45 -- Three Step Sink
- Notice Date
- 8/21/2014
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 238220
— Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, NSWC Panama City Division, Code B32, 110 Vernon Ave, Panama City, Florida, 32407, United States
- ZIP Code
- 32407
- Solicitation Number
- N61331-14-SN-Q09
- Archive Date
- 9/13/2014
- Point of Contact
- Sharon Hess, Phone: 8502344413
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- GOVERNMENT SOURCES SOUG H T · ' REQ U E ST FOR INFORMATION (R F I) for ENHANCED TRAY RATION HEATING SANITATION S YS T EM ( ETRHSS ) SINK BAS I N, AND RELATED COMPONENTS, FOR P OTENT I AL USE WITH U S M C FIEL D K IT C HENS. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR P R O POSALS. This RFI is for commercially available and fabricated components that are adaptable for use as part of an Enhanced Tray Ration Heating Sink (ETRHSS) and a ss o ciated components. The ETRHSS i s a pac k a g ed sy s tem that provides a means for e f f ecti v ely sanitizing food service equipme n t and food preparation utensils in military field operating e n v ironmen t s with associated field kitche n s. The E T RHSS will provide a 3-step was h, r i n s e, and s anit i z ing p r o c e s s. The sink basin comprises the core of the ETRHSS sy s te m, a n d is welded assembly c o ns i s t i 1g of a thre e ­ sink basi n, firebox, heat exchangers, and exhaus t, and utilizes a standard fielded fue l - fired burner for heatin g of the w a ter in the sinks. Current interest is purchasing 2 prototypes for evaluation under a small purchase award. There is a potential future production run of 70 units. Backgrow1d inf o : The ETRHSS i s intended to become part of the Enhanced - Tray Ration Heating S y s tem (E- T RHS ), a U SMC group field feeding p l a tform designed to feed 250 Warfighters. The E - TRHS uses t h e k i tchen-in- a - b o x conce p t. All of the required cooking appliance s, utensil s, and serving wares are packed in an easily transportable container, the Small F ield Ref r i g eration System ( S FR S ). When a suitab l e cook i ng and s e r v i n g s i te i s found, the box i s opened u p, the kitchen is set up outside the containe r, the re f rigeration i s turne d on and the container is filled w ith se m i-p e rishable or perishable food. For stowage of t he ETRHS S, an identified space within the SFRS will be utilized. R esp o n ses Responses to this RFI should include supporting m a t erials that provides a d emo n s · :ration of yo u r company's capabilitie s, experienc e, and overall understanding of t he evaluation criteria that NSWC Panama C ity y Di v i s ion h a s identified. The f ollowing information is requested ( please indicate if t h e i nformati o n is an estimate or actual ). A develop m e n t cost ROM i s requ e s ted where an of f -the - s helf estimate i s not ava i l a b le for the crit e r i a listed above. l. D e s c ript i on of the product(s) and / or techn o l ogy as it applies to t he ev a l u ation list above 2. P r o du c t Development history and status 3. P r o duct application and hi st o ry of fielded systems 4. I n s t allation a nd in t egration requirements 5. R OM c ost and development s c h e dule for a p ro t o t y pe system 6. R OM c o s t and l e a d time 7. US M ilit a r y applications includin g points o f contact NSWC PCD requ e sts y o ur respo n s e s b y 10:00 am ( C ST ), Aug 30, 20 1 4. Submissions will be ac c epted after t h is dat e, but feedback may n o t b e as time ly or contribute to NSWC P CD strategic planning. Infor m a t i o n should be mailed to the Contract Special i st Sharon Hess ( ) and labeled with the RFI s o l i cita t ion numb e r and title. Qu e s tions can be s ubmitted electronically to the technical point of contact John Ducote at Information p r o v ided will be t re a ted as B u s i n ess Se n s itive and will not be shared outside of Gover n ment a ctivities and agencies without the permission of the provider. All information shall be provided free of c h a rge to the Government. NSWC PCD may request further information r egarding the capabilities of respondents to meet the requirements and m a y request a presentation an d / or a site visit as d e e med necessary. At no cost to the government, responding vendors may continue technical dialogue with this market survey's Point of Contact after the initial response is provide d. T his is a Sources Sought announcement, a mark e t survey for written i n 1 ormation only. This is not a solicitation announcement for proposals and no contract will be aw a rded from th i s announcement.
- Web Link
- Permalink
- Place of Performance
- Address: 110 Vernon Avenue, Panama City, Florida, 32407, United States
- Zip Code: 32407
- Zip Code: 32407
- Record
- SN03475480-W 20140823/140822000341-d839599682cb1270474b2897c951827f (
- Source
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