Requirements This solicitation does not invoke any special administrative or national policyrequirements, nor do the awards that will be made involve any special terms andconditions that differ from NASAs general terms and conditions as given in the Grant andCooperative Agreement Handbook and the NASA Guidebook for Proposers.D. Special Note on U.S. Citizenship RequirementsIndividuals receiving "direct support" under a NASA education or training grant must beU.S. citizens (14 C.F.R. Sections 1260.12 (c)(2) and 1260.12 (c)(3)). Direct support includes but is not limited to: Direct Labor (salaries, wages, and fringe benefits) oOther Direct Costs, such as: -Subcontracts -Consultants -Equipment -Supplies -Travel -Other (e.g., scholarships, fellowships, or stipends) If a proposer plans to use NASA grant funds to provide direct support to an individual(such as, but not limited to a PI, Co-I, student, or guest speaker) who is not a U.S.citizen, and believes they may require a deviation from this requirement, the proposermay submit a letter addressed to NASA KSC Education Office as an appendix to theproposal. Proposals will not be advantaged or disadvantaged in the merit review processbecause of inclusion of proposed direct support to non-U.S. citizens.See Appendix D for a template on submitting this information and letter.E.Post Award Reporting The reporting requirements for awards made through this NRA will be consistent with F. 27on pages F8-F10 of the NASA Guidebook for Proposers. Preferred Education Project ReportFormat Project Reports are a comprehensive summary of significant accomplishments duringthe reporting period or the duration of the grant. Progress Reports, Final Reports andinterim Educational Activity Reports ideally include specific information that isdetailed within F. 27 and which is intended to facilitate cross project analysis andreporting. An annual progress report is required each year no later than 60 days prior to theanniversary date of the project start date. The report should, at a minimum, document:1.Project activities over the period of performance of the grant or cooperativeagreement;2.Project accomplishments measured against the proposed goals and objectives;3.Evidence of how project activities have furthered stakeholder priorities; and4.Extent to which collaborations and/or partnerships have evolved.Requirements for the annual progress will be finalized after the award has been made.A monthly report shall be required each month, a template will be provided after theaward has been made.F.Special Note on Data Collection and ReportingThe federal government uses the Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART) to assessperformance of federally funded programs. Proposals funded under this announcement shallbe expected to contribute data to support NASA Educations PART measurements for highereducation. Details on required data collection, and how to input information to theappropriate data collection system will be provided when awards are made. Appendix A: NASA Education Strategy and FrameworkI.OverviewHigh achievement in STEM education is essential to the accomplishment of NASAs mission.NASA contributes to national efforts for achieving excellence in STEM education through acomprehensive education portfolio implemented by the Office of Education, the MissionDirectorates, and the NASA Centers. The NASA Education Strategic Coordination Framework: A Portfolio Approach describes thealignment of NASAs education portfolio with the 2006 NASA Strategic Plan and creates anagency-wide strategic planning, implementation and evaluation framework for NASAsinvestments in education. The plan encompasses all education efforts undertaken by NASAand guides the Agencys relationships with external education partners. Proposers arestrongly encouraged to become familiar with this document, which can be downloaded fromwww.nasa.gov/pdf/189101main_Education_Framework.pdf. An informative overview isavailable at http://www7.nationalacademies.org/bose/NASA_1_Presentation_Winterton.pdf. II.Education GoalsNASA is pursuing three major education goals:Strengthen NASA and the Nations future workforceNASA will identify and developthe critical skills and capabilities needed to ensure achievement of its missionpriorities. To help meet this demand, NASA will continue contributing to the developmentof the Nations STEM workforce of the future through a diverse portfolio of educationinitiatives that target Americas students at all levels, especially those intraditionally underserved and underrepresented communities.Attract and retain students in STEM disciplinesTo compete effectively for theminds, imaginations, and career ambitions of Americas young people, NASA will focus onengaging and retaining students in STEM education programs to encourage their pursuit ofeducational disciplines critical to NASAs future engineering, scientific, and technicalmissions.Engage Americans in NASAs missionNASA will build strategic partnerships andlinkages between STEM formal and informal education providers. Through hands-on,interactive educational activities, NASA will engage students, educators, families, thegeneral public, and