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R -- Background "Lead" In-House Investigator

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Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
561611 — Investigation Services
Contracting Office
Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Administrative Programs Division (APD), 99 New York Avenue, NE, 3rd Floor - Acquisitions, Washington, District of Columbia, 20226
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
James M. Huff, Phone: 202-648-9117
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
Post of duty is: 99 New York Avenue 1st Floor E-300, Washington, DC 20226. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO COMMUTE DAILY TO THE PERSONNEL SECURITY BRANCH OFFICE IN WASHINGTON, DC Description The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has delegated the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) authority to conduct personnel security background investigations on ATF applicants, contractors, and other non-ATF personnel, as well as periodic reinvestigations on all current employees. The purpose of these investigations is to determine suitability for employment and/or eligibility to access National Security Information. Background investigations are conducted in accordance with established Executive Orders 10450 and 12968, the Privacy Act of 1974, OPM regulations, other relevant regulations from the Office of Management and Budget, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and ATF policies and procedures. ATF will provide these regulations to the “In-House Team Lead Special Investigators,” hereinafter referred to as contractors. ATF has established a contract background investigation program to contract these investigations out to trained and experienced investigators. Operational and administration aspects of the program are also contracted out to trained and experienced investigators or personnel security professionals, typically, though not exclusively, retired Federal investigators who have at least three (3) years of current experience in the administration of and/or conduct of personnel security background investigations. Contractors must possess sufficient investigative and administrative abilities to perform the tasks assigned to them by ATF. The Personnel Security Branch (PSB) is currently organized into four (4) team sections. Applicant Team: responsible for conducting background investigations on potential ATF special agents, industry operations investigators, and other ATF personnel. Contractor Team: responsible for conducting background investigations on potential ATF contractors, student interns, volunteers, summer/winter hires, and other non-ATF personnel. Employee Team: responsible for conducting periodic reinvestigations on current ATF employees. Investigations Team: responsible for organizing assignments and reviewing background investigative leads sent to ATF Field Special Investigators. In addition, the Investigations Team provides guidance and assistance to Special Investigators in the field; they also serve as the authority for investigative coverage requirements. Contractors must possess sufficient investigative and administrative abilities to perform the tasks assigned to them. Such tasks include planning assignments, scoping investigations, assigning investigations, reviewing Reports of Investigation (ROI), auditing and adjudicating investigations, reviewing and/or drafting policy and procedures (subject to final approval by ATF), generating status and statistical reports, evaluating and assessing priorities and procedures, and implementing necessary change, disseminating information to team members, team training, coordinating with team assistants, attending team/branch meetings when required, and working on special projects as directed by their Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) and/or Branch Chief. Contractors are responsible for organizing their team and maintaining communication with their team and PSB staff and management. They must have the ability to assess the needs of their team and effectively set goals and priorities to ensure compliance with mandated guidelines and ATF hiring goals. Contractors will correspond with the COTR and/or Branch Chief prior to initiating new policies/procedures or shifting team priorities. All policies are subject to final review by ATF. Contractors should be able to review current standards, make recommendations, and provide written direction. They are responsible for ensuring adequate training for new/transferred team members and providing any necessary guidance. Contractors must have the ability to effectively communicate with clear and concise thoughts both verbally and in writing. While contractors will be responsible for organizing assignments, they will exercise no supervisory authority over any other contractor. Contractors will not have the authority to discipline, withdraw clearances, issue awards, or represent themselves as supervisory. The contractor’s position described in this Statement of Work is managerial in terms of cases, not in terms of personnel. Contractor’s duties and work hours are dictated by the ATF workload and funding availability. Contractors are expected to be available to accept work as requested. Contractors will be paid at the rate of $61.00 per hour for each hour up to and including 40 hours