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F -- Veg Mapping Accuracy Assessment at Redwood NP

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
Contracting Office
PWR - REDW Redwood National and State Parks 1111 Second Street Crescent City CA 95531
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
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Point of Contact
Kathryn J. Crowthers Contract Specialist 7074657315 Kathryn_Crowthers@nps.gov;
E-Mail Address
Point of Contact above, or if none listed, contact the IDEAS EC HELP DESK for assistance
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
GENERAL INFORMATIONNOTE: THIS RFQ IS ISSUED CONCURRENTLY WITH GSA E-BUY RFQ 509107. IAW FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS (FAR 8.002) QUOTES RECEIVED THROUGH FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULES SHALL HAVE PRIORITY. QUOTES RECEIVED FROM THIS RFQ WILL BE CONSIDERED ONLY IN THE EVENT NO RESPONSIBLE QUOTE IS RECEIVED THROUGH A FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE. This is a COMBINED SYNOPSIS/SOLICITATION for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation, quotes are being requested and a WRITTEN SOLICITATION WILL NOT BE ISSUED. This requirement is being issued as a Request for Quotes (RFQ) No. Q8485100A11. The FAR clauses and provisions enclosed are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-45. This solicitation is a total set-aside for small business. The NAICS code is 541360-Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services, with an associated small business size standard of $4.5 million. A firm, fixed price contract will be awarded for these commercial services. Award will be based on determination of best value to the government and may not be to the lowest price. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The National Park Service (NPS) Vegetation Inventory program (formerly known as the U.S. Geological Survey - National Park Service Vegetation Mapping Program) seeks to classify vegetation as ecological community types and to map vegetation in Redwood National and State Parks using the classification scheme developed for the park. The primary data to be used for the vegetation classification are vegetation plot data that have been collected at or near the park by research ecologists. The primary data used for land cover mapping is remote sensing imagery, supplemented by ancillary field data used for formal or informal modeling, under contract. The final products are descriptions of the classified vegetation, a digital spatial database (map) of the vegetation, and quality control data. An essential part of the quality control products is the data and report on a thematic accuracy assessment (AA) of each vegetation map class in the spatial database. AA is important because estimates of thematic errors in the data will allow data users to assess data suitability for a particular application. Redwood National Park seeks quotations for a project to implement a parkwide thematic AA for the park's Vegetation Mapping and Classification project. The mapping project is currently under development and will be completed by the spring of 2011. This AA is proposed for implementation in the summer of 2011 and will assess thematic accuracy for map classes described on the spatial database. Thematic accuracy will be assessed using field observation by a qualified observer as the reference source of higher accuracy to which the map is compared. The primary purpose of the thematic accuracy assessment is to inform users of the limitations of the individual vegetation map classes and of the relationship of the errors (confusion) between classes. As a project independent from the mapping process, this AA seeks to document error rates, but not error causes. While the results of the assessment may help producers of the map understand mapping errors (for the purposes of improving future mapping efforts), they are not intended to further improve the map being assessed. The estimated number of map classes being generated by the vegetation mapping project is 30. The estimated number of plots needed to be sampled for this AA will not exceed 800 sampling points. STATEMENT OF WORKKey Requirements (RQ) and Best Practices (BP) (RQ) The sampling design for thematic accuracy assessment will be simple random sampling within each map class. The sample for each map class will be a set of observations selected by a common sampling scheme and centered on a site located by a set of x and y map coordinates. From the perspective of the entire map (all classes), this is equivalent to stratified random sampling, with the individual map classes being the strata. While the entire project (park) area should be treated as the inference area for the sampling whenever feasible, it is recognized that access, costs, and other logistical issues may prevent the entire park from being included in the inference area, particularly for the larger parks. In these cases, extending the results of the thematic accuracy assessment from the inference area to the rest of the project must be justified by assumptions, rather than by statistical inference. (RQ) The accuracy assessment must be minimum mapping unit based. The area evaluated at each observation will be equivalent in size to the minimum mapping