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Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
562910 — Remediation Services
Contracting Office
NASA/John F. Kennedy Space Center, Procurement, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Nancy A Potts, Contracting Officer, Phone 321-867-4646, Fax 321-867-4848, Email nancy.a.potts@nasa.gov
E-Mail Address
Nancy A Potts
Small Business Set-Aside
C. Architect-Engineer ServicesContracting Office AddressNASA/John F. Kennedy Space Center, Procurement, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899DESCRIPTIONA&E Professional Environmental Remediation Services to Investigate, Design, and ImplementRemedial Actions at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), Florida and Cape Canaveral Air ForceStation (CCAFS), Florida. Combined Synopsis/Solicitation Number NNK11371178R.This is a combined synopsis/solicitation prepared in accordance with FAR 5.207,Preparation and Transmittal of Synopses. This announcement constitutes the onlysolicitation; proposals are being requested and a separate solicitation will not beissued. KSC intends to award multiple Indefinite-Delivery Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) contractsfor this effort. The IDIQ contracts will have a minimum value of $10,000 which representsthe minimum value of work the Government is required to order and the contractor shalldeliver under each IDIQ contract. The maximum value of work the Government may orderand the contractor may deliver will be $91,000,000. The awarded contracts will have afive year ordering period. Work will be accomplished as individual Task Orders under the IDIQ contracts. Theindividual Task Orders will be awarded beginning with the date of execution of the IDIQcontract. NASA will provide all contract awardees fair opportunity to be considered foreach Task Order. The Contracting Officer will solicit Task Order offers by issuingwritten requests for offers for specific projects. Task Orders will be awardedconsistent with FAR 36.602. Individual Task Orders will be issued on a Firm Fixed Pricebasis and when necessary, include a Time and Material component with ceiling prices. Asdetermined by the Contracting Officer, performance of work under Task Orders issuedagainst the IDIQ contracts may extend for up to one year beyond the ordering period ofthe IDIQ contracts.PROJECT DESCRIPTION/REQUIREMENTSSCOPE OF WORK In support of the NASA/KSC Environmental Assurance Branch the firm shall provide thenecessary resources to develop and implement contamination assessment and remediationrequirements for Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sites and petroleumcontamination for NASA on KSC and CCAFS. KSC and CCAFS are regulated under the RCRAPermit which includes Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) corrective actionrequirements. As such, HSWA corrective actions requirements are managed under acompliance schedule known as a Corrective Action Management Plan (CAMP). The CAMPcontains regulatory compliance dates that include stipulated penalties for failure tomeet required dates for submittal of RCRA corrective action documents.Regulatorydocuments include Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) Assessment Reports, ConfirmatorySampling Work Plans, Confirmatory Sampling Reports, RCRA Facility Investigation WorkPlans, RCRA Facility Investigations, Corrective Measures Study Work Plans, CorrectiveMeasures Studies, Statements of Basis, Corrective Measures Designs, Corrective MeasuresImplementation Reports, Interim Measure Work Plans, and Interim Measure Reports. Thesetasks will require working with the NASA/KSC Environmental Assurance Branch, other NASAcontractor organizations, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), andU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).REQUIREMENTS The firm will be required to perform tasks which primarily include the preparation andimplementation of SWMU Assessments, Confirmation Sampling Work Plans, ConfirmationSampling Investigations and Reports, RCRA Facility Investigations (RFI) with RFI WorkPlans and RFI Reports (including human health and ecological risk assessments),Corrective Measures Work Plans and Studies, and Statements of Basis. The firm will berequired to accomplish each RFI in accordance with applicable U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) and Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) RCRAand Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) directives. The firm shall also prepare Interimor Corrective Measure Work Plans, and Corrective Measure Implementation Reports forrequired soil and/or groundwater cleanup. In addition the firm may perform groundwatermonitoring and operations and maintenance of installed groundwater cleanup systems. RCRAInterim Measures and/or Corrective Measures Implementation may be included in these TaskOrders. The firm shall also develop and implement petroleum contamination investigationsin accordance with Chapter 62-770, Florida Administrative Code (FAC). The firm shall beable to support project tasks that begin with investigations and conclude with thesubmittal and approval by the FDEP of a Site Assessment Report and/or Remedial ActionPlan that determines site disposition.Similarly, some petroleum contaminated sitecleanups may be included in Task Orders. The firm shall support the agency review andapproval process and provide engineering support during the public review and commentperiods for RCRA permit modifications.The firm shall provide final submittals to