all Agency stakeholders to increase Americans science and technologyliteracy.III.Education Outcomes and ObjectivesThree associated outcomes align all education activities:Outcome 1 (Higher Education): Contribute to the development of the STEM workforcein disciplines needed to achieve NASAs strategic goal through a portfolio ofinvestments.Outcome 2 (Elementary and Secondary Education): Attract and retain students inSTEM disciplines through a progression of educational opportunities for students,teachers, and faculty.Outcome 3 (Informal Education): Build strategic partnerships and linkages betweenSTEM formal and informal education providers that promote STEM literacy and awareness ofNASAs mission.These outcomes are intended to Provide educators with unique teaching tools, compelling teaching experiences,and world-class research experiences; inspire students through hands-on activities topursue careers in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology; and make use ofcurrent and emerging information and communication technology to extend the reach ofNASAs education activities. Improve students problem-solving skills, and competence in and appreciation ofSTEM disciplines, and enhance the scientific and technological literacy of the Americanpublic. The MSPCG project directly supports Outcome 1 of the NASA Education portfolio bycontributing to the accomplishment of the following associated PART metrics: Number of new or revised courses targeted at STEM skills needed by NASA that aredeveloped with NASA support. Number of institutions served in designated EPSCoR states. Number of underrepresented and underserved students participating in NASAeducation programs. Percentage of student participants employed by NASA, aerospace contractors,universities, & other educational institutions. Percentage of undergraduate students who move on to advanced education in NASArelated disciplines. Percentage of higher education program participants who have participated in NASAelementary or secondary programs. Proposals funded under this announcement shall be expected to contribute data to supportNASA Educations PART measurements for higher education. Successful proposals shallindicate ability to support at least one of these metrics. PART measure results for2008 are available at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/expectmore/detail/10002310.2008.html. Appendix B: Strategic Framework for NASAI.Global Exploration StrategyIn December 2006, the release of the Global Exploration Strategy: The Framework forCoordination identified space exploration as a global partnership in service of society.It requires both human endeavor and technological innovation and it will deliver newknowledge and commercial opportunity. The strategy, agreed to by fourteen space agencies,presents a vision for robotic and human space exploration, focusing on destinationswithin the solar system where humans may one day live and work. It describes an actionplan to share the strategies and efforts of individual nations so that all can achievetheir exploration goals more effectively and safely. The strategy identifies fiveexploration themes: new knowledge in science and technology, a sustained presence toextend human frontiers, economic expansion, global partnership, and inspiration andeducation. (http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/exploration/main/index.html)II.NASA MissionsNASAs Mission to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery, andaeronautics research, draws support from four Mission Directorates, each with a specificresponsibility. The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) leads the Agency in four areas of research:Earth Science, Heliophysics, Planetary Science, and Astrophysics. SMD works closely withthe broader scientific community, considers national initiatives, and uses the results ofNational Research Council studies to define a set of Big Questions in each of thesefour research areas. These questions, in turn, fuel mission priorities and the SMDresearch agenda. The SMD also sponsors research that both enables, and is enabled by,NASAs exploration activities. SMD has a portfolio of Education and Public Outreachprojects that are connected to its research efforts. (http://nasascience.nasa.gov) The Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD) Agency role is to develop asustained human presence on the moon; to promote exploration, commerce, and U.S.preeminence in space; and to serve as a stepping-stone for the future exploration of Marsand other destinations. ESMD establishes the NASA exploration research and technologydevelopment agenda. Specifically, ESMD develops capabilities and supporting research andtechnology that will enable sustained and affordable human and robotic exploration. Italso works to ensure the health and performance of crews during long-duration spaceexploration. In the near-term, ESMD does this by developing robotic precursor missions,human transportation elements, and life-support systems.