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75 -- Mapping Paper - Specifications SP7000-14-RFI-1025

Notice Date
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322121 — Paper (except Newsprint) Mills
Contracting Office
Defense Logistics Agency, DLA Acquisition Locations, DLA Document Services - Mechanicsburg, 5450 Carlisle Pike, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, 17055, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Christina M. Ostronic, Phone: 7176053304
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
Specifications for SP7000-14-RFI-1025 (Mapping Paper) T his is a R E QU ES T FO R I NFORM A T I ON ( RFI) only issu e d by DLA D oc u ment S er v ic e s H Q C ont r acti n g un d er S P 7 0 0 0- 1 4 - R F I - 1025. S ub j ect RFI in no w ay obli g a t es the Go v ernment in the awa r d of a n y co n tract. A ny i n f o r mat i on submit t ed in r es p onse to this RFI is strict l y v ol u n t ar y. T his RFI is issued f o r th e p u r p ose of d e t er m i n i n g ma rk et i n t e r es t, f e a si b ili t y, a n d ca p a b ili t y of so ur ces. T h e r e is no solicit a t i on p ac k age available at this t i me, ho we v er the RFI p ac k age consists of the DLA D o c u m e n t S er v ic e s purchase of Mapping Paper with attached specifications. T he afo r eme n t i on e d d oc u men t s are available w i t hin the FedBizOpps a t t a c h m e n t of d oc u men t s. T he r esulting a w a r d w i l l be issued as an IDIQ for M apping Paper. DLA D o c u ment S er v i c es H Q se e k s to i d e n t i f y q ualified SMALL BUSINESS so u r ces f r om I n d us t r y a b le to sup p o r t the r e q ui r em e n t s st a t e d i n the S pecifications. Small Business Concern must provide 50% of the cost of manufacturing the supplies, not including the cost of materials in accordance with FAR 52.219-14(c)(2) Small Business Concern must provide their type of Small Business category (example - Women Owned Small Business, Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business). T he Go v ernment w ill not p ay f or a n y i n f o r mat i on submit t ed in r es p o n se to this RFI nor w ill the Go v ernment co mp e n sa t e a n y r es p on d e nt w i t h costs i n c u r r ed in d e v elo p i n g the i n f o r mat i on p r o v i d ed t o the Go v ernmen t. A ll q uest i ons p erta i n i n g to this a n nounceme n t may b e submit t ed by elect r on i c mail NO L AT E R T H A N August 28, 2014 (2 PM ES T ). Go v ernment Po i nt of C ontact: Christina Ostronic, Contract Specialist, Phone 717-605-3304, Email: Christina.Ostronic@dla.mil. Res p ons e s m u st b e rece i v ed b y elect r on i c mail NO L AT E R T H A N September 3, 201 4 (2 PM ES T ). Go v ernment Po i nt of C ontact: Christina Ostronic, Contract Specialist, Phone 717-605-3304, Email: Christina.Ostronic@dla.mil.
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
SN03472489-W 20140822/140820235518-d1b0ef13ace01db335f0ca1a0c0501b0 (fbodaily.com)
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