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Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
541620 — Environmental Consulting Services
Contracting Office
Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Eastern Region Acquisition Division-KC, 601 East 12th Street, Room 1756, Kansas City, Missouri, 64106, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Jeanie M. Jennings, Phone: 8164267458, Jackie S Smith, Phone: 816-426-2068
E-Mail Address
jeanie.m.jennings@noaa.gov, jacqueline.s.smith@noaa.gov
(jeanie.m.jennings@noaa.gov, jacqueline.s.smith@noaa.gov)
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
Atttachment A - Pricing Schedule This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial service prepared and processed in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 12.6 as supplemented with additional information included in this announcement. This is a solicitation for the United State Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Office of Habitat Conservation (OHC) located in Silver Spring, MD. DOC/NOAA/NMFS/OHC/RC is seeking services for Open Rivers Fish Passage Implementation and Effectiveness Monitoring in Northern Coastal California. The government intends to issue a fixed price indefinite delivery indefinite quantity contract (IDIQ) for this requirement. This is a total Small Business Set-Aside utilizing NAICS code 541620 for Environmental Consulting Services. The DOC, NOAA, NMFS, OHC interacts with NOAA/NMFS regional offices to manage, conserve and enhance habitats for fishery resources, protected species and other living marine resources and is the focal point for marine and estuarine habitat restoration within NOAA. The Restoration Center (RC) a division of OHC, performs coastal habitat restoration pursuant to federal legislation and improves the state of restoration ecology and habitat management, and is responsible for restoring degraded habitats, advancing the science of coastal habitat restoration, transferring restoration technologies to other agencies and practitioners, and fostering habitat stewardship and a conservation ethic. In support of these responsibilities, OHC ensures that NOAA's resources are protected and restored in accordance with appropriate Acts and Mandates. NOAA NMFS and others are addressing anadromous salmonids habitat conservation and restoration by improving access to blocked salmon spawning and rearing habitat throughout California. Many salmonids recovery efforts are focused on removing or altering these migration barriers to increase access to potential habitat. The goal of these barrier removals is to make culverts and dams invisible to fish and other aquatic organisms during their migrations. The NOAA Restoration Center's Open Rivers Initiative has recently developed monitoring protocols for evaluating and reporting on the effectiveness of its fish passage restoration projects on fisheries resources. The monitoring protocols include two levels of monitoring, Tier 1 and Tier 2. A minimum level (Tier 1) of monitoring will occur on all funded Open Rivers projects, while a higher level of monitoring (Tier 2) will be done for a subset of the Open Rivers projects, and will evaluate local fisheries population response to barrier removal. Restoration Center staff has been working with grantees to conduct minimum monitoring on projects, and some grantees have already incorporated the higher level monitoring into their individual project plans. However, some grantees do not have the technical resources (such as fish identification skills and fish passage analysis experience) to conduct fisheries presence/absence surveys and population monitoring and collect stream channel response data related to "passability" of the target species. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: See solicitation below and the pricing schedule attached for submittal requirements. To be considered, interested firms must submit the following no later than 2:00 pm CDT on September 3, 2014 to the following: One (1) electronic submittal package to email address: jeanie.m.jennings@noaa.gov. Hard copy submissions are not required. Quoting firms are responsible for supplying information concerning each evaluation factor, including copies of any required professional certifications or licenses. See Paragraph entitled Quote Preparation for specific submission requirements. To be eligible for contract award, a firm must be registered in System for Awards Management (SAM) located at www.sam.gov. In order to register with SAM, all firms must have a Dun & Bradstreet (DNB) number. A DNB number may be acquired free of charge by contacting Dun and Bradstreet on-line at: www.dnb.com This notice is hereby issued as RFQ No. WC-133F-14-RQ-0142. This RFQ and the incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2005-76. The line item(s) will be provided in accordance with the terms and conditions and specifications specified herein. The prices shall be all inclusive of costs. CLAUSES AND PROVISIONS The following FAR and CAR clauses and provisions incorporated into this acquisition are: 1. 1352.201-70 CONTRACTING OFFICERS AUTHORITY (APR 2010) 2. 1352.208-70 RESTRICTIONS ON PRINTING AND DUPLICATING (APR 2010) 3. 1352.209-72 RESTRICTIONS AGAINST DISCLOSURE (APR 2010) 4. 1352.209-73 COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAWS (APR 2010) 5. 1352.209-74 ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST (APR 2010) 6. 1352.228-72 DEDUCTIBLES UNDER REQUIRED INSURANCE 'COVERAGE- FIXED PRICE (APR 2010) 7. 52.212-l INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS-COMMERCIAL ITEMS (APR 2014) 8. 52.212-3 OFFEROR REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS-COMMERCIAL ITEMS (MAY 2014) 9. 52.212-4 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS-COMMERCIAL ITEMS (MAY 2014) 10. 