B -- Sources Sought Commercial Fisheries Biosampling in Saipan, Mariana Islands
- Notice Date
- 4/7/2015
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 541712
— Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)
- Contracting Office
- Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Western Region Acquisition Division, 7600 Sand Point Way, Northeast, Seattle, Washington, 98115-6349
- ZIP Code
- 98115-6349
- Solicitation Number
- AB-133F-15-RQ-0383
- Archive Date
- 5/7/2015
- Point of Contact
- Sarah Waugh, Phone: 206-526-6544
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- Total Small Business
- Description
- THIS IS A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) ONLY This is not a solicitation for a contract or a grant award. This RFI is for information purposes only. It is not a request for proposal, and does not obligate the Government in any way. The Government will not reimburse anyone for any costs associated with responding to this request. Purpose The Department of Commerce (DOC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Acquisition and Grants Office is seeking to exchange information with industry in order to understand industry's capabilities in performance of a field sampling program that meets the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006 (MSRA) data requirements for major fisheries and commercially important species in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The intent of the RFI is to allow potential vendors to determine whether or how they can satisfy this requirement and to permit NOAA to obtain the highest quality biosampling at a reasonable price while meeting the agency's established goals. NOAA encourages communication and a robust dialogue on this RFI. Overview Having access to continuous harvest and population data is a fundamental requirement to assess and manage marine fisheries resources sustainably. In recognition of expanding data requirement responsiblities to comply with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006 (MSRA), funding has been provided to the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service's (NMFS) Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center to implement a Commercial Fisheries Bio-Sampling (CFBS) project for the US-associated Pacific Islands Region (PIR). Pilot projects were developed from 2010-2014 in Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) and American Samoa. Each was tailored to unique characteristics of the markets and fisheries in the respective island areas. The long term goal is to implement and maintain a comprehensive bio-sampling program for Pacific Island areas that will provide biological information needed for stock assessment, including development of Allowable Catch Limit (ACL) guidelines or similar management schemes for key stocks. Among the more challenging CFBS pilot projects was the one implemented on Saipan, CNMI, where disperse vendors operate independently via roadside stands and a few small storefront operations. The model is not unlike the configuration in American Samoa, but is completely different than the situation on Guam, where a unified fishermen's cooperative serves as a receiving center for the majority (60-80%) of reef, pelagic and deep bottomfish species. Added to the challenges on Saipan, a lot of the fishing takes place at night and in remote areas; then the catch is delivered to vendors in the early morning hours. This project, which began on Saipan in December of 2010, is designed to opportunistically sample existing commercial fisheries and provide in-depth information about the catch, with a consistent effort to ensure that additional fishing or market pressure is not generated by the sampling protocols. Having developed a successful pilot study on Saipan, with little or no fishery or market impact, this contract is designed to continue the work, reaching out to other islands of the CNMI beyond Saipan, as well as to identify and document transferable elements of this model with an eye towards improving implementation of the CFBS for American Samoa. The CFBS biological monitoring program is comprised of two linked components: 1)A Field Sampling Program (CFBS-FSP), which collects data and samples via direct outreach to markets and fishermen 2)A Laboratory-Based Life History Program (CFBS-LHP), that conducts the work of elaborating detailed life history reports for a subset of species, selected from the whole fishery. This contract supports the design, development, and implementation of a CFBS-FSP that meets the MSRA data requirements for major fisheries and commercially important species in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). This Scope of Work relates solely to the Field Sampling component, which includes: Opportunistic sampling of existing commercial fisheries in the CNMI at the level of individual fishermen's catches Collecting trip-level data on fishing effort by gear type and location for Saipan, as well as landings on Saipan from other islands of the CNMI Opportunistically collecting data on fishing activity and catches from Rota, Tinian and the more remote CNMI. Representative length-frequency data collection on whole catches by fishery or gear type Species identification to the lowest possible taxon Accumulation of representative length and weight data for the full size range of all species found in the catch by fishery, to determine allometric growth curves, used in estimating the weight of catch by species Accumulation of biosamples for species selected in collaboration with the CFBS-LHP for transfer to the subsequent determination of: •growth rate (age and weight-at-length) •size at sexual maturity •fecundity •spawning seasonality Purpose To expand the CFBS-FSP to monitor and compare commercial markets in the CNMI, and to fully document and develop recommendations that build on the lessons learned