A -- Infrared Mission Analysis (IRMA)
- Notice Date
- 4/11/2014
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 541712
— Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Air Force Space Command, SMC - Space and Missile Systems Center, 483 North Aviation Blvd, El Segundo, California, 90245-2808
- ZIP Code
- 90245-2808
- Solicitation Number
- 14-045
- Archive Date
- 4/27/2014
- Point of Contact
- Capt Chikaodi Akalaonu, Phone: 310-653-2173, LaKisha M. Porter, Phone: 310-653-9582
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- The US Air Force Defense Support Program (DSP) and Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) program intends to issue a contract to evaluate all missile events, how the events are disseminated across the missile warning communication paths, issues with the mission processing algorithms and databases, work within established processes and working groups to evaluate changes to the mission processing algorithms and databases, and coordinate changes with the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) - led missile warning working groups. Infrared Mission Analysis (IRMA) is currently envisioned by the Government to be awarded as a single contract, with a 24 month period of performance. The new contract, IRMA, requires the following support: (1) Missile event analysis - extract missile event data for every missile event, identify the best possible data from the sensors, play the extracted data through an analysis and debugging version of the operational mission processing algorithms and then compare the "best possible" performance to the actual real-time results, results from related Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS) systems and interim SBIRS systems, and truth data for that event from the Intelligence Community (IC). Results to be disseminated approximately weekly following events; (2) Missile event report troubleshooting - when operational messages or interim SBIRS systems output differ from IC truth data, perform initial root cause assessment to determine whether the difference arises from an inherent limitation, specific characteristics of the viewing sensor(s), issues with on-board algorithms, issues with ground-based mission processing algorithms, issues with the threat profile database, or discrepant aspects of the IC data. Provide an initial outbrief at the weekly meetings from the aforementioned above, nominally within two (2) weeks of the event; (3) When directed, evaluate changes to on-board processing algorithms, ground mission processing algorithms, and/or threat profile databases. Coordinate with appropriate IC collaborators, DSP, SBIRS, IRMA Program Office specialists, Operational specialists and USSTRATCOM-led evaluation boards; (4) Threat profile development, evaluation, and ingestion - as directed, create interim threat profiles in support of USSTRATCOM objectives through the use of detailed event raw data extractions, characterization, correction for atmospheric attenuation and other effects, manipulation of raw data, and extrapolation of source characteristics and signatures. Identify key events and parameters required by mission processing algorithms and create appropriate database update files. When threat profiles are made available from external sources, identify key events and parameters required by mission processing algorithms and create appropriate database update files. Perform regression testing for potential database updates by playback of available event data to ensure mission processing software is not adversely affected by use of the new threat profile. Present regression test statistical analysis with fully coordinated community support to USSTRATCOM-led change process; (5) Contractor facility supporting on-orbit operations must have current access to SBIRS/DSP mission data, and be Defense Security Service (DSS) certified, and be capable of processing classified information as required by the DSP and SBIRS constellation. The contractor retains responsibility for recapitalization and/or replacement of any hardware/equipment obsolescence throughout the duration of the contract, as well as tools and Infrastructure support (maintaining licenses, databases, mission event archives, simulations and tools for use in the mission event analysis and threat profile development activities); (6) Program support includes management of contractor team and contract business operations segment to track financial issues and deliverables; (7) Capability to develop software tools and command plans; (8) Support at various Government sites; (9) The Government may also include rapid prototyping of data processing enhancements that