B -- Biomedical Engineers and 2 novel BioMEMS-670
- Notice Date
- 7/28/2015
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 541330
— Engineering Services
- Contracting Office
- Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions, 31 Center Drive, Room 1B59, Bethesda, Maryland, 20892
- ZIP Code
- 20892
- Solicitation Number
- Archive Date
- 8/22/2015
- Point of Contact
- Farrin Stanton, , ,
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- This is a Small Business Sources Sought notice. This is NOT a solicitation for proposals, proposal abstracts, or quotations. The purpose of this notice is to obtain information regarding: (1) the availability and capability of qualified small business sources, (2) whether they are small businesses; HUBZone small businesses, service-disabled, veteran-owned small businesses; 8(a) small businesses; veteran-owned small businesses; woman-owned small businesses; or small disadvantaged businesses; and (3) their size classification relative to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the proposed acquisition. Your responses to the information requested will assist the Government in determining the appropriate acquisition method, including whether a set-aside is possible. This notice is issued to help determine the availability of qualified companies technically capable of meeting the Government requirement and to determine the method of acquisition. It is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government to issue a solicitation or ultimately award a contract. Responses will not be considered as proposals or quotes. No award will be made as a result of this notice. The Government will NOT be responsible for any costs incurred by the respondents to this notice. The notice is strictly for research and information purposes only. The information requested will assist the Government in determining the appropriate acquisition method, including whether a small business social-economic set-aside, competitive or non-competitive method is possible, and to determine the availability of qualified companies technically capable of meeting the Government's requirement. ALL organizations with the capability and availability to perform the requirement under the applicable NAICS code are invited to submit a response to this notice. NORTH AMERICAN CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (NAICS) CODE 541330 Engineering Services The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Intramural Research Program (IRP), engages in multi-disciplinary research at the molecular, cellular, animal, and clinical levels. The research program strives to conduct cutting edge research on the basic mechanisms that underlie drug addiction and treatment with the ultimate goal of translating this knowledge into improved strategies for preventing, treating and reducing the negative consequences of drug addiction. The NIDA/IRP is located at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Campus in Baltimore, Maryland. The objective of this contract is to provide NIDA IRP with the facility support of two biomedical engineers who have access, at minimum, to an ISO Class 5 Clean Room (ISO 14644-1 Cleanroom Standards) to provide NIDA IRP investigators the production of two novel bioMEMS (biomedical microelectromechanical systems) that are relevant to clinical and animal research. NIDA IRP does not have the ability or facility requirements to provide these devices. I. S e rvi c e s to be P e r fo r med A. G e n e r a l R e quir e ments 1. In n d e p e nd e nt l y, a nd not a s a n a g e nt of the Gov e r n ment, the c ontr a c t o r sh a ll fu r nish all n ece ss a r y labo r, ma t e ri a l s, supplies, e quipm e nt, and s e rvi c e s ( e x ce pt as oth e r w ise sp ec ifi e d h e r e in) a nd p e r fo r m the wo r k s e t fo r th b e low. 2. The Gov e rn m e nt P roj e c t O f fi c e r, w hose position is d e fin e d in S ec tion G of this c ontr a c t, will monitor a ll wo r k und e r this cont r ac t. 3. The Period of Performance is 12 months from the date of award. B.Sp ec ific R e quir e ments D e vice 1: R e a l - T i m e Det e c tion of D r ug Use and R e la p se Risk Fabrication of a w e arab l e d ev i c e that through dir ec t anal y sis in rea l - time of s w e at can d e te c t c o c aine and h e ro i n use while c on c urrently d e te c ting the risk for drug use v ia monitoring automatic ph y siologic r e sponses to events that trigger drug