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Y -- Multi family construction inspections

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Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
541350 — Building Inspection Services
Contracting Office
Department of Housing and Urban Development, OCPO, Northern (Philadelphia) Field Contracting Operations, Philadelphia Operations Branch, NFN, 100 Penn Square East, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19107-3380
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
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Point of Contact
Donna Crowley,, Phone: 215-430-6720
E-Mail Address
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Total Small Business
Multi family construction inspection services for South Hills Retirement Residence located at 101 Ruth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15211. Below is the statement of work that is applicable to this property. If you are interested in this work please contact Donna Crowley at donna.crowley@hud.gov for a complete copy of the solicittaion. I. PURPOSE: To provide construction inspection services per HUD inspection procedures, between and inclusive of the initial start of construction, substantial completion, first and second guarantee inspections for HUD projects. II. DEFINITIONS FOR THIS PURCHASE ORDER. A.Construction Inspection Services means monitoring the construction and contract administration, and performing related functions for the purpose of protecting HUD's project interests. Major functions include: review and report to the GTM on the completeness of the assignment documents for the purpose of project inspection; participate in the pre-construction conference; participate in periodic job meetings; make periodic observations at the site of the multifamily housing project and report on-site and corollary off-site construction and contract administration; request Field Office specialized engineering assistance, where required due to unique or complex systems; advise the GTM on the need/general acceptability of proposed change orders; maintain a set of "As Built" drawings and specifications, and monitor the contractor's record set of drawings and specifications; certify on the periodic pay request to the reasonableness of the amount requested by the contractor and recommended by the supervisory architect for progress payment; observe the work, and complete and sign the inspector's portion of the Permission to Occupy relating to acceptability of the work, including any list of incomplete items, for facilities tendered for occupancy; report, where applicable, the list of items for delayed completion at substantial completion of the work, the estimated cost for completing each item and the recommended completion date for each item; certify to the acceptability of the work, connection of utilities, and property ingress at substantial completion of the Work; meet at the Field Office with HUD staff and/or parties involved in the project, where necessary, to resolve project issues; attend periodic training sessions conducted at the Field Office by HUD staff; and assist any HUD official conduct an on site review of the project construction and contract administration for the purpose of assessing performance under this Order or other areas of concern. Perform 9 month and 12 month guaranty inspections to include follow-up inspections for escrow items. B.HUD Inspection Procedures are as provided in paragraphs 3 1 through 3 16 inclusively of Chapter 3, Architectural Inspection, HUD Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, Architectural Analysis and Inspections for Project Mortgage Insurance. Required reporting forms are to be completed as provided for each in HUD Handbook 4480.1, Multifamily Underwriting Reports & Forms Catalog, or as provided in the instructions included on the form. C.Initial Start of Construction is the date when the construction contract work commences, including demolition for substantial rehabilitation projects and site clearance or other preliminary site work for proposed construction projects. D.Substantial Completion of the Work is when all the construction contract work has been completed, except work beyond the contractor's control to complete which is accepted as items of delayed completion; and formalized as the date the contractor (inspector) signs the Final HUD Representative's Trip Report provided that the trip report is subsequently endorsed by the HUD Field Office Chief Architect. E.Serious Construction Problems That Might Lead to Default must be specifically identified in the HUD Representatives Trip Report, and include: -Work stoppage; -Contractor abandons job; -A change in the Contractor, Owner or Architect during construction; -Construction defects untreated for 30 days; -Contractor can't or won't correct any construction defect or latent defect; -Extended periods of bad weather, strikes, etc.; -Controlling jurisdiction issues a stop order; -Slow start or progress of off-site work that would impair project occupancy; or -Other conditions of such nature or magnitude as to potentially cause a default, and warranting immediate attention by HUD personnel. III. BACKGROUND STATEMENT: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires on-site construction inspection services for selected projects. The HUD Field Office may, at its discretion, assign a project for contract inspection. IV. SPECIFIC TASKS: The contractor under this Order must furnish its own materials, equipment, services, and facilities; provide its own transportation; and otherwise do all things necessary for or incident to the following tasks, except that the construction contractor must provide enclosed space at the job