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R -- Manpower Support for areas of administration, supply, budgeting, marketing, information technology, program execution and resourcing and recruiting and retention operations, as defined in the attached Performance Work Statement.

Notice Date
Notice Type
561499 — All Other Business Support Services
Contracting Office
USPFO for Georgia, P.O. Box 17882, Atlanta, GA 30316-0882
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Regina Singleton, 678-569-6215
E-Mail Address
USPFO for Georgia
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
This is a Combined Synopsis/Solicitation for the procurement of commercial services prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. Proposals are being requested and this solicitation W912JM-10-R-0005 is being issued as a Request for Proposal (RFP). The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Regulation, effective 10 December 2009. The Governments intent is to award a firm fixed price contract for One- (12) month base year, and four -(12) twelve month Option years; however the requirement shall be reviewed annually to determine its ongoing need prior to the exercising of any of the incorporated Option Years. This procurement is a Total Small Business Set-Aside. The NAICS code is 561499, with a size standard of $7.0 Million. Description of Requirement: Manpower Support for areas of administration, supply, budgeting, marketing, information technology, program execution and resourcing and recruiting and retention operations, as defined in the attached Performance Work Statement. Immediately upon contract award the Government requires that the contract awardee be prepared to fill eleven (11) of the required 28 positions, as indentified in the attached PWS. Additionally, the Government anticipates the need and reserves the right throughout the contract performance period to increase the number of personnel for any of the noted Positions until all 28 identified positions are filled, as need arises and funding becomes available. The Government also reserves the right to award on a multiple award or an all or none basis. The Government will consider the following for award: A contract will be awarded to the Offeror who offers the best value in accordance with the following evaluation factors for this requirement: Past Performance, Past Experience, Technical & Management Approach and Price. Past Performance weighting will be 30%, Past Experience weighting will also be 30%, Technical & Management Approach will be 20% and Price will be 20%. Note: When all evaluation factors other than price are combined they are significantly more important than price. However, price is still an important factor, as funding is limited for this for procurement action. The following provisions and clauses apply to this acquisition. The provision at FAR 52.212-1, Instructions to OfferorsCommercial Items. Proposals will be evaluated and a contract will be awarded to the offeror who offers the best value in accordance with the following evaluation factors for this requirement. Clause 52.212-2 EvaluationCommercial Items shall be used to evaluate offers: SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: The Offerors proposal must be submitted in three parts: 1. Technical & Management proposal 2. Past Performance & Past Experience 3. Price proposal Each of the parts shall be separate and complete so that evaluation of each may be accomplished independently. In an effort to support and ensure unbiased source selection, please do not make reference or indicate company identification in the Technical and Past Performance /Past Experience submission. Company information may be submitted as an additional part, if desired. 1. Technical & Management Proposal. Offerors are required to submit a comprehensive and complete technical & management proposal that demonstrates their ability to perform the work described in the Performance Work Statement (PWS). Offerors are cautioned to be responsive to all of the requirements of the PWS and provide sufficient information to allow evaluation of the proposal as listed in the Solicitation and this Synopsis. The technical proposal must be succinct, well written and presented in a clear straightforward manner in an 8.5 x 11 format. No pricing information shall be included in the Technical proposal. For ease of evaluation, offerors are to submit the technical proposal organized into the following three parts: A. Plan of Action and Statement of Understanding. The offeror must submit a plan of action and statement of understanding in two (2) parts: a) Plan of Action-The offeror shall present a plan of action that describes the performance of the project. To include details of how, the contractor intends to fill required positions with personnel that are technically proficient with Army National Guard Recruiting and Retention processes, policies, guidance, and initiatives, as well as all other position requirements outlined in attached PWS. Additionally, contractor must outline his action plan for adding remaining positions beyond the initial 11 position s filled at the beginning contract performance, upon request by the government. b) Statement of Understanding-The offeror shall submit a brief statement that demonstrates that he understands the mission statement and objectives the Government has established for each Position indentified in the attached PWS. This cannot be a repeat or mere summary of the materials provided in the RFP, but rather the offerors statement of his understanding of the detailed work. This Part is expected to be no more than two (2) pages in length. B. Personnel Staffing / Production Capabilities. The offeror shall identify all staff as appropriate. All Offerors shall submit in their Proposals, profiles for only the initial eleven (11) positions identified as immediate. However, if Offeror intends to retain all incumbent contract employees there will be no requirement for profiles at all in his initial proposal. But, please note the successful Offeror must still be prepared to provide profiles of the additional projected seventeen (17) positions immediately upon notification that funding has become available and the Government needs positions filled. In closing, please be mindful that