52.212-5 CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT STATUTES OR EXECUTIVE ORDERS-COMMERCIAL ITEMS (MAY 2014) Section (a) (1) Alt I; (2)(3) Section (b) (1), (4), (7), (8)(14) (i), (25), (28), (29), (30), (31), (32), (33), (34),(35) (36) (40) (44), (50) Section (c) (1), (2) (3) and (7). 11. 52.216-1 TYPE OF CONTRACT (APR 1984) [Firm-Fixed Price contract] 12. 52.217-8 OPTION TO EXTEND SERVICES (MAR 2000) (30 days before the contract expires). 13. 52.233-2 SERVICE OF PROTEST (SEP 2006) [James E. Price, Contracting Officer; NOAA/EAD-KC; 601 E. 12th street; Room 1734, Kansas City, MO 64106. 14. 52.242-15 STOP WORK ORDER (AUG 1989) 15. 1352-201-72 CONTRACTING OFFICER'S REPRESENTATIVE (COR) (APR 2010) [To be determined at time of award of the contract]. 16. 1352-215-72 INQUIRES (APR 2010) Jeanie Jennings at jeanie.m.jennings@noaa.gov 17. 1352-216-74 TASK ORDERS (APR 2010) 18. 1352.216-75 MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM CONTRACT AMOUNTS (APR 2010) $3,000.00 Minimum; $250,000.00 Maximum. 19. 1352.216-76 PLACEMENT OF ORDERS (APR 2010) 20. 1352.228-70 INSURANCE COVERAGE 21. 52.227-14 RIGHTS IN DATA -GENERAL (DEC 2007) 22. 52.232-39 UNENFORCEABILITY OF UNAUTHORIZED OBLIGATIONS (JUN 2013) 23. 52.232-40 PROVIDING ACCELERATED PAYMENTS TO SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTORS 24. 1352.233-70 AGENCY PROTESTS (APR 2010) [James E. Price; NOAA EAD-KC; 601 E. 12th Street, Room 1734, Kansas City, MO 64106 25. 1352.233-71 GAO AND COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMS PROTESTS (APR 2010) 26. 1352.237-74 PROGRESS REPORTS (APR 2010) 27. 1352.237-75 KEY PERSONNEL (APR 2010) 28. 1352-242-70 POST AWARD CONFERENCE (APR 2010) 29. 1352.246-70 PLACE OF ACCEPTANCE (APR 2010) [To be determined at time of award] 30. 1352.270-70 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE (APR 2010) Base period of 5 years from date of award of the contract. 31. 52.222-99 - ESTABLISHING A MINIMUM WAGE FOR CONTRACTORS. (DEVIATION) 32. 52.252-6 AUTHORIZED DEVIATIONS IN CLAUSES (APR 1984) (a) The use in this solicitation or contract of any Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR Chapter 1) clause with an authorized deviation is indicated by the addition of "(DEVIATION)" after the date of the clause. (b) The use in this solicitation or contract of any Federal Acquisition Regulation clause with an authorized deviation is indicated by the addition of "(DEVIATION)" after the name of the regulation. (End of Clause) 33. SUBMITTAL OF INVOICES The Contractor shall prepare and submit an invoice to the Contracting Officer's Representative with a copy to the Contracting Officer. Invoices shall be submitted in accordance with this clause and clause number 52.232-1 "Payments" and clause number 52.232-25 "Prompt Payment" referenced in Solicitation. To constitute a proper invoice, it must include the items listed in paragraphs (1) through (7) of this section. If the invoice does not comply with these requirements, it will be returned within 7 days after the date the designated office received the invoice with a statement of the reasons why it is not a proper invoice. 1)Name and address of the contractor; 2)Invoice date (Contractors are encouraged to date invoices as close to date of mailing as possible); 3)Contract or Purchase Order Number and line item; 4)Description of services performed; 5)Contractors are strongly encouraged to assign a sequential invoice number system; 6)Name, title, phone number and mailing address of person to be notified in the event of a defective invoice. 7)Certification that Subcontractors working on this project have been paid per FAR 52.232-1. 34. ASSURANCE BY CORPORATIONS REGARDING AN UNPAID DELINQUENT TAX LIABILITY OR A FELONY CONVICTION UNDER ANY FEDERAL LAW (CLASS DEVIATION)(MARCH 2014) In accordance with Sections 536 and 537 of Division B of Public Law 113-76 Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014, none of the funds made available by Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 may be used to enter into a contract with any corporation that - •Was convicted of a felony criminal violation under any Federal law within the preceding 24 months, where the awarding agency is aware of the conviction, unless the agency has considered suspension or debarment of the corporation and made a determination that this further action is not necessary to protect the interests of the Government, or •Has any unpaid Federal tax liability that has been assessed, for which all judicial and administrative remedies have been exhausted or have lapsed, and that is not being paid in a timely manner pursuant to an agreement with the authority responsible for collecting the tax liability, where the awarding agency is aware of the unpaid tax liability, unless the agency has considered suspension or debarment of the corporation and made a determination that this further action is not necessary to protect the interests of the Government. By accepting this award or order, in writing or by performance, the offeror/contractor assures that - •The offeror/contractor is not a corporation convicted of a felony criminal violation under a Federal law within the preceding 24 months. •The offeror/contractor is not a corporation that has any unpaid Federal tax liability that has been assessed, for which all judicial and administrative remedies have been exhausted or have lapsed, and that is not being paid in a timely manner pursuant to an agreement with the authority responsible for collecting the tax liability. 35. 