theGovernment and shall be signed and sealed by Florida registered professional engineers orgeologists. The contractor must have specialized experience and technical competence in thedevelopment and implementation of contamination assessment and remediation requirementsfor RCRA Sites and petroleum contamination in Florida.Experience working with theFederal Facilities Branch of the FDEP is desired but not necessary for award. The firmshall have extensive experience in the investigation, remedial design, and the potentialcleanup of large complex dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) and chlorinated solventcontaminated sites. Technical competencies shall demonstrate the use of innovativeand/or green technologies. The professional services ordered require multi-disciplinedengineering skills requiring selected firms to be staffed, at a minimum, with engineersdemonstrating experience in each of the following disciplines:civil engineering,chemical engineering, environmental engineering, and geotechnical engineering.Otherrequired project staff disciplines include biologists, geologists, and engineeringtechnicians capable of manipulating the sampling, geologic, and engineering data throughthe use of common word processing, database software, spatial software, etc. The firmmust use at least one analytical laboratory that has a state of Florida-approved QualityAssurance Project Plan and all drillers shall be licensed in the state of Florida. Location of the firms essential staff for this effort shall be within 150 miles of KSCand CCAFS (or a commitment to locate within 150 miles) and knowledge of the KSC and CCAFSlocality. NASA requires firms capable of performing concurrent large site investigationswith demanding schedules. NASA estimates that a firm may generate up to thirty RCRAcorrective action documents in a year.EVALUATIONThis requirement is being acquired in accordance with FAR 36.602, Selection of Firms forArchitect-Engineering Contracts. The FDEP requires professional engineer involvementthroughout all environmental remediation corrective measures implementation phases.The government will evaluate the contractors relevant specialized experience and pastperformance on recent efforts similar to the Governments requirements. Firms desiringto be considered for award of an IDIQ contract under this solicitation shall submit acompleted Standard Form (SF) 330, Architect-Engineering Qualifications, Parts I and II toinclude specific information addressing each of the five evaluation factors described inthis solicitation. The following evaluation factors, listed in descending order of importance, will be usedin the evaluation of submittal packages received in response to this solicitation. NASAwill consider the immediate past 10 years as the period of time for evaluation underfactors 1 and 3. 1.Specialized experience and technical competence in the types of work required inthis solicitation. The A&E shall demonstrate extensive experience in the investigation,remedial design, and cleanup of complex DNAPL and chlorinated solvent contaminated sites;this is considered to be highly relevant. Experience working with the Federal FacilitiesBranch of the FDEP is desired but not necessary for award. Selection Weight, 60 percent2.Professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of requiredservices. Selection Weight, 20 percent3.Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry interms of quality of work, cost control, compliance with performance schedules, managementeffectiveness, and overall customer satisfaction. Selection Weight, 10 percent4.Capacity to accomplish multiple Task Orders simultaneously throughout the life ofthe contract. The A&E shall demonstrate the capability of performing concurrent largesite investigations with demanding schedules. Selection Weight, 5 percent5.Location of the essential staff for this project within 150 miles of KSC andCCAFS (or a commitment to locate) provided that application of this criterion leaves anappropriate number of qualified firms.Selection Weight, 5 percentThis solicitation is NOT a small business set-aside; it will be conducted under full andopen competition procedures allowing maximum participation from large and smallbusinesses. The NAICS Code and small business size standard for this procurement isEnvironmental Remediation 562910 and 500 people respectively.SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN GOALS (applicable to Selected Large Businesses)The contracting officer has determined small business subcontracting possibilities existand has established an overall IDIQ small business subcontracting goal of 16%. Thefollowing small business subcontracting goals for veteran-owned small business,service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone, small disadvantaged business (toinclude 8(a) businesses), women-owned small business, and small business concerns forcontracts awarded to large businesses.The recommended small business subcontractinggoals are for the overall IDIQ contract (including all Task Orders) and are provided forinformational purposes only and are not legally binding. SMALL BUSINESS TYPESubcontracting GoalVOSB1.00%SDVOSB1.00%HUBZone 3.00%SDB7.00%WOSB2.00%SB16.00%In accordance with FAR 52.219-9, Alternate II (October 2001), Small BusinessSubcontracting Plan (SBSP), apparent successful offerors, who are large businesses, shallsubmit an acceptable IDIQ Small Business Subcontracting Plan to the Contracting Officerto be eligible for award. The apparent successful large business firms shall