the Government greatly desires that incumbent contract employees be retained and remain in place as there is no flexibility for a training phase and employees must begin Mission Ready immediately upon contract award. C. Management Plan / Quality Control. Submit a management plan that briefly explains how the team is organized to respond to the needs described for the services. The offeror should identify the overall effort proposed by the company as it relates to other work in which the company may be engaged. Key personnel should be identified along with each members contribution to the project, as well as their commitment to other work underway or planned. Include a simple staffing/organization chart that identifies the various team members and their position on the team. In the Quality Control (QC) plan, include a description of how quality, timeliness and budgets shall be tracked and controlled, and the method of interaction and reporting to the Government. 2. Past Performance & Experience. The Government will make a risk assessment for the Past Performance Factor. Offeror lacking direct relevant past performance and/or experience shall provide citations and discuss projects that nearest approximate the type of work, complexity, size or work that otherwise demonstrates the quality of the work they can provide. Past performance citations shall be for contracts or tasks within the past three years and be of at least six months duration; may include work performed for federal, state, and local government and commercial firms; and may include work performed as a prime contractor, team member, or subcontractor. The Offeror must demonstrate, through past performance and his experience, the ability to perform the work described in this RFP. Offeror must submit at least three (3) and not more than five (5) of the following: a) Past Performance- Please provide completed copies of the attached Past Performance Questionnaire. b)Experience- please provide details on project samples of similar scope and magnitude described as follows: A brief narrative about the project, no more than three (3) pages, containing but not limited to the following: project title, purpose, client name and phone number, completion date, staff involved, budget and any additional relevant information. 3. Price Proposal. Proposals shall contain all cost information and will be used to evaluate the completeness, realism, and reasonableness of the cost numbers. The cost proposal must include all costs required to manage and perform all outlined tasks indentified the attached Performance Work Statement. The following adjectival ratings will be used for Technical & Management ratings: Adjectival ratingDescription of adjectival rating Very GoodProposal meets solicitation requirements, demonstrates a very good understanding of the requirements and has salient features that offer significant advantage to the Government. Very good in all respects. Advantages/strengths not offset by disadvantages/weaknesses. Very good probability of success with overall very low degree of risk in meeting Government requirements. GoodProposal meets most solicitation requirements and demonstrates a good understanding of the requirements but does not offer significant advantages to the Government over basic RFP requirements. Disadvantages/weaknesses are not significant, unless significant advantages are proposed that outweigh significant disadvantages. Where there were areas of concern, clarifications, given by contractor, were acceptable. Good probability of success with overall low degree of risk in meeting the Government requirements. SatisfactoryProposal meets some but not all the RFP requirements, but offers disadvantages (weaknesses) outweighing other advantages (strengths). Examples may include little or no experience cited; weak proposal; mimics RFP language rather than expressing offerors approach or understanding of the RFP. Probability of success considered less than full confidence. MarginalProposal meets some but not all the RFP requirements. Examples: Proposal does not address all required RFP criteria; little or no experience to the extent that Overall quality cannot be determined because of errors, omissions or deficiencies that may be capable of being corrected without a major rewrite or revision of proposal. Probability of success is questionable without further explanation by offeror. UnsatisfactoryProposal demonstrates little to no understanding of the requirements; or approach fails to adequately meet acceptable performance expectations. Proposal contains major errors; omissions or deficiencies. The following rating will be used for Past Performance Rating: Risk ratingDescription of risk rating Very Low RiskVery high quality past performance. Problems, if any, were negligible and were resolved in a timely and highly effective manner. Performance was generally current and very relevant to relevant. Excellent probability of success with overall very low degree of risk in meeting Governments requirements. Low RiskGood quality past performance. Minor problems may have been identified however; contractor took satisfactory corrective actions to resolve where appropriate. Performance was current and generally very relevant to relevant. Good probability of success with overall low degree of risk in meeting the Governments requirements. Average RiskAdequate quality of past performance. Problems may have been identified and the contractor usually took adequate corrective action. Performance was current and generally very relevant to semi-relevant. Although performance exceeds expectations and was rated excellent to very good the projects submitted were generally semi-relevant to the efforts required by this solicitation. Fair probability of success with an average degree of risk in meeting the Governments requirements. Above Average RiskRather poor quality of past performance. Problems may have been identified and contractor occasionally took corrective action, but not always to the owners satisfaction. Performance was current and generally very relevant to semi-relevant. Fair probability of success with an overall above average risk in meeting the Governments requirements. High RiskUnacceptable quality of past performance. There were problems, some of a somewhat serious to