(http://www.exploration.nasa.gov)The Space Operations Mission Directorate (SOMD) provides the Agency withleadership and management of NASA space operations related to human exploration in andbeyond low-Earth orbit. SOMD enables current space exploration in low earth orbit throughits Space Shuttle and International Space Station Programs. SOMD is also responsible forAgency leadership and management of NASA space operations related to Launch Services,Space Transportation, and Space Communications in support of both human and roboticexploration programs. (http://www.spaceoperations.nasa.gov)The Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) conducts vital research tomake air travel more efficient, safe, green, and to uncover leading-edge solutions forthe Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) in the United States. ARMDsfundamental research in traditional aeronautical disciplines and emerging disciplineshelps address substantial noise, emissions, efficiency, performance and safety challengesthat must be met in order to design vehicles that can operate in the NextGen.(http://www.aeronautics.nasa.gov)Appendix C: NASA Education Resources AvailableThis list is not intended to limit or restrict proposer creativity, and is notcomprehensive of all resources available.Education Infrastructures: oDigital Learning Network (DLN)http://www.nasa.gov/education/dln oCentral Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE) http://www.nasa.gov/education/core oAerospace Education Specialists (AES) http://www.nasa.gov/education/aesp oEducator Resource Centers (ERC) http://www.nasa.gov/education/ercn oNASA Portal http://www.nasa.gov oEducation Home Page http://www.nasa.gov/education Subject matter experts:oEngineersoScientistsoTechniciansoMathematicians, etcNASA mission content (International Space Station, space shuttle, Ares, Orion, other NASA flight or researchplatforms, numerous resources available through the NASA portal http://www.nasa.gov): oImageryoSpecifications oHistoriesoOther information oExcluded: Providing or developing materials dependent on spaceflightopportunitiesowww.nasa.gov/exploration Higher Education Projects and MaterialsoFor Educators: http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/postsecondary/programs/index.html oFor Students: http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/postsecondary/programs/index.html oEPSCoR: http://www.nasa.gov/education/epscor oEducation Materials: http://search.nasa.gov/search/edFilterSearch.jsp?empty=true oExploration Education:http://www.nasa.gov/exploration/education/index.html oAres Education Outreach:http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/constellation/ares/ares_outreach.html oExploration Outreach and Communications Website: http://www.nasa.gov/exploration/outreach/index.html oESMD Space Grant Project: http://education.ksc.nasa.gov/ESMDspacegrant/ oExploration related higher education curricula (some currently in development)ohttp://www.eng.auburn.edu/~dbeale/ESMDCourse/ohttp://www.nasacapstonedesign.mtu.edu/Overview.html oNASA Human Research Program Education & Outreach:http://humanresearch.jsc.nasa.gov/education.asp oNASA Home and City Website: http://www.nasa.gov/city oUniversity Student Launch Intiative: http://education.msfc.nasa.gov/usli oNASA Museum Alliance: http://informal.jpl.nasa.gov/museum/alliance/ oRocket Guide (currently geared for K-12): http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/topnav/materials/listbytype/Rockets.html oNASA Lunar Electric Rover Interactive: http://www.nasa.gov/exploration/home/3D-LER_Interactive.html oNASA Lunar Electric Rover Interactive Panoramic Video: http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/ler3d/index.htmloNASA EDGE: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/podcasting/nasaedge/index.htmloNo Boundaries: http://www.noboundaries-stemcareers.com/ Appendix D: Sample of Notification of Potential Deviation LetterIf applicable, please use this template to provide information about the need to deviatefrom 14 C.F.R. SECTIONS 1260.12 (c)(2) and 1260.12 (c)(3). DATE : XXXXXXXXNASA KSC EDUCATION OFFICEXA-DKSC, FL 32899RE: NOTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL DEVIATION FROM 14 C.F.R. SECTIONS 1260.12 (c)(2) and1260.12 (c)(3)Dear NASA KSC Education Office:(NAME OF INSTITUTION) submits this notification to NASA that a deviation from 14 C.F.R.Sections 1260.12 (c)(2) and 1260.12 (c)(3) may be required in response to solicitationAnnouncement Number NNH08ZNE007N. To support this request, we provide the following information.Name of Institution/Contact Name:Announcement Number:Proposal Title:Date of Submission:Proposal Summary:Specific description of need for deviation:Point of Contact who can answer questions about this request:Appendix E: Additional Proposal and Submission Information I.Proposal Instructions and Requirements All information needed to respond to this solicitation is contained in this NRA and inthe companion NASA Guidebook for Proposers January 2008 Edition located athttp://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/nraguidebook. Proposers are responsible forunderstanding and complying with its procedures for the successful, timely preparationand submission of their proposals. Proposals that do not conform to its standards may bedeclared noncompliant and