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99 -- Updated DLA Land & Maritime Industry Outreach Forums

Notice Date
Notice Type
Special Notice
334416 — Capacitor, Resistor, Coil, Transformer, and Other Inductor Manufacturing
Contracting Office
Defense Logistics Agency, DLA Acquisition Locations, DLA Land and Maritime, P O Box 3990, Columbus, Ohio, 43218-3990, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
James R. Secrist, Phone: 6146927346, Betty J. Tatum, Phone: 6146925300
E-Mail Address
james.secrist@dla.mil, Betty.Tatum.ctr@dla.mil
(james.secrist@dla.mil, Betty.Tatum.ctr@dla.mil)
Small Business Set-Aside
Updated D L A L a nd & M ar itime I ndust r y Outreach Forums D L A L a nd & M ar itime has rescheduled the remaining six (6) I ndust r y Outreach F o r ums f or v ar ious F SC s th r ou g hout the remaining 2013 calendar year and calendar year 2014 due to sequestration and furlough. T h e se f o r ums a r e in re sponse to the DoD I ndust r y Ou t reac h m a nd a te a nd will s ec u r e a n o n g oi n g D L A p re s e n c e in the c omm e r c i a l indust r i a l s e c to r. The v e nue will in f o r m d efe nse indust r y re p r e s e n t a tiv e s of D L A p r io r iti e s, c h a ll e n g e s a nd n ee ds, w hile simult a n e o u s l y o ffer i n g indust r y the op p o r tuni t y to upd a te D L A L a nd & M ar itime l ea d er s a bout n e w a nd e m e r g i n g t ec hnol o g i e s, c a p a biliti e s a nd p r o ce ss e s. A venue to foster mutual understanding & sharing information between DLA and industrial sectors to provide the right item, at the right price, and on time delivery to the warfighter. Information regarding registration will be provided at a later date. Revised Schedule Combat & Wheeled Vehicles - 08 Oct 2013 Electrical & Electronics - 24 Oct 2013 Tires & Tubes - 05 Nov 2013 Engine & Turbine Components - 19 Nov 2013 Mechanical Power Transmission - 05 Feb 2014 Pipe & Tubing, Hoses, Valves, Pumps & Compressors - 26 Feb 2014 Direct questions to Michael David Fauris, Sr, (614) 692-1751, Michael.Fauris@dla.mil
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: DLA Land and Maritime, Defense Supply Center Columbus, 3990 East Braod Street, Columbus, Ohio, 43218, United States
Zip Code: 43218
SN03121971-W 20130721/130719234556-120b1ec77b5c2053736e54a18e66cab0 (fbodaily.com)
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