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561730 — Landscaping Services
Contracting Office
MICC - Fort Bliss, Directorate of Contracting, Attn: ATZC-DOC, Building 2021, Club Road, Fort Bliss, TX 79916-6812
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Flor Sanchez, 915-568-5881
E-Mail Address
MICC - Fort Bliss
Small Business Set-Aside
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GROUNDS MAINTENANCE PRE-SOLICITATION #W911SG-12-T-8000 1.Will this contract allow subcontracting? Yes, as long as the 8(a) vendor (primary vendor) performs at least 51%. 2.Will there be a requirement for an Offeror to have a facility security clearance (e.g., Secret, Top Secret)? G-2 security clearance required. Further info required by CID 3.Can you tell me if there is any georgraphical restriction placed on this 8(a) set aside contract? No; this will be competed nation-wide. 4.Maps of maintenance area can be obtained at the technical library. Where would I find that? Maps of new grounds contract will be provided by the government to the new contractor. Technical library is no longer available. 5.This solicitation is for 8 a only? Even though my company is not certified 8a, can I still bid it? This requirement is 8(a) set-aside only. However, subcontracting will be allowed as well as Joint Ventures. Please be advised if you are considering a joint venture, it needs to be approved by SBA prior to submitting a proposal. 6.Tumbleweed clean up, is the area where that is a requirement shown in the maps or is that for the whole facility? Tumbleweeds that are within the semi-improved or improved areas will be maintained by 8(a) contractor. 7.Item 7:17 refers to landscaping, will the actual bid have any areas listed where new landscaping will be requested? New landscaping can be added to the entire area covered by the maps. The new landscaping will be determined at the time of need. After the award of the task order for the new landscaping, it will be placed on map. 8.Where can I obtain a copy of Ft Bliss IPM plan? Environmental Division 9.Will areas where structural pest control ie(bed bugs, roaches, mice, et.) is required be identified specifically. This contract will not include pest control for structural sites, strictly for Grounds Maintenance purposes only. 10.The pre-solicitation refers to appendice A but it is not attached as a doc. When will that be available? The formal RFP submitted by MICC will have all necessary documents and updated PWS included. 11. By listing myself as an interested party, does that meet the requirement to show interest as a bidder or is there a more formal requirement. Once the formal solicitation is posted on FedBid, instructions will be given for the submission of formal proposals. Proposals, along with all requested documents must be submitted in the required time in order to be considered. It is the contractors' responsibility to be on the outlook for the posting of the solicitation. 12.Is there going to be maps for the areas in question? Yes, maps will be provided by Government. 13.General: The DPWS contains many references to Public Laws, Army publications, and other documents such as annual and long range plans (Section 2), maps (Sections 3, 7.1.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.4.2, and 13), Presidential Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Environmentally and Economically Beneficial Practices on Federal Landscaped Grounds (Section 7.12.1), Ft Bliss Installation specifications for soil conservation (Section 7.18.1), Ft Bliss Pest Management Plan (Section 9.1), Technical Exhibit 5.9-003 (Section and other technical exhibits, and workload data (Section 13). Will all references regarding contract requirements be made available to bidders? The references will be provided within PWS and contractor will be responsible for research of said documents. Said publications are public knowledge. 14. Section 7.1.1: Are the hoses and sprinklers used to irrigate areas where irrigation systems do not exist provided by the Government? If not, do the Government provided maps delineate areas where the irrigation systems do not exist so bidders can determine the quantity and type of hoses and sprinklers needed to cover these areas? An approximate linear footage of the existing irrigation system will be implemented into the PWS along with number of back flows currently within Garrison. The actual irrigation systems and back flows will not be available on maps. 15.Section 7.1.2: Will the Government provide repair parts for the irrigation systems under a CLIN for Materials or are parts to be contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price? If contractor-provided, will the Government provide description of the irrigation systems and historical data necessary for bidders to determine parts usage? A line item for repair and maintenance of irrigation systems will be part of IDIQ. Repairs will be on an individual basis upon request of KO. 16. Section 7.1.3: Are the water tanker trucks provided by the Government? If not, will the Government provide a historical or annual average for usage of such trucks so bidders can assess and price to the requirement? Or, will this be separately priced under a delivery order on an as needed basis? Water trucks will not be provided by government, this will be on an as needed basis and line item will be implemented under IDIQ. 17. Section 7.1.3: Who determines drought conditions? COR and contractor's joint responsibility. 