maximize the utility of constellation data; and (b) mission processor initiatives. Interested parties must possess knowledgeable, capable, and experienced individuals with the proper security clearances who can provide real time assistance/guidance to government satellite operators at the Mission Control Station and any backup site supporting operations. Stat e me n t o f C a p a b i liti e s Any interested source that is capable of meeting the Gov e rnment's requirements detai l ed in this notice should s u b m it a St a t e m e n t of C a p a b i liti e s (SOC) a n d Q u al i f i catio n s to t h e tec h nic a l a n d co n tracti n g P O C s l ist e d b e l o w by 1500 P S T o n 26 April 2 0 14. Res p o n s e s are limit e d t o s e ven ( 7 ) p a g e s with 1 - i n ch m a r g ins using Tim e s N e w Rom a n at no smaller than f o n t size of 1 2. T h e SOC and qualifications sta t ement will be e v aluated sole l y for the purpose of determ i ning the respondent's a b ility t o m e et the G o ver n m e nt's n e e d s and schedule as d e scrib e d ab o ve As a minimum, the SOC should include the following: personnel/size standard, company name, mailing address, point of contact and telephone numbers, business size classification, large, small or other, and experience-specific work previously performed relevant to this effort. Co n se q u e n t ly, respondents' submissions should contain a s m a n y s p ecific tec h nic a l d e tai l s i n d i cati n g h o w t h e respondent can m e e t the G o ver n m e nt's n e e d s a n d sc h e d ul e. O r al co m m u n ic a tio n s a re n o t acc e pta b le in r e sponse to this notice. Res p onses from small business and sm a l l, dis a dv a n t ag e d b u sin e ss fir m s are hi g h ly e n c o ura ge d. Firms r e s p o n ding sh o u ld in d i c a te if t h e y are a sm a ll b u s i n e ss, a s o cia l ly a n d ec o no m ica l ly d isa d va n t a g e d b u si n e ss, 8( a ) fir m s, h istor i cal l y b lack c o lle g e s o r u n iv e rsi t i e s, a n d mi n o r i t y ins t i t uti o ns. The small b u sin e ss size st a n d a rd for NA I C S 5 4 1 7 1 2 is 1, 0 0 0 e mploy e e s. A d e term i n a t i o n n o t t o c o m p e te this p ro p os e d ef f o rt o n a f u ll a n d o p en c o m p e t i t i o n b a sis b a sed u p o n r e sp o n s e s t o this not i ce is solely within t h e disc r eti o n of the Gov e r n me n t. The government will use the SOC to determine if there is sufficient interest in the marketplace from qualified sources to develop its acquisition strategy. This announcement is for information and planning purposes only. It does not constitute a Request for Proposal and is not to be construed as a commitment by the government. The Government will not pay any cost associated with the submittal of information solicited herein. The SOC and all related communications that contain proprietary information should be marked as such. Verbal responses will not be accepted. BE ADVISED: An O m b u dsm a n will be a p p o i n ted to h e a r co n cer n s f r om p o te n tial respondents. T he p u r p ose of t h e Om bu d sman is to r e c e ive a n d c o mmu n ica t e c o nc e rns f r o m p o t e nti a l respondents w h en a respondent pre f ers n o t to use e sta b lis h ed c h a n ne l s to c o m m un i cate h is/her conc e rn d u r ing the p r op o sal d e v e lo p m e n t p h ase o f th i s p r o p o sed a cq u isiti o n. The O m b u dsm a n wi l l c o mm u n i cate ce r t a in respondent issu e s, d isa g r e e m ents, a n d r e com m e n d a t i o n s o n t h is p r o pos e d a c q u i sition into t h e p r op e r ch a n n e l s. T h e Omb u ds m an's r o le i s n o t to d im i nish t h e a u th o rity of t h e p r o g r a m d ir e ct o r or t h e co n tracti n g o f fic e r b u t to a d v o cate a respondent's co n ce r n on a n o n -a tt r i b ution b a sis. T h e O m budsman wi l l m a intain s t r ict c o nfi d e n t i al i t y as to the so u rce of the c o nc e rn w hen re q u e sted b y t h e respondent. T h e Om bu d sman will n o t p a rtici p a t e in t h e ev a l u a t i o n of SOCs for t h is pro p os e d ac q u isitio n. Ro u ti n e q u e stio n s, such a s clarificati o ns, are n o t c o nsi d ered to b e " s i g n ifica n t c o nc e rns" a nd s h o u ld b e co m mu n icat e d d i rectly to the POCs listed b e l o w. Technical Points of Contact Capt Christopher Puopolo, SMC/ISDC Email: Phone: (310) 653-0782 Ms. Debora Moore-Frey, SMC/ISE Email: Phone: (310) 653-4436
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- Record
- SN03336640-W 20140413/140411234719-6b3dc6f96bb533b1cda9b2b2fd578e35 (
- Source
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