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R -- Fort Carson, Colorado, intends to award a firm-fixed-price contract for Hazardous Control Center Operation to be performed at Fort Carson, CO.

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
561210 — Facilities Support Services
Contracting Office
MICC - Fort Carson, Directorate of Contracting, 1676 Evans Street, Building 1220, 3rd Floor, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5198
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Nicole Mintus, 526-3841
E-Mail Address
MICC - Fort Carson
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. Request for Proposals Solicitation Number W911RZ-11-R-0015 Hazardous Material Control Center Operation This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation. Proposals are being requested, and a written solicitation will not be issued. Proposals shall reference solicitation number W911RZ-11-R-0015. This solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-53. Fort Carson, Colorado, intends to award a firm-fixed-price contract for Hazardous Control Center Operation to be performed at Fort Carson. The intent is to award a one-year base contract with two additional one-year option periods. The option periods may be exercised at the discretion of the Government. The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code for this procurement is 561210 with a small business size standard of $35.5 million. This requirement is a 100% small business set-aside, and only qualified vendors may submit proposals. This solicitation closes at 9:00AM Mountain Time on 2 August 2011. Offers shall propose prices for all of the following Contract Line Item Numbers (CLINs): CLIN 0001 Phase In POP: 29 August 2011- 28 September 2011 $__________ CLIN 0002Hazardous Material Facility Management Base Period In accordance with the attached performance work statement (PWS). POP: 29 September 2011- 28 August 2012 $________ per month x 11 months = $____________ CLIN 0003 Contractor Manpower Reporting for FY 11 Base Period Qty 1 The contractor shall complete Contract Manpower Reporting in accordance with paragraph 13.0 of the attached PWS for Fiscal Year 11. Delivery Date: 31 October 2011 $________ CLIN 1001 Hazardous Material Facility Management Option Period 1 In accordance with the attached PWS. POP: 29 August 2012- 28 August 2013 $________ per month x 12 months = $____________ CLIN 1002 Contract Manpower Reporting for FY 12 Option Period 1 Qty 1 The contractor shall complete Contract Manpower Reporting in accordance with paragraph 13.0 of the attached PWS for Fiscal Year 12. Delivery Date: 31 October 2012 $________ CLIN 2001 Hazardous Material Facility Management Option Period 2 In accordance with the attached PWS. POP: 29 August 2013- 28 August 2014 $________ per month x 12 months = $____________ CLIN 2002 Contract Manpower Reporting for FY 13Option Period 2 Qty 1 The contractor shall complete Contract Manpower Reporting in accordance with paragraph 13.0 of the attached PWS for Fiscal Year 13. Delivery Date: 31 October 2013 $________ Total Price for all CLINS $____________ The following Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) provisions are applicable to this acquisition and are available for view at: http://farsite.hill.af.mil/ 52.209-5 Information regarding responsibility matters 52.209-7 Information regarding responsibility matters 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors Commercial Items By the time specified in the solicitation for receipt of offers, the offeror shall submit a proposal on company letterhead that includes the solicitation number; name, address, and telephone number of the offeror; pricing for all items in the schedule above, including total; and all information and plans required below and in the PWS. The offeror shall also include any discount terms, cage code, DUNS number, tax identification number, size of business, acknowledgement of solicitation amendments (if any), and a statement that the provision at FAR 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications Commercial Items, has been completed electronically online at http://orca.bpn.gov/publicsearch.aspx. PAST PERFORMANCE INFORMATION. The offeror shall provide information concerning at least three but no more than five of the most relevant contracts performed for Federal agencies and commercial customers within three years before the date for receipt of proposals. (Offerors that do not have at least three past or current contracts of some relevance shall provide information on as many as they have and an explanation why information on more is not available.) Relevant contracts include those where the offeror performed work of a similar scope, magnitude, and complexity as those required under this solicitation. Contracts that provide all aspects of the work required by this solicitation will be considered more relevant than those contracts for only portions of the work required. Also, more recent contracts will be considered more relevant than older ones. The evaluation of past performance will take into account information regarding predecessor companies, key personnel who have relevant experience, or subcontractors that will perform major or critical aspects of the requirement when such information is relevant to the acquisition. In addition, the Government may use past performance information obtained from other than the sources identified by the offeror. Past performance information is limited to no more than two pages per contract listed. Information submitted shall contain at least the following for each contract/reference: - Contract number. - Period of Performance. - Contract Type (i.e., fixed-price, time-and-materials, etc.) - Indication whether government or commercial contract and the dollar amount. - A summary description of any subcontractor and the scope of involvement. - Contracting agency, including name and telephone number of contract administrator, buyer or contracting officer. - Type of work provided and number of facilities managed. 