18. Section 7.4: Is there a Government provided/designated off-base dump location or is this at contractor discretion? No; this will be at the Contractor's discretion. 19. Section 7.6: Will the Government provide fertilizer under a CLIN for Materials, is the fertilizer to be contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, or is this separately priced under a delivery order on an as needed basis? If contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, will the Government provide historical data as to the type and quantity of fertilizer needed annually? Government will not provide fertilizer. The contractor will be responsible for health of all vegetation within contract and apply all necessary means to obtain. 20. Section 7.7: Will the contractor's IPM be required with the proposal or after award? IPM will be required after award. 21. Section 7.10: Who will determine standard heights for mowing? This will be provided by Government within PWS. 22. Section 7.11: Will the Government provide the mulch under a CLIN for Materials, is it to be contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, or is this separately priced under a delivery order on an as needed basis? If the Government has mulch contractor can get the mulch if not contractor responsibility? The health of the trees and other vegetation will be the responsibility of contractor, if this requires mulch, will then be provided by contractor. 23.If contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, will the Government provide historical data as to the COR-approved type and quantity of mulch items needed annually? No; it is the contractor's responsibly to keep lawn healthy and disease free. 24. Section 7.12.1: Will the Government provide the trees, shrubs, hedges, plants, and grasses for planting under a CLIN for Materials, are they to be contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, or is this separately priced under a delivery order on an as needed basis? If contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, will the Government provide historical data as to the type and quantity of such items needed annually? Government will not provide plants or planting materials. Line items will be provided and placed under delivery order on an as needed basis. 25. Section 7.13: Will the Government provide the seed, seed bed material, top soil, and sod under a CLIN for Materials, are they to be contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, or is this separately priced under a delivery order on an as needed basis? If contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, will the Government provide historical data as to the type and quantity of such items needed annually? Government will not provide material. Will be placed under delivery order on as needed basis. 26. Section 7.14: Will the Government provide the chemicals needed to control weeds and unwanted grasses/vegetation under a CLIN for Materials, are they to be contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, or is this separately priced under a delivery order on an as needed basis? If contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, will the Government provide historical data as to the type and quantity of chemicals needed annually? Contractor will be responsible for health and welfare of all said vegetation within the PWS and means necessary are deemed by contractor. 27. Section 7.17: Is establishing new or existing landscape areas separately priced under the work request? If not, will historical data be provided for bidders to adequately assess and price the requirement? Establishing new or existing landscape areas will upon issuance of task order and will have line item under IDIQ. 28. Section 7.19.3: Will the Government provide the sand and rubber infill under a CLIN for Materials, are they to be contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, or is this separately priced under a delivery order on an as needed basis? If contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, will the Government provide historical data as to the quantity of such items needed annually? Government will not provide listed materials and will on an as needed basis per line item based on IDIQ. 29. Section 8.4.3: Will the Government provide the herbicide needed to control weeds under a CLIN for Materials, is it to be contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, or is this separately priced under a delivery order on an as needed basis? If contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, will the Government provide historical data as to the type and quantity of herbicides needed annually? Government will not provide material listed. Contractor will be responsible for health of all grass and vegetation within contract. All applications of herbicides and pesticides must be approved by Environmental Div. 30.Section The Government is providing a pest control facility. What other office space, facilities and/or storage area(s) will be provided for contractor employees, equipment, and material? The pest control facility will not be provided by the Government at this time. All pesticides and herbicides will be stored off-site and will reflect on updated PWS. A lay down area will be provided within Main Cantonment area and McGregor Range. Exact locations forth coming. 