F -- Vegetative Planting IDIQ Contract - Package #1
- Notice Date
- 8/8/2013
- Notice Type
- Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
- 115112
— Soil Preparation, Planting, and Cultivating
- Contracting Office
- Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Louisiana State Office, 3737 Government Street, Alexandria, Louisiana, 71302
- ZIP Code
- 71302
- Solicitation Number
- AG-7217-S-13-0014
- Archive Date
- 9/24/2013
- Point of Contact
- Vicki L. Supler, Phone: 318-473-7645, Aaron Ramsey, Phone: 318 473-7753
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Total Small Business
- Description
- Wage Rates Solicitation Package The Louisiana Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) located in Alexandria, LA is hereby seeking Requests for Proposals for a firm fixed price Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract to grow, transport and plant coastal wetland plants in various parishes throughout Louisiana. The specific work requirements are outlined in the Statement of work and specific work requirements contained in individual task order documents (plans, specifications and other documents to be issued for each task order). This announcement constitutes the only notice. No reimbursement will be made for any costs associated with providing information in response to this requirement or any follow up information requests. This is a Total Small Business Set Aside under NAICS code 115112 with a size standard of $7M. This requirement is being solicited in accordance with FAR Part 15. The initial contract will be for one year and the Government may, at its option extend the contract a maximum of five (5) years by exercising each of the four (4) one-year renewal options. The guaranteed minimum is $2,500 with a maximum contract amount of $750,000 per year. The estimated price range for task orders is $2,500 to $500,000. Task orders will be negotiated as firm fixed price procurements for individual projects. Offerors are required to submit technical and cost proposals for the base IDIQ contract and the sampel task project provided with this solicitation. The Statement of Work (SOW), specifications, drawings and other documents for the sample task project are located within the solicitation package. The technical and cost proposals will be used as the basis of selecting single or multiple awardees of the IDIQ contracts. Evaluation of all proposals will be completed in accordance with Section M of the solicitation package. Upon completion of the selection and award process, the highest ranked Offeror will be issued a task order for the sample task included in the solicitation. The technical and cost proposals shall provide for the following: 1. The source(s) of all plants to include the number and type of plants to be supplied (nursery name, mailing and physical address, phone number, name of nursery contact person) to be utilized by the contractor in performance of work under this contract. The contractor shall not change the selected source(s) of plants after award of the contract without receiving prior written approval from the CO. If any of the required plants are to be grown/produced in ponds with a direct hydrologic connection to a natural intermediate, brackish or saline wetland ecosystem, a map indicating the location and boundaries of the growing site(s) shall also be provided. 2. A legible copy of a current state nursery license and/or permit issued to the specified nursery (or nurseries) to be utilized by the contractor under this contract. 3. Certification that plant material of all required genera and species, and if specified, variety or cultivar or ecotype, is on the premises of the specified nursery (or nurseries) responsible for growing operations in an amount sufficient to propagate the required number of transplants identified in the plans and specifications. 4. For any required ecotype / cultivar that has been released by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Golden Meadow Plant Materials Center (PMC) provide a copy of the delivery ticket for the foundation material obtain from the PMC. 5. A detailed planting sequence of all planting sites. 6. A detailed work plan with timeline which addresses the list of proposed equipment to be utilized during transport of plants, mobilization/demobilization, planting operations and description of methods of digging holes and placement of plants. 7. List and explain the proposed subcontractors (including any nursery not owned and operated by Offeror) and their responsibilities relative to the completion of the work identified in the plans and specifications. 8. Describe the credentials and qualifications of your proposed personnel to show experience and knowledge performing the requirements of the plans and specifications. Submit all credentials/qualifications on the Resume Form included as Attachment A. 9. Explain the makeup of your crews and personnel for completion of the work identified in the plans and specifications to include information on the planting crew size and production rate (the projected number of plants to be installed per work day) for planting. 