provide aSmall Business Subcontracting Plan within 7 days from the date requested by theGovernment (Do Not Submit SBSP as part of the original proposal). When defining thebasis on which small business subcontracting goals are to be proposed, the contractorshall use the IDIQ maximum ordering value of $91,000,000. Apparent successful offerors,who are large businesses, failing to negotiate an acceptable IDIQ Small BusinessSubcontracting Plan with the Contracting Officer, will be ineligible for award.FORWARD PRICE RATE AGREEMENTFor the purpose of simplifying and increasing efficiency in the negotiation and executionof Task Orders against the IDIQ, apparent successful offerors shall submit an acceptableForward Price Rate Agreement (FPRA) Proposal to the Contracting Officer to be eligiblefor award. The apparent successful offerors shall provide a FPRA proposal within 7 daysfrom the date requested by the Government (Do Not Submit FPRA proposal as part of theoriginal proposal). The FPRA proposal shall include, but is not limited to, adescription of direct labor categories, direct labor rates, annual escalation of allrates, G&A rates, Overhead rates, Computer Assisted Design rates, and other recurringcosts. Where practicable, the contractor may provide Fixed Price Rates for Unit PricingElements. The FPRA proposal will be negotiated and a formal Forward Price Rate Agreementwill be incorporated into the resultant IDIQ contract.Apparent successful offerors, whofail to negotiate an acceptable FPRA with the Contracting Officer, will be ineligible foraward.The contractor agrees to submit a Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data, asrequired by FAR 15.406-2(a), for all Task Orders and modification exceeding $700,000.SAFETY AND HEALTH PLAN NFS 1852.223-73 (NOVEMBER 2004) (a) The offeror shall submit a detailed safety and occupational health plan as part ofits proposal (see NPR 8715.3, NASA Safety Manual, Appendices).The plan shall include adetailed discussion of the policies, procedures, and techniques that will be used toensure the safety and occupational health of Contractor employees and to ensure thesafety of all working conditions throughout the performance of the contract. (b) When applicable, the plan shall address the policies, procedures, and techniquesthat will be used to ensure the safety and occupational health of the public, astronautsand pilots, the NASA workforce (including Contractor employees working on NASAcontracts), and high-value equipment and property. (c) The plan shall similarly address subcontractor employee safety and occupationalhealth for those proposed subcontracts that contain one or more of the followingconditions: (1) The work will be conducted completely or partly on premises owned orcontrolled by the government.(2) The work includes construction, alteration, or repair of facilities in excessof the simplified acquisition threshold.(3) The work, regardless of place of performance, involves hazards that couldendanger the public, astronauts and pilots, the NASA workforce (including Contractoremployees working on NASA contracts), or high value equipment or property, and thehazards are not adequately addressed by Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) or Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations (if applicable).(4) When the assessed risk and consequences of a failure to properly manage andcontrol the hazards warrants use of the clause.(d) This plan, as approved by the Contracting Officer, will be included in any resultingcontract.The Safety and Health plan will not be part of the initial selection criteria.Offerors,who fail to provide an acceptable Safety Plan, will be ineligible for award.PAST PERFORMANCE QUESTIONNAIRE COPIESOfferors shall provide the Past Performance Questionnaire (Attachment 1 of thisSynopsis/Solicitation) to each past performance customer contacts identified in sectionsE and F of SF330. NOTE: The offeror is required to complete the THIS SECTION TO BECOMPLETED BY THE OFFEROR area prior to sending the questionnaire to its customers. Offerors shall request customers to submit the completed questionnaires to the belowe-mail address, to arrive no later than 2:00 pm Local Time on March 9, 2011. A samplecover letter is provided as part of Attachment 1. Past Performance Questionnaires willnot be accepted directly from offerors. Questionnaires shall be returned directly fromthe offerors past performance customer contact to the Contracting Officer listed below:Name:Nancy PottsEmail:nancy.a.potts@nasa.govAddress:NASA John F. Kennedy Space CenterProcurement Office Code: OP-CS-AKennedy Space Center, Florida 32899To streamline the proposal review process, offerors proposal shall include copies of thefirst page of each past performance questionnaire that the offeror sent to each customercontact identified in sections E and F of SF330. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTSThe proposal submittal, including the SF 330 Parts I and II shall not exceed fifty pagesand shall include any information the firm feels may be of benefit to it in theevaluation and selection process. Offers exceeding the maximum page limitations will havethe extra pages removed prior to evaluation and information contained in the removedpages will not be evaluated. The following will not count towards the 50 page count: transmittal cover pages, tab pages, copies of the first pages of past performancequestionnaires that the offerors are required to include in their proposal submittals,and Safety and Health Plan. Offerors may submit on single or double sided sheets, but shall not exceed the 50 pagelimitation. A page is defined as one side of an 8-1/2 inch x 11 inch sheet of paper, withat least one inch margins on all sides (fold out sheets will be counted as multiple pagesin accordance with their size). Offerors may include 11 X 14 inch paper for theexclusive presentation of tables or figures. Each 11 X 14 inch page will be considered 2pages when printed on one side and considered 4 pages when printed on both sides. Font size shall be no smaller than 12 characters per inch. The SF330 form is exempt fromthe margin and character size limits; follow the SF330 instructions for input into thisform. The 1 margin and 12 characters per inch limits are applicable to pages formattedby the Architect/Engineering firm. The unit of characters per inch is associated withmono spaced fonts such as Courier where 12 characters per inch is equivalent to 10point font. Use a legible font of size 10 point or larger.All questions must be submitted in writing via email to Nancy Potts atnancy.a.potts@nasa.gov. Telephone questions will NOT be accepted. Questions shall besubmitted on or before 2:00 pm Local Time on March 2, 2011. Questions received afterthat time will be considered, but may not be answered.One original and four copies of the proposal submittals shall be delivered to the KSCCentral Industry Assistance Office (CIAO), Building N6-1009 at 7110N. Courtenay Parkway,Merritt Island, FL 32953, Room 100, on or before 2:00pm Local Time, on March 16, 2011. The CIAO building is located on State Road 3, approximately 2 miles south of Gate 2 toKSC. Access to KSC, and a security clearance to access the CIAO, is not required. Allproposals delivered prior to the referenced due date, whether delivered by the Offeror orby commercial courier, must be delivered to the CIAO Building between the hours of 8:00amand 4:00pm, Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. The outer wrapping of theproposal package shall be clearly marked: Attn: Nancy Potts, Contracting Officer, andreference solicitation NNK11371178R. Hand-Delivered Offers: Offerors are responsible for assuring that hand-carried bids areeither received by NASA Government employees at the CIAO or dropped in the CIAO mail boxlocated outside of the building. Offerors are advised to obtain a copy of the proposaldate and time stamp from a NASA Government employee at the CIAO. Late Delivery of Offers/Bids: Late offers/bids will be processed in accordance with FAR52.215-1, Instructions to Offerors - Competitive Acquisition. Submittals received afterthe specified closing date and time will be considered late and will not be evaluated. This synopsis/solicitation document and incorporated provisions are those in effectthrough Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-48.All Contractors conducting business with the Government are required to register in theCentral Contractor Registration Database (CCR). In accordance with FAR Clause 52.204-7,an offeror submitting an offer in response to this synopsis/solicitation acknowledges therequirement that a prospective contractor shall be registered in the CCR database priorto award, during performance, and through final payment of any contract resulting fromthis solicitation. Prospective contractors shall complete electronic annual representations andcertifications at http://orca.bpn.gov in conjunction with the required registration inthe CCR database. Prospective contractors shall update the representations andcertifications submitted to ORCA as necessary, but at least annually, to ensure they arekept current, accurate, and complete. The representations and certifications areeffective until one year from date of submission or update to ORCA.52.222-24 -- Preaward On-Site Equal Opportunity Compliance Evaluation (Feb 1999)If a contract in the amount of $10 million or more will result from this solicitation,the prospective Contractor and its known first-tier subcontractors with anticipatedsubcontracts of $10 million or more shall be subject to a preaward compliance evaluationby the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), unless, within thepreceding 24 months, OFCCP has conducted an evaluation and found the prospectiveContractor and subcontractors to be in compliance with Executive Order 11246.FAR 52.233-2 - Service of Protest (Sep 2006)(a) Protests, as defined in section 33.101 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, thatare filed directly with an agency, and copies of any protests that are filed with theGovernment Accountability Office (GAO), shall be served on the Contracting Officer(addressed as follows) by obtaining written and dated acknowledgment of receipt fromNancy A. Potts OP/CSNASA John F. Kennedy Space CenterKennedy Space Center, FL 32899(b) The copy of any protest shall be received in the office designated above within oneday of filing a protest with the GAO.NASA FAR Supplement Provision 1852.233-2 Protests To NASA (Oct 2002) Potential bidders or offerors may submit a protest under 48 CFR Part 33 (FAR Part 33)directly to the Contracting Officer. As an alternative to the Contracting Officer'sconsideration of a protest, a potential bidder or offeror may submit the protest to theAssistant Administrator for Procurement, who will serve as or designate the officialresponsible for conducting an independent review. Protests requesting an independentreview shall be addressed to Assistant Administrator for Procurement, NASA Code H,Washington, DC 20546-0001.
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