52.212-2 Evaluation-Commercial Items (a) The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers: lowest price technically acceptable, considering past performance. 1.Price Price will not be assigned an adjectival rating; however, unreasonably high or unrealistically low proposed prices may be grounds for eliminating a proposal from consideration. Price will be evaluated to determine if the offeror's proposed price is fair, reasonable, and balanced. The Government will award a contract to the offeror whose technically acceptable proposal represents the lowest price to the Government. 2.Past Performance The Past Performance evaluation will assess the relative risks associated with an offeror's likelihood of success in performing the solicitation's requirements as indicated by that offeror's record of past performance. Performance risk is assessed after evaluating aspects of the offeror's recent past performance and focusing on performance that is relevant to the services being procured under this solicitation. Offerors are cautioned that in conducting the performance risk assessment, the Government may use data provided in the offeror's proposal and data obtained from other sources, such as, but not limited to, the Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS) or similar systems and State Department Watch Lists. Past performance areas of evaluation include: - Business Relations - Quality of Service - Schedule - Cost Control - Customer Satisfaction Recency Assessment. An assessment of the past performance information will be made to determine if it is recent. To be recent, the effort must be ongoing or must have been performed no earlier than 3 years before the date for submission of proposals in response to this solicitation. Past performance information that fails this condition will not be evaluated. Relevance Assessment. To be relevant, the effort must be of similar in nature of work, size, magnitude, complexity and scope to the work required by this solicitation. The Government will conduct an in-depth evaluation of all recent performance information obtained to determine this similarity. In determining relevance for individual contracts, consideration will be given to the effort, or portion of the effort, being proposed by the offeror, teaming partner, or subcontractor whose contract is being reviewed and evaluated. The past performance information provided in the proposal and information obtained from other sources will be used to establish the degree of relevance of past performance. Assigning Ratings. The Past Performance Factor will be assigned one of the ratings defined below. No past performance, or insufficient past performance to evaluate properly, will be rated "Neutral." An award will not be made to any offeror that receives a "High" or "Moderate" risk past performance rating. If a proposal is initially evaluated as having a risk level of "High" or "Moderate" due to adverse past performance, the source providing the information may be contacted to obtain further information about the circumstances surrounding the situation. The offeror will be given an opportunity to address unfavorable reports of past performance if it has not had a previous opportunity to respond. The offeror's response or lack of response will be taken into consideration. RatingDescription Low RiskLittle doubt exists that the offeror will successfully perform the required effort based on its performance record. Performance Risk Level: Low Moderate RiskSome doubt exists that the offeror will successfully perform the required effort based on its performance record. Performance Risk Level: Moderate High RiskSignificant doubt exists that the offeror will successfully perform the required effort based on its performance record. Performance Risk Level: High Note: A final rating of high risk is not eligible for award. NeutralThe offeror has insufficient or no relevant past performance upon which to base a meaningful performance risk prediction. Performance Risk Level: Unknown Note: Evaluation may not result in findings that exactly match the rating descriptions above for Past Performance. In that event, evaluators will use their discretion in determining and applying the most applicable ratings. 3.Technical Acceptability The Government's technical evaluation team will evaluate proposals to determine technical acceptability. In order to be determined "Acceptable", a proposal must demonstrate an approach which is capable of meeting all requirements and objectives of the contract and receive an "Acceptable" rating for each subfactor. Subfactor a- Staffing Approach: The Staffing Approach must demonstrate that the offeror recruits, retains, trains and effectively utilizes staff that is personally and technically experienced in the successful completion of identical, similar, or related work. The offeror must demonstrate that its staffing is consistent with meeting work schedules, providing specified services, adhering and complying with contract terms and conditions, effectively utilizing resources, and staying within budgetary limits. The offeror shall submit a Staffing Plan which at a minimum must include management structure and positions, labor classifications, labor hours, cross-utilization discussions, and qualification