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Y -- Culvert Replacement on Honey Creek at Ft Riley KS.

Notice Date
Notice Type
237310 — Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction
Contracting Office
Fort Riley DOC, 1792 12th Street, Fort Riley, KS 66442
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Ronald Kabat, 785-239-1001
E-Mail Address
Fort Riley DOC
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
Section C Scope of Work 1. The Contractor shall furnish all labor and any necessary equipment to install Government furnished; pre-cast box culverts for a tank trail crossing over Honey Creek at Fort Riley, Kansas. Technical Exhibit 1 indicates the project site. 2. The Contractor shall submit two proposals for the project. Proposal one shall be for the installation of pre-cast culverts delivered to the construction site prior to the project commencing. Proposal two shall be for both the transportation of the pre-cast culverts from a location on Fort Riley approximately 13 miles from the construction site and the installation of the pre-cast culverts after transport. The Government will accept the proposal that is in its best interest. 3. The Government will provide the Contractor with two paper sets of plans. The plans are not to scale and are for general guidance. The Contractor shall return one set of plans with "as constructed" to note any field changes to the Government within 5 business days of completion of the project. 4. An electronic copy of the plans is located at Technical Exhibit 2. Potential bidders may obtain a paper copy of the plans by contacting Mr. Mike Houck, Biologist, at 785-239-2537. 5. The Government will provide basic staking of the construction site based on the plans and on-site conditions at time of construction. 6. The Contractor shall remove the existing metal culvert and install pre-cast box culverts following normal industry standards at the location noted on the plans and staked at the site. 7. The Contractor shall insure the new pre-cast culverts are installed in a matter that does not alter the streambed gradient. Culverts should be set on best available on-site material and compacted for firm base. As per drawing, the Contractor shall set one or two culverts below the natural streambed gradient to allow for natural stream flow. The finished installation shall allow fish passage and shall not back normal water flow upstream of the structure, shall not create any measurable plunge pool on the downstream side, and shall not create a pond or pooled situation over the face of the crossing. The Contractor shall set the additional culverts above the lower culvert(s) level to handle high flow periods. 8. The Contractor shall also install a concrete cap above the lower culverts that shall create a level surface over the entire culvert system. 9. The Contractor shall use any rock and soil material removed from the existing roadbed site to cover the culverts. Road surface material will be removed and used to resurface the road after construction is completed. If additional cover is required, the Government, working with the Contractor, will designate a borrow site near the construction site. 10. The Contractor shall install appropriate size rock on each culvert face or adjacent slopes to reduce future erosion potential. Trans-located rock obtained on-site may be used for this activity. During any activities utilizing trans-located rock, extreme caution should be exercised to avoid damage to the natural stream channel and its habitat. If rock retrieval from the downstream channel is determined likely to adversely impact habitat within the stream channel or addition rock is required, the Contractor shall obtain new rock from an on-installation quarry site designated by the government. The Contractor will be responsible for loading and transporting rock from quarry site. 11. The Contractor shall deposit the existing culvert at a location to be designated by the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) during final staking. The Government will be responsible for final deposition of the culvert. 12. The Contractor shall not conduct construction activities below the water's surface in Honey Creek during the Topeka shiner spawning period of May 15 to July 31. inclusive. 13. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) at least 10 days prior to construction. The COR is responsible for notifying the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Field Office in advance of any activities which have the potential to affect any Topeka shiner habitat. 14. The Contractor shall only install those roads and ramps necessary to install the pre-cast culverts. The Contractor shall only reshape the channel is necessary to direct the natural flow to the culvert location. The Contractor shall install erosion control structures as necessary to minimize downstream sedimentation during all activities. 15. The Contractor shall clear only those trees, brush, and other debris necessary to install the culverts and access the streambed. Trees, brush, and debris shall be piled in such a manner as not to obstruct stream flow nor block current access route. 16. The Contractor shall implement and maintain best management practices for erosion control throughout the duration of all project activities located in runoff areas to the stream. 17. The Contractor shall provide seeding and/or mulching within all stream runoff areas as soon as grading allow, following the end of construction. 18. The Contractor shall locate storage facilities for petroleum products, fuels, and other chemicals so that discharge and runoff into stream is not possible. 