in the CNMI, focusing on approaches that might benefit the CFBS-FSP in American Samoa. Both the CNMI and American Samoa face similar challenges monitoring small commercial fisheries, with limited and disperse markets that service a large proportion of night fisheries and remotely-located landing sites. During the initial phases of the CFBS-FSP work in the CNMI, which began in 2011, a pilot survey laid the groundwork to understand logistics, identify potential partnerships, develop and test methods to obtain and process sufficient fisheries monitoring data and gradually expand to collecting life history samples. Conditions, fisheries, logistics and local capabilities and partners vary significantly between island areas, requiring methods to be tailored to each local situation, with attention to local fishing and marketing traditions, languages and customs. However, the unified goals across the PIR CFBS dictate adherence to certain guidelines, standards and practices to ensure the results are comparable across the region and to avoid bias introduced through the sampling methodology itself and how surveyors make contact with markets and fishermen. The pilot sampling project on Saipan has been highly successful in reaching and sampling a significant proportion of the market, with little or no impact on fishing and marketing practices. The purpose of this work will be to develop transferrable methods and guidelines for conducting this work with similar success in American Samoa. This scope of work also addresses the need to build a bridge between local vendors and the CNMI Division of Fish & Wildlife (DFW), without allowing the level of trust and cooperation the contractor has built to deteriorate. Efforts under this scope of work must build upon the groundwork laid and strive to maintain healthy working relationships with existing partners, while providing information and guidance to DFW as it strives to develop a mandatory reporting program. General Description There are three guiding principles for this project in the CNMI. While the methods need to be adaptive and flexible, all project efforts must: 1.Build and foster a long-term collaborative relationship between the fishing industry and the local (CNMI DFW) and federal (PIFSC) government fisheries agencies; 2.Be designed to be as unobtrusive and cooperative as possible, so they do not compete unnecessarily with the availability of fish to supply local market demands; and 3.Ensure that the work plan is science-based and quality-oriented, with high standards of productivity and integrity for all aspects of operations. The basic components of the PIR CFBS project are: Species and Size-structured Monitoring This consists of "non-invasive" market sampling regimes, designed to obtain a large sample size for fisheries species harvested commercially and marketed locally, by gear type, with limited data on fishing effort and locations fished. Data include identification to the species level (genus, species and common name), fork length and whole wet weight. The sampling regime focuses on commercially landed non-pelagic species. The CFBS-FSP has initially concentrated on identifying surveyed finfish to species and conducting individual length and weight measurements for a sufficiently large sample to develop a reliable length-weight curve. The field program also collects more detailed measurements (fork-, total-, and standard length and weight), photographs, and fin clips, associated with a few "voucher specimens" for each species. The latter are preserved as a permanent species identification reference and to provide samples needed for DNA. Life History Sampling As the species that make up the bulk of CNMI's commercial markets have been identified, CFBS-LHP studies have begun to focus on 4-5 important commercial species at a time in each area to complete the life history. These are selected based on several criteria, including abundance in the commercial catch, presence/absence of local life history information, and availability in a range of sizes throughout the year (spawning frequency and seasonality studies). Once these species have been identified, in collaboration with local fisheries agencies and scientists, the CFBS-FSP team collects otoliths and gonads as well in the course of market surveys. These are supplied by the field program to the CFBS-LHP for life history research to determine length-at-age, estimate longevity and length at 50% reproductive maturity (L50), and confirm species identities. Processing and Analysis All CFBS-FSP size-structured market and fishery sampling data are entered into a database, verified and quality controlled locally, and provided to PIFSC to be incorporated into stock assessment and life history research. Extracted otoliths are processed (cross-sectioned, ground, and polished) for growth increment enumeration by the CFBS-LHP. Gonadal samples will be processed for histological analysis, including thin-sectioning, staining and mounting on glass slides, so an accurate determination of sex and stage of development can be made. Fin clips from voucher specimens processed for DNA sequencing will be submitted to the "Fish Barcode of Life" species database. General Contractual Needs The contract bid must be based on expanding and fully documenting the CFBS-FSP for the CNMI, highlighting the lessons learned, that will: 1.Continue to monitor commercial markets on Saipan and compare with data received from occasional trips to the other CNMI, landed on Saipan 2.Estimate the proportion of commercial catch in the CNMI landed on Saipan and describe any gear specific or regional differences 3.Develop transferrable technical recommendations for monitoring small insular commercial fisheries with limited and disperse markets that service a large proportion of remote landing sites and night fisheries, based on the lessons learned in the CFBS-FSP 4.In the