52.212-2 EVALUATION-COMMERCIAL ITEMS (JAN 1999) (a) The government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the government, price and other factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers. The technical factors are listed in order of priority and are considered slightly more important than price. (b) Award will be made to the responsive quoter: whose quote conforms to the solicitation requirements; who is determined responsible in accordance with FAR Subpart 9.1 by possessing the financial and other capabilities to fulfill the requirements of the Order; and whose quote is judged, by an integrated assessment of price/cost and non-price evaluation factors, to provide the best value to the Government in accordance with Evaluation Criteria. (c) The Government intends to award a single indefinite delivery indefinite quantity firm fixed price contract in response to the RFQ. The Government reserves the right not to award an Order depending on the quality of the quotes submitted. Based upon the results of the integrated assessment of the technical and price quotes, the Government may make an award to other than the lowest-priced quoter or the quoter with the highest technical score if the evaluation official determines that to do so would result in the best value to the Government. (d) The following are the technical factors for this project: 1. Past performance - Include references (at least three) for requirements that are comparable to those stated within for work performed within the past five years. Past performance should include projects for conducting Salmonid Passage Assessments or similar type work. Provide a short synopsis of each project along with customer point of contact for stated projects including telephone number and email address if possible. Lack of past performance will receive a neutral rating. 2. Experience Conducting Salmonid Passage Assessments - Provide a narrative that addresses the experience conducting fish passage assessments in Northern Coastal California during the past five (5) years. Include resumes of key personnel that will be responsible for managing and performing work under this contract. Also provide evidence of at least a Master's Degree in Fisheries Biology for Key Personnel. 3. Technical Approach - Describe techniques for conducting physical and biological monitoring of fish passage sites. Specifically, address how measurements will be taken to determine the passability of a site, and what information will be contained in each physical monitoring report. Please describe how winter spawner surveys and winter and summer juvenile distribution surveys for both coho and steelhead will be conducted. 4. Experience Monitoring Salmonid populations in Northern Coastal California - Provide a narrative of experience monitoring juvenile and adult Salmonid populations in Northern coastal California during the past five (5) years. Include resumes of key personnel if different than factor 2, above. Include expertise and experience in electro fishing and Fish Xing or similar software. (b) Pricing. The Offeror's price quote shall include a completed Pricing Schedule. (See attached Excel spreadsheet). The Offeror's price quote shall be based on the Governments specifications and other contractual requirements. If the prices are to be based on established market price, not otherwise published, or are prices applicable only to the proposed contract, the offeror shall so state. Pricing shall include all direct and other direct costs including labor, overhead, general and administrative expense, supplies and equipment, travel and etc. required to perform this work. 36. QUOTE PREPARATION: a. General Information: (1) Quotes are expected to conform to the terms and conditions and be prepared in accordance with this section. To aid in evaluation, the quote shall be clearly and concisely written, neatly presented, indexed (cross-indexed as appropriate), and logically assembled. All pages of each part shall be appropriately numbered and identified with the name of the quoter, the date if the quote, and the solicitation number. Each volume shall be clearly marked by volume number and title. (2) Unnecessarily elaborate quotes, brochures, or other presentations beyond those sufficient to present a complete and effective response to the blanket purchase agreement are not desired. Elaborate artwork, expensive paper and bindings and expensive visual and other presentations are not necessary nor wanted. (3) The quote shall be typed, with one inch margins on 8 ½" by 11" paper. Do not use a font size smaller than 10 or an unusual font style such as script or condensed print. (4) A Cover letter shall be provided with the quoter's offer that contains: (A) Solicitation number; (B) Project Title (C) Name, address, email and telephone and fax numbers of the Quoter; (D) Names, title email, and telephone number and fax numbers of persons authorized to negotiate on the Quoter's behalf with the Government in connection with this RFQ; (E) Name, title, and signature of the person authorized to sign the quote; and (F) Electronic copies of quote are due by the closing date and time to Jeanie.m.jennings@noaa.gov. b. VOLUME I - Technical Quote (i) General. (A) Volume I, Technical Quote, consists of the quoter's offeror delineating its capabilities and how it intends to perform the contract requirements. The Technical Quote will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria contained in the Section entitled Evaluation Criteria. 1. In order that the technical quote may be evaluated strictly on the merit of the material submitted, no contractual price information is to be included in Volume I. However, the type and quantity of labor and materials is to be included in the Technical Quote, without any associated cost information. 