serious nature. Contractors corrective action was sometimes marginally effective to ineffective. Performance was current and very relevant to semi-relevant. Probability of success is questionable with an unacceptably high degree of risk in meeting the Governments requirements. NeutralNo current and/or relevant performance record is identifiable upon which to base a meaningful performance risk prediction. Government personnel were unable to identify any relevant Past Performance information for the offeror or key team members/subcontractors. This is neither a negative nor a positive assessment. The following rating will be used for Past Experience Rating: Risk ratingDescription of risk rating Very Low RiskExtensive amount of past experience in required areas of expertise identified in Performance Work Statement. Detailed experience was generally current and very relevant to relevant. Excellent probability of success with overall very low degree of risk in meeting Governments requirements. Low RiskGood amount of past experience in required areas of expertise identified in Performance Work Statement. Detailed experience was current and generally very relevant to relevant. Good probability of success with overall low degree of risk in meeting the Governments requirements. Average RiskAdequate amount of past experience in required areas of expertise identified in Performance Work Statement. Experience was current and generally very relevant to semi-relevant. Fair probability of success with an average degree of risk in meeting the Governments requirements. Above Average RiskVery little of past experience. Experience was current and generally very relevant to semi-relevant. Fair probability of success with an overall above average risk in meeting the Governments requirements. High RiskUnacceptable amount of past experience. Experience was current and very relevant to semi-relevant. Probability of success is questionable with an unacceptably high degree of risk in meeting the Governments requirements. NeutralNo current and/or relevant experience record is identifiable upon which to base a meaningful performance risk prediction. Government personnel were unable to identify any relevant Past Experience information for the offeror or key team members/subcontractors. This is neither a negative nor a positive assessment. The government intends to evaluate proposals and make award without discussions with offerors (except clarifications as described in FAR 15.306(a)). Therefore, the offerors initial proposals should contain the offerors best terms from a cost or price standpoint. Do not assume you will have the opportunity to clarify, discuss or revise your offer. Offeror may, at the discretion of the Government, be asked to provide more information and clarification regarding their offer/proposal. Request for such information does not constitute discussions. The Government reserves the right to conduct discussions if the Contracting Officer later deems it necessary. The following clauses and provisions apply to this acquisition: FAR 52.204-1 Approval of Contract (by local legal advisor); FAR 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors - Commercial Items; FAR 52.212-3 Offerors Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items ALT I; FAR 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions - Commercial Items; FAR 52.212-5 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders - Commercial Items with the following applicable clauses in paragraph (b) FAR 52.222-26 Equal Opportunity; FAR 52.222-35 Equal Opportunity for Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era and Other Eligible Veterans, FAR 52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities, FAR 52.222-37 Employment Reports on Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the Vietnam Era and Other Eligible Veterans; FAR 52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-Central Contractor Registration, FAR 52.232-36 Payment by Third Party, 52.222-41 -- Service Contract Act of 1965, as Amended, 52.222-42 -- Statement of Equivalent Rates for Federal Hires (see www.wdol.gov for wage determinations); 52.217-5 -- Evaluation of Options; 52.217-9 -- Option to Extend the Term of the Contract ; 52.2 46-4 -- Inspection of Services -- Fixed-Price; FAR 52.247-34 F.O.B. Destination; FAR 52.252-1 Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by Reference (http://farsite.hill.af.mil). (This solicitation incorporates one or more solicitation provisions by reference, with the same force and effect as is they were given in full text); FAR 52.252-5 Authorized Deviations in Provisions; 252.201-7000 Contracting Officer's Representative; 252.212-7000 Offeror Representations and Certifications--Commercial Items; DFARS 252.2 04-7004 Required Central Contractor Registration; 252.243-7002 Requests for Equitable Adjustment. Note: The full text of a clause/provision may be accessed electronically at: http://farsite.hill.af.mil. Note: It is the responsibility of the interested parties to review this site frequently for any updates / amendments to any and all documents. Vendors may obtain copies of the solicitation document for this requirement at www.nationalguardcontracting.org. No individual notification of any amendments will be provided, please be sure to monitor the National Guard Contracting website previously mentioned for changes and updates. All questions must be addressed to the Contracting Officer in writing. Offers are due 8 March 2010, 5:00 PM EST. Oral quotations will not be accepted. All firms must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration database at www.ccr.gov to be considered for award. All responsible proposals from small business concerns will be considered. All proposals must be sent to Regina Singleton via fax, email or US Postal Service: Fax 678-569-6208; e-mail reginafrank-singleton@ga.ngb.army.mil; or mail directly to 935 East Confederate Ave., Bldg. 3, Atlanta, GA 30316. Proposals are required to be received no later than 8 March 2010, 5:00 PM EST.
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: USPFO for Georgia P.O. Box 17882, Atlanta GA
Zip Code: 30316-0882
SN02078900-W 20100303/100301234505-79976906293140c579cbb563f300902c (fbodaily.com)
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