R -- Public Opinoin Surveys - Sahel Project
- Notice Date
- 8/12/2015
- Notice Type
- Modification/Amendment
- 541910
— Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling
- Contracting Office
- Department of State, Office of Acquisitions, Acquisition Management, 1735 N. Lynn St., Arlington, Virginia, 22209, United States
- ZIP Code
- 22209
- Solicitation Number
- SAQMMA15Q0218
- Archive Date
- 8/28/2015
- Point of Contact
- Terence G. Lord, Phone: 7038754985
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- The following solicitation provisions apply to this acquisition This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. This is a firm fixed price acquisition being conducted under FAR part 12 in conjunction with FAR 13 Simplified Acquisition Procedures (13.106). The Office of Opinion Research (OPN) of the U.S. Department of State (the Client) is considering commissioning nationally representative public opinion surveys in Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, and Senegal in late 2015/early 2016 as described below. Deadline for submission of proposals is DATE-2. All bids must be stated in U.S. dollars. SUMMARY OF CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES •Designing an appropriate sample; •Translating, back-translating, formatting, and printing the questionnaire submitted by the Office of Opinion Research; •Conducting a pretest; •Managing fieldwork; •Coding questionnaires, entering data, checking and cleaning the data; and •Providing required deliverables: detailed sampling design, translation and back-translation of questionnaire, pretest report, final field version of questionnaire and show cards, marginal frequencies, data in ASCII and SPSS formats, codebook, methodological report, contact sheets for selected interviewers, copies of 10 completed field questionnaires, and additional supporting documentation as necessary. These responsibilities are described in detail below. SAMPLE DESIGN: Design and implement a probability sample design for face-to-face interviews in respondents' homes. The final achieved samples of the proposed surveys for most countries shall range between 1400 and 1900 interviews of residents age 18 and older, with the exception of Nigeria which should have approximately 3700 interviews in each country where they have the ability to do work. If the security situation prohibits interviews in any areas, the Contractor should provide an explanation for the inaccessibility in those areas as well as the anticipated non-coverage in the final sample. The Client and the Contractor will then work together to find a reasonable sampling solution. In addition, within each country, some states should receive a sample boost as indicated by Table 1 (below). Within each country (Column A), the specified state/provinces (Column B) that are allocated less than the minimum threshold (Column C) should receive a sample boost in order to attain the minimum number of interviews per state/province (Column C). TABLE 1: BOOSTER SAMPLES- PHASE 1 SEE ATTACHMENT TITLED "SPECIFICIATION TABLES". Within Senegal, four cities will receive an additional sample boost of 100 extra interviews. The Client will work with the Contractor to select the specific cities upon commissioning of the survey. The Contractor should specify in the proposal if any part of a country is excluded and the reason(s) for dropping that state/province. Before the beginning of fieldwork the Contractor shall submit a spreadsheet or SPSS file showing all of the primary sampling units (PSUs) for each stratum, together with a description of how each unit was selected. The Contractor shall indicate the skip intervals and random starting points used in the selection process, as well as the order in which the primary sampling units were selected within each stratum. If the sampling poses particularly difficult challenges in addition to the aforementioned issues of inaccessibility due to the security situation, the Contractor is responsible for working through those challenges and getting approval from the Office of Opinion Research on the design no later than four weeks prior to commencing training in the field. These must be sent to and approved by the Office of Opinion Research prior to moving into the next stage of the research. Before approving the sampling plan, the Office of Opinion Research may choose to work with the Contractor to amend any potential issues in the design, particularly given the current situation in the country (no census, drought/famine, large number of internally displaced persons, etc). Any changes after approval must be agreed upon. SUBCONTRACTING: The use of subcontractors for any portion of this project should be specified in the proposal with the name of the subcontracting agency, the proposed responsibilities for the subcontracting agency, and prior experience working with the agency. WEIGHTING PROCEDURE: Each country datafile shall require a minimum of one weight because of the required sample boost: each state/province should be weighted to obtain a national representation in each country, thereby allowing a national representation (weight on) and a state/provincial representation (weight off). If the Contractor foresees the need to use additional weights to adjust the data after fieldwork, the weighting procedure must be fully documented in the proposal. All weights should be fractional, so the sample size in the analysis shall not change drastically in size. The data source for each weighting factor should be fully described, with enough detail that the Client could reconstruct the weights if needed As an integrated data file is one of the final deliverables, all weighting variables shall be located in the same column location(s) for all countries. QUESTIONNAIRE: OPN will provide an English-language questionnaire that will include approximately 45 substantive questions (40 closed-ended, 5 open-ended), focusing on public attitudes toward domestic economic and social issues, as well as international affairs. In addition, for each respondent the questionnaire and final data set will include: Demographics: including but not limited to gender, exact age, education, occupation, household income, number of adults in household who are eligible for the survey, economic class, city, region, urban/rural, political party support, religion and ethnicity Interviewing information: •date of interview (month, day, day of week); •interview start time, interview end time, duration of interview in