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R -- REQUEST FOR OFFER: Controller Training Contract (CTC) - Amendment 0002 - Attachment

Notice Date
Notice Type
611519 — Other Technical and Trade Schools
Contracting Office
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Scott Bukovec, scott.bukovec@faa.gov, Phone: 202-267-9157
E-Mail Address
Click here to email Scott Bukovec
Small Business Set-Aside
10/06/2014 - Amendment 0002: This amendment is to provide updated content for Sections C, H, L and M; and Attachments J-5, L-1 and L-3 of the SIR. Also included with this announcement are the FAA responses to industry questions regarding SIR No. DTFAWA-14-R-00023. The nine (9) files listed below comprise the Amendment 0002 package and are included as attachments to this announcement: 1. Amendment 0002, SIR # DTFAWA-14-R-00023 (SF-30) - All offerors must provide amendment acknowledgement, per Block 11 of this form - The Offeror must include the properly acknowledged SF-30 for this amendment in their Volume VI - Miscellaneous final proposal submission 2. FAA Responses to Industry Questions_DTFAWA-14-R-00023 - Attached are the FAA responses to all questions received regarding the 09/19/2014 SIR 3. The attached revised Section C, Amendment 0002, hereby replaces previous Section C in its entirety. The changes to the section are as follows: Paragraph C. corrected the Section F reference to read, F.8 4. The attached revised Section H, Amendment 0002, hereby replaces previous Section H in its entirety. The changes to the section are as follows: Updated the table in paragraph H.8.1 with the following corrected Department of Labor Occupation Codes: 15050, 14041, and 30462 5. The attached revised Attachment J-5, Data Item Descriptions, Amendment 0002, hereby replaces the previous Attachment J-5 in its entirety. The changes to the attachment are as follows: Updated the ANSI standard to ANSI/ISO/ASQ 9001-2008 6. The attached revised Section L, Amendment 0002, hereby replaces previous Section L, to include Attachments L-1 and L-3 in their entirety. The specific changes are as follows: a. SECTION L: (1) Paragraph L.8 Changed the example file naming convention to replace the slash (/) with a dash (-) so the file could be saved in MS Office format. (2) Paragraph L.9.4.1 Added within the parenthetical after Attachment L-3, as modified by this amendment . (3) Paragraph L.9.6 Added new subparagraphs as follows: (c) If appropriate and applicable, Offerors must submit an Organizational Conflict of Interest Plan in accordance with AMS clause (d) Acknowledgement of any/all SIR amendments, by signature on each applicable Standard Form 30. b. SECTION L, Attachment L-1 CTC Web Portal Instructions: Table L.1-1, Naming Conventions. Changed the KSN file name for Volume II to replace the slash (/) with a dash (-) so the file could be saved in MS Office format. c. SECTION L, Attachment L-3 Price Evaluation Tool: Made changes/updates to the following Tabs within the tool: (1) Instructions Tab The first sentence under the Instructions column is changed as follows: Offerors must enter a price for each contract year for CLINs x001A x001B on the FixedPrice_CLINs worksheet (2) Summary Tab Row 27, change T&M Task Order Activity (Direct Labor) to read T&M Task Order Activity Row 33, change Total Direct Labor (T&M) to read Total T&M Task Order Activity (3) Projected_T&M_Hours Tab The hours in rows 155 182 have been corrected to reflect the same total hours in both summary cells F377 and LO182 of 5,546,357. (4) Multiple Tabs throughout L-3 Formatting of all relevant input cells has been modified to allow for input of numbers with up to two decimal places. The updated tabs are as follows: Rate_Group1 Rate_Group2 Rate_Group3 FixedPrice_Academy_Courses x001C_OnSiteSupervision x001D_MaintRev T&M_Academy_Courses Travel_ODCs Sample_Problem 7. The attached revised Section M, Amendment 0002, hereby replaces previous Section M in its entirety. The changes to the section are as follows: a. Updated Table M.-3 to change the term Contractor to Offeror in the Sufficient and Low rating definitions for consistency with the High rating definition. b. Added the following sentences to paragraph M.4 There is no single composite volume-level rating of the Cost/Price Volume. For the best value assessment, the SEB will consider the TEP and the corresponding risk rating. The dollar-value of the TEC will not be part of the best value assessment; however it will serve as the basis for the risk assessment of the offeror s cost to provide the proposed solution to the sample problem. The risk rating associated with the TEC will also be considered in the best value assessment but it is less important than the risk rating associated with the overall TEP. The best value trade-off of the non-cost factors (Technical/Management Approach and Past Performance) and the Cost/Price evaluation will be based on the order of importance defined in Section M.5. 8. The following change has been made to the original 09/19/2014 announcement regarding the NAICS Code 611519, in order to correct a typographical error: $10 million corrected to read $15 million All other terms and conditions of this SIR remain unchanged, and the proposal due date remains as previously established. Should you have any questions concerning this amendment, please contact Scott Bukovec, Contracting Officer, at 202-267-9157 or by email (scott.bukovec@faa.gov) *** END OF AMENDMENT *** ========================================================================================= 09/26/2014 Correction to Amendment 0001: The purpose of this correction to Amendment 0001 (posted 9/25/2014) is to provide the SF-30 "AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION" form that was inadvertently omitted from the original posting. The form is provided as an attachment to this announcement. No other changes have been made to the 09/25/2014 FAACO Amendment 0001 