or otherwise established rate as determined by ATF. Hours authorized and worked in excess of 40 hours per week will be paid at the rate of $91.50; the need for additional work hours must be agreed upon and have prior approval from the COTR and/or Branch Chief. Contractors shall ensure their availability to process needed work in a timely manner. Each contactor must work a minimum number of 34 hours; working at a minimum four (4) days each week. Contractors shall not work more than ten hours per day without prior approval from their COTR and/or Branch Chief. Contractor’s schedules are subject to final approval by ATF. Contractors are responsible for coordinating adequate office coverage for their respective team; to include holidays and high vacation/travel months. Failure to meet necessary availability may result in termination of the contract. In compliance with ATF’s specific invoicing procedures, Contractors must submit an invoice for payment detailing the number of hours worked. Such invoice will be subject to audit by ATF. Contractors must also execute a Contractor Certification that declares that any submission of a Contractor’s invoice represents actual hours performed in accordance with requirements of the Statement of Work. ATF may use the services of a third party contractor to provide administrative records and financial management services. This includes processing invoices and making payments for ATF designated contracts such as those for conducting background investigations. Consequently contractors are advised that the third party, rather than ATF, may provide actual payment for services rendered and accepted by ATF under any resulting contract. Contractors are further advised that the third party is required to make payments in the same timely manner as ATF. Contractors must be computer literate and efficient in software programs that support e-mail, word processing, and data entry, which are utilized in the administration of the personnel security program. Contractors must be willing to attend periodic conferences at selected locations within the United States. Conferences are usually limited to one (1) per year. Contractors will have access to ATF’s computer network and will sign ATF P 7500.1, ATF Rules of Behavior and Customer Agreement for ATF Workstation Users. Contractors are required to successfully complete ATF Information System Security Awareness training each year. Contractors must execute, and abide by the terms of a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Each contractor shall undergo a personnel security investigation to determine their suitability to access ATF facilities, proprietary information, and/or data. This investigation will be conducted by or under the auspices of the Personnel Security Branch (PSB), and be performed under such standards as the PSB may establish. Each contractor must be able to obtain and maintain a favorably adjudicated background investigation and receive a Top Secret clearance. The contractor is advised that this investigation may take 90 days or more to complete, depending upon the complexities of the issues. Failure to timely complete the required background forms, or failure to have a background investigation favorably adjudicated or receive a Top Secret clearance constitutes grounds for disqualification of the contractor. Should the contractor be disqualified, he or she will not be granted unescorted access to any ATF facility, and access to ATF proprietary information or information technology systems will not be authorized. Each contractor, when working in the PSB, must carry themselves in a manner that does not contribute to ATF being portrayed in a negative light. To that end, contractors, when on duty, should present themselves in a professional manner, be neatly groomed, and appropriately attired. Complaints of inappropriate conduct or performance will be investigated, and if substantiated, may result in the contract being terminated. Contractors must exhibit professional qualities during all periods of performance and absolute integrity is required and expected. Contractors must be polite and professional in both conduct and appearance. Contractors should never use ATF credentials for investigating any matter not assigned to you by ATF, PSB or for any personal gain. Contractors must not allow their credentials to be photocopied or taken from their possession. Lost or stolen credentials should be reported to the PSB immediately, as well as the local police department. Contractors are responsible for safeguarding information. Background investigation information is protected by the Privacy Act and, unless classified, is considered Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU) information. SBU information must not be transmitted via unsecured e-mail or Internet, or disclosed to unauthorized parties. Contractors must never furnish or divulge SBU information contained a background investigation record. Contractors must obtain a Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number and have a current registration in the Central Contractor Register (CCR) for payment via electronic funds transfer. ATF intends to issue contractors Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA) that will be available for placing calls/orders through June 30, 2013. The solicitation will close June 8, 2009 at 4 p.m. EST. All responses will be evaluated and