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23 -- Procurement of Ground Transportation for the Kuwait Resident Office

Notice Date
Notice Type
532112 — Passenger Car Leasing
Contracting Office
USACE Middle East District, P.O. Box 2250, Winchester, VA 22604-1450
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Andrea Lewis Weakley, 540-665-6745
E-Mail Address
USACE Middle East District
Small Business Set-Aside
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. Description: (i) This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for a commercial item prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. (ii) The solicitation number is W912ER-15-T-0001 and the solicitation is issued as a Request for Quote (RFQ). (iii) The full text of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations supplement (DFARs) can be accessed on the Internet at http://www.arnet.gov/far/.(iv) The associated NAICS code for this acquisition is 532112 and the small business size standard of $38,500,000.00. (v) Quotes must be broken down and prices shown for each of the following Contract Line Item Numbers (CLIN): (vi) The Period of Performance delivery date is 01 Nov 2014 - 31 Oct 2015, plus option periods as stated in the Statement of Work. (vii) The provision at 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors - Commercial Items, applies to this solicitation. (vii) The provision at 52.212-2, Evaluation - Commercial Items, is applicable to this solicitation. This RFQ utilizes the lowest price technically acceptable (LPTA) source selection method: Award shall be made to the responsible Offeror whose proposal is determined to have the lowest reasonable price and meets the technical requirements in accordance with the statement of work. In evaluating quotes, the Government will consider the following evaluation factor: Price (ix) The provision at 52.212-3, Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items, applies to this solicitation. The contractor must return a completed copy of this provision with its proposal or certify that it has current representations and certifications at the www.sam.gov website. A written notice of award or acceptance of an offer mailed or otherwise furnished to the successful offeror within the time for acceptance specified in the offer, shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party. Before the offer's specified expiration time, the Government may accept an offer (or part of an offer), whether or not there are negotiations after its receipt, unless a written notice of withdrawal is received before award. (x) The clause at 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions - Commercial Items, applies to this acquisition. (xi) The clause at 52.212-5, Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders applies to this acquisition. The following items under Clause 52.212-5 are considered checked and applicable to this acquisition: (1), 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons, Alternate I (2) 52.203-6, Restrictions on Subcontracting Sales to the Government with Alternate I. (3) 52 204-10, Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontracting Awards (4) 52.209-6, Protecting the Government's Interest When Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (5) 52.209-7, Information Regarding Responsibility Matters (6) 52.209-9, Updates of publicly Available Information Regarding Responsibility Matters (b) (24) 52.222-19, Child Labor Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies (b) (35) 52.223-18, Contractor Policy to Ban Text Messaging While Driving (b) (39) 52.225-13, Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (June 2008) (xii) THE FOLLOWING FAR PROVISIONS/ CLAUSES APPLY TO THIS ACQUISITION: 52.209-5, Certification Regarding Responsibility Matters; 52.214-34, Submission of Offers in the English Language; 52 214-35, Submission of Offers in U.S. Currency; 52.229-6 Taxes - Foreign Fixed-Price Contracts; 52.232-18, Availability of Funds; 52.233-2, Service of Protest, 52.242-13, Bankruptcy; 52.252-1 Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by Reference; 52.252-2, Clauses Incorporated by Reference; 52.253-6, Authorized Deviations in Clauses; THE FOLLOWING DFARS PROVISIONS AND CLAUSES APPLY TO THIS ACQUISITION: 252.201-7000, Contracting Officers Representative; 252.203-7005, Representation Relating to Compensation of Former DoD Officials; 252.209-7001 Disclosure of Ownership or control by the government of a terrorist country; 252.209-7004, Subcontracting with Firms That Are Owned or Controlled by the Government of a Terrorist Country; 252.211-7003, Item Identification and Valuation; 252.212-7000, Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items; 252.212-7001, Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders Applicable to Defense Acquisitions of Commercial Items, applies to this acquisition; the following items under this clause are considered checked and applicable to this acquisition: 52.203-3, Gratuities 252.203-7000, Requirements Relating to Compensation of Former DoD Officials 252.205-7000, Provision of Information to Cooperative Agreement Holders 252.225-7001(b) (6) (i), Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program 252.227-7015(b) (21), Technical Data - Commercial Items 252.228-7003, Capture and Detention 252.232-7003, Electronic Submission of Payment Requests and Receiving Reports 252.232-7008, Assignment of Claims (Overseas) 252.232-7010, Levies on Contract Payments 252.243-7002(b) (26), Request for Equitable Adjustment 252.247-7023(b) (29), Transportation of Supplies by Sea 252.247-7024(b) (30), Notification of Transportation of Supplies by Sea 252.225-7993 Prohibition on Contracting with the Enemy (Deviation 2014-O0008) 252.232-7003 Electronic submission of payment requests and receiving reports (June 2012) 252.225-7994 Additional Access to Contractor and Subcontractor Records in the United States Central Command Theater of Operations (Deviation 2014-00008) The Government will make award and payments using US Dollars. Payment will be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT) in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-Systems for Award Management 52.232-18 Availability of Funds 52.204-13 System for Award Management Maintenance 52.217-9 Option to Extend the Term of the Contract The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice to the Contractor within 60 days (insert the period of time within which the Contracting Officer may exercise the option); provided that the Government gives the Contractor a preliminary written notice of its intent to extend at least 60 days (60 days unless a different number of days is inserted) before the contract expires. The preliminary notice does not commit the Government to an extension If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this option clause The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed 24 months. (xiii) (N/A) (xiv) QUOTES ARE TO BE IN US DOLLARS DUE NO LATER THAN 16 OCTOBER 2014, 1500HRS, (3:00 PM) EST. (xv) QUOTES ARE TO BE EMAILED TO THE CONTRACT SPECIALISTS AND TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER. MS. ANDREA WEAKLEY,CONTRACT SPECIALIST -Andrea.l.weakley@usace.army.mil MR. BRAIN JOHNSON,CONTRACT SPECIALIST -Brian.johnson@usace.army.mil MR. LEO R. LUDOVICI, CONTRACTING OFFICER Leo.r.ludovici@usace.army.mil (xvi) QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD WILL CLOSE ON 10 OCTOBER 2014 AT 1000HRS, (10:00 AM) EST. QUESTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE CONTRACT SPECIALISTS AND THE CONTRACTING OFFICER. Andrea.l.weakley@usace.army.mil, Brian.johnson@usace.army.mil, and Leo.r.ludovici@usace.army.mil ATTACHMENTS: 1.Instructions to the Offerors 2.Statement of Work AMENDMENT ONE - 10 Oct 2014 Questions & Answer Period closed. Responses Below and Amended Statement of Work (SOW) Q1.The Statement of Work states that the vehicles should be US Specifications. Please clarify if the vehicles should actually be Gulf Spec? Response: Please note that the US Specifications or Gulf Specifications will be accepted. The Statement of Work has been revised accordingly. Q2. What is the limit of liability for the number of insurance claims that each car will have per year? Response: Please refer to section 1.5 Quality/Insurance in the Statement of Work. Specifically, quote mark...The Contractor shall carry insurance to cover vehicles stolen or damaged through accidents; criminal acts, in the minimum amounts required by the Kingdom of Kuwait's country law. quote mark Q3.What is the Governments liability of returning cars that have been damaged at the end of the contract, other than normal wear & tear? Response: Please refer to section 5.2.9 in the Statement of Work. STATEMENT OF WORK US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MIDDLE EAST DISTRICT CENTCOM VEHICLE LEASE - KUWAIT Revised October 9, 2014 Part 1 - General Information 1. General: This is a commercial supply procurement to meet the requirement for ground transportation (vehicles) sustained as safe and operable at all times, for U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Transatlantic Division, Middle East District (TAM) personnel who are assigned to the Kuwait Area Office. The U.S. Government (USG) will not exercise any supervision or control over the vehicle providers. 