site of such size, accommodations and furnishings as HUD may require for the discharge of the inspection function. The contractor under this Order has the right of entry and free access to the project and to inspect all work done and materials, equipment and fixtures furnished, installed or stored in and about the project at all (normal working hour) times during construction. A.Assignment. Meet at the HUD Field Office with the GTM and other HUD staff designated by the GTM within one week of the award of this Order. The GTM will orally brief the contractor and answer contractor's questions to assist the contractor to fully understand the requirements of this Order. The GTM will provide contractor with the assignment documents, and a copy of each reference handbook. B.Assignment Documents. Review the assignment documents, and report on any observed noncompliance between the assignment documents and site conditions and/or HUD requirements consistent with Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraph 3 4.A., and on the completeness and coordination of the drawings and specifications. This review is intended to locate readily identifiable oversights in document preparation, but is not the type of document analysis required during the design stages. 1.Report any findings of nonconformity between the contract documents and observed site conditions and/or known HUD design requirements to the GTR by letter for action by the HUD Director of Housing Development. 2.Advise the supervisory architect of any noted incompleteness, contradictions or ambiguities in the drawings and specifications for his action in accordance with the contract documents. Record the event, any such subsequent event and the issues discussed on Form HUD 5379. 3.The standard for completeness and arrangement of the drawings and specifications is Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraphs 2 7.B. through 2 7.D. 4.Assignment documents (see Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraph 3 3.D.) include: Set No. 3 of the construction contract set of drawings and specifications; Copy of the Construction Contract, Form HUD 92442-EH or HUD 92442A-EH; Schedule of Values, Form HUD 92328, Contractor's and/or Mortgagor's Cost Breakdown; Progress Schedule; Owner-Architect Agreement, AIA Document B-181, including HUD Addenda; Contract or agreement for off-site construction, if applicable; and Drawings and specifications for off-site construction, if applicable. C.Construction Record. Maintain a file of project documents from project assignment through substantial completion of the Work. Incorporate all the documents listed in Handbook 4460.1, paragraphs 3 4.L.2. through 3 4.L.13. inclusively, plus the set of assigned construction contract drawings and specifications, and off-site drawings and specifications. Use the construction record documents as the official set of documents against which all project observations and reporting are made. D.Preconstruction Conference. 1.Attend the preconstruction conference conducted by HUD staff at the Field Office prior to the start of construction. Retain a copy of the minutes of the meeting, handouts and list of attendees for use in addressing subsequent questions on the issues during the construction period. 2.Conduct any additional required preconstruction conferences at the job site, e.g., for major sub-contractors that did not attend the Field Office session. Record on Form HUD 5379, HUD Representatives Trip Report, any such field conference and attendees. 3.Answer job site questions pertaining to labor and EEO contract provisions, administration of the construction contract, and cost certification submissions. Request Field Office assistance, where required, for in depth questions. E.Construction Progress Meetings. See Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraph 3 3.E. for detailed instructions. 1.Schedule and participate in monthly job site meetings to coincide with the monthly review of the general contractor's requisitions (paydraws). 2.Apprise the major participants of observed deficiencies and problem areas in the progress of the work and contract administration; clarify HUD procedures applicable to the issues raised; and guide the appropriate parties to the extent necessary to address and resolve outstanding issues. 3.Remind the participants at each meeting after 80 percent project completion: Of the Construction Contract, Article 2.D., definition of Substantial Completion of the Work, and That the owner (in all cases) and general contractor (where the Cost Plus Contract is used) must meet with HUD's mortgage credit and construction cost analysts respectively before 90 percent project completion to review cost certification submission requirements. 4.Record the meeting, issues discussed and conclusions reached on Form HUD 5379. F.Inspections. Visit the project job site as required for the type, stage and condition of construction, but not less often than twice a month at approximately fourteen day intervals to observe and report on job conditions, construction and contract administration. See Handbook 4460.1 REV 1. Schedule one inspection visit to coincide with the monthly paydraw. 