a sufficient number of awards will be made to the most advantageous (most highly rated) contractors. A BPA will be awarded after all evaluations are passed, tentative selections are made, interviews completed and background investigations adjudicated favorably. ATF anticipates a requirement to periodically re-open this solicitation due to attrition. Contractors selected from their responses to this solicitation will be offered a BPA. A BPA is not a contract. A BPA is a simplified method of procuring quantities of supplies or services that selected contractors are in a position to furnish, and eliminates the need for more complex acquisition methods. There will be no minimum or maximum guaranteed quantity. All calls/orders must be acknowledged and accepted by the selected contractor, or the call will be transferred to another contractor. Calls/orders may be competed among all contractors at the same time, upon the discretion of the ATF representative. The North American Industry Classification System Code (NAICS) is 561611 Investigation Services, and is the appropriate designation required by the CCR. The following clauses are incorporated in full force: FAR Part 52.212.1 Instructions to Offeror – Commercial Items (Oct. 00) and FAR 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions-Commercial Items Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders-Commercial (incorporated by reference) Each Offeror shall include a completed copy of the provisions at FAR 52.212-3, Offeror Representation and Certifications-Commercial Items; A copy of the Offeror Representations and Certifications- can be found on the web at www.arnet.gov/far - or the contractor may request a copy from SIAdministration@atf.gov. Offeror shall provide a statement proving they have read and understand the terms and conditions set forth in the FAR 52.212-4. EVALUATION AND SELECTION CRITERIA. Capability of the Contractor. ATF will consider BPAs to contractors, as needed, on a pass/fail basis, based on past performance and experience, and the contractor’s assent to ATF’s terms and conditions, including the hourly rate. All vendors must submit complete responses, must be able to obtain a favorably adjudicated Single Scope Background Investigation and must be willing and able to obtain a Dun and Bradstreet number and register with the Central Contractor Registration. Any contractor failing to comply with these mandatory requirements will be eliminated. Contractors will be initially screened on a pass/fail basis for acceptability. Contractors rated as “passed” will be awarded points for past performance and experience. Contractors with an overall score of at least 75 points and that meet the mandatory requirements will be considered for issuance of a BPA and award will be made to those contractors receiving the highest scores if a position is available. At least 45 points must come from Offer or Demonstrated Experience / Qualifications and at least 30 points must come from Contractor Past Performance / Capabilities. a. Experience/Qualifications (60 Points): Experience is the opportunity to learn by doing. A minimum of three (3) years combined experience as either a personnel security specialist or an investigator conducting personnel security background investigations is recommended. ATF will evaluate each contractor’s experience on the basis of its breadth, depth, and relevance to the work that will be required under the prospective BPA. Evaluators will consider the years of experience conducting and/or administering personnel security background investigations in the Federal environment, as well as computer proficiency. ATF may assess the contractor’s communication and written skills, and familiarity with directives governing the conduct of background investigations through an interview. (45 points minimum). b. Past Performance/Capabilities (40 Points): Past performance is a measure of the degree to which a contractor satisfied its customers in the past and complied with laws and regulations. ATF may contact some of the contractor’s customers to ask whether or not they believe (1) that the contractor was capable, efficient, and effective; (2) that the contractor’s performance conformed to the terms and conditions of its contract; (3) that the contractor was reasonable and cooperative during the performance; and (4) that the contractor was committed to customer satisfaction. In evaluating past performance, ATF may contact some of the references provided by the vendor and other sources of information, including, but not limited to: other government agencies, better business bureaus, published media, and electronic databases. (30 points minimum). Contractors with recent ATF experience will be evaluated on the performance they provided to ATF. ATF will consider performance that contractors have previously rendered to ATF to be more influential than past performance rendered to another source. c. Acceptability. ATF will determine the acceptability of each contractor offer on a “pass” or “fail” basis. A contractor’s offer is acceptable when it manifests the contractor’s assent, without exception, to the terms and conditions of the solicitation, including attachments and amendments (if any). If a contractor takes exception to any of the terms and conditions of the scope of work, ATF will consider its offer to be unacceptable. Contractors wishing to take exception to