31. Section Will the Government provide the safety equipment and/or spill kits pertaining to pesticides under a CLIN for Materials, is it to be contractor-provided under our Firm Fixed Price, or is this separately priced under a delivery order for pesticide services? All listed items will be provided by contractor, to be included in FFP. 32. My questions have to do with the 3 types of landscape listed: Improved, Semi-improved, and not improved. Will those areas be broken up for individual bidding? The types of landscapes implemented for said contract will only include improved and semi-improved areas. The RFP will include acreage for each type of area to include scope of work. 33.Will any areas needing new sprinkler systems be clearly marked on the map? Areas will not be provided on map. Areas will not be provided on maps. New systems will be requested by proposals, and awarded by task orders. 34.When will the maps and estimated work load information be posted? Maps and estimated work load information will be posted with the solicitation. 35. Will there be any incentive for subcontracting or the use of a SBA HUBZone company? No incentives are being considered at this time. 36.Ref: Section 19.1307 HUBZone qualified companies are eligible for price evaluation preference of up to 10% when bidding on federal contracts. FAR 52.219-4 When submitting a bid, the contracting officer adds a factor of 10% to all other offers applied on a line item basis or to any group of items on which award may be made. This procurement has been established as a SBA 8(a) set-aside. 37.What Herbicides/ Pesticides are currently approved for use on Ft. Bliss, so we can prepare pricing? The list is quite lengthy but any herbicide with an EPA registration number and approved by the state of Texas can be used. Coordination with the installation pest management coordinator will be needed during the product selection process. 38. What level of security clearance will be necessary for our workforce? The current contract calls for G-2 clearance. 39.Will the New Mexico Commercial pesticides applicators license and the New Mexico JS-6 irrigation license be adequate for Ft. Bliss ( Federal Reservation )? If indeed I need to license all my applicators and irrigation in techs. in Texas, what time will be granted us to achieve such? In regard to the pesticide part of the question, pesticide applicators should be certified applicators in the state of Texas to perform work in the state. Please note that only certified personnel are allowed to apply pesticides on DoD lands, no technicians or apprentices are permitted!! There are training and testing sessions throughout the state literally every month; interested parties can review the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) website for times and locations. 40. For 8(a) contracts, what is the minimum required percentage of work preformrd by the prime contractor 8(a)? At least 51% 41.Who are the two current contractors performing the grounds maintenance on Fort Bliss? Delta- Pride 42. What are the current contractor annual prices? The current contracts can be researched on EDA. 43.During the site visit, it was stated that the government would not provide a breakdown of Improved Grounds - landscape areas (gravel) and Improved Grounds - turf areas and the government would only be providing acres of Improved Grounds. Due to the varying nature and labor power needed to complete these two tasks, not supplying this information would cause a wide range of price proposals for these areas. Contractor will be provided a map and this is a live contract where areas will change from semi-improve to improve. 44.Can the government provide historical data on the types and quantities of herbicides applied on Fort Bliss? The contractor should consider that potential use of herbicides will include actions to suppress grasses, broad-leaved weeds and sedges in a variety of site types and sizes as shown during the field tour. Also, the acreage and maps can be used by the contractor to establish the pricing. 45.Can the government provide historical data on frequencies of maintenance visits for each: improved grounds and semi-improved grounds? This information is not available at this time. Based on this acquisition being a commercial service, we are looking for commercial practices. 46.I am under the understanding that the contract for Grounds Maintenance for Fort Bliss will be posted on Fedbid.com is that correct? If it is indeed to be posted on fedbid will contractors have multiple opportunities to bid? Once the formal solicitation is posted, instructions will be given for the submission of formal proposals. The FedBid processes will be followed for this procurement. 47.Ms. Sanchez I wanted to inquire about what the stipulations are in the solicitation for joint ventures. Will sub and primary contractors be reviewed as individuals or and one entity? Please be advised that if you are considering a joint venture, it needs to be approved by SBA prior to submitting a proposal. Once the joint venture is approved, the proposal from the joint venture will be reviewed as one entity. 