10. If subcontractors (including any nursery not owned and operated by Offeror) are being utilized, please provide the makeup of their crews and personnel for completion of the work including their requisite credentials and qualifications to show experience and knowledge performing the requirements of the plans and specifications utilizing the Resume Form included as Attachment A. 11. The Offeror shall submit information on contracts considered most relevant in demonstrating the Offeror's ability to perform the proposed effort. The Offeror shall submit a list of contracts either currently being performed or that have been completed within the last five (5) years. For each past performance submission the following shall be provided: a. Detailed explanation of the site conditions and the type of work completed; b. Detailed explanation of the mobilization efforts, including equipment utilized and accessibility issues; c. Detailed explanation of the number and type of specific plantings completed, planting locations, difficulties encountered, etc. d. The name, contract number, address and telephone number of the contact. In addition, each Offeror shall provide a brief summary of the type of work completed and the site conditions where the work was performed. 12. Schedule B - Supplies/Services/Prices 13. Section K - Certifications and Representations Evaluation Criteria: The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible Offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate Offerors 1. Price - The costs will be evaluated upon the Offeror's ability to demonstrate associated costs with the project in order for the Government to determine reasonableness of price. A comparison of the proposed prices, government estimate and/or market values will be used. Cost realism of the proposed man-hours, materials and other costs to accomplish the proposed effort may be conducted. The Government will evaluate whether costs reflect a clear understanding of the program requirements and are reasonable and consistent with the various elements of the offer/quote. Offerors are put on notice that any offer/quote that is unrealistic in terms of technical commitment or unrealistically low in price will be deemed reflective of an inherent lack of technical competence or indicative of failure to comprehend the complexity of contract requirements and may be grounds for rejection of the offer/quote. In addition, the offeror must meet the requirement for responsibility as defined in FAR 9.104. 2. Technical Capability - The Government will evaluate an Offeror's technical capability to determine an offeror's ability to meet the requirements identified in the plans and specifications. The merit of the offeror's proposed approach to accomplish the work identified in the plans and specifications will be assessed. This includes the reasonableness of the proposed work plan, scheduling and necessary certifications for achieving the project objectives. For an offer to be considered technically acceptable, the offeror must demonstrate a clear understanding of all requirements and demonstrate that, as a contractor, they have the technical capabilities identified above. The Technical Capability focuses on strengths, weaknesses and deficiencies in the Offeror's proposal. Offerors are advised that any strengths accepted by the Government may be incorporated into the contract as the minimum performance requirement. For the purposes of the proposal, a deficiency is defined as a "failure of a offeror to meet the Government requirement". The technical capabilities will be evaluated against the Offeror's ability to provide for sufficient staff and personnel with sufficient expertise to accomplish the contract requirements. The technical capabilities will be evaluated to assess the Offeror's ability to plan, control and integrate personnel necessary for successful contract performance. 3. Past Performance - The offer/quote will be evaluated to assess the Offeror's relevancy and quality of past experience in performing the work described in the plans and specifications. Where the relevant present and past performance record indicates performance problems, the Government will consider the number and severity of problems and the appropriateness and effectiveness of any corrective actions taken, not just planned or promised action. If the Offeror clearly demonstrates that management actions employed in overcoming problems resulted in improvements achieved or problems rectified, this may allow the Offeror to be rated higher than might otherwise be indicated. All offerors will be given an opportunity to respond to any adverse past performance information obtained by the evaluation team for which the Offeror did not previously have an opportunity to address. Adverse past performance information is defined as information that supports a less than satisfactory rating on any evaluation element in past performance or contained in Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) and Past Performance Information System (PPIRS) or any less than satisfactory comments received from sources without a formal rating system. Offerors without a record of relevant present and past performance, or for whom information on present and past performance is not available, will not be evaluated favorably or unfavorably on present and past performance but will receive an "unknown" rating for the past performance factor. 4. Technical and past performance, when combined, are equal to price. Telephone, written, facsimile or email requests for the solicitation package will not be honored. Potential Offerors are responsible for monitoring this site for the release of any subsequent amendments. Offerors must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM). You may request an application via phone at 866-606-8220 or register online at The Technical and Cost proposals are due no later than Monday, September 9, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. Central Time.
- Web Link
- Permalink
- Place of Performance
- Address: Various Parishes Throughout Louisiana, Louisiana, United States
- Record
- SN03141999-W 20130810/130808235304-4e5ea5ab3053d744a591bab208048dbd (
- Source
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