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D -- CTSSII_Extension_Ceiling_Increase J & A

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Justification and Approval (J&A)
541330 — Engineering Services
Contracting Office
Defense Information Systems Agency, Procurement Directorate, DITCO-Scott, 2300 East Dr., Building 3600, Scott AFB, Illinois, 62225-5406, United States
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Ivany M. Ortiz, Phone: 6182299790, Dustin, Phone: 6182299125
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ivany.m.ortiz.civ@mail.mil, dustin.timmermann.civ@mail.mil
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JUSTIFICATION FOR OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION ( OTFAOC ) FAR Part 6 Justification, Supporting Procurements under FAR Part 12, FAR Subpart 13.501, and FAR Part 15. Contract Number: HC1028-13-D-0014, continued contract for the Department of the Navy, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic (SP A W ARSCEN Atlantic), Charleston, SC contract N65236-07-D-5877 Procurement Title: Communications Technical Support Services (CTSS) - II for base-wide and theater-wide communications networks for the United States (US) Air Force Central Command (AFCENT A6) Contracting Office: Predecessor: US Navy SP A WAR Systems Center Charleston PO Box 190022 TEAM 5 North Charleston, SC 29419-9022 Continued Contract: Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization ( DITCO ) Scott Air Force Base, IL 62265-5406 Estimated Value: $138.48M Statutory Authority: 10 U. S.C. 2304(c)(l ), 10 U. S.C. 2304(d)(l)(B)- Only one responsible source and no other supplies or services will satisfy agency requirements- Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 6.302- 1 ( a )(2)( iii ) JUSTIFICATION FOR OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION ( OTFAOC ) Justification for OTFAOC Number: JA13-084 Upon the basis of the following justification, I, as Senior Procurement Executive, hereby approve the use of other than full and open competition of the proposed contractual action pursuant to the authority of 10 U.S. C. 2304(c)(l), 10 U. S.C. 2304(d)(l)(B), and FAR 6.302-l ( a )(2)( iii ). JUSTIFICATION I. REQUIRING AGENCY AND CONTRACTING OFFICE: USAFCENT A6, 523 Nelson Ave., Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina 29152. DITCO PL8312, 2300 East Drive Building 3600, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois 62225-5406. 2. NATURE/DESCRIPTION OF ACTION(S): CTSS-11, an indefinite delivery/indefinite quantit y contract (ID/IQ), provides a wide variety of communications support to numerous locations across the CENTCOM Area of Responsibility (AOR). It provides support to various Expeditionary Communication Squadron (ECS)/Commanders, USAFCENT/A6 (Forward), and the Department of State (Pakistan). DI S A Procurement Directorate (PLD) leadership has agreed t o take over contracting requirements going forward under the existing CTSS-11 contract and the follow-on CTSS-111 acquisition efforts from SP A WAR-Atlantic for the USAFCENT A6. PLD is issuing a continued contract, H C 1 028-13-D-0 0 14, for the current CTSS-11 requirements and plan s to execute a modification to increase the ceiling and the period of performance for twelve months with a three-month option period. PLD also plans to award nine new Task Orders ( TOs ) against the continued contract. This bridge will allow adequate time for a CTSS-111 full and ope n competition for the follow-on acquisition. The CTSS-11 predecessor contract, N65236-07-D-5877, was awarded by SP A WAR-Atlantic on March 21, 2007 for a base year plus four one-year option periods, with an overall ceiling of $370.4M. N65236-07-D-5877 was modified to increase the ceiling to $524.8M; the contract expires September 20, 2013. The remaining contract ceiling of$1.9M is not sufficient to cover requirements until the follow-on contract is awarded. A ceiling increase of $138.48M and a IS­ month total extended period of performance (twelve-month base plus three-month option) will allow for coverage of current and future requirements while PLD completes the CTSS-III follow-on competitive acquisition for the United States Air Force. The contract will provide Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence (C4I) technical engineering and operational support services. 3. DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES/SERVICES: Contract N65236-07-D-5877 was competitively awarded to Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems to provide Communications Technical Support Services (CTSS) in the Southwest Asia Area of Responsibility. This contract provides over 337 mission-essential communications engineering, operations, and maintenance personnel at 14 base s in the USCENTCOM and is vital to United States military operations. Specific CTSS communications support includes: Satellite Communications Systems, Technical Control Facilities, Telephony Switch Systems, Video Teleconferencing Centers, Enterprise Information Technology services for Network Control Centers, and Infrastructure Sustainment for Inside/Outside Cable Plant systems. (a) The following provides a list of the anticipated critical programs, projects, and tasks that are required in order to maintain the current level of support for base-wide communications: Task Order S p onsor Total AFCENTFWD USAFCENT $4.35M A f g hanistan West USAFCENT $19.69M Kuwait USAFCENT $13.56M Al Dhafra USAFCENT $18.46M A f g h anistan East USAFCENT $17.58M AFCENT Switch USAFCENT $8.74M Al Udeid USAFCENT $22.47M Oman USAFCENT $11.22M O DRP/IBAD USA F CENT $8.69M F uture Base Yankee ( 6-Month Po P ) USAFCENT $5.04M F uture Base Zulu ( 6-Month Po P ) USAFCENT $4.57M S ATCOM Installs USAFCENT $2.05M I Voice Switc h Installs I USAFCENT I $ 2. 01M (b) FAR 52.237-3 (Continuity of Services) and FAR 52.217-8 (Option to Extend Services ) will be included in this non-competitive bridge contract action. If there are delays awarding CTSS-111 there is an estimated average monthly cost of $9.2M under FAR 52.217-8. 4. IDENTIFICATION OF STATUTORY AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1), 10 U.S.C. 2304(d)(1)(B)- Only one responsible source will satisfy the government's requirements (see also FAR 6.302-1( a )(2)( iii )). 5. DEMONSTRATION OF CONTRACTOR'S UNIQUE QUALIFICATIONS: USAFCENT's continued and successful efforts supporting USCENTCOM's execution ofthe Global War on Terrorism are heavily dependent on the use of air power. Application of air power is dependent on access to reliable communications and airfield systems. For the past six years and two months, Lockheed Martin has been the primary provider of communication systems by providing operations and maintenance support for base network administration, commercial satellite, tech control, telephone, land mobile radio, and inside and outside cable plant installations for Air Force facilities/locations in Afghanistan, as well as six other nations in Southwest Asia. Specifically, these communication services support the continued development of enduring bases in Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates as well as providing communication services to United States Air Force Forward Deployed locations in Kyrgyzstan, Oman, and Saudi Arabia. Lockheed Martin also provides communications directly to the war fighter in Afghanistan in supporting the on-going Operations Enduring Freedom ( OEF ). Lockheed Martin has developed a unique team of specialists, all willing to provide support overseas, all with sufficient depth to execute the mission, all personnel vetted and cleared for overseas deployment and all firms legally sponsored in the eight nations where bases are located. This background is critical to ensure continuity of support. Due to the exceptional breadth and depth ofthe requirement, the arduous duty, and the exceptional vetting, clearance and support requirements, no alternate team of contractors can develop the work force, carry out the deployments, commence replacing the current support team and achieve an initial satisfactory level of support on several TOs in less than three months, nor be expected to develop full capability by the end of current period of performance (September 20, 201 3 ). Furthermore, the present contract does not have sufficient performance time and ceiling to fund ongoing and future TOs until the new contract is placed, to include possible a contractor phase-in transition period. Due to the complexities associated with the requirement, it is estimated to require one year to award a new competitive to replace the existing contract. Failure to maintain the current level of support for base-wide and theater-wide communications networks will have s i g nificant and substantial detrimental effects on the combat efforts of USAFCENT forces in the USCENTCOM AOR. Lockheed Martin is the only firm capable of providing this critical operational support without creating unacceptable delays and adversely impacting the Government by reducing USAFCENT's ability to support on-going combat operations. 