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45 -- Three Step Sink

Notice Date
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Sources Sought
238220 — Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors
Contracting Office
Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, NSWC Panama City Division, Code B32, 110 Vernon Ave, Panama City, Florida, 32407, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Sharon Hess, Phone: 8502344413
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
GOVERNMENT SOURCES SOUG H T · ' REQ U E ST FOR INFORMATION (R F I) for ENHANCED TRAY RATION HEATING SANITATION S YS T EM ( ETRHSS ) SINK BAS I N, AND RELATED COMPONENTS, FOR P OTENT I AL USE WITH U S M C FIEL D K IT C HENS. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR P R O POSALS. This RFI is for commercially available and fabricated components that are adaptable for use as part of an Enhanced Tray Ration Heating Sink (ETRHSS) and a ss o ciated components. The ETRHSS i s a pac k a g ed sy s tem that provides a means for e f f ecti v ely sanitizing food service equipme n t and food preparation utensils in military field operating e n v ironmen t s with associated field kitche n s. The E T RHSS will provide a 3-step was h, r i n s e, and s anit i z ing p r o c e s s. The sink basin comprises the core of the ETRHSS sy s te m, a n d is welded assembly c o ns i s t i 1g of a thre e ­ sink basi n, firebox, heat exchangers, and exhaus t, and utilizes a standard fielded fue l - fired burner for heatin g of the w a ter in the sinks. Current interest is purchasing 2 prototypes for evaluation under a small purchase award. There is a potential future production run of 70 units. Backgrow1d inf o : The ETRHSS i s intended to become part of the Enhanced - Tray Ration Heating S y s tem (E- T RHS ), a U SMC group field feeding p l a tform designed to feed 250 Warfighters. The E - TRHS uses t h e k i tchen-in- a - b o x conce p t. All of the required cooking appliance s, utensil s, and serving wares are packed in an easily transportable container, the Small F ield Ref r i g eration System ( S FR S ). When a suitab l e cook i ng and s e r v i n g s i te i s found, the box i s opened u p, the kitchen is set up outside the containe r, the re f rigeration i s turne d on and the container is filled w ith se m i-p e rishable or perishable food. For stowage of t he ETRHS S, an identified space within the SFRS will be utilized. R esp o n ses Responses to this RFI should include supporting m a t erials that provides a d emo n s · :ration of yo u r company's capabilitie s, experienc e, and overall understanding of t he evaluation criteria that NSWC Panama C ity y Di v i s ion h a s identified. The f ollowing information is requested ( please indicate if t h e i nformati o n is an estimate or actual ). A develop m e n t cost ROM i s requ e s ted where an of f -the - s helf estimate i s not ava i l a b le for the crit e r i a listed above. l. D e s c ript i on of the product(s) and / or techn o l ogy as it applies to t he ev a l u ation list above 2. P r o du c t Development history and status 3. P r o duct application and hi st o ry of fielded systems 4. I n s t allation a nd in t egration requirements 5. R OM c ost and development s c h e dule for a p ro t o t y pe system 6. R OM c o s t and l e a d time 7. US M ilit a r y applications includin g points o f contact NSWC PCD requ e sts y o ur respo n s e s b y 10:00 am ( C ST ), Aug 30, 20 1 4. Submissions will be ac c epted after t h is dat e, but feedback may n o t b e as time ly or contribute to NSWC P CD strategic planning. Infor m a t i o n should be mailed to the Contract Special i st Sharon Hess ( Sharon.hess@navy.mil ) and labeled with the RFI s o l i cita t ion numb e r and title. Qu e s tions can be s ubmitted electronically to the technical point of contact John Ducote at john.ducote@navy.mil. Information p r o v ided will be t re a ted as B u s i n ess Se n s itive and will not be shared outside of Gover n ment a ctivities and agencies without the permission of the provider. All information shall be provided free of c h a rge to the Government. NSWC PCD may request further information r egarding the capabilities of respondents to meet the requirements and m a y request a presentation an d / or a site visit as d e e med necessary. At no cost to the government, responding vendors may continue technical dialogue with this market survey's Point of Contact after the initial response is provide d. T his is a Sources Sought announcement, a mark e t survey for written i n 1 ormation only. This is not a solicitation announcement for proposals and no contract will be aw a rded from th i s announcement.
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: 110 Vernon Avenue, Panama City, Florida, 32407, United States
Zip Code: 32407
SN03475480-W 20140823/140822000341-d839599682cb1270474b2897c951827f (fbodaily.com)
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