R -- Web-Based Training
- Notice Date
- 4/29/2009
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 611420
— Computer Training
- Contracting Office
- Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Procurement and Grants Office (Atlanta), 2920 Brandywine Road, Room 3000, Atlanta, Georgia, 30341-4146
- ZIP Code
- 30341-4146
- Solicitation Number
- 2009-66551
- Archive Date
- 5/28/2009
- Point of Contact
- Jerry W. Outley,, Phone: 770-488-2831, Julio E Lopez,, Phone: 770-488-2892
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- Development and Evaluation of Web-based Training Systems to Support Effective HIV Behavioral Interventions in the United States Technical Requirements Tasks. The Contractor is responsible for completing all of the following technical requirements for each task: Base Period - 24 Months Task 1.: Conduct a literature review and convene an advisory board. Prior to the development of the WBT under this contract, the Contractor shall first conduct a systematic literature review of WBT methods and technologies that most appropriately meet the training needs of Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! and all known barriers and facilitators to these WBT methods and technologies. Second, the Contractor shall form an advisory board made up of key CDC HIV behavioral intervention dissemination and training stakeholders, including CDC, CBO, and DOH staff, and DEBI training partners, to explore the needs, barriers and facilitators associated with WBT methods, distance learning classroom technology options, current DEBI training methods, and existing CBO, DOH, and DEBI partner capacity. Third, the advisory board may convene in person, via teleconference or web conference, or through other methods or technologies to discuss challenges and needs associated with the development of WBT for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself!. Fourth, the challenges and needs of CBOs, DOHs, and DEBI training partners and stakeholders to be explored by the advisory board include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Administrative challenges and needs experienced by DOHs, CBOs (e.g., increased staff work load, need for additional staff, staff turnover, travel and staffing requirements) and DEBI training partners (capacity to participate in WBT, staffing requirements, etc.). 2. Communication challenges and needs of DOHs, CBOs, and DEBI training partners (e.g., increased e-mail/voice mails, need to contact instructors for Q&A). 3. Information technology challenges and needs of DOHs, CBOs, and DEBI training partners (e.g., availability of computers and Internet, need for agency staff to update computer skills and learn new software, information technology needs to host virtual classrooms, software/hardware compatibility needs) to participate in web-based trainings. 4. Legal/ethical issues related to WBT delivery of facilitator trainings (e.g., use of satellite broadcasts, the Internet, and video- and teleconferencing in distance education; issues related to ownership, privacy and confidentiality, and copyright). 5. Challenges and needs related to WBT delivery methods for CDC, DOH, CBOs and DEBI training partners (e.g., characteristics of agencies and training providers, agency and training provider capacity, resources, barriers and facilitators to participating in or providing particular delivery methods). Previously successful strategies to overcome challenges and previous experience with online trainings should be identified. Fifth, the Contractor shall provide all facilities, meeting spaces, and staff for all advisory board activities. Sixth, the Contractor shall convene the advisory board for as long as required to complete the development of all WBT training materials. Seventh, the Contractor shall provide the CDC Project Officer with a report containing the literature review, summary of advisory board recommendations, and a description of methods and procedures used to collect and compile advisory board recommendations. Task 2.: Develop WBT modules for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself!. The Contractor shall provide a plan that describes how they will develop WBT modules for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! facilitator trainings based on the results of the literature review and the recommendations of the advisory board (see Specific Task #1). First, the plan shall include a series of learning objectives for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! WBT trainings and a timeline of the proposed training. Second, the Contractor shall include a plan of how the existing Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! facilitator training materials will be adapted for WBT delivery methods and technologies. Third, the Contractor shall include storyboards, web site design templates, plans for the management of interactive components, plans for the management of multimedia components, plans for peer-to-peer interactivity, plans for communications with instructors, and plans for learner and instructor tools. Fourth, the Contractor shall include a schematic, or map, illustrating how learners navigate the online environment for successful completion of the course content and learning objectives. Fifth, the Contractor shall develop the learning objectives, adapt the training materials, and develop the web-based training plans for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself!. Sixth, the Contractor shall develop the most appropriate mixture of WBT materials according to the following guidelines: a. The Contractor shall develop WBT training materials that permit synchronous distance learning via the Internet (virtual classrooms, live instructors, or peer-to-peer communications) if appropriate. This may include trainings that take place over multiple days, and address multiple content types. b. The Contractor shall develop WBT materials that ensure full mastery of the Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! training components, including skills acquisition through practice, demonstration, and