2. The technical quote shall not exceed fifty (50) printed pages (e.g. 50 single sided or approximately 25 pages double sided), exclusive of resumes. Any pages in excess of fifty (50) printed pages will be disregarded, and will not be included in the quote evaluation. Failure of the quoter to comply with the page limitations, resulting in the excess pages not being evaluated, shall not constitute grounds for a protest. The quoter shall submit one (1) electronic copy of Volume 1 in Adobe or Word 2010 compatible. The electronic copy is due via email to jeanie.m.jennings@noaa.gov by the due date stated in this announcement. (ii)Format and Content. Volume I, Technical Quote, shall include the following contents (in the order listed): (A)Table of Contents (B)List of Tables and Figures (C)Exceptions and Deviations. This section shall identify and explain any exceptions or deviations taken to any part of the solicitation or conditional assumptions made with respect to the technical requirements of the solicitation. Quoters should note that taking exceptions to the Government's requirements may indicate an unwillingness or inability to perform the contract, and the quote may be evaluated as such. (D)Technical Quote - The technical quote shall be organized into tabs to address each of the factors and subfactors mentioned in the Section entitled Evaluation Criteria. These tabbed sections shall be organized as follows: 1. Past performance 2. Experience Conducting Salmonid Passage Assessments 3. Technical Approach 4. Experience Monitoring Salmonid populations in Northern Coastal California c. VOLUME II-Price Quote (A) Volume II includes the price quote which consists of the quoter's offer and other required financial documents. The Price Quote will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria contained in the section entitled Evaluation Criteria. (B) The quoter shall submit one copy of Volume II by email to Jeanie.m.jennings@noaa.gov (C) Pricing Proposal: The government will be awarding a firm-fixed price indefinite delivery indefinite quantity type contract for the base period of five years from the date of contract award and will be based on the total overall lump sum amounts proposed by the quoter, if determined acceptable by the government. The work and services required by this combined synopsis shall be provided in accordance with the following: 37. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES Fish Passage Physical and Biological Monitoring Coastal California Background: The Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), Office of Habitat Conservation (OHC) interacts with NOAA/NMFS regional offices to manage, conserve and enhance habitats for fishery resources, protected species and other living marine resources, and is the focal point for marine and estuarine habitat restoration within NOAA. The Restoration Center (RC), a division of OHC, performs coastal habitat restoration pursuant to federal legislation and improves the state of restoration ecology and habitat management, and is responsible for restoring degraded habitats, advancing the science of coastal habitat restoration, transferring restoration technologies to other agencies and practitioners, and fostering habitat stewardship and a conservation ethic. In support of these responsibilities, OHC ensures that NOAA's resources are protected and restored in accordance with appropriate Acts and mandates. NOAA NMFS and others are addressing anadromous salmonid habitat conservation and restoration by improving access to blocked salmon spawning and rearing habitat throughout California. Many salmonid recovery efforts are focused on removing or altering these migration barriers to increase access to potential habitat. The goal of these barrier removals is to make culverts and dams invisible to fish and other aquatic organisms during their migrations. The NOAA Restoration Center's fish passage program has recently developed monitoring protocols for evaluating and reporting on the effectiveness of its fish passage restoration projects on fisheries resources. The monitoring protocols include two levels of monitoring, Tier 1 and Tier 2. A minimum level (Tier 1) of monitoring will occur on all funded fish passage projects, while a higher level of monitoring (Tier 2) will be done for a subset of the fish passage projects, and will evaluate local fisheries population response to barrier removal. Restoration Center staff has been working with grantees to conduct minimum monitoring on projects, and some grantees have already incorporated the higher level monitoring into their individual project plans. However, some grantees do not have the technical resources (such as fish identification skills and fish passage analysis experience) to conduct fisheries presence/absence surveys and population monitoring and collect stream channel response data related to "passability" of the target species. Scope of Work: In an effort to address the limited fish passage monitoring expertise discussed above, NOAA seeks support from a firm that can assist local partners and NOAA staff conducting fish passage monitoring activities in the region. NOAA seeks a firm that can provide the following services: -Scientific Research and Monitoring -Fish Passage Assessment of barriers and completed barrier removals -Mapping and Surveying -Fisheries Population Analysis -Coordination with Monitoring Partners -Project Management -Technical Writing Supplies, Materials, and Equipment necessary to complete the work such as, but not limited to, the following: -Electro-fishing equipment -Wetsuit, snorkel mask -Digital Underwater Camera -Total Station for surveying -4wd vehicle -First Aid and Safety Equipment Contractor is required to provide all personnel and equipment to perform the tasks identified in this statement of objectives. The firm shall provide monitoring services on select fish passage project in Coastal California. Activities will be focused on assessing the "passability" and habitat condition upstream and downstream of these select passage projects in California, and monitoring local population responses of salmon and steelhead to barrier removal by collecting data on stream gradient, cross sectional area, habitat conditions, determining presence/absence of salmonid species upstream of the project site, conducting juvenile and adult spawning surveys and summarizing findings in report format. The fish passage monitoring sites in Coastal California