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16 -- IRST Sources Sought Synopsis

Notice Date
Notice Type
334511 — Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing
Contracting Office
Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFLCMC/PK - WPAFB (includes PZ, WL, WW, WI, WN, WK, LP, WF, WK), 2275 D Street, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 45433-7218, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Lindsey M. Scott, Phone: 937-713-6151, Sean Simmons, Phone: 937-904-5723
E-Mail Address
lindsey.scott.1@us.af.mil, sean.simmons.1@us.af.mil
(lindsey.scott.1@us.af.mil, sean.simmons.1@us.af.mil)
Small Business Set-Aside
THE PURPOSE OF THIS AMENDMENT IS TO EXTEND THE RESPONSE TIME TO NO LATER THAN 4:00 PM EST ON 11 DECEMBER 2014. IRST Sources Sought Synopsis The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) F-15 Division, WPAFB, OH is conducting a market assessment to identify potential sources, and companies that may possess the expertise, capabilities, and experience to respond to the requirements listed in this document for a state of the art, long range, integrated Infrared Search and Track (IRST) system with extensive leveraging of commercial off-the-shelf components and availability for increased growth through firmware and software reprogramming. The USAF is investigating the availability of a production-ready IRST system for fielding in 2018; in addition, the USAF is also investigating availability of developing an IRST system which will be ready for fielding in the 2020 timeframe. If you plan on responding for both production-ready and development, please do so in separate responses. In your response(s) to this SSS, please be clear as to whether you are identifying a production-ready unit, or a unit in the development phase. PURPOSE: This notice is part of Government Market Research, a process for obtaining the latest information on the ‘art of possible' from industry with respect to their current and near-term abilities. All company proprietary information contained in the response shall be separately marked and properly protected from unauthorized disclosure. The government will not use proprietary information submitted from any one firm to establish the capability and requirements for any future systems acquisition so as to not inadvertently restrict competition. THIS IS A SOURCES SOUGHT SYNOPSIS (SSS) ONLY. This SSS is issued solely for information and planning purposes - it does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a promise to issue an RFP in the future. This Sources Sought Synopsis does not commit the Government to contract for any supply or service whatsoever. Further, the Air Force is not at this time seeking proposals and will not accept unsolicited proposals. Responders are advised that the U.S. Government will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in response to this SSS; all costs associated with responding to this SSS will be solely at the interested party's expense. Not responding to this SSS does not preclude participation in any future RFP, if any is issued. If a solicitation is released, it will be synopsized on Federal Business Opportunities (FedbizOpps) at https://www.fbo.gov. It is the responsibility of the potential offerors to monitor this site for additional information pertaining to this requirement. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this SSS are to identify responsible sources and interested parties who have proven solutions that can meet requirements. For the purpose of this SSS, the Government is seeking solutions at a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 8 for any production-ready units; and TRL of 6 for any developmental units. TRL levels claimed should be in accordance with the Technology Readiness Assessment Guide, dated April 2011. Please provide justification for hardware TRL as well as algorithm and software maturity claimed by your company. BACKGROUND: The F-15C has been selected to host the next generation IRST System. OPERATIONAL SCENARIO: The IRST System is intended to improve F-15 by enabling the ability to detect, track, target, and engage threats in radar denied environments. REQUIREMENTS: For any production-ready units, the F-15 Division will require evidence of development and technical maturity at TRL 8, which demonstrates the respondent's IRST System can address all the attributes listed below. Please also provide values for each attribute, as well as your definition of the attribute (e.g. how do you define AIM-120 WQT), where applicable: 1. Maximum IRST Detection Range 2. Maximum IRST AIM-120 Weapons Quality Track (WQT) Range and number of targets 3. Expected Operational Availability (percentage of time the IRST system is capable of performing an assigned mission) 4. Expected Mean time between Operational Mission Failures 5. IRST Field of Regard 6. IRST Time to Scan 7. IRST False IR track Rate 8. IRST System's ability to provide a WQT to the F-15C host aircraft that is compatible with the Master Track File 9. Ability for the IRST system to be fully functional on