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66 -- Sources Sought - Radar Power Upgrade

Notice Date
Notice Type
Sources Sought
334519 — Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing
Contracting Office
MICC - Dugway Proving Ground, Division of Contracting, Building 5330 Valdez Circle, Dugway, UT 84022-5000
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Sandra Johnson, 435-831-2756
E-Mail Address
MICC - Dugway Proving Ground
Small Business Set-Aside
The Mission and Installation Contracting Command (MICC), Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) is seeking sources that can provide a radar power upgrade from 4 kW to 8kW. Background: The Dugway Meteorology Division acquired a 449 MHz radar wind profiler from DeTect, Inc. in 2008. The system was built to be upgradeable. After using the profiler for over four years, it has been determined that additional power output, which would result in a measurement of wind speed and direction at higher altitudes, is required to provide additional meteorological support for Dugway customers. In order to obtain that capability, and to maintain compatibility and standardization among all of the current profiler equipment, the new amplifiers and ancillary circuitry can only be seamlessly provided by the suggested vendor. Based on market research, it is believed that the manufacturer is the only vendor that can provide the necessary hardware and interoperable software to upgrade the power of the profiler. Description of Service/Supplies: Provide a radar power upgrade from 4 kW to 8kW. This includes the following check of equipment, upgrade of equipment, and verification and any additional requirements for the power upgrade; an acceptance test plan and a checklist that will be used to verify improved operation; updated manuals and other documentation as required. 1.Upgrade power from 4 kW to 8 kW. Include the following check of equipment, upgrade of equipment, and verify any additional requirements for the power upgrade. a.Antenna i.Check if the 4-way can handle 8 kW peak power b.Facility i.Rack (Add additional rails, reorganize racks) ii.Check the AC distribution Rack iii.Check the load in the UPS iv.Check the Breaker Panel c.PDS i.PHM (Need to rewire both, but can be done onsite) ii.RFT (Reset power levels for both, but can be done onsite) d.Spares i.Verify what spares are needed after the power upgrade. e.T/R i.Check power specifications on the Dual-Directional Coupler. Upgrade if necessary. ii.Check the T/R Circulators to see if they can handle power upgrade. Upgrade if necessary. iii.Check to see if the Lightning Surge Protector can handle more power. Upgrade if necessary. iv.Install new high power RF Load v.Check to see if the Harmonic Filter can handle more power. Upgrade if necessary. f.Transmitter i.TPS (Add more cassettes) ii.HPA Pegasus 2000 (Need two of these) iii.Combiner/Divider (Will need to upgrade this or replace 2 units if spare) 2.Installation and Training at Dugway Additional Information: This Request for Information (RFI) of potential sources is a required component of a complete and systematic process to evaluate interested parties in order to minimize cost both to potentially interested parties and the Government. A determination of the contract type, mechanism for procuring the service, and possible set-aside will not be made by the Government until after the market research has been completed. No proposals are being requested or accepted under this synopsis. The anticipated North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this requirement is 334519 and the size standard is 500 employees. Responses: Qualified companies are encouraged to respond. Responses should provide the following information in response to this Sources Sought Announcement: 1.Business name and address, 2.Name of company representative and his/her business title, 3.Pertinent details and experience of performing this type of service, 4.Business size as it relates to the NAICS code and size standard stated in this sources sought announcement, 5.Contract types typically used for these types of services (e.g. firm-fixed price, cost reimbursable, indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity, etc.), and 6.Other contract vehicles that would be available to the Government for the procurement of these services, to include General Service Administration (GSA) federal Supply Schedules and/or any other Department of Defense contracts. Interested sources are also encouraged to submit product literature in response to this RFI. Any submission of such product literature or catalog cut sheets will be treated separate from, and will have no bearing on, any subsequent evaluation of proposals submitted in response to any resulting future formal Request for Proposal. Interested parties should provide a statement of interest on company letterhead (not to exceed 20 pages in length) via email to sandra.j.johnson90.civ@mail.mil or via facsimile to Sandra Johnson at 435-831-2085. The point of contact concerning this sources sought action is Sandra Johnson, contract specialist at 435-831-2756 or via email at Sandra.j.johnson90.civ@mail.mil. No basis for claim against the Government shall arise as a result of a response to this Sources Sought or Government use of any information provided. Elaborate proposals or pricing information are neither required nor desired. Any innovative and new conceptual ideas to achieve the stated objective are encouraged. No solicitation document exists for this request for Sources Sought. This notice is for informational purposes only; it is not a request for proposals nor should it be construed as a commitment by the Government. The Government will not pay for any effort expended into responding to this Sources Sought Announcement. Responses must be submitted no later than 10:00 AM (local prevailing time at U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Utah), May 20, 2013 via email (Sandra.j.johnson90.civ@mail.mil) or via facsimile (435-831-2756). The point of contact concerning this sources sought action is Sandy Johnson, Contract Specialist at 435-831-2756 or via email at Sandra.j.johnson90.civ@mail.mil.
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: MICC - Dugway Proving Ground Division of Contracting, Building 5330 Valdez Circle Dugway UT
Zip Code: 84022-5000
SN03044523-W 20130426/130424234720-c6f23102b6d1a67809d5379755b4efad (fbodaily.com)
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