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D -- NCEP Radar Mosaic Data - Attachment 1, NCEP Radar Mosaic Data Statement of Work

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
541512 — Computer Systems Design Services
Contracting Office
Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Western Acquisition Division-Boulder, 325 Broadway - MC3, Boulder, Colorado, 80305-3328, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Mark Caban, Phone: 303-497-6875, Mark Caban, Phone: 303-497-6875
E-Mail Address
mark.caban@noaa.gov, mark.caban@noaa.gov
(mark.caban@noaa.gov, mark.caban@noaa.gov)
Small Business Set-Aside
Statement of Work NCEP COMBINED SYNOPSIS/SOLICITATION NCEP RADAR MOSAIC DATA (I) This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6 and 13.5, Test Program for Commercial Items, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. (II) This solicitation is issued as a request for quotation (RFQ). Submit written quotes on RFQ Number NWWX1000-11-03210MEC. (III) The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-52. (IV) This procurement is unrestricted and open to all sources. The associated NAICS code is 541512 computer Systems Design Services; the small business size standard is $25 million. (V) This combined solicitation/synopsis is for purchase of the following commercial item(s): Radar data in accordance with Attachment 1, Statement of Work. CLIN 0001 12 months $ ________ Unit Price 1 year $________ Total Amount CLIN 1001 12 months $ ________ Unit Price 1 year $________ Total Amount CLIN 2001 12 months $ ________ Unit Price 1 year $________ Total Amount CLIN 3001 12 months $ ________ Unit Price 1 year $________ Total Amount CLIN 4001 12 months $ ________ Unit Price 1 year $________ Total Amount (VI) Description of requirement is as follows: The Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a requirement for radar data in accordance with Attachment 1, Statement of Work National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Radar Mosaic Data. (VII) Place of delivery is the following four NOAA National Weather Service locations: 1. Aviation Weather Center 7220 NW 101st Terrace Kansas City, Missouri 64153 2. Storm Prediction Center 120 David L. Boren Blvd. Norman, OK 73072 3. National Hurricane Center 11691 SW 17th Street Miami, Florida 33165-2149 4. The Hydrometeorological Prediction Center 5200 Auth Road Room 210 Camp Springs, Maryland 20746 (VIII) FAR 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors -- Commercial Items (Jun 2008) (IX) FAR 52.212-2 Evaluation - Commercial Items (JAN 1999), applies to this acquisition. Paragraph (a) is hereby completed as follows: The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be the most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers and are listed in relative order of importance. (i)Technical The offeror's technical approach including system reliability, data availability, and system maintainability. The offeror's solution's radar data products capabilities including delivering radar data products that meet the specifications provided in the SOW, availability of a range of products, and quality of radar data products. The Offeror's Electronic samples of radar mosaics and single site data, documentation on decoding the electronic data formats. Example of the Offeror's data/service availability measurement report. ii) Price iii) Past performance. Technical and past performance, when combined, are significantly more important than price. (X) The offeror must submit a completed copy of the provision at FAR 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items (MAY 2011), with its quote. An offeror shall complete only paragraph (b) of this provision if the offeror has completed the annual representations and certifications electronically at http://orca.bpn.gov. If an offeror has not completed the annual representations and certifications electronically at the ORCA website, the offeror shall complete only paragraphs (c) through (o) of this provision. (XI) The clause at FAR 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions - Commercial Items (Jun 2010), applies to this acquisition. (XII) The clause at FAR 52.212-5, Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders - Commercial Items (MAY 2011) applies to this acquisition. The following clauses under subparagraph (b) apply: (1), (4), (6), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24), (25), (26), (27), (28), (33), (37), and (42). The following clauses under subparagraph (c) apply: none. (XIII) The following clauses are also applicable to this acquisition: FAR 52.227-17 Rights in Data - Special works (DEC 2007) FAR 52.217-8 Option to Extend Services (NOV 1999) The Government may require continued performance of any services within the limits and at the rates specified in the contract. These rates may be adjusted only as a result of revisions to prevailing labor rates provided by the