- Notice Date
- 7/21/2011
- Notice Type
- Presolicitation
- 541310
— Architectural Services
- Contracting Office
- NASA/Ames Research Center, JA:M/S 241-1, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
- ZIP Code
- 94035-1000
- Solicitation Number
- NNA12387780R
- Response Due
- 8/16/2011
- Archive Date
- 7/21/2012
- Point of Contact
- William Hale, Contracting Officer, Phone 650-604-2849, Fax 650-604-0912, Email - Ronnee R. Gonzalez, Contracting Officer, Phone 650-604-4386, Fax 650-604-0270, Email
- E-Mail Address
William Hale
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- 1.CONTRACT INFORMATIONThis contract is being procured in accordance with the Brooks Architect-Engineer (A-E)Act as implemented in FAR Subpart 36.6. It is anticipated that one (1) Firm Fixed Priced(FFP) contract with FFP Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Task Orders willbe awarded to support NASA Ames Research Center and other programs. The contract will befor a five (5) year period and the total contract amount will not exceed $48,000,000. AllIDIQ Tasks Orders placed under this contract will be Firm Fixed Priced. The selected firmmust be capable of responding to and working on multiple task orders. Task orders will beawarded based on the A-E's current workload and its ability to accomplish the order inthe required time, the type of services required, previous experience including customersatisfaction, and performance and quality of deliverables under the current IDIQContracts. The concentration of work will be for NASA-Ames Research Center (ARC),Moffett Federal Airfield, and the NASA Research Park (NRP). The Contractor may alsoprovide facilities engineering support to other NASA Centers, Federal sites, and otherlocations in support of the NASAs mission, with Facilities Engineering Branchconcurrence, and Contracting Officer approval, of the task order. The North American Industry Classification Code (NAICS) is 541310 and the size standardunder this code is $4,500,000 average annual receipts over the last three years. This announcement is open to all businesses regardless of size. SUBCONTRACTING PLANREQUIREMENTS: Should a large business be selected for this contract, a subcontractingplan consistent with FAR 52.219-9, Alternate II (October 2001) will be required with thefinal fee proposal. The subcontracting plan is NOT required with this submittal.2. REQUIREMENTS INFORMATIONThe Facilities Engineering Branch provides services that include facility masterplanning, facility engineering design, construction and construction management, energyand water conservation, facility utilization, real property management, and engineeringservices to NASA resident agencies. The branch determines requirements, conductsfeasibility research, develops design criteria, performs designs, and provides projectmanagement (PM), construction management (CM), and technical engineering support for new,modified, or restored research facilities. Facilities are sometimes unique and highlysophisticated.Typical facilities include: Aeronautical wind tunnels (up to 200 MW);shock tube and arc jet tunnels (up to 100MW); human rated flight simulators;environmentally controlled facilities (clean rooms, labs, animal care); electrical powersystems; 115KV electrical distribution system; life science research laboratories; highpressure air, gas, hydraulic, and water distribution systems; high vacuum systems;cryogenic systems; underground utilities and ancillary facility support equipment areas. The Facilities Engineering Branch also supports facility planning functions in the formof: space utilization; master and long range facility planning (5-20 years);historic/cultural resource studies; preparing and justifying Construction of Facilities(CofF) submittals and associated engineering environmental impact statements; undertakespreliminary and final design, PM, CM, and budget management of these projects inaccordance with the facility planning schedule. The Facility Engineering Branch hasresponsibilities for engineering services for office spaces, utilities, roads, runways,environmental remediation projects, and other plant facilities located at ARC. Contract Services may include, but are not limited to the following:Designs for new facilities and rehabilitation of existing facilities;Feasibility studies;Building condition reports;Rehabilitation designs of historic buildings and structures; Project management, inspection and testing services for construction projects; AutoCAD services; Environmental surveys, reports, studies, designs and permitting for the erosion andsediment control, stormwater management, and/or hazardous materials clean-up, removal,monitoring and/or abatement;HVAC replacement evaluation and design; ADA evaluation and designs;Master planning, charrettes, programming, and DD 1391 preparation;Geotechnical Investigation;Surveying services including Geographic Information System (GIS) data services;Engineering reports, studies, design criteria, design-build requests for proposal,designs, and other general A-E services; andConstruction phase services including, but not limited to, preparation of operation andmaintenance manuals, site visits, shop drawing reviews, technical assistance, on-siterepresentation and commissioning/start-up/fit-up design support.3.SELECTION CRITERIAThe selection criteria for this particular contract are listed below in descending orderof importance (first by major criterion and then by each sub-criterion). Criteria A-Fare primary. Criteria G is secondary and will only be used as a 'tie-breaker' amongfirms that are essentially technically equal. Criteria A. