- Notice Date
- 7/13/2010
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 541611
— Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
- Contracting Office
- NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Headquarters Acquisition Branch, Code210.H, Greenbelt, MD 20771
- ZIP Code
- 20771
- Solicitation Number
- NNH10UA004L
- Response Due
- 9/13/2010
- Archive Date
- 7/13/2011
- Point of Contact
- Andrew J Petro, Program Executive for Innovation Incubator, Phone 202-358-0310, Fax 202-358-3858, Email
- E-Mail Address
Andrew J Petro
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- Through this Announcement, NASA seeks to select Allied Organizations for specificprize competitions (hereinafter Challenges) to be conducted under the CentennialChallenges Program of NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.Allied Organizations are responsible for the following elements as they relate toindividual Challenges:Challenge Planning.Sponsor Recruitment.Competitor Recruitment.Challenge Administration and Execution.Challenge Publicity.NASA provides the monetary prize purse (which can be supplemented by outsideorganizations) but no funding for the conduct of the competition itself. AlliedOrganizations must administer the Challenges with their own funding or they must raisethe funding needed to administer the Challenges through partnerships with sponsoringorganizations or through other means. Sponsoring organizations are those entities that partner with an Allied Organization tocontribute funding for administrative expenses or in-kind support through separateagreements between the Allied Organization and the sponsoring organization. Space Act AgreementsNASA anticipates entering into unfunded Space Act Agreements with selected AlliedOrganizations to manage the Challenges associated with each of the planned CentennialChallenges. Selection of Allied Organizations will be through a competitive processbased on evaluation of submitted proposals. Participation as an Allied Organization willbe contingent upon selection by NASA and negotiation of an appropriate agreement betweenNASA and the proposer.The Space Act Agreement will detail the contributions andresponsibilities of NASA and the Allied Organization for a specific Challenge.Theagreement will address intellectual property rights, concurrence on rules, teamagreements, media rights, insurance, registration fees and eligibility and typicallyinclude a term of 3 years. NASA reserves the right to select for Space Act Agreementnegotiations all, some, or none of the proposals submitted in response to thisAnnouncement. Respondents will be responsible for funding their own activitiesassociated with responding to this Announcement and conducting the Challenge. AlliedOrganizations may collect reasonable registration fees from competitors but the use ofregistration fees as a primary means to cover Challenge administration costs isdiscouraged.EligibilityDomestic non-profit organizations are eligible to submit proposals in response to thisAnnouncement. Allied Organizations cannot compete in the Challenge that they manage. Allied Organizations and their officers and employees may not have a financial or otherinterest in any teams that compete in any Challenge(s) they manage.Organizations may submit proposals to manage one or more of the specific CentennialChallenges described in this announcement but a separate proposal must be submitted foreach Challenge. Multiple organizations may form partnerships to manage a Challenge andmay submit a joint proposal.Centennial Challenges BackgroundNASA Centennial Challenges was established to conduct prize competitions to generateinnovative solutions to technical problems of interest to NASA and the nation.Thosecompeting for the prizes can be individuals, independent teams, student groups, researchorganizations or private companies but they cannot receive government funding to supportany of their work related to the technical area of the prize Challenge. The programseeks unconventional solutions from non-traditional sources and, thereby, hopes toidentify new talent and stimulate the creation of new businesses. Unlike contracts andgrants based on proposals, prizes are only awarded after competitors have successfullydemonstrated their innovations. Competitors retain ownership of their intellectualproperty. The Centennial Challenges in the past have typically required several annual competitionsto occur before the total prize purses have been claimed. Competitions may be conductedin a first-to-demonstrate format or in a head-to-head contest format. The competitionevents, especially in the head-to-head contest format, typically involve publicspectators, televised or Webcasted coverage and are high-visibility opportunities forpublic outreach and education.Additional information can be found Centennial ChallengesThe specific Challenges for which Allied Organizations are sought with this Announcementare:1)Nano-Satellite Launch Challenge - to place a small satellite into Earth orbit,twice in one week. The prize purse is $2 million.2)Sample Return Robot Challenge - to demonstrate a robot that can locate andretrieve geologic samples from a wide and varied terrain without human control. Theprize purse is $1.5 million.3)Night Rover Challenge - to demonstrate a solar-powered exploration vehicle thatcan operate in darkness using its own stored energy. The prize purse is $1.5 million.Descriptions of each of these Challenges outlining NASAs objectives are provided in theappendix to this announcement.Further refinement and creative enhancement of theChallenge concepts by the Allied Organizations, with concurrence by NASA, are encouraged.Selection CriteriaNASA will select Allied Organizations based on the following evaluation criteria:1)Capabilities of the organization to administer the Challenge and competitionevents including ability to:a.promote the technical and educational goals of the Challenge through creative useof public media including Web sites.b.attract multiple competitors with wide geographic distribution.c.encourage the participation of individuals, groups, students, and businesses,especially those outside the traditional aerospace community and those from minority andunder-represented communities.d.formulate competition rules and plans in consultation with NASA and withappropriate public comment.e.provide appropriate competition venues and supporting qualified judges.g.conduct competitor registration.h.establish agreements with competitors covering legal, insurance, and otherissues.i.maintain communication with competitors and with NASA.j.collect and report aggregate data on competitor progress and performance.k.plan competition events and other meetings.l.conduct competition events safely and impartially.m.organize educational activities to enhance and broaden the impact of competition results to NASA and to the public. 