unit for the map class and must be large enough to be likely to contain thematic elements of the vegetation classes to be identified in the reference (ground) data. Polygon based designs are not acceptable. (RQ) In order to make reasonably precise statements about the accuracy of each map class, a sample size of 30 observations (sample units) will be allocated to more abundant map classes. Rarer map classes will be sampled with less frequency, with a minimum sample size of either five or as many independent observations as the class can accommodate. The accuracy of rare classes will need to be stated with less precision than that of abundant classes. (RQ) The default minimum mapping unit size (and, thus, the accuracy assessment observation area) is 0.5 hectares, but may be reduced or enlarged for map classes based on the spatial attributes of the vegetation stands represented by the classes and on cost and logistical issues. (RQ) Individual observations must be independent from one another, as well as from the mapping process. (BP) Observation sites will be located accurately enough in the field to make the sample data (map class) membership of each observation unambiguous, taking into account observation area size requirements and field positioning error. It is assumed that this will usually be accomplished through the use of sufficiently accurate Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) surveying methods. (BP) For purposes of field efficiency, the default shape of the observation area around each observation site will be circular. However, field investigators have some discretion, to minimally relocate and/or reshape the observation area in order to eliminate excessive heterogeneity (more than one clearly distinct vegetation type) within the observation area. (RQ) While some flexibility is allowed in determining reference data values, to retain the principle of data independence, the sample data value may not be used as a factor (even as a partial factor) in determining the reference data (field call) value either before or after the fact. (RQ) To the extent possible, the field observers will be unaware of ("blind to") the sample data value (the mapped class in which the observation occurs), when collecting or evaluating field (reference) data. (RQ) The field observers will identify the vegetation to the ecological classification (rather than to the map class). Since vegetation classes are to be either equivalent to the map class or are to be nested uniquely within a single map class (in a many to one relationship between vegetation classes and map classes), identification of the vegetation class alone will determine whether the correct map class has been applied. This practice will avoid the need for a separate map class key and will provide the user with more information on map class composition than would a map class key. (BP) Observers will identify the vegetation type at each site as the best match out of any unit of the finest level of ecological classification to the vegetation in the observation area. The project field key will be the primary means of identification of vegetation types in the field. It may be supplemented by the ecological descriptions, where necessary. (RQ) The field observers must be minimally qualified (though not necessarily an expert), and trained, as necessary, to interpret the ecological field key (e.g., able to identify all plant taxa named in the field key for vegetation types developed for RNSP and all taxa occurring in the area with which they may be confused, estimate cover accurately and precisely, interpret field key logic). (BP) In order to maximize the degree of independence of accuracy assessment from map production, those involved with the development of the map classes will not be involved in field observation data collection or evaluation for thematic accuracy assessment. (BP) Interpretations of the field observations will not be modified after the fact, except to correct known egregious errors (e.g., a clear misidentification of a diagnostic plant taxon that is named in the field key). (RQ) An individual observation will be considered accurately mapped if the value of the field call (reference data value) matches the value of or is included as a part of the map class in which the observation occurs (sample data value). (RQ) Minimum field data that should be collected for each observation are: a unique identifier for the observation, vegetation class ("field call") at the observation site, the geographic position (typically measured with a GPS receiver) of the center point of the observation, estimated error of the geographic position, name of the field observer who evaluated the vegetation, date of the observation, making the and notes on vegetation type identification issues, if any. (RQ) Thematic accuracy will be reported using contingency tables that report users' (100% minus commission error rate) and producers' accuracies (100% minus omission error rate) for each map class. These accuracies should be expressed as a percentage with a 90% confidence interval. The overall accuracy rate (accuracy rate pooled observations for all map classes) will also be reported. (RQ) The thematic accuracy results (primarily the contingency table) and project methods will be reported in a thematic accuracy