rejected without review. The introductory material, as well as the appendices, of the NASA Guidebook for Proposersprovide additional information about the entire NRA process, including NASA policies forthe solicitation of proposals, guidelines for writing complete and effective proposals,and NASAs general policies and procedures for the review and selection of proposals andfor issuing and managing the awards to the institutions that submitted selectedproposals. II.Content and Form of the Proposal Submission A.Electronic Proposal SubmissionAll proposals submitted in response to this NRA must be submitted in a fully electronicform. No hard copy of the proposal will be accepted. The NOI may be submitted by thePrincipal Investigator (PI). Proposers submitting a Full Proposal must have the finalversion of proposals submitted by the authorized organization representative (AOR) at theproposal Principal Investigators institution. Electronic submission by the AOR serves asthe required original signature by an authorized official of the proposing institution. Proposers may opt to submit proposals in response to this NRA via either of two differentelectronic proposal submission systems: NSPIRES, located at http://nspires.nasaprs.com(see Appendix E Section II.D below), or Grants.gov located at http://www.grants.gov (seeAppendix E Section II.E below). Proposers should not submit the same proposal to bothelectronic submission systems. NASA plans to use the NSPIRES system to facilitate thereview process so all proposals received through Grants.Gov will be transferred intoNSPIRES.Note carefully the following requirements for submission of an electronic proposalregardless of the intent to submit via NSPIRES or Grants.gov:Every institution that intends to submit a proposal to NASA in response to thisNRA must be registered in NSPIRES. This applies whether proposals are submitted viaNSPIRES or Grants.gov. Every institution that intends to submit a proposal throughGrants.gov must register under that system as well as NSPIRES. Registration for eitherproposal data system must be performed by an institutions electronic businesspoint-of-contact (EBPOC) in the Central Contractor Registry (CCR).Any institution requesting NASA funds through the proposed investigation must belisted on the Proposal Cover Page. NASA will not fund institutions that do not appear onthe Proposal Cover Page.Each individual team member named on the proposals electronic cover page must beindividually registered in NSPIRES. This applies whether proposals are submitted viaNSPIRES or Grants.gov.Each individual team member named on the proposals electronic cover page mustspecify an institutional affiliation. The institutional affiliation specified must be theinstitution through which the team member is participating in the proposed investigation.If the individual has multiple affiliations, then this institution may be different fromthe individuals primary employer or preferred mailing address.Generically, an electronic proposal consists of one or more electronic forms, includingan electronic cover page and one or more attachments. The attachments contain allsections of the proposal, including the project description as well as all required andallowed appendices; see Appendix E Section II.B below for further requirements. Submission of electronic proposals via either NSPIRES or Grants.gov requires severalcoordinated actions from the proposing institution. In particular, when the PI hascompleted entry of the data requested in the required electronic forms and attachment ofthe allowed PDF attachments, including the project description section, an official atthe PIs institution who is authorized to make such a submission, referred to as theauthorized organization representative (AOR), must submit the electronic proposal (formsplus attachments). Coordination between the PI and his/her AOR on the final editing andsubmission of the proposal materials is facilitated through their respective accounts inNSPIRES and/or Grants.gov. Note that if one individual is acting in both the PI and AORroles, he/she must ensure that all steps in the process are taken, including submittingthe proposal from the institution.B. Proposal Format and ContentsAll proposals submitted in response to this NRA must include the appropriate requiredelectronic forms available through either of two proposal submission systems, NSPIRES orGrants.gov. The project description and other required sections of the proposal must be submitted assearchable, unlocked PDF files that are attached to the electronic submission using oneof the proposal submission systems. Proposers must comply with any format requirementsspecified in this NRA and in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, Section 2.3. Onlyappendices/attachments that are specifically requested in either this NRA or in the NASAGuidebook for Proposers will be permitted; proposals containing additionalappendices/attachments may be declared noncompliant. The NASA Guidebook for Proposers,Section 2, provides detailed discussions of the content of proposals applicable to thisNRA. Section VII Proposal Preparation of this NRA provides a listing