the external centerline station; also include functional feasibility on external stations 2 and 8 10. Transportability of the IRST system to other platforms outside the F-15C 11. Flight test certifications attainted, such as Seek Eagle (also include planned tests with dates) 12. Availability of technical data rights for re-procurement, maintenance, and depot level repair Please provide as accurate as possible of an estimate for production asset procurement timeline; from production contract award to actual delivery (describe in detail the long lead components and their associated timelines). If currently below the requested TRL please provide a timeline for meeting the required TRL. Please detail IRST operations as a stand-alone sensor and a sensor supporting other applications. Other applicable attributes or technologies which the vendors feel may contribute to combat effectiveness may be included. For any developmental units, the F-15 Division will require evidence of development and technical maturity at TRL 6, which demonstrates the respondent's IRST System can address all the attributes listed below. Please also provide values for each attribute, as well as your definition of the attribute (e.g. how do you define AIM-120 WQT), where applicable: 1. Maximum IRST Detection Range 2. Maximum IRST AIM-120 Weapons Quality Track (WQT) Range and number of targets 3. Expected Operational Availability (percentage of time the IRST system is capable of performing an assigned mission) 4. Expected Mean time between Operational Mission Failures 5. IRST Field of Regard 6. IRST Time to Scan 7. IRST False IR track Rate 8. IRST System's ability to provide a WQT to the F-15C host aircraft that is compatible with the Master Track File 9. Ability for the IRST system to be fully functional on the external centerline station; also include functional feasibility on external stations 2 and 8 10. Transportability of the IRST system to other platforms outside than the F-15C 11. Ranging 12. Availability of technical data rights for re-procurement, maintenance, and depot level repair Please provide as accurate as possible of an estimate for development asset procurement timeline; from development contract award to asset delivery in a System Integration Lab (describe in detail the long lead components and their associated timelines). If currently below the requested TRL please provide a timeline for meeting the required TRL. Please detail IRST operations as a stand-alone sensor, and a sensor supporting other applications. Other applicable attributes or technologies which the vendors feel may contribute to combat effectiveness may be included. ***For more information on the submission of classified responses, please contact Sean Simmons listed below*** Any proposed solution must meet all Operational, Safety, Suitability and Effectiveness (OSS&E) requirements mandated by the Department of Defense. *Note: Access to classified information is not required to respond to this SSS; however, in the event a RFP is issued in the future, the program may require access to SECRET/SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED and higher as well as facility clearances. INSTRUCTIONS TO RESPONDENTS: Interested parties should provide capabilities, qualification statements, and examples that demonstrate their ability to satisfy the requirements detailed in the REQUIREMENTS paragraph of this announcement. Companies or parties are to submit responses in Adobe Acrobat compatible electronic format. If you plan on responding for both production-ready and development, please do so in separate responses. In your response(s) to this SSS, please be clear to identify whether you are identifying a production-ready unit or a unit in the development phase. The maximum page limit per response is 30 pages, 8.5" x 11", including attachments, figures, and/or drawings, and no smaller than size 12 font. Responses must include: A) Company Name, Address, CAGE Code, Industry Point of Contact (POC) for technical and contractual issues to include name, position, telephone number, and e-mail address B) Complete System Description C) Overall capabilities of the system as compared against the REQUIREMENTS section of this announcement D) Detailed information regarding the system capabilities/performance (prior testing, test reports, etc.) E) Hardware TRL and algorithm and software maturity levels along with justification (see attachment of Technology Readiness Assessment Guide dated April 2011) F) Availability of technical data for maintenance and depot level repair G) Firms responding to this announcement should indicate whether they are an other than small business, small business, small disadvantaged business (SDB), woman-owned small business (WOSB), economically disadvantaged women-owned small business (EDWOSB), 8(a)-certified business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB), veteran-owned small business (VOSB), or Historically Underutilized Business Zone small business (HUBZone). The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this action is 334511, size standard 