1.The major functions during inspection are to: -Digitally photograph construction activity of major systems during inspection. Submit digital photos on 3.5-inch diskettes to GTR with From HUD 5379; -Evaluate and report on the contractor's organization, operations and supervision; Evaluate and report on the supervisory architect's administration of the contract and services; Report on special circumstances, the date of the start of initial and permanent construction, occupancy, delays, disputes, changes, etc. Specifically identify and report serious construction problems that may lead to default; Report noncompliance in the work from the contract documents observed by the inspector and/or the supervisory architect; Determine that the amounts requested by the contractor and recommended by the architect for payment are reasonable; Report on labor and EEO compliance, and number of wage interviews conducted; Report on the percentage of project completion and scheduled completion, and the percentage of completion of each additive change order; and Report on compliance with each off-site work contract, if applicable, and on the percent completion for each. Report where the slow start or progress of off-site work may delay occupancy. 2.Record each inspection finding on Form HUD 5379, HUD Representative's Trip Report, in accordance with instructions in Handbook 4480.1, CHG 29. Incorporate findings of any HUD specialist sent to the project to assess unique or complex conditions or systems requiring engineering or other specialized skills in a unified report in accordance with Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraph 3 4.E. 3.Discuss adverse findings with the supervisory architect at the job site, or by phone if the supervisory architect is not present when the site visit is made. Give a copy of Form HUD 5379 to the supervisory architect, if he's present at the job site, or leave it for him at the job site. 4.Advise the Field Office Director of Housing Development by letter in addition to recording the findings on Form HUD 5379, where there is occupancy of any part of the Work for which HUD has not executed Form FHA 2485, Permission to Occupy. See Handbook 4460.1, paragraph 3 4.J. for additional detail. 5.Perform the final inspection (Final HUD Representative's Trip Report) upon Substantial Completion of the Work, defined in paragraph II.D. of this Order, in accordance with instructions in Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraphs 3 16.A, B, and C. a.The report must include the following statements: "Construction acceptably completed," or "Construction acceptably completed subject to withholding disbursement or escrowing funds for completion of the listed items of delayed completion." List any items of delayed completion, and the estimated cost. "Utility services: (list services including electricity, gas, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, telephone, and cable TV as applicable), are complete, connected, and operable." "Safe and adequate ingress and egress have been installed to the site and all units and facilities." b.Complete and date the "Final HUD Representative's Trip Report" on the day of the site visit. G.Wage Interviews. Conduct wage interviews during the course of construction of a representative number of workers in each of the various trades and report on Form HUD 11, Record of Employee Interview, in accordance with HUD Handbook 1344.1 REV 1, paragraphs 3 1 and 3 2. H.General Contractor's Monthly Requisition For Payment. Review the Contractor's Requisition, Form HUD 92448, and supporting documents against the Schedule of Values, Form HUD 92328, and the observed acceptably completed work and acceptably stored material. Payment for stored materials must be supported and conform with Handbook 4460.1, REV 1, paragraphs 3 7. and 3 8. 1.Modify the requisition as appropriate in accordance with instructions in Handbook 4480.1, and Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraph 3 6. Report any modifications to the requisition on Form HUD 5379. 2.Complete and sign the Inspector's Certification on the reverse of Form HUD 92448. I.Supervisory Architect's Services. Advise the supervisory architect on HUD requirements, monitor his performance against provisions of the Owner Architect Agreement, AIA Doc B181, and report on the supervisory architect's performance in accordance with Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraphs 3 4.K., 3 10., and 3 11.4 Report inadequate performance on Form HUD 5379. J.Construction Changes. Determine preliminary acceptability for proposed change orders before their submission for the mortgagee's and HUD's approval in accordance with Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraph 3 12. and completion instructions on the Request For Construction Changes Project Mortgages, Form HUD 92437. K.Architect's Supplemental Instructions. Monitor the proper use of Architect's Supplemental Instructions, AIA Document G710, for compliance with Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraph 3 13, and assure distribution to the Field Office. Report the architect's improper use or distribution of AIA Document G710 on Form HUD 5379. L.Serious Construction Problems. Report serious construction problems, defined in paragraph II.H. of this Order, on Form HUD 5379 in accordance with Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraph 3 14.A. M.Permission To Occupy. 1.Complete and sign the HUD Representative's portion of the Permission To Occupy, Form FHA 2485/HUD 92485, subject to procedures provided in Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraph 3 15, where the owner requests occupancy for any or all dwelling units or facilities. 