48.Fort Bliss consists of 1,110,000 un-improved acres as stated, how many acres are actually maintained in the different categories listed; Improved Grounds Semi-Improved Grounds Un-Improved Grounds Acreage will be provided for improved and semi-improved grounds. 49.Improved grounds you list services such as mowing, trimming, edging, aeration, fertilization, weed and brush control, flower bed services, tree/shrub pruning & removals, erosion control, debris cleanup, landscaping operation, along with other services to provide a complete grounds maintenance service for the post. Along with a Pest Management program to control insects and un-wanted vegetation as well as animal carcass removal. The service you have listed for improved grounds please provide an acreage, square footage, estimated annual event of occurrences for each requirement. Government will provide acreage and approximate number of trees and shrubs. 50.Semi-Improved grounds are normally grounds that are not populated with buildings and parking lots. Please provide the acreage and estimated annual event of occurrences and breakdown of areas requiring service for the Semi-Improved grounds. Acreage will be provided. 51.Irrigation; 7.1.1. Installed irrigation systems that do not provide adequate coverage, area where system is inoperable or does not exist. You state contractor shall utilize portable, manual sprinkler type systems to deliver water uniformly to the affected areas. How many areas are affected that require portable or manual watering, and what is the size/acreage of areas that will require assistance with watering due to improper coverage? (Proper knowledge of affected areas quantity and sizes are vital for costing purposes for manning and equipment needs). Portable or manual watering could present an issue/problem when there is insufficient watering hook ups or water pressure at any given area to adequately water the affected area(s). The Government's intent is to turn over as many operable systems as possible. In the event there are inoperable or inadequate systems, this shall be predetermined before new contractor begins work and an estimate will be requested by KO to repair or replace said areas. 52.Irrigation; 7.1.2. This paragraph states the contractor shall maintain automatics and other permanent systems to function as designed. You state the contractor shall repair malfunctioning components systems inventory listed; you have omitted some important components such as water lines, risers, valve boxes, controllers, etc. Vital question regarding the repairs is who will burden the cost for the required repairs. Should the contractor assume that the Government will reimburse the cost of repairs, labor, fuel, equipment cost, and materials? How many systems are there that require repair services, please include [their] sizes. Also you indicate installation along with repairs, and programming of timers please expand and define your intent. Line items will be within the IDIQ for said items. 53.Irrigation Application Rates; 7.1.3. You indicate irrigation to improved grounds during the growing season months listed is February thru March and October thru November. Please provide the acreage and quantity of automated systems and any manually watered area that will be under this requirement. You indicate in the event of a prolonged drought the contractor will be required to water shrubbery, please provide a quantity along with size of areas that will require a portable watering device such as a truck or wagon. Acreage and approximate measurement of irrigation system will be provided. 54.Portable Sprinkler; 7.1.5. Please provide a better explanation regarding removal from lawn when not in use. If the contractor is required to remove the manual watering devices at the end of each working day this creates a labor intense service, in turn very costly. A more feasible and common practice would be to roll the hoses up into a neat and orderly pile/pattern. Having the manual sprinkler system ready for the next watering as needed. Comply with PWS 55.Edging: 7.2. Please provide the linear footage of your edging requirements. Acreage for improved and semi-improved areas will be provided. 56.Surfaced, Parking, and Storage Areas; 7.3.2. Please provide square footage/acreage of vegetation control of cracks and joints of the required areas. The square footage will be provided in the solicitation. 57.Remove Debris/Police Grounds; 7.4. Leaf removal is required during Fall months and as needed at other times when necessary as indicated on Maps what is this quantity and annual frequency? All areas must have zero visibility of leaves at all times. 