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R -- Modifying CAREWare for use in International Settings

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
541511 — Custom Computer Programming Services
Contracting Office
Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Office of Acquisitions Management and Policy, 5600 Fisher Ln., Room 13A-19, Rockville, Maryland, 20857, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Ralph M. Vallone, Phone: 3014437626
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
THIS IS A COMBINED SYNOPSIS/SOLICITATION FOR COMMERCIAL SERVICES PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FORMAT IN FAR SUBPART 13.5 and SUBPART 12.6 - STREAMLINED PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATION AND SOLICITATION FOR COMMERCIAL ITEMS-AS SUPPLEMENTED WITH ADDITIONAL INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE. SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION PROCEDURES ARE UTILIZED IN THIS PROCUREMENT. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CONSTITUTES THE ONLY SOLICITATION; QUOTATIONS ARE BEING REQUESTED, AND A WRITTEN SOLICITATION DOCUMENT WILL NOT BE ISSUED. This solicitation is a Request for Quotation (RFQ). The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect though Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-33. ***The associated North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code for this procurement is 541511 with a small business size standard of $25M. THIS IS A TOTAL SMALL BUSINESS SET ASIDE. The purpose of this procurement is ensure that currents users of CAREWare in the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)-funded sites have updated functionality to accommodate specific data collection and reporting needs required by PEPFAR and other agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) available in their clinics. I. TITLE Modifying CAREWare for use in International Settings II. BACKGROUND The Health Information System Technical Working Group at the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator approved, and funds were appropriated to HRSA, for the modification and maintenance of the international version of HRSA/HAB's CAREWare software. CAREWare is a comprehensive health services and clinical information system that is used widely in the US and in selected HIV care and treatment sites in Barbados, Nigeria, Uganda and Viet Nam. The funds approved here will enable the Bureau to ensure that the software meets the data collection, reporting, and monitoring requirements essential to these international providers of HIV/AIDS care, functions that were recently highlighted in a major GAO report on the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) entitled "Shift toward Partner-Country Treatment Programs Will Require Better Information on Results" (http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-13-460). III. PURPOSE/GENERAL DESCRIPTION The purpose of this contract is to ensure that currents users of CAREWare in PEPFAR-funded sites have updated functionality to accommodate specific data collection and reporting needs required by PEPFAR and other agencies such as the WHO available in their clinics. The contractor shall ensure that users receive technical support and that efficiencies in software functionality can be fixed and addressed in a timely fashion. IV.PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance shall be 12 months from the effective date of the contract plus three (3) 12-month option periods. V. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE The contractor shall perform the tasks on site in Uganda, Nigeria and a few countries in the Caribbean. VI. TASKS The contractor shall provide support for the followings areas of software development and technical assistance. Deliverables may be indicated as optional, based on demands of users in the field; some of these items may not be requested or required. Task 1 Kickoff Meeting Meet with COR and Global AIDS staff as requested to ensure that tasks and requirements are clear, both in terms of modifications as well as earned value management reporting requirements. The contractor shall participate in weekly conference calls with the COR to obtain updates and determine if there are any impediments in development or testing. Task 2 Form Designer Improve the screen layout and efficiency of the form designer; enhance and speed up overall functionality of this feature used widely in PEPFAR settings in order to accommodate local data entry needs. •Subtask 2.1 Contractor shall meet and discuss with COR and designated PEPFAR grantee/user to identify three specific areas requiring upgrade in efficiency in performance of form designer. •Subtask 2.2 Contractor shall provide a high-level design outlining specific modifications to be made to form designer, and provide testing methodology. Task 3 Medications and Pharmacy Modules Upgrade and integrate the functionality of the medications and pharmacy modules and improve reports in the latter. •Subtask 3.1 Clinical sites in Barbados, Uganda and Nigeria, have requested improvements in the pharmacy and dispensing/inventory features in CAREWare. The contractor shall meet to discuss with COR and designated PEPFAR grantee/user to outline specifically (1) how the pharmacy and medications module shall be better integrated and (2) how the reports generated from the pharmacy and dispensing modules shall be updated and improved in layout and utility based on local medication dispensing practices and reporting requirements. •Subtask 3.2 Contractor shall provide a high-level design outlining specific modifications to be made to medications and pharmacy modules to enhance their integration, and the reports that can be generated from these modules. Task 4 Custom Reports and Performance Measures Module The contractor shall modify reporting functionality in custom reports and the performance measures module to assist HIV treatment sites to better monitor the quality of their care and to be able to produce PEPFAR, WHO, and other funding agency reporting requirements. •Subtask 4.1 Contractor shall meet with the COR and outline specifically those