minutes; •variables used to stratify the sample; a unique code for each primary sampling unit, secondary sampling unit, and ultimate sampling point; and a variable indicating the order in which the PSUs were selected within each stratum if systematic sampling is used; •interviewer ID, supervisor ID, field manager ID, data entry/keypuncher ID; •interviewers' indication of the privacy of the interview and the comfort, comprehension and candor of the respondent; •whether the respondent is the originally selected respondent or a substitute, the number of visits/call-backs necessary to achieve a successful interview, whether the interview was back-checked, and the method of back-checking (supervisor's presence during the original interview, separate face-to-face interview by either the supervisor or another interviewer, telephone call, and/or a letter or postcard). TRANSLATION AND BACK-TRANSLATION OF QUESTIONNAIRE: The Contractor is responsible for translating the questionnaire into the appropriate vernacular languages for each country, and for back-translating the translated questionnaires into English. Currently, 80% of the questionnaire has already been translated into local languages. The Contractor will only need to translate several new questions into the appropriate vernacular language(s) for each country. The back-translations must be done by someone who has not seen the original English questionnaire. The Client will review the translation and consult with the Contractor on necessary changes. The Client must approve the final translation before the pretest. The Contractor is responsible for making changes and revisions requested by the Client. During the field training, the Contractor is responsible for having the supervisors and interviewers go through the translations to ensure they accurately reflect the English version. We expect the following translations shall be needed: TABLE 2 SUGGESTED LANGUAGES: SEE ATTACHMENT TITLED "SPECIFICIATION TABLES". The Contractor shall advise the client on whether these translations are sufficient or whether additional languages are needed. PRE-TEST: After the Client approves the translation, the Contractor will pretest the full questionnaire with at least 20 randomly-selected representative interviews in each country that will not be included in the final sample. The Contractor will provide the Client with a pretest report, including a demographic summary of the participants and a discussion by question of any problems or suggested changes to the questionnaire. The Client must approve any changes to the questionnaire before the survey is placed in the field. FIELDWORK: Fieldwork will be done by face-to-face interviews in respondents' homes. All interviews shall be conducted in strict adherence to the sampling plan. The Contractor is responsible for organizing and overseeing all aspects of fieldwork, including: preparing and printing the final questionnaires; selecting and training interviewers; assigning contact lists to interviewers; supervising interviewers; enforcing quality controls; monitoring and recording contact and non-response rates; and providing weekly feedback to the Office of Opinion Research on the status of fieldwork. These updates will include information on the achieved sample and any significant problems encountered during fieldwork. If, in the course of fieldwork, it is apparent that there is an unusually large proportion of persons refusing to be interviewed, the Contractor must inform the Client. Contact with every sampled household or adult should be attempted at least 3 times during fieldwork. The contact attempts should be spread over different times of the day and days of the week and weekend. Every contact attempt should be documented, and the final outcome of each attempt should be recorded as part of the final dispositions for the project. DATA MANAGEMENT: The Contractor is responsible for processing, cleaning, and coding the data in English, enforcing quality controls for data entry, and detecting data fabrication, if any. Closed-end or pre-coded questions: The Contractor shall use the codes specified on the final questionnaire for all items. Open-end questions: The Contractor will develop categories of responses based on 200 randomly selected questionnaires from all regions of the sample, providing at least 5 sample responses for each proposed category. Categories must be approved by the Client prior to coding responses. The "Other" category should not include more than 10% of the total responses for any question. If any single response in the "Other" category amounts to more than 2%, then the Contractor will code this response as a separate response, not as "Other." DELIVERABLES: The Contractor shall deliver the following to OPN by email (except as otherwise noted): 1)Detailed sampling design; 2)Translation and back-translation of the questionnaire; 3)Pretest report; For each country, within fifteen (15) business days after completion of fieldwork, the Contractor should deliver by electronic mail to the Client: 4)Field versions of the questionnaire, all show cards, and the complete final back translations in English; 5)A preliminary SPSS data file for the completed country. 6)A detailed description of weighting procedures, If you weight the data. The Client must be able to recreate weight values based on this documentation, the data sources, and the data file. Any weights should account for: a.The probability of selection of the household and the adult (the base weights should be the inverse of the probability of selection); b.Nonresponse and noncoverage; c.Adjustments to match population data (describe sources of population data). Within fifteen (15) business days of submission of results from the last completed country, the Contractor should submit to the Client: 7)The final, cleaned data files (one for each country and one merged file) including all survey questions, demographics, interviewing information and (if applicable) weight values; these files shall be in two formats: a.ASCII, with all records having the same length b.SPSS Windows format (*.sav), with all variables and values labeled in English, and all labels and column positions uniform across each country; c.One additional SPSS file (to cover all six countries) containing all incomplete cases (such as break-offs and refusals); 8)A complete codebook for all survey questions, demographics, interviewing information, and (if applicable) weight values, identifying the column