of required contentelements.In the event the information in this NRA is different from or contradicts the informationin the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, the information in this NRA takes precedence.Important note on creating PDF files for upload: It is essential that all PDF filesgenerated and submitted meet the NASA requirements below. This will ensure that thesubmitted files can be transferred into NSPIRES regardless of whether the proposal issubmitted via NSPIRES or Grants.gov. At a minimum, it is the responsibility of theproposer to: (1) ensure that all PDF files are unlocked and that edit permission isenabled this is necessary to allow NSPIRES to concatenate submitted files into a singlePDF document; and (2) ensure that all fonts are embedded in the PDF file and that onlyType 1 or TrueType fonts are used. In addition, any proposer who creates files using TeXor LaTeX is required to first create a DVI file and then convert the DVI file toPostscript and then to PDF. See http://nspires.nasaprs.com/tutorials/PDF_Guidelines.pdffor more information on creating PDF documents that are compliant with NSPIRES. PDFfiles that do not meet the NASA requirements cannot be transferred into the NSPIRESsystem; such files may be declared noncompliant and not submitted for evaluation.C. Additional Requirement for Budget Format In addition to the budget summary information provided in the NSPIRES or Grants.govCover Page forms, all proposers are required to include more detailed budgets and budgetjustifications, including detailed subcontract/subaward budgets, in a format of their ownchoosing in the Budget Justification. For this NRA, this additional budget must bedivided into two parts, the Budget Justification: Narrative and the BudgetJustification: Details, both as described in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, Section2.3.10.The Budget Justification: Narrative includes the Table of Proposed Work Effort and thedescription of facilities and equipment, as well as the rationale and basis of estimatefor all components of cost including procurements, travel (destination, purpose andnumber of travelers), publication costs, and all subawards/subcontracts. The Table ofProposed Work Effort must include the names and/or titles of all personnel (includingpostdoctoral fellows and graduate students, where known) necessary to perform theproposed investigation regardless of whether these individuals require funding from thecurrent proposal. The number of person-months each person is expected to devote to theproject must be given for each year. The Budget Justification: Details must include thedetailed proposed budget including all of the Other Direct Costs and Other ApplicableCosts specified in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers. Note that failure to provide sufficient budget justification and data in the BudgetJustification: Narrative (including the Table of Proposed Work Effort) and the BudgetJustification: Details will prevent the peer review from appropriately evaluating thecost realism of the proposed effort. A finding by the peer review of insufficientinformation to properly evaluate cost realism will be considered a proposal weakness.Inconsistent information between these budget descriptions and the proposal text willalso be considered a proposal weakness.D. Submission of Proposals via NSPIRES, the NASA Proposal Data SystemIn order to submit a proposal via NSPIRES, this NRA requires that the proposer registerkey data concerning the intended submission with NSPIRES; NSPIRES can be accessed athttp://nspires.nasaprs.com. Potential applicants are urged to access this site well inadvance of the proposal due date(s) of interest to familiarize themselves with itsstructure and enter the requested identifier information. It is especially important to note that every individual named on the proposalselectronic Cover Page form (see below) as a proposing team member in any role, includingCo-Investigators and collaborators, must be registered in NSPIRES and that suchindividuals must perform this registration themselves; no one may register a secondparty, even the Principal Investigator of a proposal in which that person is committed toparticipate. This data site is secure and all information entered is strictly for NASAsuse only. All proposals submitted via NSPIRES in response to this NRA must include a requiredelectronic Cover Page form that is accessed at http://nspires.nasaprs.com. This form iscomprised of several distinct sections: a Cover Page that contains the identifierinformation for the proposing institution and personnel; a Proposal Summary that providesan overview of the proposed investigation that is suitable for release through a publiclyaccessible archive should the proposal be selected; and a Budget Summary of the proposedresearch effort. Unless specified in the program description itself, no other forms arerequired for proposal submission via NSPIRES. See the NASA Guidebook for Proposers,Sections 2 and 3, for further details. The required elements of the proposal, including the project description, must besubmitted as one or more PDF documents that are attached