19. The Contractor shall make all efforts to complete all work in a timely manner so that traffic on roadway is not closed for extended periods of time. The Contractor shall provide signage on roadway when road is closed during construction. The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) when roadway is scheduled for closure. 20. The Contractor shall make all efforts not to block roadway when construction site is inactive. 21. The Contractor shall coordinator with the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) to determine the dates available for construction. Military training takes precedence over the work to be performed in this contract. 22. If prehistoric or historic archeological deposits or human remains are discovered during the course of this contract, the Contractor shall immediately suspend work. The Cultural Resources Manager or his/her representative, Directorate of Public Work, notified as soon as possible. The Fort Riley Cultural Resources Management Staff will evaluate the significance of the find and provide the Contracting Officer and COR guidance. The Cultural Resources Manager can be reached at 785-239-3976/785-239-6211. 23. The Contractor shall complete all work on this contract by October 1, 2011 unless an extension is granted by the Contracting Officer. VENDOR QUESTIONS 1)What is the bidding for the stream the culvert will set on? What is the required bedding for the RCB, and/or is a seal course required? What type and how thick is the sub base requirement under the box culvert? Answer: UNDER REVIEW BY ENGINEER (See-Below) 2)Are there shop drawings available that would show the picking points for the box culverts? Answer: We do not have shop drawings for the picking points on the culverts. 3)Are these one piece box culverts, or are they made up of pieces? How many culvert sections will be used? Answer: A total of 48 segments, each culvert length will be 8 segments long with a total of 6 culverts installed. 4)Location of excess debris to be located (old culvert, excess rock)? If there is excess material after final backfill where are the excess spoils to be hauled to or used at? The excavated material that is extra how far will we need to haul for a fill site? Answer: Contracting Officer Representative (COR) will designate a site within 1/4 mile of project site. 5)Will the dog leg and trees be eliminated? Does the upstream side of the creek need to be straightened or are we to install the culvert and leave the creek alone? Answer: No, the dog leg and trees will remain. Only remove trees necessary for excavation along ditch by culvert installation. 6)Will the hardware be removed if contractor moves culvert? Are we to disassemble the existing storming shelter or will we be supplied with a new box culvert? Answer: No, contractor would be required to remove hardware before moving culvert. 7)What is expected of the downstream area for rock/debris removal for stream flow? Answer: Clear the deposited rock/debris in natural stream bed. Excess material can be moved to the site designated by the CR within 1/4 mile of project site. 8)Wondering about the proposal forms, two kinds that need to be submitted. Is there a certain type of form? Answer: The proposal can be emailed or faxed from the information in #2a, and 2b there no certain form for this proposal, since there is one CLIN# being used. 9)You are going to evaluate the proposals by price and CCASS ratings? Answer: Yes 10) The proposal did not need to contain any other information than the two proposals requested. In other words, you are not seeking additional past performance write ups, a warranty write up nor a technical approach? Answer: Correct no additional write-up is required. 11) CCASS ratings will be evaluated with "technical" rating higher than "warranty" and "warranty" rating higher than "past performance'? Answer: No, All areas will be evaluated as posted the order of importance has not been established. 12)What are the dimensions of the supplied RCB sections, and who is the manufacturer? Answer: 6'x5' RCB 8' section length. Manufacturer is Vanguard Precast. 13)What is the weight of the supplied RCB sections, and is it a single cell or double cell. ? Answer: Check with Vanguard Precast on weight. These are single cell. 14)What are the elevations of the roadway and streambed on the upstream and downstream sides of the culvert? Answer: Approximately 12-13 feet. 15)Is the RCB to be backfilled with gravel, flow-able fill, or compacted job excavated material? Answer: Use job excavated material. 16)What does the existing metal culvert consist of? Answer: The metal culvert is 8' in diameter and is approx. 72' long. 17)After removal of the existing pipe, is bedding material required to level the trench prior to placement of the new concrete culvert? Answer: Yes, a concrete bedding according to State Standards. 18)The existing concrete culvert sections are currently sealed together with some type of adhesive. Upon installation, is the concrete culvert to be sealed with a similar adhesive? Are the RCB joints to be wrapped with Mac Wrap or an equal product? If so is it also supplied? Answer: The RCB joints are to be sealed and wrapped with Mac Wrap or equal product. Contractor is responsible for material. 19)The current pipe is not perpendicular with the road and is on a skew. If the new culvert is laid on this same general line, one end of the culvert sections will be much closer to the shoulder than the other. Is the intent to stagger the ends of the culverts to maintain a constant distance from the shoulder? Answer: Stagger the ends of the culverts to maintain a constant distance from the shoulder. 20)What is the existing road surface above the proposed culvert? Is the contractor responsible for the replacement? Answer: The existing road surface is gravel and millings (asphalt). After culvert installation the contractor should replace road surface using existing road material. 