1.1 Background: 1.1 Background: The intent of this acquisition is to award a Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP) Purchase order to provide safe and operational vehicles for TAM employees (military and civilian) stationed Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) at locations within the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) Kuwait Area of Responsibility (AOR). The vehicles shall comply with features and standards listed in Part 5. 1.2 Objectives: TAM requires the Contractor to provide a supply of vehicles that are safe and fully operational which includes but, is not limited to licensing; inspections; insurance; and as required, toll stickers; and any effort that is required to provide safe and operational vehicles. 1.3 Scope: This contract provides 14 vehicles for personnel located within the CENTCOM Area of Responsibility (AOR) KUWAIT. This PO (Purchase Order) requirements shall stipulate the specific vehicle needs and/or geographical location in Kuwait, all shall be in accordance with the SOW. The Statement of Work (SOW), as well as the quote schedule, shall cite the number and types of vehicles required within the period of performance. 1.4 Contract Duration: The intended contract duration for this requirement is a base contract ordering period of 12 months, followed by two 6-month optional ordering periods pending the availability of funding. 1.5. Quality/Insurance: The Contractor shall certify in writing in response to this PO request that the vehicles meet the requirements of the SOW; local laws; and are covered by a comprehensive insurance plan. Please review paragraph 4.3 this document. Copies of the current vehicle registration and insurance shall be placed in the glove compartment of the respective vehicles provided. The Contractor shall carry insurance to cover vehicles stolen or damaged through accidents; criminal acts, in the minimum amounts required by the Kindom of Kuwait's country law. The insurance shall also cover the costs/damages of third parties involved in an accident, property damaged as a result of an accident, whether caused by the USG, a USG employee/military member, or external force. The level of insurance shall be 100% with no deductible to be paid by the Government. 1.5.1 Contractor Identification: Contractor personnel shall wear a Contractor provided identification card at all times when interacting with USG personnel. Vehicles will not be accepted from Contractor personnel without proper identification. 1.5.2 Place of Delivery: The country covered under this PO is Kuwait. 1.5.3 Safety: The Contractor shall provide safe and operational vehicles and vehicles shall be in accordance with this SOW. A safe vehicle is defined as a vehicle that has: Completed all repairs required as a result of a collision; regardless of who is at fault or what collided with the vehicle; Replaced if damaged, non-operating, or malfunctioning; Periodic manufacturer recommended inspections and repairs; Maintenance that is not scheduled but, is required to correct deficiencies and to restore the vehicle or equipment to a serviceable condition; and All recall work completed when notified of a recall. 1.5.4 Accident Notification: The Contractor will notify the identified Contracting Officers Representative (COR) as soon as practical, but not later than eight hours, after notification of an accident which meets the definition of Recordable Injuries or Illnesses or High Visibility Accidents, property damage equal to or greater than $2,000. Immediate notifications to the Contracting Officer (KO) and District/Division Safety Offices shall be made for all accidents noted in EM 385-1-1 paragraph 01-D-02, http://www.publications.usace.army.mil/Portals/76/Publications/EngineerManuals/EM_385-1-1_2008Sep_Consolidated_2011Aug.pdf. The Contractor shall ensure that recordable accident and property damage reports are complete and accurate. 1.6 Type of Contract: Commercial Item, FFP, Purchase Order 1. 7 Post-award Conference/Periodic Meetings: The Contractor agrees to attend any post award conference and/or meeting convened, via telephone, by the KO in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 42.5 Post-award Orientation. The Contractor shall provide the minutes of the meeting to the COR within three business days of each meeting. 1.8 Contracting Officer Representative: The COR monitors technical requirements of the contract (see paragraph 5.2.10 in this documents) and assists the KO with contract (purchase order) administration. The COR is authorized to perform the following functions: assure that the Contractor provides vehicles that meet the requirements of this SOW. There may be additional duties assigned to the COR which will be detailed in a letter of designation issued to the COR. A copy of which is sent to the Contractor, which may state the responsibilities and limitations of the COR, especially with regard to changes in price, estimates or changes in delivery dates, and locations for pick-up and swap-out of vehicles. The COR is not authorized to change any of the terms and conditions of the resulting order. PART 2 - DEFINITIONS & ACRONYMS 2.1 DEFINITIONS: 2.1.2 Contractor: A supplier or vendor awarded a contract to provide specific supplies or service to the USG. The term used in this contract refers to the prime contractor. 