2)Experience of the organization in similar or analogous activities thatdemonstrate competence, integrity, commitment to safety, and ability to workcooperatively in partnering arrangements.3)Ability of the organization to support Challenge administration through internalfinancial resources or firm commitments of sponsors. Existing financial resources orsponsor commitments will be a positive factor in evaluation of proposals.4)Access of the organization to technical expertise in the area of the selectedChallenge.Proposal InstructionsResponses to this Announcement should be no more than seven pages in length, notincluding any letters of commitment from sponsoring or partner organizations. Pages inexcess of the page limitations for each section will not be evaluated. A page is definedas one (1) sheet 8 1/2 x 11 inches using a minimum of 12-point font size for text and8-point for graphs. Proposals should not include proprietary information. Submittedinformation will be shared within NASA and with contractor personnel associated with theCentennial Challenges Program. Prospective Allied Organizations are encouraged toperiodically check for any updates or clarifying information.The proposal shall consist of:Page 1: Cover page including:-Name of organization.-Mailing address and phone number of organization.-Web site of organization (if applicable).-Name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number of primary officer of theorganization.-Name, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number of organizationspoint-of-contact for the proposal (if different from primary officer).-Name of the Centennial Challenge addressed by proposal.-Date of submission.Page 2: Briefly describe your organization, including history, primary activities,interests, capabilities, and financial and personnel resources. Include any experienceof the organization that is similar or analogous to the proposed Challengeadministration, and that demonstrates competence, integrity, commitment to safety andability to work cooperatively in partnering arrangements. List any current or previous(for the past five years) contracts, grants or agreements with your organization and anyfederal agencies. Page 3: Describe your organizations interest in the specific Challenge that you areproposing to manage and your reasons for wanting to manage it.Describe any goals thatyou would have for the Challenge, above and beyond those of NASA.Pages 4, 5, & 6: Describe your approach to managing the Challenge including: -publicizing the Challenge.-attracting a diverse community of competitors.-concepts for developing rules and criteria for judging.-proposed competition format.-description of the venue, facilities and equipment needed, and your approach tosecuring them.-access to technical expertise in the Challenge area.-approach for selecting judges.-facilitating public engagement with Web site, Internet (e.g. Web 2.0 socialnetworking) and media coverage prior to, during, and after the competition.-providing appropriate educational activities, including parallel student-classcompetitions (university, high school, or other levels).-proposed schedule for major milestones in the process of planning and conductingthe Challenge, including competition events.-approach to maximizing the safety of the public, organizers, and competitorsprior to and during competitions.-approach to providing NASA data on competitor progress and performance.Page 7: Describe the financial resources that your organization has or can obtainthrough sponsorships or in-kind contributions to conduct this Challenge. Describe yourapproach to staffing for long-term Challenge administration and for conductingcompetition events. Attachments:-Letters of commitment from any sponsoring organizations or others providingin-kind contributions.-Letters of commitment from any partner organizations.Submission InstructionsAny organization that intends to submit a proposal is also requested to submit a Letterof Intent. The letter should include the name of the organization, the name, address,phone number, and e-mail address of a point-of-contact from the organization, and thename of the Challenge or Challenges for which the organization intends to submit aproposal. The Letter of Intent should be no more than one page and must be received nolater than August 9, 2010. Letters of Intent should be submitted in a single PDF file asan attachment to an electronic mail message to: proposals in response to this Announcement, including signed letters of commitment,must be submitted in a single PDF file as an attachment to an electronic mail message no later than 12:00 a.m., EDT, September 13, 2010. Papersubmissions will not be reviewed. NASA will notify all proposers of the results of the evaluation and selection process.After the completion of the evaluation and selection process, as appropriate, NASA willbegin negotiations with selected proposers to finalize the terms and conditions of aSpace Act Agreement. All work, as required, will commence after the parties execute aSpace Act Agreement. Selections of Allied Organizations for this Announcement areexpected to occur by October 8, 2010. Contact InformationQuestions regarding this Announcement should be directed to Andrew Petro at 202-358-0310or Answers to questions of a general nature will be posted at - Descriptions of New Challenges Nano-Satellite Launch ChallengeObjectivesSafe, low-cost, small payload delivery system for frequent access to Earth orbit.Innovations in propulsion and other technologies as well as operations andmanagement for broader applications in future launch systems.A commercial