posting. ========================================================================================= 09/25/2014 - Amendment 0001: This amendment is to provide updated content for Sections B, L and M of the SIR. The five (5) files listed below comprise the Amendment 0001 package and are included in the attachments to this announcement: 1. Amendment 0001, SIR # DTFAWA-14-R-00023 (SF-30) - All offerors must provide amendment acknowledgement, per Block 11 of this form - The Offeror must include the properly acknowledged SF-30 for this amendment in their Volume VI - Miscellaneous final proposal submission 2. The attached revised Section B, Amendment 0001, hereby replaces previous Section B in its entirety. The changes to the section are as follows: a. Corrected the paragraph numbering after B.3 to fix an error caused by the MS Word auto numbering feature. b. Paragraph B.4 (page B-2). Added the following sentence: The FAA reserves the right to negotiate and add additional Labor Categories and associated T&M rates to the contract after award. 3. The attached revised Section L, Amendment 0001, hereby replaces previous Section L, to include Attachments L-1 and L-3 in their entirety. The specific changes are as follows: a. Paragraph L. Added the following clarifying language to the Total Evaluation Cost of Sample Problem Response section: The BOE must identify all ground rules, methodologies, assumptions, and any Government-furnished items that the proposed prices depend upon. The labor categories for the Sample Problem are not limited to the T&M labor categories listed in J-2; Offerors may propose additional labor categories, which must be defined within the BOE of the Sample Problem and include education and experience qualifications. b. Attachment L-1, CTC Web Portal Instructions, Paragraph 2.1 Limitations. Clarification provided that each Prime Offeror may designate both a Primary and an Alternate Point of Contact for access to their KSN Web Portal User Account. c. Attachment L-3, Price Evaluation Tool. Added the following worksheets with associated instructions to the tool: 1) Innovation: This worksheet provides the estimated dollar value by contract year for work that may be ordered by the FAA under the SOW paragraph C.4.6, Innovation Support. The instructions state that the amounts will be added to each Offeror s TEP calculation, however; the amount is not related to the Offeror s TEC derived from the Sample Problem worksheet. 2) Sample Problem: This worksheet provides Offerors the mechanism for submitting their proposed cost for their Sample Problem solution. Depending on their proposed solution, Offerors must enter Labor Categories from either Attachment J-2 or other labor categories not in Attachment J-2. The summary of all proposed costs and hours are totaled in the template and represent the Offeror s Total Evaluated Cost (TEC) for the Sample Problem response. 3) Projection T&M Hours Worksheet : Removed language the hours presented are subject to change before final SIR release, as this language is no longer applicable. 4. The attached revised Section M, Amendment 0001, hereby replaces previous Section M in its entirety. The specific changes are as follows: a. M.7.4.2, Risk Assessment of the Sample Problem Total Evaluated Cost, the following language is deleted: 1) c) Consistency with the technical approach to the Sample Problem, and 2) d) Balance relative to pricing for the scope of efforts addressed by Part A of the Cost/Price Volume 3) The four qualitative factors are of equal importance. The following language is hereby added: 1) In addition to a) and b) above, the Government will assess these two factors for consistency with the technical approach to the Sample Problem in determining the reasonableness and realism of the pricing approach. All other terms and conditions of this SIR remain unchanged, and the proposal due date remains as previously established. Should you have any questions concerning this amendment, please contact Scott Bukovec, Contracting Officer, at 202-267-9157 or by email (scott.bukovec@faa.gov) *** END OF AMENDMENT *** ========================================================================================= 09/22/2014 FAACO Announcement Correction: NOTE: This FAACO Announcement Correction is to provide changes to the FAACO announcement and does not represent a formal Amendment to Solicitation No. DTFAWA-14-R-00023. Accordingly, acknowledgement of this FAACO Announcement Correction is not required by prospective offerors. Changes: 1) The Date / Time Closed information in the opening of FAACO announcement is corrected to read: 10/20/2014 / 12:00 PM (local). This correction is necessary to align the Date / Time Closed with the information listed in SIR Section L.4 and the Announcement Abstract. 2) The CTC Interested Parties List posted on 09/19/2014 has been removed and replaced with file name: CTC_Interested_Parties_List_9-22-2014_ Revision.xls. Please disregard previous version posted on 09/19/2014. No other changes have been made to the 09/19/2014 FAACO Announcement. ========================================================================================= References: a. Controller Training Contract Market Survey/Request for Information, Solicitation # 15383, dated 11/25/13 b. Controller Training Contract Information Update, Solicitation # 16260, dated 5/9/14 c. Controller Training Contract (CTC) Draft SIR Public Announcement, Solicitation # DTFAWA-14-R-00CTC, dated 6/17/14 d. Controller Training Contract (CTC) Draft SIR #2 and FAA Responses to Vendor Comments, Solicitation #17700, dated 8/29/14 e. CTC Solicitation #17700-001, correction to Solicitation #17700, dated 9/3/14 1. The FAA has a continuous requirement for training and training support services for its air traffic controller workforce. This includes program management, training support at the FAA Academy and Air Traffic Control (ATC) facilities, training development, maintenance