role playing where appropriate. Trainings will utilize adult education learning principles where appropriate. c. The Contractor shall develop WBT delivery methods that incorporate current state-of-the-art techniques for online training (as identified in the scientific WBT literature), that meet the training needs of Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself!, and that require minimal end-user technical expertise, computer skills, or hardware system requirements. d. The Contractor shall develop a WBT for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! facilitator trainings that maintain fidelity to the original intervention training materials, intervention logic model, and intervention core elements. e. The Contractor shall develop WBT online module storyboards and prototypes as part of the course development and design process. f. The Contractor shall develop plans for providing appropriate technical assistance (TA) for both training content and hardware or software needs associated with WBT (e.g.: an online help desk, toll-free number, FAQ, etc.). g. The Contractor shall adapt existing Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! training content for WBT delivery. The Contractor shall consult with the intervention developers or their agents to ensure the training maintains fidelity to the original training intention, and successfully conveys the logic and core elements of the original intervention. The Contractor shall allow maximum comparability between WBT modules and the standard face-to-face trainings for each EBI. h. The Contractor shall work with the CDC Project Officer to develop all products associated with the work described in this Contract. i. The Contractor shall receive written approval from the CDC Project Officer on all products before proceeding with full-scale product development and implementation. Seventh, the Contractor, with CDC approval, shall develop WBT training curricula and course modules for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself!. Task 3.: Develop WBT infrastructure of Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! facilitator trainings. The Contractor shall develop, implement, administer, and maintain all training infrastructure for this project (all servers, hardware, software, content management systems, networking systems, and other training infrastructure necessary to fully support the WBT for the duration of the project) at the Contractor's facilities. First, the Contractor shall provide a plan detailing infrastructure needs for the WBT. Second, the Contractor will finalize the infrastructure plan and to ensure that it is consistent with CDC technologies and requirements for seamless transition of all activities to the CDC and its partners upon completion of the project. Third, the Contractor shall implement, administer, and maintain all infrastructure for a successful WBT for each intervention for the duration of the project. Fourth, the Contractor shall provide all security measures to guarantee protection of the training infrastructure and confidentiality of all information, records, and data shared or collected during the project from unauthorized access and other external threats. Task 4.: Develop evaluation instruments for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! trainings. First, the Contractor shall develop all evaluation data collection instruments to be used to evaluate the utility and feasibility of WBT methods and technologies in delivering course content and in providing learners with the skills and content mastery required to successfully implement Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself!. Second, the Contractor shall obtain CDC approval for all data collection instruments prior to including them in the IRB and OMB submissions. Third, the Contractor shall use S.M.A.R.T. objectives when developing the evaluation instruments. Fourth, the Contractor shall submit all evaluation data collection instruments to all local and federal IRBs and OMB for approval. Task 5.: Prepare and obtain IRB, OMB, and other required approvals. The Contractor shall prepare all project materials (including protocols, training materials, plans, procedures, evaluation instruments, and quality assurance and process measures) for federal and local IRB and OMB review, and obtain all required approvals prior to any data collection. First, the Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining human subjects research approval from all relevant Institutional Review Boards (IRB). Second, the Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval. Third, the Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all other approvals as required by the project and determined by the CDC Project Officer. Phase One - 12 Months Task 1.: Refine and revise all WBT materials. First, the Contractor shall submit all developed WBT materials for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! to the advisory board for review (see Technical Task #1 above for details about the advisory board). Second, the Contractor will revise and refine WBT modules based on advisory board feedback and with CDC approval. This may involve multiple iterations of feedback and revision. Third, the Contractor shall provide a written report of all feedback and refinements of materials, including copies of the advisory board meeting notes and reports, and written summaries of methods and processes used to the CDC. The Contractor shall consider the WBT materials and modules complete with the CDC Project Officer's approval. Task 2.: Pilot implementation of WBT training. The Contractor shall implement the complete WBT for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! with a small group of less than 9 trainees no later than five months after the beginning of Phase One. First, the Contractor will evaluate the pilot implementation using process and outcome measures such as user satisfaction, intervention specific knowledge and skills acquisition, ease of use, access to all supporting technologies, facilitator skills, course design, and utility