2.1.3 Contracting Officer (KO): A person with authority to enter into, administer, and or terminate contracts, and make related determinations and findings on behalf of the USG. Note: The Contracting Officer is the only individual who can legally bind the USG. 2.1.4 Contracting Officer's Representative (COR): An employee of the USG appointed by the KO to administer the contract. Such appointment shall be in writing and shall state the scope of authority and limitations. This individual has authority to provide technical direction to the Contractor as long as that direction is within the scope of the contract, does not constitute a change, and has no funding implications. This individual does NOT have authority to change the terms and conditions of the contract. A COR will be appointed for this PO. 2.1.5 Subcontractor: One that enters into a contract with a prime contractor. The USG does not have privity of contract with the subcontractor. 2.1.6 Work Day: The Contractor shall be available during normal working hours which is 0800 to 1630 hours daily. Additionally, an emergency POC shall be provided and available 24/7 2.1.7 Work Week: Base Contract: Sunday through Thursday, 0800 - 1630 hours, but may vary. 2.2. ACRONYMS: AORArea Of Responsibility CENTCOMUnited States Central Command CORContracting Officer Representative KOContracting Officer POCPoint of Contact IDIQIndefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity OCONUSOutside the Contiguous United States SOWStatement of Work TAMU.S. Army Corps of Engineers Middle East District PART 3 - US GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT, AND SERVICES 3. US Government Furnished Items and Services: Not Applicable PART 4 - PURCHASE ORDER FURNISHED ITEMS AND SERVICES 4. Technical Requirements: The Contractor shall provide all labor, material, equipment, and supplies to successfully provide vehicles, as described in this SOW, upon receipt of a duly executed purchase order. The Contractor shall act as the single point-of-contact (POC). 4.1 Contractor Points-of-Contact (POC): TBD 4.1.1 Base Contract: The Contractor shall provide the KO, within seven (7) days after award, a contactor employee contact list with names, email addresses, and telephone numbers that shall be available during normal duty hours as stated in the PO. Normal duty hours shall be 0800 to 1630 hours, Sunday through Thursday. The Contractor shall also provide the KO with emergency POC information for after normal duty hour emergencies. The listing shall be updated as changes occur and sent to the KO via email no later than the close of the business day when the update was made. 4.2 General Employee Qualifications: The Contractor shall employ only persons able to speak, read, write, and understand English for those that must interact with USG personnel. 4.3 Purchase Order Conformance Statement: The Contractor shall be required to sign a letter of conformance for this contract. The letter shall require the Contractor confirm unequivocally that vehicles shall be provided in accordance with local laws, permits, registration, license, insurance, and all contract documents. PART 5 - SPECIFIC TASKS 5.1 Ground Transportation (Vehicles): The Contractor shall supply a fleet of safe and operational vehicles, as required, and incidental services to provide operational vehicles. Items required to keep a vehicle operational is defined as stickers, if required; registration; comprehensive insurance to the full requirements of local law; licensing; inspections; and whatever effort is required to provide safe and operation vehicles. The Contractor shall demonstrate consistent rapid response (if required) and flexibility to provide the means of transport by the date(s) required in the awarded PO within fifteen (15) calendar days after notification by the Contacting Officer. 5.1.1 The Contractor-provided vehicles shall be invoiced on a monthly basis as indicated in the purchase order. 5.1.2 The Contractor shall provide vehicles free of limitations or surcharges on mileage or usage. 5.2 Vehicle Types: The Contractor-provided supply fleet of vehicles shall be in new or in like new condition (less than 6,200 miles/10,000 kilometers) Model year 2012 or newer at the time provided. Vehicles shall be light colors; no dark brown, black or dark blue, etc. Preferred colors are silver, light blue, or white. The Contractor-provided vehicles will be checked for acceptability by the Contracting Officers Representative (COR) before the vehicle is accepted as proposed in the quote. The Contractor shall ensure the vehicle is available for its intended use in a safe and operational status. 