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: Site Director/Principal (Architect or Engineer): Must have a minimum of 10 yearsexperience in design, maintenance, renovation, and construction of facilities andinfrastructure systems. Must possess a bachelors degree in architecture or engineeringand be a registered Architect or Engineer. Must have a minimum of 5 years supervisoryexperience. Architecture Group Lead: Must have a bachelors degree in architecture, engineering or arelated field and at least one on-site architect must be licensed. In addition to thebasic education requirements, must possess a minimum of 5 years of progressively moreresponsible professional experience in facility design and construction. Clear, concise,oral and written communication ability to maintain proper interchange between customers,A-E staff, and ARC management is required.Electrical Engineering Group Lead: Must have a bachelors degree in electricalengineering and a minimum of one on-site engineer within the electrical engineering groupmust be a registered Electrical Engineer. Additionally, the group lead must have aminimum of 10 years experience in facility-related electrical engineering.Mechanical Engineer Group Lead: Must have a bachelors degree in mechanical engineeringand a minimum of one on-site engineer within the mechanical engineering group must be aregistered Mechanical Engineer. Additionally, the group lead must have a minimum of 10years experience in either facility process or HVAC mechanical engineering.Structural/Civil Engineer Group Lead: Must have a bachelors degree in civil engineeringor structural engineering and a minimum of one on-site engineer within thecivil/structural group must be a registered Structural or Civil Engineer. Additionally,the group lead must have a minimum of 10 years experience in facility design andconstruction with emphasis in structural engineering.Construction Manager: The senior construction manager must have a bachelors degree ineither architecture or engineering and be registered in one of the following disciplines: Architecture, Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical. Additionally, the senior constructionmanager must have a minimum of 10 years experience in construction management.Construction Inspectors (General & Specialty):Each construction inspector must have aminimum of 5 years experience in general construction, familiarity with applicablebuilding codes, and ICBO or special certification in appropriate field.Facilities Planning Group Lead: Must have a minimum of 10 years progressively moreresponsible experience in application of the principles of engineering, facilitiesplanning and construction. The group lead must have a bachelors degree in engineeringor architecture or related field.GIS Manager: Must have a bachelors degree in a related field and a minimum of 10 yearsexperience in GIS management and a minimum of 5 years of GDS experience, includingcomputer programming and UNIX/VMS operating systems.Pressure Systems Group Lead: Must have a minimum of 10 years experience in design and/oranalysis of pressure vessels, piping, and systems. Must possess a bachelors degree inmechanical engineering. Must have experience in fabrication or operation of pressuresystems. Clear, concise, oral and written communication ability is a requirement. Musthave a minimum of 3 years supervisory experience.Energy/Environmental Management Engineer: Must have a bachelors degree in mechanicalengineering and be a registered Mechanical Engineer. Additionally, must have a minimumof 5 years experience in facility design and plant engineering mechanical and electricalsystems. Must have experience with PC or Macintosh software such as Micosoft Word,Microsoft Excel, AutoCAD, and specific energy management software.Electric Power Office (EPrO) Group Lead: Must have a bachelors degree in electricalengineering and be a register electrical engineer. Must have a minimum of 10 yearsexperience in the medium and high voltage electrical power distribution system.Environmental Engineer: Must have a bachelors degree in an engineering field. Musthave a minimum of 5 years experience in environmental work relating to compliance andremediation studies and designs, NEPA documentation, preparation of environmentalworkplans, site characterization studies, feasibility and treatability studies.The proposed design team(s) must include registered, licensed and/or certified personnel,either in-house or through consultants. The evaluation of these disciplines willconsider education, training, overall and relevant experience and longevity with thefirm. The availability of an adequate number of personnel in the key disciplines shall bepresented to insure that the firm can meet the potential of working on multiple taskorders for multiple customers in the required timeframes. The SF330 (Architect-EngineerQualifications) submittal shall address the experience of the proposed design team, byproviding specific examples of projects in a wide variety of multi-discipline designprojects and studies as listed above. Indicate work completed under current and/orrecently completed Contracts. Include Contract number(s), Point(s) of Contact, telephonenumber(s) and e-mail addresses.Criteria B. SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: The firm must demonstratespecialized experience and technical competence in the following: (1) Design of new facilities of various types and sizes; (2) Rehabilitation of existing facilities, also, of various types and sizes; (3) Preparation of project programming documents such as master planning studies andexperience in conducting both planning charrettes and design charrettes; (4) Preparation, development and coordination of the technical information for designbuild projects; (5) Provide support for Construction Permit Review Board and conduct reviews and codecompliance checks using local, state and federal regulations/requirements; (6) Experience with large task order contracts and handling multiple, large task orderssimultaneously; (7) Application of construction cost control through appropriate design and constructiontechniques on complex projects during fluctuating markets to insure projects remainwithin budget; (8) Analysis and implementation of anti-terrorism and force protection (ATFP)requirements; (9) Analysis and implementation of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)criteria; (10) Experience in the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM); (11) Coordination, submissions and presentations to the State Historic PreservationOffice, National Capital Planning Commission, and the Commission of Fine Arts; (12) Experience with storm water management and erosion and sedimentation control invarious jurisdictions; (13) Obtaining of all necessary permits; (14) Asbestos and lead paint surveys and testing services; (15) The firm's ability to obtain security clearances and their experience working withclassified documents; (16) Firms must indicate their accessibility and familiarity on the following items:(17) Electrical Engineering: Design and modification of high, medium and low voltagedistribution short circuit studies, protective relay coordination, arc flash analysis,computer grounding and shielding, wind tunnel drive and auxiliaries modifications as partof ARCs Electric Power Office (EPrO);(18) Prepare Facility Requirement Documents (FRD's), preliminary engineering reports(PER's), Final Design Documents, including project plans, drawings, specifications,design calculations, bidding documents, cost estimates, California Title 24 compliance,and life cycle cost analyses;(19) Electrical Drafting: Electronic schematic layouts, printed circuit board layouts;(20) Utilities: Pressure measurements, flow measurements, visual investigations andstudies for leakage rates and physical condition of pipelines, non-destructive evaluation(NDE) techniques;(21) Surveying: Topographic surveying, soil surveys, surveying monuments, boundaries,and subsurface exploration including associated testing and other identifiable features,surveying and locating new and existing attributes;(22) Computer software development and modification for control systems, electrical powerdispatching, computer automation, and development of graphical user interfaces to accessdata;(23) Acoustical Engineering: Noise attenuation studies, dB and frequency measurements;(24) Finite Element Analysis: Constructing both wire frame and solid 3D models forengineering analysis and presentations;(25) All areas of mechanical, electrical, civil/structural, architectural, andenvironmental engineering;(26) Pressure Systems Certification (pressure and vacuum); and(27) Electrical System Protection (including relays, fuses and switches);Criteria C. CAPACITY TO ACCOMPLISH THE WORK IN THE REQUIRED TIME: Provide an overview ofthe team's staffing; capabilities; and ability to meet schedules, demonstrate flexibilityand adjust efforts based on external influences while performing the task order.Criteria D. PAST PERFORMANCE: Past performance for the last 5 years on all contractswith Government agencies and private industry in terms of similar work, quality of workand compliance with performance schedules.Criteria E. KNOWLEDGE OF LOCALITY: SF 330 submission shall clearly indicate the primaryoffice where the work will be performed and the staffing at this office. Firms shallconvey knowledge of, and familiarity with, the project locality to include, but notlimited to; geographic features, climate, state and local permitting requirements andlocal construction methods. The A/E firm shall have/obtain a working office locatedwithin 75 miles of the NASA Ames Research Center facility.Criteria F. WORK AND DESIGN QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN: The proposed management plan shallinclude an organization chart and briefly address management approach, team organization,professional registration, quality control procedures, cost control, coordination ofin-house disciplines and consultants, and prior experience of the prime firm and any oftheir significant consultants on similar contracts. Criteria G. SMALL BUSINESS AND SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS PARTICIPATION: Extent ofparticipation, in the proposal, of small business, woman-owned small business, smalldisadvantaged business, historically black college or university and minorityinstitutions, HUBZone small business, veteran-owned small business, and service-disabledveteran-owned small business concerns. 4. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTSInterested firms having capabilities to perform this work must submit Parts I and II ofthe SF 330 for the prime and joint venture(s) to the address below, no later than 2:00P.M. Pacific Time on Tuesday, 16 Aug 2011. Part II of the SF 330 must be submitted foreach consultant. On SF 330, Part I, Block 5, include DUNS number for the prime firm. Onthe SF 330, Part I, Block F, provide the title and contract award dates for all projectslisted in that section. Submit responses to William Hale, Mail Stop 213-8, NASA AmesResearch Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-0001. Contracting and technical questions shallbe submitted not later than 2:00 P.M. Pacific Time on Monday, 1 Aug 2011 to Mr. WilliamHale at (650) 604-2849 or Five copies of the SF 330 submission are required. Part I of the SF 330 shall have a pagelimit of 125 pages. A page is one side of a sheet. Font size shall not be less than 12font. Page size shall be 81/2 X 11 inches. Larger sheets that are inserted as foldoutsare discouraged. All interested A-E firms shall be registered via the CCR internet site at and complete your Online Representations andCertification Application (ORCA) at You will need your DUNS numberand CCR MPIN in order to log in to the Online Representations and CertificationsApplication (ORCA) website.Solicitation packages are not provided. NOTE: In order to maintain total objectivity inthe A-E selection process, phone calls and e-mails to discuss this announcement arediscouraged unless absolutely necessary. Personal visits for the purpose of discussingthis announcement will not be scheduled. This is not a request for proposal.
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