requirements for each position proposed. Subfactor b- Management Approach: The Management Approach must demonstrate that the offeror has a clear understanding of the Performance Work Statement (PWS) requirements. The offeror may demonstrate its experience and impact in successfully completing identical, similar, or related work. Each offeror is required to submit a Management Plan which at a minimum should describe and demonstrate techniques, procedures, and practices and their impact on effectively accomplishing the basic functions of planning, organizing, controlling, and executing the PWS and mission requirements. Subfactor c- Quality Control Program: The offer must provide its Quality Control Program (QCP) and demonstrate how it can effectively identify, correct and prevent deficiencies and defects in services. At a minimum must identify and describe the specific processes and procedures that are leading and logical predictors of a successful outcome in completing tasks described in the PWS. The QCP must also identify the metrics that will logically predict success on these tasks. Subfactor d- Technical Approach: The offeror shall provide a Technical Approach that demonstrates that the offeror has a clear understanding of the PWS requirements and identified tasks. The offeror may demonstrate the performance of PWS tasks for similar work with current or previous customers. The offeror must also provide a strategy for utilizing its technical expertise and experience to accomplish PWS tasks and demonstrate the relevant business experience that supports that strategy. The offeror must also identify its proposed skill mix, and key personnel and demonstrate their education level and certifications, technical credibility, skills, and training needed to accomplish the tasks described in the PWS, including, but not necessarily limited to, their technical proficiency and expertise in the area of supply management, including Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS) operations, and requirements. The Technical Approach shall reflect the offeror's technical proficiency and expertise with the Hazardous Material Management System. (b) Options. The Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for all options to the total price for the basic requirement. The Government may determine that an offer is unacceptable if the option prices are significantly unbalanced. Evaluation of options shall not obligate the Government to exercise the option(s). As part of price evaluation, the Government will evaluate its option to extend services (see FAR Clause 52.217-8) by adding one-half of the offeror's final option period price to the offeror's total price. Thus, the offeror's total price for the purpose of evaluation will include the base period, first option, second option, and one-half of the second option. Offerors are required only to price the base and two options. Offerors shall not submit a price for the potential one-half year extension of services period. (c) A written notice of award or acceptance of an offer mailed or otherwise furnished to the successful offeror within the time for acceptance specified in the offer, shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party. Before the offer's specified expiration time, the Government may accept an offer (or part of an offer), whether or not there are negotiations after its receipt, unless a written notice of withdrawal is received before award. 52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications- Commercial Items 52.212-3 Alt I Certifications and & Representations 52.223-13 Certification of Toxic Chemical Release Reporting 52.233-2 Service of Protest Protests, as defined in section 33.101 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, that are filed directly with an agency, and copies of any protests that are filed with the Government Accountability Office (GAO), shall be served on the Contracting Officer (addressed as follows) by obtaining written and dated acknowledgment of receipt from Amy Franklin, Contracting Officer, MICC-Directorate of Contracting, 1676 Evans St. Bldg. 1220, 3rd fl, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5198. The copy of any protest shall be received in the office designated above within one day after filing a protest with the GAO. 252.209-7001 Disclosure of Ownership or Control by Terrorist Country 252.225-7031 Secondary Arab Boycott of Israel The following FAR clauses are applicable to this acquisition: 52.202-1 Definitions 52.204-7 Central Contractor Registration 52.204-9 Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel 52.209-9 Updates of publicly available info responsibility matters 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions- Commercial Items 52.212-5 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders Commercial Items. 52.203-6 Alt I Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government 52.209-6 Protecting the Government's Interest when sub contracting 52.204-10 Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards 52.219-6 Notice of Total Small Business set aside 52.219-8 Utilization of Small Business Concerns 52.219-14 Limitations on Subcontracting 52.219-28 Post Award Small Business Program Representation The Contractor represents that it ( ) is, ( ) is not a small business concern under NAICS Code 561210. 52.222-3 Convict Labor 52.222-19 Child Labor - Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies 52.222-21 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities 52.222-26 Equal Opportunity 52.222-35 Equal Opportunity for Special Disabled Veterans of Vietnam Era and Other Eligible Veterans 52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities 52.222-37 Employment Reports On Special Disabled Veterans, Veterans of Vietnam Era and Other Eligible Veterans 52.222-40 Notification of Employee Rights under National Labor Relations Act 52.222-41 Service Contract Act of 1965 Wage Determination # 05-2080 Revision.