Secretary of Labor. The option provision may be exercised more than once, but the total extension of performance hereunder shall not exceed 6 months. The Contracting Officer may exercise the option by written notice to the Contractor within 30. FAR 52.217-9 Option to Extend the Term of the Contract (MAR 2000) (a) The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice to the Contractor within 30 days; provided that the Government gives the Contractor a preliminary written notice of its intent to extend at least 60 days before the contract expires. The preliminary notice does not commit the Government to an extension. (b) If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this option clause. (c) The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed five years. CAR 1352.270-70 Period of Performance (APR 2010) (a) The base period of performance of this contract is from July 29, 2011 through July 28, 2012. If an option is exercised, the period of performance shall be extended through the end of that option period. (b) The option periods that may be exercised are as follows: Period Start date End date Option 1 July 29, 2012 July 28, 2013 Option II July 29, 2013 July 28, 2014 Option III July 29, 2014 July 28, 2015 Option IV July 29, 2015 July 28, 2016 (c) The notice requirements for unilateral exercise of option periods are set out in FAR 52.217-9. CAR 1352.201-72 Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) (APR 2010) CAR 1352.208-70 Restrictions On Printing And Duplicating (APR 2010) CAR 1352.209-72 Restrictions Against Disclosure (APR 2010) CAR 1352.209-73 Compliance With The Laws (APR 2010) CAR 1352.209-74 Organizational Conflict Of Interest (APRIL 2010) 1352.215-70 Proposal preparation (APR 2010) Proposal preparation (a) General Instructions. Proposals are expected to conform to solicitation provisions and be prepared in accordance with this section. To aid in evaluation, the proposal shall be clearly and concisely written, neatly presented, indexed (cross-indexed as appropriate), and logically assembled. All pages of each part shall be appropriately numbered and identified with the name of the offeror, the date of the offer, and the solicitation number. Each volume shall be clearly marked by volume number and title. (b) Overall Arrangement of Proposal. (1) VOLUME I--BUSINESS PROPOSAL (i) Volume I, Business Proposal, consists of the actual offer to enter into a contract to perform the desired work. It also includes required representations, certifications, and acknowledgments, if applicable; justifications for noncompetitive proposed subcontracts; identification of technical data to be withheld; and any other required administrative information. (ii) Format and Content. Volume I, Business Proposal, shall include the following documents (in the order listed): (A) Proposal Form: (1) Use of the Form--The Proposal Form Standard Form 1449, is to be executed fully and used as the cover sheet (or first page) of Volume I. Include one (1) original signed copy of the form in the original Volume I. (2) Acceptance Period--The acceptance period entered on the Proposal Form by the offeror shall not be less than that prescribed in the solicitation, which shall apply if no other period is offered. (3) Signature Authority--The person signing the Proposal Form must have the authority to commit the offeror to all of the provisions of the proposal, fully recognizing that the Government has the right, by terms of the Solicitation, to make an award without discussion if it so elects. (B) Other documentation identified in Section (A) above. The offeror shall submit one original of Volume I, marked as such. (2) VOLUME II--TECHNICAL PROPOSAL (i) General. (A) Volume II, technical proposal, consists of the offeror's proposal delineating its capabilities and how it intends to perform contract requirements. The Technical proposal will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria contained in (IX) FAR 52.212-2 Evaluation - Commercial Items (JAN 1999). (B) In order that the technical proposal may be evaluated strictly on the merit of the material submitted, no contractual price information is to be included in Volume II. However, the type and quantity of labor and materials is to be included in the Technical Proposal, without any associated cost information. (C) The technical proposal must be typed with one inch margins, on 8\1/2\'' by 11'' paper, not exceeding 20 pages, double-sided, exclusive of resumes and related corporate experience documentation. Any pages in excess of 20 will be disregarded, and will not be included in the proposal evaluation. Failure of the offeror to comply with the page limitations, resulting in the excess pages not being evaluated, shall not constitute grounds for a protest. (ii) Format and Content. Volume II, Technical Proposal, shall include the following contents: (A) Table of Contents (B) List of Tables and Figures (C) Summary of