6. FEDBIZOPPS ANNOUNCEMENT/POTENTIAL SOURCES: The original SP A WAR­ Atlantic contract, N65236-07-D-5877, Request for Proposal (RFP) was released to industry on March 21, 2007. An anticipated bridge was posted to Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) on June 27, 2012, and no responses were received. A notice of this modification action, ceiling increase, and extension to the period of performance was synopsized on June 03, 2013 in FBO and any responses received will be adjudicated appropriately. Also, the J&A will be posted to FBO following approval/award of the action. 7. DETERMINATION OF FAIR AND REASONABLE COST: The Contracting Officer will determine whether costs/prices proposed for future task orders are fair and reasonable. This will be determined using FAR 15.404-1. 8. MARKET RESEARCH: As noted in paragraph 6, a synopsis of the proposed acquisition will be issued advising industry of the Government's intent to issue a sole source modification to increase the contract ceiling by $138.48M to allow time for DISA to award the CTSS-11 1 follow­ on contract. In addition, Industry Days were conducted for CTSS-111 on May 18, 2012 at Shaw Air Force Base, Sumter, South Carolina. In attendance were 25 businesses, which would suggest adequate competition for CTSS-111. The proposed bridge action will ensure adequate time to execute a competitive acquisition. 9. ANY OTHER SUPPORTING FACTS: DISA intends on awarding all future TOs under CTSS-11 until the CTSS-11 1 follow-on acquisition is awarded. SP A WARSYSCEN Atlantic will maintain administration of the existing 158 orders under its CTSS-11 contract for purposes of Government inspection, acceptance, payment, and closeout. SP A W ARSYSCEN Atlantic is also currently working with AFCENT on a transition plan to support the contract transfer. 10. LISTING OF INTERESTED SOURCES: A previous synopsis to increase the contract ceiling and exten the period of performance was issued by Navy-SP A WAR; no industry responses were received. 11. ACTIONS THE AGENCY MAY TAKE TO REMOVE OR OVERCOME BARRIERS THAT LED TO THE EXCEPTION TO FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION. (a) Procurement History. The initial CTSS-11 award was a competitively awarded, single award IDIQ. See section 2 above. (b) An Industry Day was conducted at Shaw Air Force Base for Solicitation N65236-11- R - O 1 01, which originally had an anticipated release date of August 2012. Responsibility for the CTSS-111 follow-on acquisition has now transferred to DISA and a contract extension ofCTSS-11 through 20 December 2014 (including the three-month option) will allow time for a new competitively awarded contract (CTSS-111) and transition of associated TO requirements. The three-month option will only be exercised if unexpected delays impact the projected award of CTSS-III. NAME: REAR ADMIRAL DAVID G. SIMPSON SIGNATU ' =.. =--==---\ ---- \-------"""" ( Print/Type ) TITLE/ORGANIZATION: Senior Procurement Executive ( Print/Type ) PHONE: (301) 225-41 20 ALL QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS JUSTIFICATION ARE TO BE REFERRED TO Kelly Woelke, (618) 229-9267, kelly.j.woelke.civ@mail.mil. JUSTIFICA T I ON F OR OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION ( OTFAOC ) F AR Part 6 Justificati o n, Supporti n g P rocurements under FAR Part 12, FAR Subpart 13.501, and FAR Part 15. REQUIREMENTS C E RTIFICATIO N : I certify that the su p p or t i n g data u nd e r my cog n i z a n c e which are included in the J&A a re accurate and complete to t h e b e s t of knowle d g e and b e lief. NAME: John W. DeBerry ( Prin t / Type ) SI G N A TU TITLE/ORGANIZATION: A i r Force Centr a l C o m ma nd A 6 ( Print/Type ) DAT E ; 29 M a y 2013
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