-13, dated 06/17/11 for El Paso County, Colorado is applicable to this solicitation and resulting award. See http://www.wdol.gov website for the entire Wage Determination. 52.222-42 Statement of Equivalent Rates for Federal Hires In compliance with the Service Contract Act of 1965, as amended, and the regulations of the Secretary of Labor (29 CFR Part 4), this clause identifies the classes of service employees expected to be employed under the contract and states the wages and fringe benefits payable to each if they were employed by the contracting agency subject to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 5341 or 5332. This statement is for information only: it is not a wage determination Employee Class: Supply Technician GS-9: $20.58/hr 52.222-43 Fair Labor Standards Act and Service Contract Act-Price Adjustment (Multiple Year and Option Contracts) 52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons 52.225-13 Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases 52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer Central Contractor Registration 52.217-8 Option to Extend Services The Government may require continued performance of any services within the limits and at the rates specified in the contract. These rates may be adjusted only as a result of revisions to prevailing labor rates provided by the Secretary of Labor. The option provision may be exercised more than once, but the total extension of performance hereunder shall not exceed 6 months. The Contracting Officer may exercise the option by written notice to the Contractor within 10 days of contract expiration. 52.217-9 Option to Extend Term of Contract a) The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice to the Contractor within no later than 15 days before contract expiration; provided that the Government gives the Contractor a preliminary written notice of its intent to extend at least 30 days before the contract expires. The preliminary notice does not commit the Government to an extension. (b) If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this option clause. (c) The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed three years and six months. 52.223-5 Pollution Prevention and Right-to-Know Information 52.223-10 Waste Reduction Program 52.223-14 Toxic Chemical Releasing 52.228-5 Insurance Work on a Government Installation The Contractor, and subcontractors, shall provide and maintain during the entire performance of this contract at least the kinds and minimum amounts of insurance stated below. See FAR Clause 52.228-5, incorporated by reference above, and the text below, for additional information concerning insurance requirements. TYPE REQUIRED AMOUNT Automobile: Bodily Injury Liability Per Person $200,000 Per Occurrence $500,000 Property Damage $ 20,000 Comprehensive General Liability: Bodily Injury Liability (minimum amount) $500,000 Workman's Compensation and occupational Disease Statutory Employer's Liability $100,000 The Contractor must submit a copy of endorsements to the insurance policies along with a Certificate of Insurance. Each endorsement shall state the following: "Any cancellation or any material change adversely affecting the United States Government's interest under Contract No. ________________(Insert the number of this contract.) shall not be effective- (1) For such period as the laws of Colorado prescribe; or (2) Until 30 days after the insurer or the Contractor gives written notice to the Contracting Officer, Contract No.. ________________(Insert the number of this contract.), Directorate of Contracting, 1676 Evans Street, Building 1220, Fort Carson, CO 80913-4310, whichever period is longer." Submit a certificate of insurance and copies of the endorsements for all required policies, to include Automobile Liability, General Liability, Workman's Compensation and Employer's Liability. 52.229-3 Federal, State, and Local Taxes 52.237-1 Site Visit 52.237-2 Protection of Government Buildings, Equipment, and Vegetation 52.237-3 Continuity of Services 52.245-1 Government Property 52.252-2 Clauses Included by Reference This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. Also, the full text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this address: http://farsite.hill.af.mil The following DFARS clauses are applicable to this acquisition: 252.201-7000 Contracting Officer's Representative 252.204-7000Disclosure of Information 252.204-7003 Control of Government Personnel Work Product 252.204-7004 ALT A, Central Contractor Registration 252.209-7004Subcontracting with firms that are owned or controlled by the Government of a terrorist country. 252.225-7002Qualifying country sources as subcontractors 252. 232-7010Levies on Contract Payments 252.243-7001Pricing of Contract Modifications 252.212-7001 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders Applicable to Defense Acquisitions of Commercial Items. 52.203-3 Gratuities 252.203-7000 Req. relating to Comp. of former DOD Officials 252.225-7001 Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program 252.225-7012 Preference for Certain Domestic Commodities 252.232-7003 Electronic Submission of Payment Requests and Receiving Reports. 252.243-7002 Requests for Equitable Adjustment 252.223-7006 Prohibition of Storage and disposal of toxic materials 252. 