Technical Proposal (D) Technical Proposal (E) Exceptions and Deviations. These major headings may be subdivided or supplemented by the offeror as appropriate. (1) Summary. This section shall provide a summary that addresses each of the technical evaluation factors set out in (IX) FAR 52.212-2 Evaluation - Commercial Items (JAN 1999). (2) Technical Proposal. The offeror shall clearly address each of the technical evaluation criteria in (IX) FAR 52.212-2 Evaluation - Commercial Items (JAN 1999). (3) Exceptions and Deviations. This section shall identify and explain any exceptions or deviations taken to any part of the solicitation or conditional assumptions made with respect to the technical requirements of the solicitation. Offerors should note that taking exceptions to the Government's requirements may indicate an unwillingness or inability to perform the contract, and the proposal may be evaluated as such. (iii) Specific areas to be addressed: A. The offeror's proposal shall describe the technical approach including system reliability, data availability, and system maintainability. Specifically, in the technical approach description, the proposal shall address the following characteristics of the solution: (1) the reliability which can deliver radar mosaic data products 99.9% of the times per year (2) capability to provide a backup data acquisition source at each Service Center in the event of a primary data source outage (3) ability to provide the radar mosaics and single-site imagery data without outages (4) timeliness of the data from origination at vendor's location to receipt at distribution point to Service Centers (5) adequacy to provide real time product arrival notification messages (6) hardware proposed to ingest and display the data, and whether the hardware is Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) from widely known manufacturers (7) ability to upgrade hardware and system components with minimal disruptions of the radar data flow to the Service Centers (8) ability to deliver mosaic data securely, with no additional risk to Service Centers' networks and systems. The method of secure transmission should be clearly documented. (9) ability to provide operational 24 hr/day telephone support for both hardware and software systems (10) ability to replace equipment and parts, and use the diagnostic software to service and repair hardware used in delivering radar data (11) capability to restore operational service B. The offeror's proposal shall describe the radar data products capabilities including delivering radar data products that meet the specifications provided in the SOW, availability of a range of products, and quality of radar data products. Specifically, in the radar data products capabilities description, the proposal shall address the following radar data products characteristics: (1) delivered radar data products ability to meet the specifications provided in SOW (2) user's ability to easily select multiple radar sites and regional or national mosaics, and display various radar attributes of storms (3) delivered radar mosaics and single site data can be easily displayed in N-AWIPS and, eventually within AWIPS-II (4) delivered radar mosaic and single-site imagery products are quality controlled (5) adequacy of software products for navigation, calibration and data access (i.e., ability to determine latitude and longitude of imagery) (C) The offeror's proposal shall be accompanied by radar mosaics and single site data examples, in electronic format, along with documentation describing the electronic format provided with the contractor's proposal. (D) The offer shall provide with its proposal an example report that demonstrates how the offeror measures data/service availability. (E) Past Performance. Include recent and relevant contracts (a minimum of three) for the same or similar items and other references (including contract numbers, points of contact with telephone numbers and other relevant information); and The offeror shall submit one original of Volume II, marked as such. (3) Volume III--Price/cost proposal (i) Price proposals should state prices on a monthly basis for the base period and each of the four one year option periods. The offeror shall submit one original of Volume III, marked as such. (ii) Each offeror's price proposal must be based on the offeror's own technical proposal, the Government's specifications, and other contractual requirements. If the prices to be used are based on a published price list or catalog, the offeror shall so state, and provide a copy of the document with its price proposal. If the prices are to be based on established market prices, not otherwise published, or are prices applicable only to the proposed contract, the offeror shall so state. (iii) The Government expects that this contract will be awarded based upon adequate price competition. However, in order to determine that offered prices