report, relate the CFBS-FSP data collection to data obtained via the DFW Commercial Purchase and Boat-based Creel Survey monitoring programs, to help identify areas of gaps and overlap between the CFBS-FSP and ongoing fisheries monitoring for the CNMI 5.Processing and analysis of samples will be handled outside the scope of this project. However, data entry for the size-structure portion of the analysis is a requirement of this project, as listed under Detailed Contractual Requirements General Schedule of Deliverables Timely data entry into the CFBS data system developed by the Western Pacific Fisheries Information Network (WPacFIN) must be completed within 1-7 days of size-structured market and fishery sampling The contractor will provide a monthly file transfer via established WPacFIN File Transfer Protocols (12 FTP annually) Summary reporting on species and sizes sampled will accompany invoicing for work completed on at least a quarterly basis (4 summary reports annually) Contractor will participate in 1-2 workshops with other PIR CFBS-FSP staff, including PIFSC and local fisheries agency staff from Guam, the CNMI, American Samoa and Hawaii. Information Requested All potential sources are invited and encouraged to submit a response to RFI. The vendor's response to the RFI should reflect an understanding of the NOAA requirements and the mission of the Agency without divulging proprietary information, if possible. If proprietary information is provided in a response, it should be clearly identified. All information submitted by respondents to this RFI, including appropriately marked proprietary information will be safeguarded and protected from unauthorized disclosure. The Government reserves the right to conduct additional one-to-one communications with respondents in order to fully understand their recommendations/feedback. Potential offerors and other interested parties should provide comments and or recommendations with the following subject areas in mind: Small Business Participation 1. [required] Interested parties should respond with the number of employees currently employed by the party and if the party is owned and operated in the United States and its territories. 2. [optional] It is the goal of Agency to maintain or increase the current level of Small Business participation while seeking the best solutions/results from all available sources. How can NOAA structure the solicitation to advance this goal? How can NOAA encourage Large Business / Small Business teaming arrangements? Multiple Small Businesses teaming arrangements? 3. [optional] How should the solicitation be structured to allow firms to differentiate themselves and their capabilities? Please address what requirements should be stated in the solicitation to allow NOAA to identify those firms that have the most expertise to help NOAA meet mission requirements? 4. [optional] What is an adequate length of time from when a solicitation is posted to the time receipt of proposals is required in order for potential offerors to sufficiently prepare their proposals? What is an adequate response time for receipt of proposals in order for potential offerors to seek/consummate teaming arrangements? Commercial Fisheries Biosampling in Mariana Islands 1. [required] Interested parties should state if they have capabilities to support the requirement as defined above. 2. [optional] What would you consider an effective technical and price evaluation approach for establishing prime contractors under this program? Additional Information The response should include addressing the above questions/comments as well as a description of their capabilities and experience as it relates to commercial fisheries biosampling at the required location. Please include information regarding the type of business, (i.e. large, small, Woman-owned, Veteran or Disadvantaged business concern). The North American Industry Classification system (NAICS) code for this RFI is 541712 (Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)) with a size standard of 500 employees. However, the final request for proposal and resultant contract(s) may be assigned a different NAICS code. All firms responding should state their status for the appropriate NAICS codes. The NAICS codes cited in the RFI are for internal business size stratification purposes only. Vendor responses should identify a point of contact including the representative's name, company, email address, mailing address and telephone number both in an email and within the body of the submitted document. Please limit your response to this RFI to three (3) pages or less. Submission Submission of Response should be directed to the following email address not later than April 22, 2015 at 2:00 PM Pacific Time to Sarah Waugh, Contract Specialist, via email at ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IN RESPONSE TO THIS RFI WILL BE USED FOR INFORMATIONAL AND PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY. ALL INFORMATION SUBMITTED IS RESPONSE TO THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS VOLUNTARY. THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WILL NOT PAY FOR INFORMATION REQUESTED NOR WILL IT COMPENSATE ANY RESPONDENT FOR ANY COST INCURRED IN DEVELOPING INFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. For Additional Information For additional information please contact: Sarah Waugh, Contract Specialist U.S. Department of Commerce/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Western Acquisition Division 7600 Sandpoint Way NE SOU6 Bldg. 1 Seattle, WA 98115
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- Place of Performance
- Address: Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, 96950, United States
- Zip Code: 96950
- Zip Code: 96950
- Record
- SN03691255-W 20150409/150407234824-81702c228b2e2dbd909cef5654053f68 (
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