and revision, and air traffic training, administrative, and innovation support. This requirement supports the FAA's ongoing effort to provide the flying public with a high level of safety and professionalism by ensuring that air traffic controllers are appropriately trained. The FAA plans to hire over 11,700 new air traffic controllers through Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 to replace the large number of controllers that were hired after the air traffic controller strike of 1981 and are now eligible to retire. In addition to the training required for these new controllers, FAA also provides recurrent training to active air traffic control specialists. CTC will serve as the main vehicle for all training and training support services necessary at all types and levels of ATC facilities. This enterprise-wide contract will enable FAA and the Safety and Technical Training Organization (AJI) to meet its responsibility to train controllers for duty in the National Airspace System (NAS) and will help the organization to mitigate impacts to the NAS resulting from controller shortages, which is a key component of the FAA s near and long-term strategic planning. This vehicle will also aid the FAA in its implementation of training innovations that can be adapted to new technologies, particularly those related to the NextGen program. 2. This solicitation/request for offer is available for FULL AND OPEN competition and does not contain a set-aside restriction. Both large and small businesses may participate in this RFO/SIR. The FAA intends to make a single award from this RFO/SIR and reserves the right to make no award if it is in the best interest of the FAA. 3. In addition to a number of minor updates, clarifications, and revisions that have been made to the SIR since the second draft was issued on 8/29/14, the FAA would like to highlight the following specific changes in this final SIR: a. Section B: 1) Deleted Tables B.4.2.2 and B.4.2.3 2) Revised all CLIN tables and placed them at the end of Section B. b. Section C: 1) C.4.1.1, Contract-wide Program Manager Clarified the program manager s responsibilities 2) C.4.1.2, Academy-based Program Manager Clarified the Academy-based program manager s responsibilities 3) C., Academy-based Program Management Reviews (PMR) Clarified that Academy-based PMRs would be ordered via task order. c. Section G, Paragraph G.7 Invoicing Instructions - Revised the paragraph to include additional data elements and submission requirements for the monthly invoice. d. Section L 1) Added AMS clause,, Electronic Offers 2) Table L-1 Removed the page limit on Part B of the Cost/Price Volume 3) L.9.2.1, Sub-factor 1.3, Instructional Capabilities - Added an additional bullet that requires offerors to describe their approach to providing the full scope of effort and revised the now second bullet to require offerors to describe their approach and ability to provide sufficient quantities of staff. 4) L.9.2.4, Factor 4, Sample Problem Response - Added an additional bullet requesting information regarding Offerors proposed staffing plans in support of their sample problem response. 5) L.9.4 Clarified the Cost/Price submission requirements under Parts A and B. 6) L. Clarified the requirements for the Basis of Estimates for CLINS x001A and x001B. e. Section M 1) M.7.2.1, Sub-factor 1.3, Instructional Capabilities - Revised the bullets to align with the changes made in L.9.2.1 2) M.7.4.1, Cost/Price Evaluation Factors Deleted order of importance language as it relates to Total Evaluated Price and Total Evaluated Cost. 3) M.7.4.2 Deleted the sensitivity analysis consideration as part of the assessment of risk associated with an offeror s total evaluated price. Also deleted the statement: The four qualitative factors are of equal importance. 4. CORRECTION (10/06/2014) The applicable NAICS Code for this requirement is 611519 -- Other Technical and Trade Schools. For this code a small business is defined as a concern which had annual gross revenues of $15 million or less during the each of the last three fiscal years. 5. For purposes of establishing potential teaming arrangements for CTC, an Interested Parties list is included with this announcement. 6. All interested parties are referred to the attached SIR and all attachments. All responses to this SIR must be submitted electronically to the FAA s CTC Procurement KSN Site. Instructions for establishing a KSN account and submitting proposals may be found in Section L, Attachment L-1 of the CTC SIR. 7. The date and time for receipt of responses is 12:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, October 20th, 2014 (facsimile and email responses are not permitted). Any responses received after that date and time will not be considered in accordance with AMS provision, Late Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals for Submittals. Proposal submissions must be in accordance with Section L of the SIR. If all requested information is not furnished, the vendor's response may be determined unacceptable. Oral or written communications with offerors, during the screening process, may be conducted if the FAA deems communication is necessary. 8. Questions/comments/concerns regarding this SIR must be submitted via email no later than 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on September 30th, 2014 to the Contracting Officer at scott.bukovec@faa.gov. No inquires will be accepted after that time. If you're viewing this announcement from a source other than Federal Aviation Administration Contract Opportunities (FAACO), visit https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/announcement/view/18141 to view the original announcement.
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-2_Minimum_Personnel_Qualifications (docx) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45481)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45481

