51 - Hand Tools
SOLICITATIONS - April 12, 2012
- QSDM-N2-127987 - Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
STANDING PRICE QUOTE FOR 5120-00-072-7987 - SPQ FOR 5120-01-072-7987
General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), FMHAC & HSOC
- QSDM-N2-121150 - Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
STANDING PRICE QUOTE FOR 5120-01115-1150 - SPQ 5120-01-115-1150
General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), FMHAC & HSOC
- N68836-12-T-A609 - Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
Department of the Navy, Naval Supply Systems Command, NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Jacksonville
- QSDM-N2-115-1148 - Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
SPQ FOR 5120-01-115-1148 - SPQ FOR 5120-01-115-1148
General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), FMHAC & HSOC
- QSDMN2123029 - Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
SPQ FOR 5120011543029 - SPQ FOR 5120-01-143-3029
General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), FMHAC & HSOC
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Created on 11-Apr-2012 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@fbodaily.com