capability for dedicated launches of small satellites at a costcomparable to secondary payload launches--a potential new market with Government,commercial, and academic customers.DescriptionDeliver a payload with a mass of at least 1 kilogram and dimensions of at least 10x10x11centimeters to Earth orbit, complete at least one orbit past the launch site and deliverpayloads successfully at least two times in one week. The specified payload matches the standard 1U CubeSat.One orbit past the launch siteimposes an absolute minimum orbital velocity requirement and an injection maneuver toachieve orbit.Repeatability within a time constraint deters one-time stunts that wouldnot lead to a useful launch capability. This is anticipated to be a first-to-demonstratechallenge.Allied Organizations will have to verify that payloads have been placed in orbit viaground tracking or other means, which might be done through partnerships with NASA, theU.S. Air Force, private entities or through sponsorships. Range safety costs andprocedures will be a critical issue for competitors, but some existing and new ranges mayoffer incentives to attract competitors. The Federal Aviation Administration will havean important role in permitting and/or licensing of competitors.Prize Purse $2 million is available from the Centennial Challenges Program. If additional prizefunds become available from the Government or other sources, a second-place prize andsupplemental prizes might be offered for the primary objective or additionalaccomplishments. Educational OpportunitiesCompetitors could offer payload space to student payloads. University teams may attemptthe Challenge itself but a student-level competition for a suborbital flight to a veryhigh altitude (i.e. 100 miles) might be considered. Such efforts should be coordinatedwith the NASA Student Launch Initiative and other existing programs. Some additionalprize money may be available for student-level competitions.Sample Return Robot ChallengeObjectivesAn autonomous capability to locate and retrieve specific sample types from variouslocations over a wide and varied terrain and return those samples to a designated zone ina reasonable amount of time with limited mapping data.Description Demonstrate a robotic system to locate and collect a set of specific sample types from alarge planetary analog area and return the samples to the starting zone. The roving areashould include rolling terrain, granular medium, soft soils, and a variety of rocks. Apre-cached sample and several other samples would be located in smaller sampling zoneswithin the larger roving area.Teams will be given aerial/geological/topographic mapswith appropriate orbital resolution, including the location of the starting position anda pre-cached sample. The samples should be easily distinguished from other materials present at the site sincethe need for sophisticated scientific instrumentation for sample identification is not anobjective of this Challenge. The task in this Challenge is envisioned to requiremultiple hours to complete. Limits may be imposed for mass and power, etc. Robots arefree to use whatever method of mobility, manipulation, and navigation they choose exceptGlobal Positioning System navigation, which is not a realistic capability innon-terrestrial environments. The winning criteria may include the shortest time tocomplete the task and lowest system mass.In order to win a Level-1 prize, a robot must retrieve only the pre-cached sample. Robots should be autonomous, but periodic intervention with teleoperation would bepermitted with penalties imposed for its use.In order to win a Level-2 prize, a team must autonomously navigate at all times and mustretrieve the pre-cached sample and several additional sample types that may include rock,regolith, gas, liquid, etc. from separate large regions of the roving area that will beof different terrain types. Prize Purse $1.5 million is available from the Centennial Challenges Program. This amount can besupplemented with funds from other sources.Educational OpportunitiesIn addition to Level 1 and Level 2, a simpler task for a Nationwide high schoolcompetition might be offered. Some additional prize money may be available forstudent-level competitions.Night Rover ChallengeObjectivesA mobile system to collect solar energy, store that energy, and, later, use itproductively. Innovations in energy storage technology for space operations and, in particular,to meet the demands imposed by the daylight/darkness cycle on the Moon. Energy system innovations to benefit terrestrial applications, including vehiclesand renewable energy generation systems. Description Solar energy is a renewable source that would be available on the Moon and at otherdestinations in space.To enable practical system demonstrations of diverse designsolutions by independent teams, the Challenge may be conducted in an ambient Earthenvironment. The Challenge would be to demonstrate a portable energy collection andstorage system through several cycles of daylight and darkness. During the daylightperiod, systems can collect photons or thermal energy from the sun. During darkness, thestored energy would be used to move the entire mobile system toward a destination. Thecompetitors may collect, store, and extract the solar energy in any form that theydesire. The winning system would be the one that moved the greatest distance during darkness inan allotted time period (over several day/night cycles) using only its own stored energy. A winning system must exceed the performance of a reference state-of-the-art system by aspecified margin. Competitors with successful and appropriate system designs might beinvited to test their energy storage systems in NASA thermal-vacuum chambers todemonstrate applicability to the space and lunar environment. Prize Purse $1.5 million is available from the Centennial Challenges Program. This amount can besupplemented with funds from other sources.Educational OpportunitiesA simple solar-powered, remote-controlled rover competition with an energy storagerequirement might be conducted for students along with the main Night Rover Challenge.Some additional prize money may be available for student-level competitions.
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