use. At minimu m, 20 d ev ic e s should be pr o v ided for t e sting purpose s N I DA I RP s ee ks a v e nd o r to p r ovide a thin stick e r - t y pe s e nsor that c a n be a ppli e d b y labo r a to r y sta f f du r i n g s e m i - w e e k l y visits, or a ppli e d b y t h e individual p a rti c ipants thems e lves on a d a i l y b a s is. The d e vice should be ca p a ble o f d r u g d e t ec tion in 4 to 6 hour inc r e ments, sp a ce d e v e n l y thro u g hout the d a y. I n p a rti c ula r, t h e d e v i c e must be ca p a ble o f d r u g d e t ec tion within the qu a ntiti e s of sw e a t produc e d du r i n g th e se time inc r e ments. I mport a nt l y, the d e v i c e must be c a p a ble of storing d a ta e l e c tr o nic a l l y f o r e x tend e d p e riods of time a nd d a ta must be r e tri e v a ble. An interface must be provided for data collection and storage. A n y r e qui r e ments, such a s the pow e r sour ce, c a n be c o n tain e d in a s e p a r a te a n d u nobtrusive housin g, e. g. br a ce l e t or h ea ri n g a ide. The device should not exceed 18 square centimeters. This pl a tform w ill l a y the g roun d wo r k for t h e a bili t y to con c u r r e nt l y d e t ec t drug u s e a nd the r isk of d r u g use - in r ea l people a nd in r e a l - ti m e. The s e nsors m a y include d e te c tors of innum e r a ble d r u g s, t h e ir m e tabolit e s, hormon e s e x c r e ted in sw e a t, as w e ll a s d e t e c tors of a n y involunta r y or v o l untary p h y siol o g ic r e sp o ns e s such a s the r m a l and c ondu c tive c h a n g e s in the skin, v a s o dil a tion/const r iction, and h e a rt r a te c h a n g e s. D e vice 2: V e r ti c al C a r bon N anotube Ele c t r od e s f or Bioel ec t r o c atalysis S e nso r s Fabrication of a s y stem that will be us e d to ass e ss n e uron a c ti v ity in the b r ain in addiction res e ar c h mod e l s, and will be us e d in br a i n - ma c hine interfa ce s. T he biological anod e s and c athodes will be us e d to pow e r intra ce llular el ec tronic c hips for r ec ording n e uron a c ti v ity in the brain. At minimu m, 12 d ev i c e pairs should be pro v ided for t e sting purposes. N I DA I RP s ee ks a v e nd o r to p r ovide (1) Anod e : A prod uc t with 16 plan a r e l e c trod e s a rr a y e d within 2X2 mm on the e nd of a bioMEMS d e vice t h a t c a n be a tt ac h e d b y H D M I ( H i g h - Definition Multim e dia I nterfa c e) to a volt a g e /curr e nt sensi n g d e vic e. The e le c tro d e s must c onsist first of v e rti ca l l y a li g n e d ca rbon n a notube ‘ f or e sts’ o f 10 0, 250 a nd 500 n a nomet e r h e i g ht. T h e e l ec trode must be s a t u r a ted with NA D P H - d e p e n d e nt r e du c ta s e+ c a lmodulin, c o a ted w ith a h y dr o g e l m a trix for e n z y me r e tention a nd a positiv e l y c h ar g e d outer silica l a y e r f o r bio c omp a tibili t y. The fi n a l produ c t must be c ompatible with imm e rsion in biolo g ic a l solutions a nd in br a in tissu e. (2) C a thode: This product is the s a me a s the a node ( a bov e ) but the e le c tro d e must be s a tur a ted w ith the f u n g a l en z y me l a cca s e, c o a t e d with a h y d r o g e l m a trix for e n z y me r e tention and a p ositive l y c h ar g e d outer s i li c a l a y e r for biocomp a t i bili t y. The fin a l produ c t must b e c ompatible with imm e r sion in biolo g ic a l solutions a nd in br a in tissu e. F a c ility R e quire m e nts The fa c ili t y s e l e c ted must h a ve c u r r e nt, app r o v e d I S O Cl a ss 5 Cle a n Room ce rtifi c a tion. The fa c ili t y s e l e c ted must h a ve the a bili t y to m a n u f a c tu r e c ustomi z e d bioMEM S. Sp ec ifi ca l l y, the f ac ili t y must possess n a no e n g i n e e ring a nd mat e ri a ls e n g i n ee ri n g ca p a bilities. The fa c ili t y /bi o e n g ineers must h a ve e x p e ri e n c e m a nuf a c t u ring bi o e le c tr o c a ta l y tic a nd bios e nsor d e vi c e s a n d biosilifi ca tion. The fa c ili t y /bi o e n g ineers must h a ve bro a d bioe n g i n ee ri n g e x p e rtise in the manu f ac tu r e of robust b i os e nsors that c a n d e te c t a dive r se s e t of d r u g a nd p h y sio l o g ic a l mol ec ules. The fa c ili t y /bi o e n g ineers must h a ve e x p e ri e n c e m a nuf a c t u ring s y stems th a t inco r por a te e le c tron i c s o n a fl e x ible substr a te th a t c a n a d a pt to the sh a pe