reports that will require updating to accommodate new reporting requirements and to build specific performance measures to monitor the quality of care. Task 5 Data Conversion Assistance Provide data conversion assistance. The contractor shall provide up to three (3) conversions of existing databases into the CAREWare format. This task is critical to ensure that facilities wishing to transition into CAREWare are able to port as much legacy data as possible into CAREWare so that hand data entry can be eliminated and that historical data can be used and accessed upon first use of CAREWare. Task 6 Remote Technical Assistance and Support Provide remote technical assistance and support via GoTo Meeting and Skype to ensure the successful use of the software and to be able to respond in a timely fashion for requests for assistance. The contractor shall provide 3-5 hours of support via GotoMeeting or Skype per week for 48 weeks. Task 7 Onsite Technical Support Provide onsite technical support. The contractor, following discussion with the COR and requesting PEPFAR grantee, shall conduct up to two (2) onsite technical support visits to a PEPFAR grantee to assist with specific, detailed technical issues regarding installation, customization, data importing and training that are not addressable via remote support. •Subtask 7.1 The contractor shall meet with COR and PEPFAR grantee to ensure that exact purpose and goals of visit have been established. Site visits shall not exceed five (5) working days. Task 8 Earned Value Management Report The contractor shall prepare and submit a monthly Earned Value (EV) Report that includes the following cost and schedule data: Planned Start Date, Planned End Date, Actual Start Date, Actual End Date, Planned Percent Complete, Actual Percent Complete, Planned Cost and Actual Cost. The cost and schedule data shall be broken down in specific task/deliverable categories as designated by the COR. VII. SCHEDULE OF DELIVERABLES See attached file title "Schedule of Deliverables". IX. PAYMENT SCHEDULE The contractor shall be paid in 12 equal payments upon receipt and approval of invoice by the COR. TECHNICAL QUOTE INSTRUCTIONS To facilitate the evaluation of its technical quore, the offeror shall submit its materials in two separate physical documents: (1) the technical quote and (2) the price quote. The technical quote shall provide unpriced detail of labor hours and other direct costs but should not contain prices. Quotes which merely offer to conduct a program in accordance with the requirements of the Government's scope of work will be considered nonresponsive to this request and will not be eligible for award. The content of the technical quote shall include the following: A. Understanding the Problem (20 points) The Offeror's technical quote shall clearly describe its understanding of the scope and purpose of the project in its own words. (10 points) The technical quote shall also identify possible obstacles and the possible solutions as well as the consequences of not surmounting these identified obstacles. (10 points)   B. Technical Approach (20 points) The Offeror's technical quote shall fully describe the proposed technical approach to performing the tasks and adhering to deliverable schedule. The proposed technical approach shall describe the methodology to be used for the individual tasks to meet each of the requirements specified in the Statement of Work. (10 Points) The Offeor's technical quote shall demonstrate creativity, appropriateness, and cost efficiency use of resources. (10 points) C. Key Personnel (20 Points) The Offeror's technical quote shall provide description of the staff (in terms of education, credentials, and professional experience) proposed to perform the tasks and subtasks for this requirement. The technical quote shall also identify the Project Director; other key personnel involved in the management of the project; subcontractors and/or contract staff; and a description of their roles and reporting relationships. D. Management Plan (5 points) The Offeror's technical quote shall clearly describe the project work plan, time schedule, and person-loading matrix which show work to be performed and deliverables. E. Organizational Capability and Experience (30 points) The Offeror's technical quote shall clearly describe the capability and the experience of the Offeror relative to the requirements of this project. (10 points) The technical quote shall also clearly describes prior and current projects which are similar and deal with international HIV/AIDS care, service delivery, and health information technology. (20 points) F. Past Performance (5 points) The Offeror shall be responsible for requesting three(3)references, one of which must be from a federal Government entity, to submit the Past Performance Information Survey Questionnaire (Attachment C) to the Contract Specialist by no later than August 23, 2013, 10:00 am, EST by email to bjohn@hrsa.gov. No Exceptions. The Government reserves the right to obtain past performance information from any source. The Offeror's past performance will be evaluated in conjunction with the technical review. The overall total score for the past performance rating for each offeror will be determined by calculating the average of the surveys received. The overall total score will be rounded to the nearest whole number to assign an appropriate adjectival rating (0 = Unsatisfactory, 1 = Poor, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Excellent, 5 = Outstanding). The elements being rates are as follows: Quality of Product or Service - Unsatisfactory- Non-conformances is jeopardizing the achievement of contract requirements, despite use of Agency resources. Recovery is not likely. If performance cannot be substantially corrected, it constitutes a significant impediment in consideration for future awards containing similar requirements. Poor - Overall compliance requires significant Agency resources to ensure achievement of contract requirements. Fair - Overall compliance requires minor Agency resources to ensure achievement of contract requirements. Good - There are no, or very minimal, quality problems, and the Contractor