are identified below. The contractor will comply with electro fishing and snorkel survey standards set by NOAA NMFS. Coordination with the property owner and the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) is required during study design development and data collection. Site Analysis The following is a list of specific monitoring tasks that will be completed, and the specific fish passage projects associated with each set of tasks: Monitoring project sites and tasks: Fish Creek Barrier Removal, Eel River, Mendocino County -Conduct two coho and steelhead spawner surveys per winter for 3 winters during 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 for a total of six spawner surveys. -Conduct one juvenile distribution survey per summer for 3 years in 2015, 2016 and 2017 for a total of three juvenile surveys. -Conduct one pre-project and two post project channel cross sectional and longitudinal profile surveys in 2016, 2017 and 2018 for a total of three channel surveys. Ryan Creek Barrier Removal, Eel River, Humboldt County -Conduct two coho and steelhead spawner surveys per winter for 2 winters during 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 for a total of four spawner surveys. Glenbrook Gulch Dam Removal, Albion River, Mendocino County - Conduct one juvenile survey in 2015 to determine return rate of spawner progeny originally found in winter 2013. -Conduct one post project channel cross sectional and longitudinal profile survey in 2016, 2017 or 2018 after a significant storm event occurs at the project site. Woodman Creek Barrier Removal, Mendocino County - Conduct two coho and steelhead spawner surveys per winter for 3 winters during 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 for a total of six spawner surveys. -Conduct one juvenile distribution survey per summer for 3 years in 2016, 2017 and 2018 for a total of three juvenile surveys. Essex Gulch Barrier Removals, Humboldt County - Conduct one juvenile distribution survey per summer for 3 years in 2016, 2017 and 2018 for a total of three juvenile surveys. Strawberry Creek Barrier Removals, Humboldt County -Conduct one juvenile distribution survey per summer for 3 years in 2016, 2017 and 2018 for a total of three juvenile surveys. -- Conduct two coho and steelhead spawner surveys per winter for 2 winters during 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 for a total of four spawner surveys. Bridge Creek Barrier Removal, Mendocino County -Conduct two coho and steelhead spawner surveys per winter for 3 winters during 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 for a total of six spawner surveys. -Conduct one juvenile distribution survey per summer for 3 years in 2016, 2017 and 2018 for a total of three juvenile surveys. Powers Creek Barrier Removal, Humboldt County -Conduct three winter juvenile videography surveys per year during 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017 to 2018 for a total of 9 surveys. - Conduct one juvenile distribution survey per summer for 3 years in 2016, 2017 and 2018 for a total of three juvenile surveys. -Conduct two coho and steelhead spawner surveys per winter for 3 winters during 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 for a total of six spawner surveys. Quarry Creek Barrier Removal, Humboldt County -Conduct three winter juvenile videography surveys per year during 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017 to 2018 for a total of 9 surveys. - Conduct one juvenile distribution survey per summer for 3 years in 2016, 2017 and 2018 for a total of three juvenile surveys. -Conduct two coho and steelhead spawner surveys per winter for 3 winters during 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 for a total of six spawner surveys. Salt River Levee Removal, Humboldt County -Conduct three winter juvenile surveys per year during 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017 to 2018 for a total of 9 surveys. -Conduct three summer juvenile surveys per year during 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017 to 2018 for a total of 9 surveys. Equipment Requirements: In addition to supplies, materials, and equipment stated above, the vendor shall provide an underwater camera capable of detecting presence and species of salmonids. In addition, Electrofishing equipment capable of sampling with a DC current will be provided. The total station (for surveying) provided by the firm should have at least a 2mm measurement accuracy, and be able to measure a distance of at least 5,000 ft. Personnel Requirements: The Contractor shall provide personnel licensed and experienced in performing required work, and shall have at least a Master's Degree in Fisheries Biology with relevant work experience in Coastal California. The Contractor should have: -Knowledge of salmonid passage criteria and fish passage restoration techniques in California to expedite the communication, analysis, design and reporting processes. -A minimum of 50 hours of electro-fishing experience on an annual basis for the past 5 years. -Experience conducting spawner surveys for coho salmon and steelhead in California with standard salmonid population data collection techniques such as electro fishing, and snorkel and spawning survey methods. Experience conducting fish passage evaluation and prioritization. -Experience using Fish Xing software. Performance Metrics. All monitoring and reporting work will be completed to satisfaction of the Contracting Officer's Representative. Contractor must submit a quality control plan within 10 days of award. In addition, the Contractor must submit an estimate of the cost to perform the tasks. See section B of the order for Performance Metrics, Standards, and Quality Assurance. Performance Period: Five (5) years from the date of award of the contract. Place of Performance: All locations are in the State of California -Glenbrook Gulch Dam