232-7007 Limitations of Government's Obligation 252.232-7007 LIMITATION OF GOVERNMENT'S OBLIGATION (MAY 2006) (a) Contract line item(s) TBD through TBD are incrementally funded. For these item(s), the sum of $TBD of the total price is presently available for payment and allotted to this contract. An allotment schedule is set forth in paragraph (j) of this clause. (b) For items(s) identified in paragraph (a) of this clause, the Contractor agrees to perform up to the point at which the total amount payable by the Government, including reimbursement in the event of termination of those item(s) for the Government's convenience, approximates the total amount currently allotted to the contract. The Contractor is not authorized to continue work on those item(s) beyond that point. The Government will not be obligated in any event to reimburse the Contractor in excess of the amount allotted to the contract for those item(s) regardless of anything to the contrary in the clause entitled "TERMINATION FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT." As used in this clause, the total amount payable by the Government in the event of termination of applicable contract line item(s) for convenience includes costs, profit and estimated termination settlement costs for those item(s). (c) Notwithstanding the dates specified in the allotment schedule in paragraph (j) of this clause, the Contractor will notify the Contracting Officer in writing at least ninety days prior to the date when, in the Contractor's best judgment, the work will reach the point at which the total amount payable by the Government, including any cost for termination for convenience, will approximate 85 percent of the total amount then allotted to the contract for performance of the applicable item(s). The notification will state (1) the estimated date when that point will be reached and (2) an estimate of additional funding, if any, needed to continue performance of applicable line items up to the next scheduled date for allotment of funds identified in paragraph (j) of this clause, or to a mutually agreed upon substitute date. The notification will also advise the Contracting Officer of the estimated amount of additional funds that will be required for the timely performance of the item(s) funded pursuant to this clause, for subsequent period as may be specified in the allotment schedule in paragraph (j) of this clause, or otherwise agreed to by the parties. If after such notification additional funds are not allotted by the date identified in the Contractor's notification, or by an agreed substitute date, the Contracting Officer will terminate any item(s) for which additional funds have not been allotted, pursuant to the clause of this contract entitled "TERMINATION FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT". (d) When additional funds are allotted for continued performance of the contract line item(s) identified in paragraph (a) of this clause, the parties will agree as to the period of contract performance which will be covered by the funds. The provisions of paragraph (b) through (d) of this clause will apply in like manner to the additional allotted funds and agreed substitute date, and the contract will be modified accordingly. (e) If, solely by reason of failure of the Government to allot additional funds, by the dates indicated below, in amounts sufficient for timely performance of the contract line item(s) identified in paragraph (a) of this clause, the Contractor incurs additional costs or is delayed in the performance of the work under this contract and if additional funds are allotted, an equitable adjustment will be made in the price or prices (including appropriate target, billing, and ceiling prices where applicable) of the item(s), or in the time of delivery, or both. Failure to agree to any such equitable adjustment hereunder will be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause entitled "disputes." (f) The Government may at any time prior to termination allot additional funds for the performance of the contract line item(s) identified in paragraph (a) of this clause. (g) The termination provisions of this clause do not limit the rights of the Government under the clause entitled "DEFAULT." The provisions of this clause are limited to work and allotment of funds for the contract line item(s) set forth in paragraph (a) of this clause. This clause no longer applies once the contract if fully funded except with regard to the rights or obligations of the parties concerning equitable adjustments negotiated under paragraphs (d) or (e) of this clause. (h) Nothing in this clause affects the right of the Government to this contract pursuant to the clause of this contract entitled "TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT." (i) Nothing in this clause shall be construed as authorization of voluntary services whose acceptance is otherwise prohibited under 31 U.S.C. 1342. (j) The parties contemplate that the Government will allot funds to this contract in accordance with the following schedule: On execution of contract TBD The following AFARS clauses are applicable to this acquisition: 5152.209-4000DOD LEVEL I ANTITERRORISM (AT) STANDARDS (FEB 2009) (a) Pursuant to Department of Defense Instruction Number 2000.16, "DoD Antiterrorism (AT) Standards," dated October 2, 2006, each contractor employee requiring access to a Federally-controlled installation, facility and/or Federally-controlled information system(s) shall complete Level I AT Awareness Training on an annual basis and receive a certificate of completion. The training is accessible from any computer and is available at https://atlevel1.dtic.mil/at/. The contractor is responsible for