750 employees please indicate number of employees relative to the indicated size standard. All prospective contractors must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) database to be awarded a DoD contract. Note that the NAICS code for this requirement, if applicable to the company's capabilities, should be included in the company's NAICS code listing in SAM. The acquisition strategy has not yet been determined. Market research results will assist the Air Force in determining whether this requirement will be a full and open, a small business set aside, or a sole source acquisition. Note that, if there is sufficient demonstrated interested and capability among small business contractors, a key factor in determining if an acquisition will be a Small Business Set-Aside is that two or more potential small business prime contractors must be capable of performing at least 50% of the effort, as defined in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.219-14, Limitations on Subcontracting. If it is determined that a small business set-aside is appropriate and your company anticipates submitting a proposal as the prime contractor for a small business set-aside, please provide specific details and rationale as to how compliance with FAR clause 52.219-14 would be achieved, including specific details regarding teaming arrangements, etc. If subcontracts are to be used, provide anticipated percentage of effort to be subcontracted and whether small or large businesses will be used. Teaming and/or subcontracting arrangements should be clearly delineated and previous experience in teaming must be provided. If this effort is not set-aside for small business, small business utilization will be considered. Request that large and small businesses provide a reasonable expectation for small business utilization as a percent of total contract value. Please provide supporting rationale for the recommended percentage. ***It is imperative that responses clearly indicate which capabilities are available at which TRL specified above. *** Reponses to this SSS must be submitted no later than 4:00 PM EST on 9 Dec 2014 and shall be transmitted electronically to Lindsey Scott, Lindsey.Scott.1@us.af.mil. DISCUSSIONS: One-on-one information gathering sessions with respondents are currently not contemplated. The Government may elect to conduct one-on-one discussions with industry based on its analysis of the SSS responses, the quality of submission and the specifications in the information provided. The Government is under no obligation to conduct these sessions. The Government does not commit to providing a response to any comment or questions. Any revision to this SSS based on comments received remains solely at the Government's discretion. These initiatives may ultimately result in the Government developing and issuing an RFP for respondents. The above information is for information gathering purposes only. SPECIAL NOTICE: Respondent's attention is directed to the fact that contractor consultants and advisors to the Government will review and provide support during review and evaluation of submittals. When appropriate, non-government advisors may be used to objectively review a particular functional area and provide comments and recommendations to the Government. All advisors shall comply with procurement integrity laws and shall sign Non-Disclosure and Rules of Conduct/Conflict of Interest statements. The Government shall take into consideration requirements for avoiding conflicts of interest and ensure advisors comply with safeguarding proprietary data. Submissions in response to this SSS constitute approval to release the submittal to Government Support Contractors. Per FAR 52.215-3, Request for Information or Solicitation for Planning Purposes (Oct 1997): (a) The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this solicitation or to otherwise pay for the information solicited except as an allowable cost under other contracts as provided in subsection 31.205-18, Bid and proposal costs, of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. (b) Although "proposal" and "offeror" are used in this Sources Sought Synopsis, your response will be treated as information only. It shall not be used as a proposal. (c) This solicitation is issued for the purpose of collecting Government Market Research, a process for obtaining the latest information on the ‘art of possible' from industry with respect to their current and near-term abilities Contracting Office Address: AFLCMC/WWQK (F-15 Division) Attention: Lindsey Scott 2690 Loop Road West Bldg 556 WPAFB, OH 45433-7424 Primary Point of Contact: Lindsey Scott Contracting Officer Lindsey.Scott.1@us.af.mil Phone: 937-713-6151 FAX: 937- 656-4183 Secondary Point of Contact: Sean Simmons Program Manager Sean.Simmons.1@us.af.mil Secure Phone: 937-904-5723 Secure FAX: 937-904-5549
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
SN03589192-W 20141207/141205234903-4cfc2af29fadc61d6d934892d3a75e26 (fbodaily.com)
FedBizOpps Link to This Notice
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