are fair and reasonable, the Government reserves the right to request that the offeror to provide cost breakdowns to support proposed prices. Information to support unit prices should include, but not be limited to, the following: (A) Salary/wage information with associated payroll expenses, for personnel to be used in performance of the contract; (B) Cost for equipment, supplies, and consumable materials; (C) A breakout of related support costs, such as equipment maintenance, rental, transportation, etc.; (D) Overhead costs; (E) General Administrative expenses; and (F) Profit (End of clause) CAR1352.246-70 Place of Acceptance, (APR 2010) (a) The Contracting Officer or the duly authorized representative will accept supplies and services to be provided under this contract. (b) The place of acceptance will be: 1. Aviation Weather Center 7220 NW 101st Terrace Kansas City, Missouri 64153 2. Storm Prediction Center 120 David L. Boren Blvd. Norman, OK 73072 3. National Hurricane Center 11691 SW 17th Street Miami, Florida 33165-2149 4. The Hydrometeorological Prediction Center 5200 Auth Road Room 210 Camp Springs, Maryland 20746 CAR1352.201-70 Contracting Officer's Authority (APR 2010) The Contracting Officer is the only person authorized to make or approve any changes in any of the requirements of this contract, and, notwithstanding any provisions contained elsewhere in this contract, the said authority remains solely in the Contracting Officer. In the event the contractor makes any changes at the direction of any person other than the Contracting Officer, the change will be considered to have been made without authority and no adjustment will be made in the contract terms and conditions, including price. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Western Acquisition Division - MC3/GB506A 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305-3325 Phone Number: _To bill filled in at time of award________ Contracting Officer ______ (End of clause) CAR1352.233-70 Agency Protests (APR 2010) (a) An agency protest may be filed with either: (1) The contracting officer, or (2) at a level above the contracting officer, with the appropriate agency Protest Decision Authority. See 64 FR 16,651 (April 6, 1999). (b) Agency protests filed with the Contracting Officer shall be sent to the following address: Contracting Officer, Chad Hepp National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Western Acquisition Division - MC3/GB506A 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80305-3325 Phone Number: (303) 497-5133 Chad.hepp@noaa.gov (c) Agency protests filed with the agency Protest Decision Authority shall be sent to the following address: Barry Berkowitz, Senior Procurement Director and Director, Office of Acquisition Management U.S. Department of Commerce Room 6422 Herbert C. Hoover Building 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20230 FAX: (202) 482-1711 (d) A complete copy of all agency protests, including all attachments, shall be served upon the Contract Law Division of the Office of the General Counsel within one day of filing a protest with either the Contracting Officer or the Protest Decision Authority. (e) Service upon the Contract Law Division shall be made as follows: Office of the General Counsel Chief, Contract Law Division U.S. Department of Commerce Room 5893 Herbert C. Hoover Building 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20230 FAX: (202) 482-5858 (End of clause) CAR1352.233-71 GAO and Court Of Federal Claims Protests (APR 2010) Full text of CAR clauses is available at http://farsite.hill.af.mil/vfcara.htm (XIV) The Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) do not apply. (XV) The Government intends to award a firm-fixed-price order resulting from this solicitation. (XVI) Quotes are required to be received in the contracting office no later than 3:00 p.m. local time on June 21, 2011. All quotes must be emailed to the attention of Mark E. Caban, Contract Specialist at mark.caban@noaa.gov and one hardcopy submitted to: U.S. Department of Commerce NOAA 325 Broadway Attn.: Mark E. Caban, MC5 Boulder, Colorado 80305 (XVII) Offerors must submit all questions concerning this solicitation in writing to Contract Specialist Mark Caban at mark.caban@noaa.gov. Questions should be received no later than 5 calendar days after the issuance date of this solicitation. Any responses to questions may be made in writing, without identification of the questioner, and may be included in an amendment to the solicitation. Even if provided in other form, only the question responses included in the amendment to the solicitation will govern performance of the contract.
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Place of Performance
Address: See Solicitation (VII) Place of delivery for the four locations., Kansa City, Missouri, 64153, United States
Zip Code: 64153
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