Removal, Albion River, Mendocino County -Ryan Creek Barrier Removal, Eel River, Mendocino County -Fish Creek Barrier Removal, Eel River, Humboldt County -Woodman Creek Barrier Removal, Eel River, Mendocino County -Essex Gulch Barrier Removals, Mad River, Humboldt County -Strawberry Creek Barrier Removals, Coastal Stream, Humboldt County -Bridge Creek Barrier Removal, Eel River, Mendocino County -Powers Creek Barrier Removal, Mad River, Humboldt County -Quarry Creek Barrier Removal, Mad River, Humboldt County -Salt River Levee Removal, Eel River, Humboldt County Department of Labor Wage Determinations may be obtained at: State of California Del Norte, Humboldt, Siskiyou, and Mendocino Counties http://www.wdol.gov/wdol/scafiles/std/05-2055.txt Personnel involved in the performance of this order that are covered by the Service Contract Act are subject to the wages and fringe benefit determinations for respective counties listed above. 38. SCHEDULE OF DELIVERABLES The following is a schedule of deliverables, including administrative deliverables, required during the period of performance of this contract. This list is not all inclusive. The following clauses/provisions contain language that requiressubmission of information and/or deliverables in reference to the resulting contract, if applicable. 52.204-10, Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier subcontract Awards (If applicable)In accordance with ©, "Unless otherwise directed by the contracting officer, by the end of the month following the month o award o a first-tier subcontract with a value of $25,000 or more, (and any modifications to these subcontracts that change previously reported data), the Contractor shall report the following information at http://www.fsrs.gov for each first-tier subcontract." 52.209-6, Protecting the government's Interest when Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment In accordance with paragraph (d), the contractor shall notify the CO, in writing, before entering into a subcontract with a party (other than a subcontractor providing a commercially available off-the-shelf item) that is debarred, suspended or proposed for debarment. Certain information must be provided with this notification. 52.209-9, Updates of Publicly Available Information Regarding Responsibility Matters(a) The Contractor shall update FAPIIS on a semi-annual basis, throughout the life of the contract by posting the required information in the SAM.gov database. The Contractor may respond to posted comments from the government 1352.209-74 Organizational Conflict of Interest(c) The Contractor agrees it shall make an immediate and full disclosure, in writing, to the CO of any potential or actual organizational conflict of interest or the existence of any facts that may cause a reasonably prudent person to question the Contractor's impartiality because of the appearance or existence of bias or unfair competitive advantage. Such disclosure shall include a description of the actions the Contractor has taken or proposes to take in order to avoid, neutralize, or mitigate any resulting conflict of interest.. (f)...If the subcontractor's organizational conflict cannot be avoided, neutralized, or mitigated, the Contractor must obtain the written approval of the CO prior to entering into a subcontract. 52.219-28 Post-Award Small Business Program RepresentationThe Contractor shall re-represent its size status in accordance with this clause for the NAICS code that corresponds to this contract. 52.222-36, Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities(b) Postings. (The Contractor agrees to post employment notices stating - (i) The Contractor's obligation under the law to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employ and advance in employment qualified individuals with disabilities; and (ii) the rights of applicants and employees. (2) These notices shall be posted in conspicuous places that ae available to employees and applicants for employment. The Contractor shall ensure that applicants and employees with disabilities are informed of the contents of the notice (e.g.. the Contractor may have the notice read to a visually disabled individual, or may lower the posted notice so that it might be read by a person in a wheelchair(). The notices shall be in a form prescribed by the Deputy Assistance Secretary for Federal Contract Compliance of the U.S. Department of Labor (Deputy Assistance Secretary) and shall be provided by or through the Contracting Officer. (3) The Contractor shall notify 3each labor union or representative of workers with which it has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract understanding that the Contractor is bound by the terms of Section 503 of the Act and is committed to take affirmative action to employ, and advance in employment, qualified individuals with physical or mental disabilities. *52.222-37, Employment Reports Veterans(c) The Contractor shall report the above items by completing the Form VETS-100A, entitled "Federal Contractor Veterans' Employment Report (VETS-100A Report)." (d)The Contractor shall submit VETS-100A Reports no later than September 30 of each year. *52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons(d)Notification.The Contractor shall inform the CO immediately of - (1) Any information it receives from any source (including host country law enforcement) that alleges a Contractor employee, subcontractor, or subcontractor employee has engaged in conduct that violates this policy; and (2) Any actions taken against Contractor employees, subcontractors, or subcontractor employees pursuant to this clause. *52.222-54, Employment Eligibility VerificationTo use E-Verify to verify employment eligibility in accordance with the clause. 1352.237-74, Progress Reports and PWS Para 3.16, Monthly Progress ReportsA progress report is due 30 days after the effective date of the contract and every one (1) month thereafter during the period of performance. 