the terms and conditions stated are strongly encouraged to contact the Contracting Officer before doing so. To request a copy of the Statement of Work, please submit a written request via email to SIAdministration@atf.gov. Proposal Requirements Anyone wishing to respond to this solicitation should (1) submit a current resume with his/her social security number, (2) responses to the below listed questions, (3) include a completed copy of the FAR 52.212-3, and (4) provide a statement proving the vendor has read and fully understands all the terms and conditions set forth in the FAR 52.212-4. Proposals must be submitted by 4 p.m. EST, June 8, 2009. Resumes should highlight the contractor’s experience and capabilities in administering a personnel security program. Please provide examples of your qualifications and how those duties relate to the contractor’s past and/or current performance. These examples will be used in evaluating the contractor’s Qualifications and Past Performance. Only written requests received directly from the requestor are acceptable, i.e., each individual contractor (person) must submit their own proposal. (No phone calls will be accepted). Please provide individual responses to the following: The following six (6) questions/requirements are evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis. Failure to respond will result in an automatic failed evaluation. Please answer these six (6) questions with either a yes or no answer 1) Do you believe you are able to obtain and maintain a favorably adjudicated Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI)? (Y/N) 2) Are you willing to obtain and Dun and Bradstreet number and register with the Central Contractors registration)? (Y/N) 3) Are you willing to sign and abide by the rules set forth in ATF P 7500.1 – ATF Rules of Behavior and Customer Agreement for ATF Workstation Users? (Y/N) 4)Are you willing to complete ATF’s Information Systems Security Awareness Training? (Y/N) 5)Are you willing to sign and adhere to the terms and conditions of the Non-Disclosure Agreement? (Y/N) 6)Are you willing to sign an annual Memorandum of Understanding between you and ATF and adhere to its terms and conditions? (Y/N) For the following sixteen questions please respond using between 5-10 sentences. 1) What do you feel is the purpose of conducting background investigations in today’s society? 2) Are you familiar with or knowledgeable of the President’s effort to reform the Federal personnel security program? If so, identify reform efforts. 3) Provide three (3) examples of your ability to assess and evaluate priorities and procedures, make recommendations for improvement, and implement change. 4)Do you have three (3) years of investigative experience either as a Personnel Security Specialist or investigator conducting personnel security background investigations or administering a personnel security program? If “yes,” please explain. If your answer is “no,” please provide any investigative/security experience or knowledge of government procedures that would support your ability to assist in administering a personnel security program. 5)Do you have prior experience writing policies and procedures? If so, were they related to personnel security programs? 6) Do you have experience in training other personnel? Have you ever prepared training materials? 7)Are you familiar with the current suitability and adjudicative guidelines established by the OPM? 8)Do you have experience in generating status or statistical reports of a personnel security nature? 9)Do you have the ability to switch priorities while maintaining organization and steady flow of processing? 10)How would you assess your written communication skills? 11) Do you have the ability to effectively communicate with clear and concise thoughts? 12)What is your level of computer experience? Have you ever taken any computer-related courses? What computer related programs are you familiar with and how would you rate your overall computer skill level? 13)Have you ever utilized NLETS, TECS/NCIC, Credit Reporting Agencies, Selective Service Registry, PACER or other online databases? If so, please explain your experience? 14)Do you have the ability to demonstrate leadership qualities? If so, provide examples. 15)Would others consider you a positive influence for promoting team building and a good work environment? 16)Do you have the ability to take direction and then work with minimal or no oversight? For the following four (4) questions please provide either a yes or no answer. 1)Are you willing to be available to accept work as requested and complete administrative requirements? (Y/N) 2)Are you willing to complete and submit invoice detailing hours worked? (Y/N) 3)Are you willing to accept special projects related to personnel security investigations? (Y/N) 4)Are you willing to accept that ATF may use a third party to pay contractors? (Y/N) Proposals are to be submitted via mail at 99 New York Avenue, Suite 1.E-300, Washington, DC 20226, or via email to SIAdministration@atf.gov and must contain all of the required information. Point of Contact: Management Analyst, Personnel Security Branch.
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Place of Performance
Address: 99 New York Avenue 1st Floor, Washington, District of Columbia, 20226, United States
Zip Code: 20226
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