has met the contract requirements. Excellent - There are no quality issues, and the Contractor has substantially exceeded the contract performance requirements without commensurate additional costs to the Government. Outstanding - The contractor has demonstrated an outstanding performance level that was significantly in excess of anticipated achievements and is commendable as an example for others, so that it justifies adding a point to the score. It is expected that this rating will be used in those rare circumstances where contractor performance clearly exceeds the performance levels described as "Excellent". Cost Control Unsatisfactory - Ability to manage cost issues is jeopardizing performance of contract requirements, despite use of Agency resources. Recovery is not likely. If performance cannot be substantially corrected, this level of ability to manage cost issues constitutes a significant impediment in consideration for future awards. Poor - Ability to manage cost issues requires significant Agency resources to ensure achievement of contract requirements. Fair - Ability to control cost issues requires minor Agency resources to ensure achievement of contract requirements. Good - There are no, or very minimal, cost management issues and the Contractor has met the contract requirements. Excellent - There are no cost management issues and the Contractor has exceeded the contract requirements, achieving cost savings to the Government. Outstanding - The contractor has demonstrated an outstanding performance level that justifies adding a point to the score. It is expected that this rating will be used in those rare circumstances where the contractor achieved cost savings and performance clearly exceeds the performance levels described as "Excellent". Timeliness of Performance Unsatisfactory - Delays are jeopardizing the achievement of contract requirements, despite use of Agency resources. Recovery is not likely. If performance cannot be substantially corrected, it constitutes a significant impediment in consideration for future awards. Poor - Delays require significant Agency resources to ensure achievement of contract requirements. Fair - Delays require minor Agency resources to ensure achievement of contract requirements. Good - There are no, or minimal, delays that impact achievement of contract requirements. Excellent - There are no delays and the contractor has exceeded the agreed upon time schedule. Outstanding - The contractor has demonstrated an outstanding performance level that justifies adding a point to the score. It is expected that this rating will be used in those rare circumstances where contractor performance clearly exceeds the performance levels described as "Excellent". Business Relations Unsatisfactory - Response to inquiries and/or technical, service, administrative issues is not effective. If not substantially mitigated or corrected it should constitute a significant impediment in considerations for future awards. Poor - Response to inquiries and/or technical, service, administrative issues is marginally effective. Fair - Response to inquiries and/or technical, service, administrative issues is somewhat effective. Good - Response to inquiries and/or technical, service, administrative issues is consistently effective. Excellent - Response to inquiries and/or technical, service, administrative issues exceeds Government expectation. Outstanding - The contractor has demonstrated an outstanding performance level that justifies adding a point to the score. It is expected that this rating will be used in those rare circumstances where contractor performance clearly exceeds the performance levels described as "Excellent". PRICE QUOTE INSTRUCTIONS The Offeror shall submit a price quote, fully supported by cost and pricing data, in sufficient detail to allow for cost analysis that will be utilized to establish the reasonableness of the proposed costs. The Offeror's price quote shall consist of the following sections: A. Standard Form 18, Request for Quotations The contractor must complete the following Blocks: BLOCK 8 State the Name and Address of your organization. BLOCK 11 Enter the organization's Tax ID Number or Federal Identification Number; Enter the organization's DUNS (Digital Universal Numbering System) number. This information can be obtained from your accounting office; however, if your organization does not have a DUNS number, please call Duns & Bradstreet at 1-800-333-0505 to obtain a DUNS number. BLOCK 13 State the name and address of the individual providing the price quote BLOCK 14 Signature of the person authorized to commit your organization to the contract. BLOCK 16 Print or type the name and title of the person authorized to commit your organization to the contract. B. Supporting Documentation The Contractor shall furnish a price breakdown in support of the statement of work. EVALUATION FACTORS The technical quote will receive paramount consideration in the selection of the contractor for this acquisition. In the event that the technical evaluation reveals that two (2) or more offers are approximately equal in technical ability, then the price quote will become paramount. In any event, the Government reserves the right to make an award to the best advantage of the Government, cost, and other factors considered. The evaluation will be based on the demonstrated capabilities of the prospective contractor in relation to the needs of the project as set forth in the RFQ. The merits of the quote will be evaluated carefully. The following criteria and assigned weight for each criterion will be applied in the evaluation of your technical quote: Evaluation Factor Points a. Understanding the Problem 20 b. Technical Approach 20 c. Key Personnel 20 d. Management Plan 5 e. Organizational Capability and Experience 30 f. Past Performance 5 Total 100 Note: The Government reserves the right to make a single award, multiple awards, or no award as a result of this RFQ. In addition, the RFQ may be amended if determined to be in the best interest of the Government. The resulting purchase order shall be negotiated on a fixed price basis.
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