ensuring that all applicable employees have completed antiterrorism awareness training and shall certify that their workforce has completed the training through the submission of completion certificate(s) to the Contracting Officer and the Contracting Officer's Representative (if appointed) within five working days after contract award or prior to access to a Federally-controlled installation or information system. (b) In the event that the automated system at https://atlevel1.dtic.mil/at/ is not available (e.g., server problems), Level I AT Awareness Training can be provided by a qualified instructor. However, if the training is not completed online, the Level I AT Awareness Instructor qualification must be coordinated with the Installation Antiterrorism Officer (or Installation Security equivalent) and the resultant name(s) of approved instructors shall be provided the contracting officer or designee along with all associated cost or schedule impacts to the contract. (c) Antiterrorism performance (Level I AT Awareness Training attendance and compliance) may be documented as a performance metric under the resultant contract, and be part of past performance information in support of future source selections. (End of clause) Local Information: ALTERNATE DISPUTES RESOLUTION: In furtherance of Federal policy and the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 1990 (ADR Act), Public Law 101-552 and FAR Clause 52.233-1, Subparagraph (g) the Contracting Officer will try to resolve all post award acquisition issues in controversy by mutual agreement of both parties. Interested parties are encouraged to use alternative dispute resolution procedures to the maximum extent practicable, in accordance with the authority and requirements of the ADR Act. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT: Contractor personnel requiring emergency medical treatment during performance of contract requirements may be transported to Fort Carson medical facilities. However, they will be transferred to civilian medical facilities as soon as practicable. Any care provided by Fort Carson shall be at the Contractor's expense. FIRE PREVENTION: The Contractor shall comply with fire prevention practices as set forth by the National Fire Protection Association in the National Fire Code and other recognized fire prevention agencies and post regulations. OPERATION OF PRIVATELY OWNED VEHICLES: Contractor employees operating privately owned vehicles on Fort Carson shall be required to comply with all applicable traffic laws, parking restrictions, and restricted area requirements (FC Suppl. No. 1 to AR 190.5) FORT CARSON POST ACCESS: See Paragraph 11.0 of the PWS. 5152.233-9000 AMC-LEVEL PROTEST PROGRAM: If you have complaints about this procurement, it is preferable that you first attempt to resolve those concerns with the responsible contracting officer. However, you can also protest to Headquarters, AMC. The HQ, AMC-Level Protest Program is intended to encourage interested parties to seek resolution of their concerns within AMC as an Alternative Dispute Resolution forum, rather than filing a protest with the Government Accountability Office or other external forum. Contract award or performance is suspended during the protest to the same extent, and within the same time periods, as if filed at the GAO. The AMC protest decision goal is to resolve protests within 20 working days from filing. To be timely, protests must be filed within the periods specified in FAR 33.10. If you want to file a protest under the AMC-Level Protest Program, the protest must request resolution under that program and be sent to the address below. All other agency-level protests should be sent to the contracting officer for resolution. HQ Army Materiel Command Office of Command Counsel 9301 Chapek Rd, Room 2-1SE3401 Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5527 Facsimile number (703) 806-8866 or 8875 Packages sent by FedEx or UPS should be addressed to: HQ Army Materiel Command Office of Command Counsel Room 2-1SE3401 1412 Jackson Loop Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5527 The AMC-Level Protest procedures are found at: http://www.amc.army.mil/pa/COMMANDCOUNSEL.asp. If internet access is not available, contact the contracting officer or HQ, AMC to obtain the AMC-Level Protest Procedures. QUESTIONS: All questions regarding this solicitation must be received in writing via e-mail to Nicole Mintus at nicole.mintus@us.army.mil no later than (NLT) 2:00 PM MT 22 July 2011. Please contact Amy Franklin, Contracting Officer, at Amy.W.Franklin@us.army.mil in the absence of Nicole Mintus. PROPOSALS DUE: Proposals with all required plans and information shall be received no later than 9:00AM Mountain time, 2 August 2011. Proposals received after this date and time will be considered late in accordance with 52.212-1(f) and will not be evaluated. Proposals shall be submitted via e-mail to Nicole.mintus@us.army.mil or mailed to MICC, Directorate of Contracting, ATTN: Nicole Mintus, 1676 Evans Street, Bldg 1220, 3RD Floor, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5198 or submitted in person to Nicole Mintus at that address. (End of Text) Attachments: 1. Performance Work Statement - Hazardous Material Control Center 2. Wage Determination #05-2080 (rev.- 13) Dated 06/17/2011 3. PRS TE 1.1: GFP /HMCC TE 1.1.1: GFP Hazmat CTR TE 1.2 Other HMCC GFP TE 2: CDRL
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Place of Performance
Address: MICC - Fort Carson Directorate of Contracting, 1676 Evans Street, Building 1220, 3rd Floor Fort Carson CO
Zip Code: 80913-5198
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