and feasibility of multimedia technologies in delivering course content, etc. These measures will evaluate how well the learning objectives are met and whether training is delivered in a clear and concise manner. Second, based on information from the pilot implementation, the Contractor shall take steps as needed to address potential problems with developed systems, revise implementation plans, or otherwise refine training materials to ensure success of the future full scale WBT implementation. Third, the small pilot implementation sample of no greater than 9 persons shall consist of intervention facilitators, or similar persons from agencies, CBOs, or DOHs with diverse HIV prevention backgrounds and experience. Fourth, the Contractor shall provide all materials and resources to fully implement the pilot. Fifth, the Contractor shall provide a written report of all pilot implementation findings, including copies of datasets, instruments, and written summaries of methods and analysis used to arrive at findings to CDC. Sixth, the Contractor shall revise all materials and processes as appropriate based on the pilot implementation experience with prior CDC approval. Seventh, the CDC Project Officer will determine that WBT course materials and processes are complete and ready for full scale implementation based on pilot implementation findings. Eighth, the Contractor shall submit all final WBT materials and curricula to the CDC Project Officer prior to beginning the training master trainers or implementing the full scale WBT for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself!. Task 3.: Training of Trainers (TOT). The Contractor shall provide all resources, materials, and facilities for training DEBI training partners on WBT methods and technologies and Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! web based course content. First, the Contractor shall develop all TOT curricula and materials, including a technical assistance plan, and submit them to the CDC project officer for approval prior to implementing the TOT. Second, the Contractor shall implement and complete the approved TOT with DEBI training partners no later than 12 months after the beginning of Phase One. Third, the Contractor shall provide all final TOT training materials to the CDC Project Officer. Fourth, the Contractor shall provide guidance on how to deploy the WBT products by CDC and DEBI training partners. Fifth, the Contractor shall provide ongoing technical assistance to DEBI training partners and master trainers for the duration of the project. Task 4.: Full-Scale WBT Implementation for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! First, the Contractor shall implement and maintain all aspects of the full-scale WBT for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself!, using CDC-approved WBT infrastructure and curricula/learning modules, beginning 12 months after the start of Phase One and finishing 30 days prior to the end of the contract. Second, the Contractor shall maintain the full-scale WBT for the duration of the contract. Third, the Contractor shall provide all technical assistance for all users and trainers on accessing the WBT, navigating WBT modules, and all other aspects of the Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! WBT. Fourth, the Contractor shall provide intervention packages and training materials to the trainees to be distributed by mail or through download. Phase Two - 12 Months Task 1.: For Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself!, conduct an evaluation of the WBT. The Contractor shall be responsible for developing and implementing an evaluation to assess the WBT for each EBI. First, using the evaluation instruments approved by the CDC Project Officer, federal and local IRBs, and OMB, the Contractor shall (1) assess the degree to which learners master the content of the EBI, (2) assess the economic costs involved with implementing the trainings, and (3) assess other benefits, disadvantages, or problems associated with successful training implementation and learner participation and course completion. Third, the Contractor shall use a program evaluation framework to develop and implement both process evaluation and pre- and post-WBT evaluations for each WBT. Fourth, the Contractor shall be guided by, but not limited to, the following measures for the WBT evaluation: a. Assessment of pre- and post-training skills/knowledge in intervention delivery. b. Measures collected during actual training (e.g., amount of time spent on each module, tests at end of each module to assess comprehension and learning, sections where participants selected to receive help, etc.). c. Characteristics of agencies participating in WBT (capacity, type of agency, history, financial and human resources such as less time away from jobs, reduced cost due to less travel). d. Assessment of training delivery (user-satisfaction, training objectives met, intervention understanding, mastery of DEBI intervention content, and mastery of skills necessary to implement the DEBI). e. Cost assessment of training delivery methods and technologies. f. Assessment of best-fit between the particular delivery method and specific components of the Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! trainings (e.g., teach-backs, role-plays, didactic information-giving). Assessment of which type of delivery method (or combination of delivery methods) works best for specific components of the trainings. g. Assessment of tangible benefits, other than financial, provided by WBT. h. Assessment of the processes undertaken and lessons learned in developing a WBT for facilitators of HIV prevention behavioral interventions (e.g.: technical, logistical, pedagogical, and other substantive implementation issues). Fifth, the Contractor shall develop the WBT evaluation plan and evaluation instruments. Sixth, the Contractor shall provide the evaluation plan and instruments to the CDC Project Officer for approval before beginning the evaluation. Seventh, the Contractor shall provide all staffing, resources, and facilities for