59 -- Relay, Thermal
- Notice Date
- 11/13/2015
- Notice Type
- Presolicitation
- 334416
— Capacitor, Resistor, Coil, Transformer, and Other Inductor Manufacturing
- Contracting Office
- Defense Logistics Agency, DLA Acquisition Locations, DLA Land and Maritime, P O Box 3990, Columbus, Ohio, 43218-3990, United States
- ZIP Code
- 43218-3990
- Solicitation Number
- SPE7M2-16-R-0010
- Archive Date
- 12/14/2015
- Point of Contact
- Alisha Blanton, Phone: 6146925926
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- This acquisition is for supplies for which the Government does not possess complete, unrestrictive technical data; therefore, the Government intends to solicit and contract with only approved sources under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1). Approved sources are: INDAL TECHNOLOGIES INC DBA (36334) P/N: 8007-012-1 NORTHROP GRUMMAN SYSTEMS (21877) P/N: 167577 DRS POWER & CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES, (27192) P/N: 6957ED14-1A Mercury or mercury containing compounds shall not be intentionally added to, or come in direct contact with, any hardware or supplies furnished under this contract. Exception: functional mercury used in batteries, fluorescent lights, required instruments; sensors or controls; weapon systems; and chemical analysis reagents specified by NAVSEA. Portable fluorescent lamps and portable instruments containing mercury shall be shock Proof and contain a second boundary of containment of the mercury or mercury compound. (IAW NAVSEA 5100-003d). No data is available. The alternate offeror is required to provide a complete data package including data for the approved and alternate part for evaluation. Materiel is anticipated to be shipped to: W25G1U W1BG DLA DISTRIBUTION DDSP NEW CUMBERLAND FACILITY 2001 NORMANDY DRIVE DOOR 113 TO 134 NEW CUMBERLAND PA 17070-5002 US The anticipated packaging requirements are as follows: PKGING DATA - MIL-STD-2073-1D, 15 DEC 1999 QUP: 001 PRES MTHD: 41 CLNG/DRY: 1 PRESV MAT: 00 WRAP MAT: XX CUSH/DUNN MAT: NA CUSH/DUNN THKNESS: X UNIT CONT: D3 OPI: O INTRMDTE CONT: DO INTRMDTE CONT QTY: AAA PACK CODE: U MARKING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MIL-STD-129. SPECIAL MARKING CODE: ZZ -ZZ Special Requirements Configuration Change Management - Engineering Change Proposal, Requests for Variance (Deviation or Waiver) February 2015. DLAD Clause 52.211-9063, Unit Package Marking Requirement for Component Lead Finish, Applies. The solicitation is anticipated to require FOB Origin and inspection of the supplies and packaging at Destination. Q u a n ti t y : 350 Various Increments Solicited: FROM: 200 TO: 349 FROM: 351 TO: 450 FROM: 451 TO: 500 U n it o f I ss u e: EA Deli v e r y Sc h e d u le: 300 days ARO T y p e of S e t -A s i d e : Unrestricted T h e s o licitati o n w ill b e a v aila b le in Fe d B izO pp s o n its i s s u e d ate o f November 30, 2015. W h ile pr ice m a y b e a s i g n i f ica n t f act o r in t h e e v a l u a t i o n o f of f e r s, t h e f i n al a w a r d d eci s i o n w i l l b e b a s ed u po n a c o m b i n ati o n o f pr ice, d eli v e r y, p a s t p e r f or m a n ce a n d o t h er e v al u a ti o n f act or s as d e s c r i b ed in t h e s o licitati o n. A ll r e s po ns i b le s o u r ces m a y s u b m it a n of f e r / q u o te w h i c h s h all b e c o ns i d e r e d. All offers shall be in the English language and in U.S. dollars. Based upon market research, the Government is not using the policies contained in Part 12, Acquisition of Commercial Items, in its solicitation for the described supplies or services. However, interested persons may identify to the contracting officer their interest and capability to satisfy the Government's requirement with a commercial item within 15 days of this notice. The C ont rac ti n g O ff i c e r m a y utili z e on - line R e v e r se Au c tioni n g a s a m e a n s of c ondu c ti n g p r i ce dis c ussions und e r this soli c it a tion. Du r ing the c ou r se of the on - line a u c tion, o ffer o r s ' p r opos e d p r i ce s will be publi c l y dis c los e d to oth e r o f f er o r s a nd a n y one e lse h a vi n g a cce ss to the on - line a u c tion. This public dis c losu r e is a no n y mous, m e a ning th a t e ac h o f fer or ' s id e nti t y will be c on c e a l e d fr om oth e r o f f er o r s ( a lthou g h it will be known to the Gov er nm e n t ), a nd on l y g e n er i c id e nti f i er s will be us e d p ubli c l y f or e a c h o f f er o r ' s p r opos e d p r i c i n g ( e. g., "O ff e r or A " ). B y submitting a p r opos a l in re sponse to the soli c it a tion, o ffer o r s a g r e e to p ar ti c ip a te in the R e v er se Au c tion a nd th a t th e ir p r i ce s m a y be publi c l y dis c l os e d, in c luding to oth e r o ffer o r s, du r i n g the R e v er se A u c tion. An o f f er o r ' s f in a l a u c tion p r i c e will be c onsid ere d its f i n a l p r opos a l re vision. No p r i c e r e visions will be a c ce pt e d af t e r the c lose of the R e v er s e Au c tion, unl e ss the C ont rac ting O ff i c e r d ec i d e s th a t f u r t h e r dis c ussions ar e n ee d e d a nd f in a l p r opos a l r e visions ar e a g a in re qu e st e d in a cc o r d a n c e with F AR 15.307.
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- Record
- SN03945984-W 20151115/151113234700-4e3f824a4731532c5f49c95b2f92858b (
- Source
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