of the skin sur f a c e, a s w e ll a s e x p e ri e n c e with dr u g s e nsors t h a t a r e c h e mi ca l - o r e n z y m e - b a s e d. Th e se s e nsors wi l l pr e f e r a b l y induce e le c t r ic a l si g n a ls th a t ca n be s t or e d e le c troni c a l l y. The fa c ili t y /bi o e n g ineers must pro v ide technical support within 24 hours of request. R e po r ting R e quire m e n t s The fa c ili t y /bi o e n g ineers must pro v ide a bimonthly pr o gr e ss r e port. The r e port should con t a in, at a minimum, the number of h o urs w o rk e d b y eac h c ontr a c tor with the tot a l cost list e d, a list of suppl i e s a nd mat e r i a ls pur c h a s e d with the tot a l cost list e d, a summary o f p r o g r e ss on e a c h bioMEMs, a nd a n y o t h e r r e lev a nt n e ws. Oth e r r e l e v a nt ne w s c ould in c lude c h a n g e s in p e rsonn e l, u n e x p ec ted proj e c t del a y s, r e qu e sts f or p r oje c t c l a ri f ic a tion, a nd similar it e ms. CAPABILITY STATEMENT INFORMATION SOUGHT Respondents must provide, as part of their responses, clear and convincing documentation of their capability of providing the item(s) specified in this notice. Contractors that believe they possess the ability to provide the required must submit specific documentation of their ability to meet each of the project requirements to the Contract Specialist. Contractors must provide their Company Name, DUNS number, Physical Address, and Point of Contact Information. Interested organizations are required to identify their type of business, applicable North American Industry Classification System Code, and size standards in accordance with the Small Business Administration. The government requests that no proprietary or confidential business data be submitted in a response to this notice. However, responses that indicate the information therein is proprietary will be properly safeguarded for Government use only. Capability statements must include the name and telephone number of a point of contact having authority and knowledge to discuss responses with Government representatives. Capability statements in response to this market survey that do not provide sufficient information for evaluation will be considered non-responsive. When submitting this information, please reference the solicitation notice number. All capability statements sent in response to this Sources Sought Notice must be submitted electronically (via email) to Farrin Stanton, Contract Specialist, at in MS Word format by or before the closing date of this announcement. All responses must be received by the specified due date and time in order to be considered. The response must be received on or before August 7, 2015 11:00am, eastern time. CONCLUDING STATEMENTS Note: This notice does not obligate the Government to award a contract or otherwise pay for the information provided in the response. No proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information should be included in your response. The Government reserves the right to use information provided by respondents for any purpose deemed necessary and legally appropriate. Any organization responding to this notice should ensure that its response is complete and sufficiently detailed to allow the Government to determine the organization's qualifications to perform the work. Respondents are advised that the Government is under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information received or provide feedback to respondents with respect to any information submitted. After review of the responses received, pre-solicitation and solicitation notices may be published in Federal Business Opportunities. However, responses to this notice will not be considered adequate responses to a solicitation. The solicitation release date is pending. The Government intends to negotiate a fixed-price purchase order. Confidentiality. No proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information should be included in your response. The Government reserves the right to use any non-proprietary technical information in any resultant solicitation(s).
- Web Link
- Permalink
- Place of Performance
- Address: 31 Center Drive, Bethesda, Maryland, 20879, United States
- Zip Code: 20879
- Zip Code: 20879
- Record
- SN03813960-W 20150730/150729000400-17a30a023da324e32e6cc077de75197d (
- Source
FedBizOpps Link to This Notice
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