to the Cover Page using thetools in NSPIRES. It is possible to submit the entire proposal as a single, searchable,unlocked PDF document, including the project description section and budgetjustification, assembled in the order provided in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers,Section 2.3, and uploaded using the tools in NSPIRES. One advantage of submitting theentire proposal as one PDF document is that it is easier for the proposer to create atable of contents that will be correct. If separate files are uploaded, there may beslight differences in page numbering due to the concatenation process. Any mismatch withthe table of contents caused by this process does not impact the evaluation of theproposal. NSPIRES will provide a list of all elements that make up an electronic proposal, and thesystem will conduct an element check to identify any item(s) that is (are) apparentlymissing or incomplete. The element check may produce warnings and/or identify errors.Uploading the proposal in one PDF file is likely to create warnings as part of theelement check. These warnings should be ignored as warnings do not preclude proposalsubmission. Note, however, an error in the element check will preclude submission.Proposers are encouraged to begin their submission process early. Tutorials and otherNSPIRES help topics may be accessed through the NSPIRES online help site athttp://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/help.do. For any questions that cannot be resolvedwith the available on-line help menus, requests for assistance may be directed by e-mailto nspires-help@nasaprs.com or by telephone to (202) 479-9376, Monday through Friday,8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time.E. Submission of Proposals via Grants.gov In furtherance of the Presidents Management Agenda, NASA offers proposers the option toutilize Grants.gov to prepare and submit proposals in response to this NRA. Grants.govallows institutions to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunitiesfrom all Federal grant-making agencies; it provides a single access point for over 1000grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies. The U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services is the managing partner for Grants.gov. In order to submit a proposal via Grants.gov, Grants.gov requires that the PrincipalInvestigator download an application package from Grants.gov. Identifying the appropriateapplication package requires the funding opportunity number for that program; the fundingopportunity number may be found in the Summary of Key Information subsection thatconcludes each program description. Proposals submitted via Grants.gov must be submittedby the AOR. Submitting a proposal via Grants.gov requires the following steps: Follow Grants.gov instructions provided at the website to download any softwaretools or applications required to submit to Grants.gov. Download the application package from Grants.gov at http://www.grants.gov.Download the application package from Grants.gov by selecting Download grant applicationpackages under Apply for Grants at http://www.grants.gov. Complete the required Grants.gov forms including the SF424 (R&R) Application forFederal Assistance, R&R Other Project Information, R&R Senior/Key Person Profile, and R&RBudget. Every named individual must be identified with the institution through which theyare participating in the proposal, regardless of their place of permanent employment orpreferred mailing address.Complete the required NASA specific forms: NASA Other Project Information, NASAPrincipal Investigator and Authorized Representative Supplemental Data Sheet, NASASenior/Key Person Supplemental Data Sheet (this form is only required if there areSenior/Key Persons other than the Principal Investigator). Complete any NASA program-specific forms that may be required. Program-specificforms may be found by clicking on the hyperlink in the NASA Other Project Informationform or by directly accessing http://nspires.nasaprs.com/Grants.gov. Directions foraccessing and submitting program-specific forms, if there are any, are provided in theNASA Other Project Information form. Create a proposal in PDF including the project description and all other requiredproposal sections (see the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, Section 2). Upload sections asseparate PDFs as prompted by Grants.gov.Submit the proposal via the authorized organization representative (AOR); theproposal Principal Investigator may not submit the application to Grants.gov unlesshe/she is an AOR. Grant researchers do NOT need to register with Grants.gov. However, everyindividual named in the proposal as a proposing team member in any role, including PI,Co-Investigators and collaborators, must be registered in NSPIRES(http://nspires.nasaprs.com) and that such individuals must perform this registrationthemselves; no one may register a second party, even the PI of a proposal in which thatperson is committed to participate. This data site is secure and all information enteredis strictly for NASAs use only.Potential applicants are urged to access Grants.gov site well in advance of the