conducting the IRB and OMB approved WBT evaluation for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself! Task 2.: Quality Assurance & Improvement. The Contractor shall collect data to provide quality assurance and determine quality improvement needs. First, the Contractor shall use quality assurance and improvement instruments approved by the CDC Project Officer, local and federal IRBs, and OMB. Second, the Contractor shall collect quality assurance and improvement data and submit all data regularly to the CDC (see Section D, Delivery Schedule below). Third, the Contractor shall provide regular data reports to the CDC (see Section D, Delivery Schedule below) in an appropriate format (providing findings in written and tabular forms documenting statistical measures used where appropriate). Fourth, the Contractor shall address needs and issues identified and make improvements to the WBT with the approval of the CDC Project Officer. Task 3.: Evaluation data collection and management. The Contractor shall provide all staffing, resources, and facilities for conducting all aspects of the collection and management of WBT evaluation data. First, the Contractor shall ensure that local data sets contain no individual identifiers. Second, the Contractor shall ensure that all data are free of errors. Third, the Contractor shall maintain data at its own facilities. Fourth, the Contractor shall take the appropriate precautions to ensure the physical and online security of the data from loss or access by unauthorized personnel. Fifth, the Contractor shall securely submit all electronic interim datasets without identifiers to CDC. Sixth, the Contractor shall securely submit all electronic final datasets without identifiers to CDC. Seventh, the Contractor shall provide and maintain the data management system for all evaluation data. This system shall be compatible with systems and formats specified by CDC. Eighth, the Contractor shall send all project data to CDC (see Section D, Delivery Schedule below) in an appropriate format (providing findings in written and tabular forms, documenting statistical findings where appropriate). Ninth, the Contractor shall provide assistance with analysis of the data, as determined by the Project Officer. Tenth, the Contractor shall complete data analysis tasks using statistical or qualitative methods approved by the Project Officer. Task 4.: Data analysis and report dissemination: The Contractor shall issue specific reports describing qualitative and quantitative results of the project evaluation. First, the Contractor shall provide written interim reports of the evaluation findings to the CDC Project Officer. Second, the Contractor shall provide a written final report of the evaluation findings to the CDC Project Officer. Third, all reports (interim and final) shall be submitted to the CDC Project Officer as a hardcopy and as an electronic file. Fourth, all reports will include a written summary of all findings, including a description of all data collection and data analysis methods, copies of all data collection instruments used, and copies of all qualitative and quantitative data collected in an electronic format. Fifth, the Contractor shall provide a final report at the end of the Contract that includes: a) an electronic database of all cleaned data collected during the Contract, including all supporting data dictionaries and documentation and all data collection instruments used b) a written summary of all methods used to collect and analyze data c) a written summary of all qualitative and quantitative findings (including advisory board feedback, pilot implementation findings, quality assurance and improvement findings, and evaluation findings) d) all final WBT training materials (including all development plans, documentation of how materials were adapted, all feedback from the advisory board and pilot implementation, and all other products developed under this Contract to evaluate web-based facilitator trainings for Sister to Sister and d-up: Defend Yourself!. The final written report shall be sent to the CDC as a hard copy via registered mail, and as an electronic copy. Sixth, the Contractor shall ensure that the results of the evaluation will be made available to front-line HIV prevention program planners and managers, local and state health departments, CBOs, other CDC staff, and other relevant parties (through web-casts, presentations, etc.). Seventh, the Contractor shall make reports available to CDC and external HIV behavioral intervention researchers to improve dissemination of DEBIs (through national conferences, peer-reviewed papers, etc.). Eighth, the Contractor shall supply CDC and its partners with a CD or DVD of all final project materials, training modules, written reports, TOT materials, instruments and datasets created as a result of this project upon completion of the project. All materials developed as a result of this project will be submitted to CDC electronically and as hard copies. Other Specific Technical Requirements The Contractor shall acknowledge in writing that all datasets, survey instruments, documents, training materials, protocols, and other products developed under this contract are the exclusive property of CDC. The Contractor shall participate in project meetings, site visits, and conference calls with CDC and key stakeholders. Minimum qualifications of the Contractor to perform the tasks in the scope of work include the following: 1. Experience with implementing web-based trainings for public health programs 2. Skill and experience with scientific program evaluation research design and implementation 3. Experience developing complex web-based trainings using multimedia tools while maintaining fidelity to original curricula or intervention/program science, purpose, or intent.
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- Address: Contractor's Facility, United States
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- SN01805313-W 20090501/090429223348-c094e08306d1ef1455630a2cf337f9ed (
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