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-6_Wage_Determinations (docx) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45482)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45482

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-2_Appendix_B (docx) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45473)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45473

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_G (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45483)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45483

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-1_Site_List (xls) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45484)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45484

File Name: CTC_Interested_Parties_List_9-22-2014_ Revision (xls) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45480)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45480

File Name: Amendment 0002 SIR #DTFAWA-14-R-00023 (SF-30) (pdf) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45513)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45513

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_M_Amendment_0002 (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45511)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45511

File Name: FAA Responses to Industry Questions_DTFAWA-14-R-00023 (docx) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45512)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45512

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_L-3_Price_Evaluation_Tool_Amendment_0002 (xlsm) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45510)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45510

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-0_Programmatic_Objectives (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45478)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45478

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-2_Appendix_A (docx) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45479)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45479

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_L-4_Sample_Problem (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45474)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45474

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-3_Academy_Course_Descriptions (docx) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45475)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45475

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_F (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45485)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45485

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-0_Appendix_A_Academy_Course_Schedules (xlsx) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45476)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45476

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-4_CDRLs (xlsx) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45488)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45488

File Name: Amendment 0001 SIR #DTFAWA-14-R-00023 (SF-30) (pdf) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45487)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45487

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_L-2_Past_Performance_Questionnaire (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45494)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45494

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_J (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45495)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45495

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_E (docx) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45492)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45492

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_I (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45493)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45493

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-5_DID_003_MSR (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45490)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45490

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_A (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45491)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45491

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_D (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45501)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45501

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_B_Amendment 0001 (docx) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45502)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45502

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_L_Amendment 0002 (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45508)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45508

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_L-1_Web_Portal_Instructions_Amendment_0002 (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45509)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45509

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_C_Amendment 0002 (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45504)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45504

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_H_Amendment 0002 (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45505)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45505

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-5_DID_001_PMP (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45506)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45506

File Name: CTC_SIR_Attachment_J-5_DID_002_QMP_Amendment 0002 (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45507)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45507

File Name: CTC_SIR_Section_K (doc) (https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45496)
Link: https://faaco.faa.gov/index.cfm/attachment/download/45496

Note: If links are broken, refer to Point of Contact above or contact the FBO Help Desk at 877-472-3779.
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