21)Is the concrete cap required to include reinforcement? Answer: yes 22)It appears that there will be ample rock to place on the ends of the culverts from what is on-site. If not, what is the gradation requirement for this rock? Answer: Use same grad as existing road ditch slopes. 23)Paragraph 14 and 16 discuss erosion control. Is an SWPPP plan required to be submitted prior to construction? Answer: No SWPPP needed. 24)Wondering about the proposal forms, two kinds that need to be submitted. Is there a certain type of form? Answer: The proposal can be emailed or faxed from the information in #2a, and 2b there no certain form for this proposal, since there is one CLIN# being used. Question Change-1 25)What is the bidding for the stream the culvert will set on? What is the required bedding for the RCB, and/or is a seal course required? What type and how thick is the sub base requirement under the box culvert? Answer: The use of on-site material (similar to crushed rock) to form a firm bedding is sufficient. 26) I do not understand the answer to question 3 in the Q&A sent out. We have built many precast and cast-in-place RCB's for K-Dot. There are two options in the standard spec section 735, 6" crushed stone or 3" concrete seal course. The concrete seal course "mud slab" is generally used under cast-in-place boxes in wet conditions to ease cleaning of the base rebar if mud is washed in. The reference to "Concrete bedding w/toes" is not a K-dot standard. The toe walls would be constructed with aprons and wing walls which are not detailed or called out for on this project that I can find. The way I interpret par. 10 in the RFP is that riprap shall be installed on the culvert face (for toe wall) and adjacent slopes to reduce erosion. Answer: According to PW engineers there is no need for concrete bedding w/toes for this project. The use of on-site material (similar to crushed rock) to form a firm bedding is sufficient. 27)We believe the wording "in accordance with K-dot standards" should give us the option for the 6" crushed stone bedding, and that riprap on the culvert face per the RFP would serve as a toe wall. Answer: The riprap can serve as the toe for this project. 28)I would also like to confirm where any extra large rock for channel erosion is to come from if needed, new from off-installation or from the owners quarry west of the project? Answer: The larger rock can be acquired from an on-installation quarry operated by the government. The quarry site is located 3 1/2 miles west of project site in Training Area 90. CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 52.202-1 Definitions JUL 2004 52.204-9 Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel SEP 2007 52.216-24 Limitation Of Government Liability APR 1984 52.216-25 Contract Definalization OCT 2010 52.222-6 Davis Bacon Act JUL 2005 52.222-7 Withholding of Funds FEB 1988 52.222-8 Payrolls and Basic Records JUN 2010 52.222-9 Apprentices and Trainees JUL 2005 52.222-10 Compliance with Copeland Act Requirements FEB 1988 52.222-11 Subcontracts (Labor Standards) JUL 2005 52.222-12 Contract Termination-Debarment FEB 1988 52.222-13 Compliance with Davis-Bacon and Related Act Regulations. FEB 1988 52.222-14 Disputes Concerning Labor Standards FEB 1988 52.222-15 Certification of Eligibility FEB 1988 52.222-22 Previous Contracts And Compliance Reports FEB 1999 52.225-9 Buy American Act--Construction Materials SEP 2010 52.225-10 Notice of Buy American Act Requirement--Construction Materials FEB 2009 52.228-5 Insurance - Work On A Government Installation JAN 1997 52.232-5 Payments under Fixed-Price Construction Contracts SEP 2002 52.232-27 Prompt Payment for Construction Contracts OCT 2008 52.233-2 Service Of Protest SEP 2006 52.236-5 Material and Workmanship APR 1984 52.236-6 Superintendence by the Contractor APR 1984 52.236-7 Permits and Responsibilities NOV 1991 52.236-8 Other Contracts APR 1984 52.236-9 Protection of Existing Vegetation, Structures, Equipment, Utilities, and Improvements APR 1984 52.236-10 Operations and Storage Areas APR 1984 52.236-11 Use and Possession Prior to Completion APR 1984 52.236-13 Accident Prevention NOV 1991 52.236-14 Availability and Use of Utility Services APR 1984 52.236-17 Layout of Work APR 1984 52.236-21 Specifications and Drawings for Construction FEB 1997 52.236-26 Preconstruction Conference FEB 1995 52.243-5 Changes and Changed Conditions APR 1984 252.232-7003 Electronic Submission of Payment Requests and Receiving Reports MAR 2008 252.246-7000 Material Inspection And Receiving Report MAR 2008 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.203-5 COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES (APR 1984) 52.203-7 ANTI-KICKBACK PROCEDURES. (OCT 2010) 52.211-10 COMMENCEMENT, PROSECUTION, AND COMPLETION OF WORK (APR 1984) 52.213-4 TERMS AND CONDITIONS--SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITIONS (OTHER THAN 52.217-7 OPTION FOR INCREASED QUANTITY--SEPARATELY PRICED LINE ITEM (MAR 1989) 52.219-1 SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAM REPRESENTATIONS (JAN 2011) 52.219-6 NOTICE OF TOTAL SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE (JUN 2003) 52.223-14 TOXIC CHEMICAL RELEASE REPORTING (AUG 2003) 52.233-4 APPLICABLE LAW FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT CLAIM (OCT 2004) 52.242-14 SUSPENSION OF WORK (APR 1984) 52.246-12 INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION (AUG 1996) 52.246-21 WARRANTY OF CONSTRUCTION (MAR 1994) 52.249-10 DEFAULT (FIXED-PRICE CONSTRUCTION) (APR 1984) 252.201-7000 CONTRACTING OFFICER'S REPRESENTATIVE (DEC 1991) (End of clause)
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Place of Performance
Address: Fort Riley DOC 1792 12th Street, Fort Riley KS
Zip Code: 66442
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