1352.237-75, Key PersonnelAt least 15 days prior to making any permanent substitutions of designated key personnel, the Contractor shall obtain the consent of the CO. 52.233-1, DisputesRequirements for submitting a claim to the CO can be located in this section. 52.242-13, BankruptcyIf the Contractor enters into proceedings related to Bankruptcy, the Contractor agrees to furnish, by certified mail... written notification of the bankruptcy to the CO responsible for administering the contract. 52.242-15, Stop-Work OrderIn a situation where a stop-work order is issued, the Contractor shall assert its right to an adjustment within 30 day after the end of the period of work stoppage in accordance with (b)(2). Statement of Objectives, Paragraph entitled Deliverables - Individual and Comprehensive Report Development The Contractor shall prepare a findings report after each project monitoring event describing the monitoring that was conducted. Statement of Objectives, Paragraph entitled Deliverables - Biological Monitoring The contractor shall prepare a summary report of observed juveniles or spawners, including photos if relevant, of the monitoring event. 39. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY QUALITY ASSURANCE Monitoring, inspection, and acceptance of services will be in accordance with the Performance-Based Quality Assurance Plan) approved by the Contracting Officer. The Government will document and evaluate the Contractor's performance and submit the information in the Performance-Based Quality Assurance Monitoring forms. PERFORMANCE MEASURES The performance standards are identified below. The Contractor's performance will be evaluated periodically in accordance with the Performance-Based Quality Assurance Plan. The Contractor shall meet the acceptable performance standards as noted below. Failure to meet the standards during a specific period will result in the Contractor's submission of a quality control plan specifically identifying corrective actions within 5 days of notification. Failure to meet the standards during a second review period will result in corrective action and a reduction in the task order payment. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Required Services and Desired OutcomePerformance StandardAcceptable Quality Level (AQL)Surveillance Method/ MeasureIncentive/Deduc-tions a. Assess barrier removal project effectiveness by measuring stream gradient and cross sections at project sitesNOAA Open Rivers Initiative Physical Monitoring Protocols100% of sites assessed for passability before and after barrier removalRandom checks during field operations; examination of field reports for compliance. Not more than 1 validated deficiencies per task/location 5% deduction from invoice for failing b. Conduct biological monitoring of salmonid response to barrier removalPublished standards and project-specific protocols.100% of biological monitoring conducted Periodic review of methods selected and random checks of scientific notebooks. Not more than 1 validated deficiencies per task/location5% deduction from invoice for failing c. Prepare summary report of findings for each monitoring eventClear, concise, accurate and grammatically correct write-ups of results and activities.Submissions require only minor revisions.Review of written products. Not more than 2 validated deficiencies per task/location5% deduction from invoice for failing Note: Tasks/Deliverables listed above are not all inclusive, but are minimums, as to the performance of this task. 40. PERFORMANCE BASED QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVEILLANCE PLAN I. INTRODUCTION This Performance-Based Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) has been developed pursuant to the requirements of the Performance-Based Statement of Work in Solicitation No.. This plan sets forth procedures and guidelines that the Government will use in evaluating the technical performance of the Contractor. A copy of this plan will be furnished to the Contractor so that the Contractor will be aware of the methods that the Government will employ in evaluating performance on this contract and address any concerns that the Contractor may have prior to initiating work. II. PURPOSE OF THE QASP The QASP is intended to accomplish the following: - Define the roles and responsibilities of participating Government officials; - Define the types of work to be performed with required end results; - Describe the evaluation methods that will be employed by the Government in assessing the Contractor's performance; - Provide copies of the quality assurance monitoring forms that will be used by the Government in documenting and evaluating the Contractor's performance; and - Describe the process of performance documentation. III. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTICIPATING GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS The Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) will be responsible for monitoring, assessing, recording, and reporting on the technical performance of the Contractor. S/he will have the primary responsibility for completing "Quality Assurance Monitoring Forms" which s/he will use to document the inspection and evaluation of the Contractor's work performance. It is extremely important for the COR to establish and maintain a team-oriented line of communication with the Contractor's Project Manager (PM) and the PM's office staff in order to perform her/his monitoring functions. The COR, Contracting Officer (CO), and PM must work together as a team to ensure that required work is accomplished in an efficient and proper manner. IV. METHODOLOGIES TO BE USED TO MONITOR THE CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE Even though the Government, through its COR, will be monitoring the Contractor's performance on a continuing basis, the volume of tasks performed