positions of all variables in the ASCII file; 9)A detailed methodological report which contains sufficient details on the sampling design and weighting so that independent researchers would be able to replicate the survey using only information in the report. In particular, the methodological report shall include the following: •A brief report of any unusual problems or significant events which may have influenced the conduct of the survey or the responses given; •A description of field interviewing, including: exact dates of field work; interviewer selection, training and supervision; and enforcement of quality controls; •A description of the sampling design and procedure, including: oThe universe sampled; oThe populations excluded from the sample and why these were excluded; oDescription of statistical documentation used to design the sample (e.g., census data) and date of the information; oAll forms of stratification used, and the basis for stratification; If you use differential probabilities of selection in sampling (e.g., stratification with different rates by strata), provide the justification for using those rates and describe the expected effects on the variances. oSelection procedure at each stage of sampling: primary sampling unit (PSU), secondary sampling unit (SSU), sampling point, household and individual respondent; oFor PSUs and SSUs, indicate the order in which each unit was selected. For systematic sampling, indicate the random starting point and the skip interval; •If you weight the data, provide a detailed description of weighting procedures. The Client must be able to recreate weight values based on this documentation, the data sources, and the data file. Any weights should account for: oThe probability of selection of the household and the adult (the base weights should be the inverse of the probability of selection); oNonresponse and noncoverage; oAdjustments to match population data (describe sources of population data). •Report on sampling performance, including: oInformation on sampling point substitution, including: a list of sampling points that were replaced, the reason for their replacement, the procedures for replacement, and the replacement sampling points; oRate of respondent substitution and procedures for substituting respondents; oThe number of completed interviews, partial interviews, refusals, failed contacts (e.g. no one at home), cases that are not eligible (e.g. not a housing unit, no adults in the household), and cases of unknown eligibility (e.g. unable to locate address), and the resulting response rate ("RR1" as defined in "Standard Definitions" by the American Association for Public Opinion Research); oThe response rate (as defined above) for each city/province/region/interviewer; oAn estimate of sampling error that takes into account the actual sampling procedures used (stratification, clustering, etc.). Include a brief explanation of how interviewing and fieldwork procedures affected the theoretical margin of error. 10)1 copy of a data book containing tabular results for all substantive questions with the following banners: gender, age group, education, religion, region, and urban/rural; 11)Selected contact sheets for 10 specific interviewers per country which the Client will specify after receipt of the final data set. These may be sent either in hard copy or as a scanned email attachment; 12)Ten completed questionnaires per country which the Client will specify after receipt of the final data set (either in hard copy or as a scanned email attachment); 13)The Client may request additional supporting documentation to fully understand the design and conduct of the survey (e.g., interviewer maps). TIME SCHEDULE: Each stage of the survey project should be conducted according to a schedule agreed to by the Contractor and the Office of Opinion Research. The period of performance will be September 1, 2015 date to August 31, 2016. CONFIDENTIALITY: The study is to be conducted in the name of the Contractor, in keeping with standard industry practice. The Client's identity shall not be revealed to field supervisors, interviewers or respondents in order to minimize bias. Further, the Client's identity, details of the project and the survey results shall not be revealed to outside parties - e.g., media, academic or government - at any point before, during or after completion of the project without the express written permission of the Client. ARCHIVING OF STUDY: The Client may store parts of the study (questionnaires, data set, methodological summary) with a non-profit archive (e.g., the Roper Center, the National Archive and Records Administration). Projects will be embargoed for at least two years, and all identifiable markers of the Contractor will be removed. BILLING AND PAYMENT: Payment is typically authorized either in a single installment upon receipt and approval of all required deliverables, OR in two installments - the first upon approval of the final questionnaire and sampling plans, and the second upon receipt and approval of all required deliverables. Please note, payment cannot be authorized upon commissioning the survey. All payments will be made in U.S. dollars. The method of payment is typically by electronic funds transfer if the Contractor provides appropriate banking information, but may also be made by U.S. Treasury check. The following solicitation provisions apply to this acquisition: • FAR 52.212-3, "Offeror Representations & Certifications Commercial Items" (May 2014) _____________________ The following contract clauses apply to this acquisition: • FAR 52.212-4, "Contract Terms and Conditions Commercial Items" (Dec 2014) -Addenda attached • FAR 52.212-5, "Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders" (Apr 2015). In addition to the required paragraphs, the following are the applicable optional paragraphs under 52.212-5: (8) 52.209-6,"Protecting the Government's Interest When Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment". (Aug 2013) (31 U.S.C. 6101 note) (33)(i) 52.222-50, "Combatting Trafficking in Persons" (Mar 2015) (22 U.S.C. chapter 78 and E.O. 13627) (49) 52.232-30, "Installment Payments for Commercial Items" (Oct 1995) (41 U.S.C. 4505, 10 U.S.C. 2307(f)). For additional instructions, including submittal contents and evaluation factors, please refer to the attachment. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR OFFER BY THE SPECIFIED DATE/TIME TO LORDTG@STATE.GOV
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