2.Report on all requests for permission to occupy on Form HUD 5379. N.Training and Field Office Liaison. Attend HUD conducted training sessions at the HUD Field Office, as scheduled by the GTM during the term of this Order. Such training sessions shall be approximately two hours in duration at approximately 30 day intervals for the purpose of addressing programmatic and technical issues relevant to project inspection. Concurrently, review and update the Field Office Construction Record, consistent with Handbook 4460.1 REV 1, paragraph 3 4.L., and direct the Chief Architect's attention to any known open issue requiring Field Office action. V. DELIVERY SCHEDULE. Delivery may be by US Mail, mutually acceptable service or in person. A.Assignment Document Review Report. Deliver to the GTM with or before delivering the first inspection report, Form HUD 5379, HUD Representative's Trip Report. B.HUD Representative's Trip Report, Form HUD 5379. Deliver or leave one copy at the job site for the supervisory architect, and deliver the original to the GTM within five working days of the site visit. C.Record of Employee Wage Interview, Form HUD 11. Deliver the original and one copy to the GTM within five working days of the site visit. D.Contractor's Requisition, Form HUD 92448. Return the original and seven copies to the Owner's representative at the job site upon completion of the pay draw review and signing of the documents; and deliver one copy to the GTM within five working days of the site visit. E.Permission To Occupy, Form FHA 2485. Return the original and seven copies to the Owner's representative at the job site upon review of the units and/or facilities proposed for acceptance and signing the documents; and deliver one copy to the GTM within five working days of the site visit. Include any list of incomplete work made a part of the Permission to Occupy. F."As Built" Drawings and Specifications. Return Set #3 of the contract drawings and specifications, conformed to the construction contractor's record set, to the GTM within 30 days of the Final HUD Representative's Trip Report, or at such later date directed by the GTM where additional services for monitoring completion of items of delayed completion are directed by the GTM. VI. INSPECTION SERVICES A.Payment For Inspection Services. The contractor shall be paid on a per inspection basis. All travel and related costs have been included in the inspection price including the basic services as identified under paragraphs 1 through 5 inclusively. 1.Meet with the GTM and other HUD staff at the HUD Field Office to receive the assignment documents and an oral briefing on the Order requirements. 2.Meet at the HUD Field Office to participate in the pre-construction conference on the date scheduled by the GTM. 3.Meet at the HUD Field Office once each month during the term of this Order to attend training. 4.Meet at the HUD Field Office with the GTM, other HUD staff and/or parties to the construction contract, as scheduled by the GTM, where required to discuss construction and/or contract administration problems not resolved on the job site. 5.Meet at the HUD Field Office with the GTM and/or other HUD staff, where required to resolve issues arising from contractor's performance under terms of this Order. B.Visit the job site between the initial start of construction and substantial completion of the Work to perform basic services at the monthly frequency defined in paragraph IV.F. of this Order. 1.Visit the job site, where required by the GTM, to redo an incomplete or inadequately performed inspection, report, paydraw, permission to occupy or other document or service required under terms of this Order. C.Visit to job-site to perform guaranty inspections as defined in HUD 4460.1, REV-1, 3-17, and inspections for release of escrows. D.Billings must be submitted on Standard Form, SF 1034 (original & 2-copies), not more often than once a month. Billing is to be on a per inspection basis. VII. PAYMENT FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND TRAVEL. Additional services are at the option of HUD, must be negotiated, and directed by the HUD Contracting Officer in advance of any such services being performed. A.Additional Services are where: 1.Due to delayed completion of a project, it may be necessary to perform additional inspections. Additional inspections are at the option of HUD, must be negotiated, and directed by the HUD Contracting Office before any additional inspections are performed. Instructions for billing are the same as included in Section VI, Payment for Inspection Services. 2.Items of delayed completion must be monitored, and HUD requests that the contractor provide such monitoring services. B.Additional Services Travel is that required to perform the additional services directed by the HUD Contracting Officer. All travel required to perform the additional services directed under terms of this Order is a part of the services and may not be separately billed. C.Billings must be submitted on Standard Form 1034 (SF-1034). VIII. SUSPENSION OF SERVICES. Services under this Order may be suspended for up to 120 calendar days in any combination of periods, not to exceed three periods, after any event leading to cessation of work at the project site. Services may be suspended for any longer aggregate number of days subject to the contractor's mutual consent. A.Time Adjustment. In the event of any services suspension, the basic services period shall be extended by a corresponding period. B.Price Adjustment. There shall be no compensatory price adjustment for any suspension of basic services. IX. TERMINATION OF PROCUREMENT. Provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation at Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations (48 CFR Chapter 1) apply. X. REFERENCE HANDBOOKS. The GTM shall provide the following updated handbooks for use in conducting services under terms of this Order. A.Architectural Analysis and Inspections for Project Mortgage Insurance, Handbook 4460.1 REV 1. B.Construction Period to Final Closing for Project Mortgage Insurance, Handbook 4435.1. C.Multifamily Underwriting: Reports and Forms Catalog, Handbook 4480.1. D.Federal Labor Standards Compliance in Housing and Community Development Programs, Handbook 1344.1 REV 1.
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