58.Fertilizer and or Lime Application; 7.6. Please provide the acreage that fertilization or lime application is required. You state that application rates are to be applied based on the recommendations of a laboratory's analyzes. As a prospective bidder(s) we would not have that information. This knowledge is a major factor determining the cost of this requirement. We would ask this information be provided to all interested parties so a fair and accurate cost may be determined for this requirement. Acreage of lawn and landscape areas will be provided in PWS. Contractor responsibility to maintain said areas within PWS. 59.Perform Pest Identification and Control; 7.7. (IPM) A plan is required to be submitted for approval. Information is needed for costing purposes and proper drafting for implantation. Previously in paragraph #2 you indicate control for insects, rodents and other nuisance pest along with weed control. For fair and accurate costing an estimated quantity, acreage annually, is needed for each stated required pest requiring control. See 63 60.Soil Aeration; You state aeration is to be performed twice annually, please provide the acreage/quantity of this requirement. You also state the contractor is to collect soil clumps resulting from aeration, please clarify your intent... (Do you require the actual soil core slug created from the aeration process to be collected? At this time, the acreage involved is not available. During routine soil aeration in landscaped areas the soil cores have been collected and disposed of. MICC should contact the DPW-roads and grounds to verify this procedure. 61.Remove Sand & Snow; 7.9. Please provide the annual events and quantity for this requirement. As required in PWS. 62.Mowing; 7.10. Please provide the annual events and quantity of these two areas. As required in PWS 63.Plantings; 7.12.1. Please provide a listing of all natural adaptive native plants required to perform this service: trees, shrubs, hedges, plants, and grasses. In replacing is it fair to assume other than contractor damage to plant life the government will reimburse all related costs to repair/replace all listed plants required for this service? On an as needed basis through delivery order. 64.Tree Removals; 7.12.3. Please provide an annual amount of tree removal required and sizes. Please clarify near electrical lines, if tree limbs or tree parts are in contact with the power lines as this presents an issue/problem as specialized equipment and personnel are required. On many Military installations when power lines and trees have encroached into each other's space this has been contracted out to a contractor that specializes in this field or the local utility companies perform this task. Removal of trees will be on an as needed basis through delivery order. 65.Weeds and Other Noxious Plant Control; 7.14. Please provide a list of noxious plants for your geographical area/region, throughout the country there are many different noxious plant varieties. As geographical regions change the plan varieties change as well, so what we consider as noxious in our region may not be noxious in your, or other, regions. There are dozens of weed species that might require some type of control in our area including grass-like and broad-leaved plants. Preparing a list will require more time. The contractors bidding for this proposal should be able to identify the species in the region when the need for control arises. Likewise the contractors shall keep in mind that we are using integrated weed management and that herbicide applications should neither be routinely nor scheduled but based on site evaluation and assessments. 66.Tumbleweed Clean-Up; 7.15. Please provide the estimated annual events and quantity this service will be required. You require special care in Natural Recovery Areas, please provide a description of clarifying what this area is and why you caution the contractor to exercise care. Tumbleweed control will be within the improved and semi-improved areas only for said contract. Natural recovery areas will be removed within the PWS. 67.Maintain Semi-Improved Grounds; 8. Please provide estimated annual events and acreage quantity of your Semi-Improved grounds. (Paragraph) 8.1., 8.2., 8.4.1., 8.4.2. You state when required and during term of Delivery Order these tasks are to be accomplished. What will be the timeline length of a delivery order when issued? Annual events will not be provided; actions must be taken as required through PWS. Period of performance for task orders will be based on a thirty day period unless otherwise indicated on Delivery Order. 68.General Pest Control; 9. You have provided an in depth description of rules and regulations for pest control management. You expand on treatments of turf and trees for weeds and insects; will the Government Issue a work order/delivery order for the contractor to execute these desired pest control applications? Contractor will maintain health for all grounds listed with-in PWS and will utilize proper means through approval of Environmental dept. Time frames not provided. 69.When an area becomes flooded and damage occurs, who supplies the needed materials for replacement/repairs? KO will request cost estimate for repairs due to Mother Nature or other unforeseen incidents causing damage to grounds area. 70.For manually watering purposes of trees, will the contractor be allowed to re-fill water wagon/tank? Yes. 71.Can the Contractor do spraying in the evening? Typical herbicide applications should be conducted during business hours unless there is a need for other schedules and the chemical label allows it. 72.Do Contractors need sterilants and or pre-emergent herbicides? These types of herbicides can be used after the application sites are evaluated for need and the product label is strictly adhered to. MORE QUESITONS CAN BE ANSWERED AFTER THE POSTING OF THE SOLICITATION WHICH IS ESTIMATED TO BE POSTED IN JUNE 2012. THANK YOU.
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