by the Contractor makes technical inspections of every task and step impractical. Accordingly, the Government will use a quality-assurance review process to monitor the Contractor's performance under this contract. The Contractor's performance will be evaluated by the COR in terms of a specific set of products and activities, according to two categories: Satisfactory: Level of performance that in the aggregate meets the Performance Standard; Deficiencies are minor and offset by outstanding elements of performance within the Standard; Unsatisfactory: Level of performance that in the aggregate fails to meet the Performance Standard; Deficiencies are pervasive; In general, the work will be evaluated in terms of how well the requirements of the contract are satisfied, the extent to which the work performed follows the approach found in the Contractor's technical proposal, clarity of documentation, and timeliness of scheduled task accomplishment. At the discretion of the COR or the Contracting Office or Specialist, other government officials approved by the Contracting Officer or Specialist may be asked to evaluate a particular deliverable or set of deliverables. V. QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORTING FORMS The COR will use a Quality Assurance Monitoring Form to document and evaluate the Contractor's performance under this contract. The form, when completed, will document the COR's understanding of Contractor requirements, what was actually completed, and the impact or consequences of what was not completed. The COR will evaluate each event in accordance with the following definitions of Contractor performance: Satisfactory: An acceptable level of performance which meets the minimum standards of performance; or Unsatisfactory: A level of performance which is not acceptable and which fails to meet the minimum standards of performance. The COR must substantiate all tasks which s/he judges to be indicative of "unsatisfactory" performance. Performance at the "satisfactory" level is expected from the Contractor. The COR will forward copies of all completed QA monitoring forms to the Contracting Officer and Contractor by the close of business on the days the forms were prepared. The Contractor is required to respond in writing to any negative QA monitoring form(s) within 5 working days after receipt of the form(s). VI. ANALYSIS OF SURVEILLANCE RESULTS The CO will review each QA monitoring form prepared by the COR. When appropriate, the CO may investigate the event further to determine if all the facts and circumstances surrounding the event were considered in the COR opinions outlined on the forms. The CO will immediately discuss every event receiving a substandard rating with the Contractor to assure that corrective action is promptly initiated. At the end of every monitoring event at each project location, the COR will prepare a written report for the CO summarizing the overall results of his/her surveillance of the Contractor's performance. This report will become part of the formal QA documents. VII. QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT The COR will assess the Contractor's performance over the preceding contract period using the rating elements listed in the "Performance Requirement" column, and the Performance Standards associated with the rating elements. The Contractor's performance in each rating area will evaluated adjectivally as Unsatisfactory or Satisfactory, using the following definitions of Contractor performance: Satisfactory: Level of performance that in the aggregate meets the Performance Standard; Deficiencies are minor and offset by outstanding elements of performance within the Standard. Unsatisfactory: Level of performance that in the aggregate fails to meet the Performance Standard; Deficiencies are pervasive. The COR will meet and assess the Contractor's performance collectively. The Contractor's performance in each rating area will be determined. The Contracting Officer and the COR will contact the Contractor to discuss an "Unsatisfactory" rating in any of performance rating areas prior to making a final determination on that element of contract performance. The Contractor may respond in writing to each "Unsatisfactory" rating within 5 working days after the discussion, and the COR will consider such responses before making a final rating determination. Performance at the "satisfactory" level is expected from the Contractor and may not be documented in detail. The level of performance is deemed to be unsatisfactory for more than one task order, the remedies at 52.246-4 (e) will be assessed against the Contractor. Costs associated with the work products that are returned for revision due to failure to meet the pre-stated standards shall be considered "replaced or corrected services." As such, costs for these services shall only be payable subject to the condition set forth in the inspection clause of this contract. (Monitoring form could also be more of a check list reflecting the performance standards. QUALITY ASSURANCE MONITORING FORM WORK TASK: ______________________________________________________________________ SURVEY PERIOD: __________________________________________________________________ METHOD OF SURVEILLANCE: COR REVIEW: _________________________________________ EVALUATION OF CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE: ___________________________________ NARRATIVE DISCUSSION OF CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE: ________________________ DURING SURVEY PERIOD: __________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ PREPARED BY: _____________________________________ DATE: _____________________________________________ ATTACHMENT: ATTACHMENT A: Pricing Schedule WC133F-14-RQ-0142 OPEN RIVERS FISH PASSAGE IMPLEMENTATION AND EFFECTIVENESS MONITORING IN NORTHERN COASTAL CAIFORNIA
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