assessment report or report section for each project. Work FlowThe thematic accuracy assessment will follow completion of production work on the map and classification. All relevant data, maps, descriptions, keys will be provided by the park to assist in proper implementation of the thematic accuracy assessment. The first three phases of the AA are sampling design, response design (field methods), and analysis and estimation. A reporting phase concludes the process. Major activities of each phase are: SAMPLING DESIGN STEPS:1.Determine map classes that are to be excluded from assessment, in coordination with park staff.2.Measure area of all map classes to be included in assessment and determine sample sizes.3.Determine individual map class inference areas (if less than their extent within the entire park) based on balance of access costs with representativeness, as needed.4.Allocate prescribed number of sites (from Step 2 above) to individual inference areas (from Step 3 above) and derive site coordinates.5.Load coordinates into GPS receiver.FIELD CAMPAIGN (RESPONSE DESIGN) STEPS 1.Meet with park managers to coordinate field campaign operational needs and restrictions.2.Train field observers.3.Field observers navigate to assigned sites.4.Field observers identify and record vegetation type at sites, primarily using field key, and record site positions.5.Complete QA/QC for field data.6.Compile field positional and attribute data into a Geographic Information Systems format and in PLOTS database.ANALYSIS AND ESTIMATION STEPS:1.Label sites with both map class and field observation class (e.g. through a spatial join of field observation sites (points) to mapped classes (polygons) in a GIS).2.Cross-tabulate sample data and reference data (typically using a pivot table) to produce raw contingency table.3.Calculate contingency table accuracy and confidence interval values.4.Aggregate or adjust raw contingency table classes, as necessary.REPORTING (CHAPTER 5.0) STEPS:1. Write accuracy assessment report. EVALUATION: SEE NOTE AT BEGINNNING OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING PRIORITY OF CONSIDERATION FOR FEDERAL SUPPLY SCHEDULE SOURCES. The National Park Service contemplates award of a firm fixed price contract to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation provides the best value to the government. "Best value" shall be a combination of price and performance, where price is slightly more important than performance. The Contracting Officer is not responsible for locating or obtaining any information not identified in the offer. Offers that do not conform completely to the requirements will not be considered. The Government intends to evaluate offers and make award without discussions. However, the Government reserves the right to hold discussions if it is in the best interest of the Government to do so VENDOR QUALIFICATIONContractors MUST be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) government system prior to award to be eligible for award of government contracts. The link can be found at http://www.ccr.gov. Contractors are also required to provide on-line representations and certifications at http://orca.bpn.gov VENDOR INFORMATIONTechnical Proposal: Offerors shall submit a response which demonstrates an understanding of the proposed project and the responsibilities and expected products as outlined in the Statement of Work.Experience: Demonstrate that they have the required experience of a project of this scope and have successfully completed similar projects.References: Submit the name, address and phone number of at least two references of agencies or firms who have contracted with the offeror other than persons listed in the Statement of Work. QUOTATIONSOffers shall include the lump sum price for work described herein, technical proposal, past performance references and the following information: business name, official point of contact, DUNs Number, full address, telephone and fax numbers and email address. Offers shall be clearly marked "Q8485100A11 Veg Map AA" and may be submitted via e-mail to Kathryn_Crowthers@nps.gov, fax to 707-464-5846, or mailed to Kay Crowthers, 1111 Second Street, Crescent City, CA 95531. No oral quotations will be accepted. Offers must be received no later than 3:00 p.m., PDT, September 17, 2010. Confirmation of delivery is the responsibility of the offeror. The following FAR provisions and clauses are applicable to this acquisition; these clauses can be accessed through website http://www.acquisition.gov/far 52-204-7 Central Contractor Registration (CCR52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors - Commercial Items52,212-2 Evaluation - Commercial Items52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions - Commercial Items 52.212-5 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders - Commercial Items; items (a) 1 and 3; (b) 3,8,19,20,21,22,24,30 and 3852.232-1 Payments (fixed price) Requests for Information: All requests must be submitted: E-mail Address: kathryn_crowthers@nps.gov, with subject "Q8485100A11 Veg Map Accuracy Assessment."
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Place of Performance
Address: Redwood National and State ParksSouth Operations Center121200 Hwy 101Orick, CA
Zip Code: 95555
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