5.2.1 The Contractor shall provide a replacement vehicle that is similar to the vehicle being exchanged, during periods of service, maintenance, and/or repair. 5.2.2 The Contractor-provided vehicles shall be of the following categories: 12 Mid-Size SUVs and 2 Mid-size Sedans 5.2.3 Mid-Size Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV): A mid-sized sports utility vehicle (SUV) with 4-wheel drive and seating capacity for five people inclusive of jump seats. The minimum acceptable engine displacement is 3.4 liters. (Example: Toyota, Prado, Nissan Pathfinder, GMC Envoy, Dodge Durango, Ford Explorer, or an equivalent model). 5.2.4 Mid-size Sedan: A midsized sedan with 2-wheel drive and seating capacity for five (5) people. The minimum acceptable engine displacement is 2.5 liters. (Example: Toyota Camry, Nissan Altima, Mitsubishi Gallant, or an equivalent model.) 5.2.5 The Contractor-provided SUVs or Sedans shall have the following salient characteristics: Minimum wheel base 105 inches Minimum length 178 inches Minimum six cylinder engine Off-road Michelin (or equal) steel belted radial tires on SUVs. All season tires on Sedans. Fully automatic transmission Heavy duty factory installed heating/cooling system Driver and passenger side view mirrors Seat belts Front driver and passenger air bags minimum Fire extinguisher Safety glass on all windows (Safety glass refers to the standard laminated glass safety features) Red Cross approved first aid kit Warning triangle Jumper cables Inflated standard spare tire 4-wheel anti-lock brakes Cruise control Stereo CD player with AM/FM radio and auxiliary port with MP3 playback capability Minimum of 2 cigarette lighter sockets suitable for powering GPS units and other peripheral devices, accessible from the front seats of the vehicle Fuel type shall be readily available for the Kuwait Area 5.2.6 Traffic fines and other traffic violations are the responsibility of the government driver. The Contractor shall inform the COR of any violations involving its vehicles. The USG will coordinate settlement of any traffic fine notifications with government personnel. 5.2.7 The Contractor shall coordinate with the COR regarding delivery of all supplied vehicles. The Contractor shall deliver the vehicle early enough to be in-processed and available on the date and time specified by the COR and early enough to allow for out-processing time of outgoing vehicles. Vehicles shall be clean both exterior and interior and free of rust, soil, dirt, and damage. 5.2.8 The Contractor shall replace all vehicles within the supply fleet that reach 50,000 miles/80,500 kilometers (or less at Contractor's discretion) with a similar vehicle at the contract amount. The Contractor shall deliver each vehicle to an agreed upon area by the COR and the Contractor. Vehicles, including all engine parts, interior parts, and exterior parts, shall be in good working condition when delivered during use by the US government personnel. Tires shall be new and/or at least of 90% of tread remaining and replaced at the manufacturer recommended mileage for the environment per country. 5.2.9 The Contractor and the COR shall perform a joint inspection prior to accepting a vehicle from the Contractor and prior to the Contractor accepting the vehicle from the Government. Any damage shall be documented by photographs and in writing and shall include the date of the inspection and signatures of the individuals performing the inspection. The report shall be submitted to the COR and KO within 10 calendar days after the inspection. The COR shall maintain records of vehicles rented and/or leased to the government which includes the vehicle identification number. Vehicles that are replaced and/or loaned to the government for any reason will be recorded on the vehicle report. The COR shall provide the Contractor a copy of the vehicle report on a monthly basis. 5.2.10 The Contractor shall provide vehicle breakdown/recovery service 24 hours a day 7 days a week throughout Kuwait, when vehicle is determined to be in an inoperable status, as part of the monthly price per vehicle. 5.2.11 The Contractor shall coordinate directly with the COR to resolve complaints and disputes about the vehicles. If a complaint cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties, the KO shall be notified within 15 calendar days for resolution.
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Place of Performance
Address: USACE Kuwait Area Office 201 Prince Frederick Dr Winchester VA
Zip Code: 22601
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