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58 -- Market Survey to provide mobile asset tracking equipment, services and training to the Afghan National Security Forces

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Sources Sought
Contracting Office
CECOM Contracting Center (CECOM-CC), ATTN: AMSEL-AC, Building 1208, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5008
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CECOM Contracting Center (CECOM-CC)
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FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT George Bass at George.Bass@us.army.mil This is a SOURCES SOUGHT MARKET SURVEY. THERE IS NO SOLICITATION AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. REQUESTS FOR A SOLICITATION WILL NOT RECEIVE A RESPONSE. Any information submitted by respondents to this synopsis is strictly voluntary. This market survey does not constitute a Request for Proposals (RFP) or a request for sealed bids (IFB), nor does its issuance restrict the Government as to its ultimate acquisition approach. The Government will neither award a contract solely on the basis of this notice, nor pay respondents for any information that they submit in response to this Sources Sought request. The United States Army CECOM LCMC is conducting this sources sought market survey to determine price and availability (P&A) from potential sources capable of fulfilling a pseudo Foreign Military Sales (FMS) requirement as follows. The scope of work provides for an AfghanForces National Tracking (ANT) capability to the Afghanistan National Security Forces (ANSF) consisting of the Afghan National Army (ANA) and the Afghan National Police (ANP). The ANT capability shall provide position/location data and a 911 capability. The ANA has six infantry Corps, an Afghan Air Force (corps level), Capital Division, Special Forces division, and MP Guard Brigade that is sub-organized into twenty-two combat brigades. Maneuver units are organized with eighty-one infantry battalions, nine commando battalions, four SF battalions, twenty-two combat support battalions, twenty-two combat service support battalions, and twenty-one route clearance companies. The 8 ANA Corp/Divisions are located in 6 cities throughout Afghanistan. The ANP is organized at border, region, district and local levels. This scope of work includes delivering, configuring and commissioning 3000 vehicle-based ANT units and 120 manpack configured systems. The ANT system must give the Battalion Level / District Police Level regionally the ability to view all deployed Afghan assets on a common operating picture (COP). RESPONDENTS SHOULD CONTACT THE POC FOR A STANDARDIZED SPREADSHEET TO BE USED IN SUBMITTING ROM VALUES AND VERIFYING CAPABILITIES For purposes of pricing, ROMs should reflect the cost of performing responsibilities in Afghanistan, such as life support and security. Responses must demonstrate the following capabilities: --Exportability: Respondents must demonstrate that the proposed capability is exportable for delivery to Afghanistan --Availability: Immediately --Delivery Schedule: Respondents must meet a delivery schedule based on fielding and testing 300 units in the first month after contract award with incremental fielding of 900 units each month. --Blue Force Tracker Feed: A one-way Green on Blue Blue Force Tracker feed capable device --Information Assurance: The capability must be Information Assurance compliant with the FBCB2 network. --911 Capability: The capability must provide the user with a 911 feature. --Reliability: Respondents must demonstrate that the ANT equipment is reliable in all terrain conditions and in the presence of the Symphony jammer. Only satellite based responses will be considered due to the terrain limitations in Afghanistan. --Scalability: Respondents must propose a capability with the ability to achieve network growth by up to 5000 units for ground assets and also extending to aircraft assets --Capabilities Demonstration: Respondents must be capable of demonstrating the capability in CONUS in November 2010 and in Afghanistan in December 2010. Only exportable technologies will be considered for the demonstration. Government funding is not available to support the capabilities demonstration. P&A responses should not be bundled with a bottom-line figure. All P&A should be itemized according to the following categories: Space segment, hub, management and control services: Provide a ROM, regardless of location in Afghanistan, for all related labor and service costs in providing space segment, hub and management and control services to a base of 3000 ANT units and 120 manpacks. Technical consulting/Field Service Representatives (FSR): Provide a ROM for technical consulting/field service support for up to 3000 ANT units and 120 manpacks. The FSR(s) is/are expected to support this effort on a secure Forward Operating Base in Afghanistan. FSR scope includes training, installing, configuring, troubleshooting and diagnosing communications network issues/concerns, and troubleshooting network equipment, as required. The ROM should include all required support materials, transportation, life support, and any applicable security costs associated with this scope of work. ANT Manpack Equipment: Provide a ROM for the equipment and material costs for 120 ANT manpack units. Major end item ancillary equipment must be identified in the ROM. Costs of the warranty should be included in the ROM. The warranty period should also be stated. Transportation and shipping is Government provided. Transportation and shipping are Government provided. ANT Vehicle-based Equipment: Provide a ROM for the equipment and material costs for 3000 ANT units. Major end item ancillary equipment must be identified in the ROM. Costs of the warranty should be included in the ROM. The warranty period should also be stated. Transportation and shipping are Government provided. Transportation and shipping is Government provided. ANT Base Station Equipment: Provide ROM for the base station quantity required for 3000 mobile asset tracking units. State the quantity in the response. Costs of the warranty should be included in the ROM. The warranty period should also be stated. Transportation and shipping are Government provided. ANT Installation Services: Provide a ROM for the installation labor for 3000 vehicle-based ANT units. Assume labor and operating costs from six Corps/Division locations/cities, to include all costs associated with operating in Afghanistan. COP System: Provide a ROM for the delivery and installation of a COP System. Provide unit cost and extended cost for 230 systems to include hardware and software. Spares: Provide a ROM for the delivery of lifecycle spares for a 12-month period of performance. Transportation and shipping is Government provided. Training: Provide a ROM for one operator and maintenance training course to train 20 students. State the duration of the course in days and in hours. Respond by COB 22 Sept 10 to George Bass at George.Bass@us.army.mil
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: CECOM Contracting Center (CECOM-CC) ATTN: AMSEL-AC, Building 1208 Fort Monmouth NJ
Zip Code: 07703-5008
SN02286945-W 20100919/100917235756-78c3eada2167c80634862713a628f150 (fbodaily.com)
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