proposaldue date(s) of interest to familiarize themselves with its structure and download theappropriate application packages and tools. Additional instructions for formatting and submitting proposals via Grants.gov may befound in the NASA Guidebook for Proposers, Sections 2 and 3. Instructions for the use ofGrants.gov may be found in the Grants.gov User Guide athttp://www.grants.gov/CustomerSupport. Instructions for NASA-specific forms and NASAprogram-specific forms may be found in the application package and athttp://nspires.nasaprs.com/Grants.gov. For any questions that cannot be resolved withthe available on-line help menus and documentation, requests for assistance may bedirected by e-mail to support@grants.gov or by telephone to (800) 518-4726. III.Notice of Intent to ProposeA Notice of Intent (NOI) is required. The information contained in an NOI will be used toinform merit reviewer expertise and requirements. NOI must be submitted through NSPIRES.Note that NOI may be submitted within NSPIRES directly by the proposal PrincipalInvestigator. All NOIs require concurrence from the AOR.Grants.gov does not provide NOI capability; therefore, NOIs must be submitted via NSPIRESregardless of whether the proposal will be submitted via NSPIRES or Grants.gov.Interested proposers must register with NSPIRES before it can be accessed for use; seeAppendix E, Section II.A above. IV.Proposal Funding Restrictions In addition to the funding restrictions and requirements given in the NASA Guidebook forProposers and the Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook, the following restrictionsare applicable to this NRA:The estimated funding and number of proposals anticipated to be funded, as shownin this NRA under the section entitled Summary of Key Information, are subject to theavailability of appropriated funds, as well as the submission of a sufficient number ofproposals of adequate merit. The construction of facilities is not an allowed activity for any of the programssolicited in this NRA. For further information on permissible costs, refer to the costprinciples cited in the Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook, Section 1260.127. Travel is allowed as may be necessary for the meaningful completion of theproposed investigation. Foreign travel has an upper limit of $1,500 per proposal peryear. Domestic travel does not have a cap.V.Conflict of Interest Check InformationNASA expects all reviewers to disclose all conflicts of interest, as well as situationswhich may be actual conflicts of interest or which may give the appearance of a conflictof interest. Reviewers are also expected to disclose situations that may give theappearance of bias, or may cause a reasonable observer to question the ability of thereviewer to provide an unbiased evaluation of a proposal (see the NASA Guidebook forProposers, Appendix E.3). Reviewers are required to sign a non-disclosure/conflict ofinterest form prior to being granted access to proposals.Appendix F: Sample Proposal Cover PageThis is the first page of the multi-page cover produced by NSPIRES.Appendix G: Useful Web SitesNASA does not endorse or require the use of any specific source of information, but doesencourage the proposer to survey NASA content, and education research and best practicesdescribed in peer reviewed journals and credible organizations specializing in STEMeducation research. NASA Web SitesNASAhttp://www.nasa.govNASA Educationhttp://ww.nasa.gov/education http://education.nasa.gov/about/strategy/index.html 2006 NASA Strategic Planhttp://www.nasa.gov/pdf/142302main_2006_NASA_Strategic_Plan.pdfNASA Education Strategic Coordination Frameworkhttp://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/topnav/materials/listbytype/Strategic_Coordination_Framework.htmlNASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook http://ec.msfc.nasa.gov/hq/grcover.htmGuidebook for Proposers Responding to a NASA Research Announcementhttp://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/nraguidebook Grant Budget Outlinehttp://genesis.gsfc.nasa.gov/grants/grants.htm#GrantExperimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)http://ww.nasa.gov/education/epscor External Web Sites (Education)Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a BrighterEconomic Futurehttp://www.nap.edu/catalog/11463.htmlThe American Competitiveness Council http://www.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/competitiveness/index.htmlThe National Science and Technology Council http://www.ostp.gov/cs/nstcThe National Governors Association, Innovation Americahttp://www.nga.org/Files/pdf/0707INNOVATIONFINAL.PDFThe National Academy of Science, Board of Science Educationwww7.nationalacademies.org/bose/index.htmlExternal Web Sites (Procurements and Grants)NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES)http://nspires.nasaprs.com http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/faq.do Grants.govwww.grants.gov31 United States Code Chapter 63 Using Procurement Contracts and Grant andCooperative Agreements http://uscode.house.gov/download/pls/31C63.txtExpectMore.gov www.expectmore.gov
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