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42 -- Bulk Delivery of Class A Foam to Camp Pendleton - Package #1

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
325998 — All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing
Contracting Office
Department of the Navy, United States Marine Corps, MCB Camp Pendleton - RCO, PO Box 1609, Oceanside, California, 92051-1609, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Angela R. Chavez, Phone: 7607253919
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
SOLICITATION SF1449 - M00681-14-T-0079 BULK DELIVERY CLASS A FOAM This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with a cq u i s ition pro c ed u r es provided in FAR Subpart 12.6, as a supplement with additional information included in this notice. This announcement and attached solicitation M00681-14-T-0079 ; are being requested and a separate solicitation will not be issued. This solicitation document and incorporated provision and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular FAC 2005-75 and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement, current to DPN 20131231. A s a r es u lt o f t h is a u t h or it y, c er tain r e q u ire m e n ts f o r s o liciti n g, a w a rd i ng, a n d n o ti f y i n g q u o te s a r e s tre a m li n e d. I n a c c ord a n ce w ith F A R 12. 102( c ), w h en a po licy in a n o t h er p a r t is i n c o ns i s te n t w ith F A R P a r t 12, P a r t 1 2 sh all ta k e pr e c e d e n c e. This procurement is a 100% small business set-aside and the associated North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code for this procurement is 325998, Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing with a small size standard of 500. This requirement is a Small Business set-aside and only qualified offerors may submit quotes. R es po ns es to t h is s o licitati o n a r e c o ns i d e r ed q u o tati o n s a n d n o t o ff e r s. I n t h o s e i ns ta n c e s w h e r e t h e w ord s o ff e r, o ff e ror, a n d propo s al a r e us e d, t h e r e ad er sh o u ld un d e r s ta n d t h at t h e us e o f su ch w ord s do es n o t c h a ng e t h e n at u r e o f t h is r e q u est f o r q u o tati o n. T h e r es u lti n g a w a r d w ill b e a Firm Fixed Price Type C o n tra c t f o r transportation and delivery of Class A Foam for Wild Fire Management that must meet the US Department of Agriculture Forest Service Specification 5100-307a- Specification for Fire Suppressant Foam for Wildland Firefighting (Class A Foam), as Amended 17 May 2010, in support of Marine Corps Installation West, Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California. SUBMISSION OF QUOTE: QUOTES m us t b e received by the Government no later t h an t h e d ate a n d ti m e MONDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 2014 11:00 AM (PST). Contractor submitted quotes that fail to provide all required information due to a transmission error may be rejected as non-responsive. DELIVERY OF QUOTE: Q u o tes m ay b e e m aile d o r su b m itted b y c o mm e r cial c o u r ier s e r v ice ( Fe d E x, U P S, etc.). Fa x ed q u o tati o n s w ill n o t b e a c c ep te d. Contractors bear the burden of ensuring that quotes (and any authorized amendments) reach the designated office on time. All pages of the quote must reach the office before the deadline specified in this solicitation. Mail Delivery: Quotes sent by commercial courier services should be addressed to the following. Regional Contracting Office, MCI-West USMC Attn: Angela Chavez Building B22180 MCB Camp Pendleton, CA 92055 Email Submission: For email submission, the Government office designated for receipt of the quotes the email addresses indicated below. Notwithstanding the provisions at FAR 52.212-1(f) or FAR 52.215-1(c)(3), delivery is not accomplished until the addressee can open the email; delivery to a server or an email inbox on a server is not considered delivery to the designated Government office and the quotation is not under the Government's control until the addressee can open the email. The email shall not be considered to be delivered unless the entire content of the email and all attachments can be read by the addressee indicated above. Receipt of an electronic acknowledgment from the addressee establishes that a record was received but does not establish that the content sent corresponds to the content received. Email attachments are limited to no more than 2MB. Offerors are specifically warned that email may be subjected to spam filters or attachment stripping. All submissions shall be submitted to the email addresses: angela.chavez@usmc.mil SYS T EM FOR A W A R D M A N A G E M E NT ( S A M ) : C o n tra c t or s m us t b e c u rr e n tly r e g i s te r ed in t h e S y s tem f o r A w a r d M a n a g e m e n t ( S A M) to eli g i b le f o r a w a rd. F o r i n f or m ati o n a n d r e g i s trati o n g o to h tt p :// www. s a m. g o v. REFERENCE THE FOLLOWING ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 : REQUEST FOR QUOTE INFORMATION SF1449 REQUIRED CONTENT OF QUOTE: Contractor submitted quotes that fail to provide all required information due to a transmission error may be rejected as non-responsive. Offerors must submit a COMPLETE QUOTE addressing (a), and (b) as follows: •(a) Price-- Completion of this SF 1449 Solicitation •(b) Technical Acceptability-- Provide proof that the Class A Foam for Wild Fire Management meets the US Department of Agriculture Forest Service Specification 5100-307a- Specification for Fire Suppressant Foam for Wildland Firefighting (Class A Foam), as Amended 17 May 2010 (as stated in SOW 2.1). Page limit NTE of 2. Incomplete QUOTES may not be considered Basis of Award: Lowest Price Acceptable - Awardee shall be the lowest evaluated price of quotes meeting or exceeding the non-price factors provided above. If during the evaluation period it is determined to be in the best interest of the Government to hold discussions, Offeror responses to clarifications/discussion notices will be considered in making the award decision. T h e G o v e r n m e n t r ese r v es t h e r i gh t to m a k e a w a r d s o lely o n i n itial q u o tes r e c ei v e d.
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California, 92055-5211, United States
Zip Code: 92055-5211
SN03503968-W 20140912/140910234800-06d82e6ea3f7ee76427873aea0a88d3c (fbodaily.com)
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