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488490 — Other Support Activities for Road Transportation
Contracting Office
Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region IV, 3003 Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta, Georgia, 30341, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Annette R Wright, Phone: 7702205663, Akela Brown, Phone: 4046937714
E-Mail Address
annette.wright@fema.dhs.gov, akela.brown@fema.dhs.gov
(annette.wright@fema.dhs.gov, akela.brown@fema.dhs.gov)
Small Business Set-Aside
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) desires to seek out a service provider who possesses the ability to develop along with key FEMA personnel, a network of transportation and emergency cross dock/freight forwarding services operations centers in the Southeast. As national emergency situations occur, the need for transportation and logistics services into the “Affected Area” are most critical. An efficient, reliable and highly flexible operation is needed to provide the Agency, as well as local governments, the supplies needed to present relief to citizens in the affected area. The service provider must possess an adequate owned and directly controlled infrastructure as well as information technology to efficiently mange, communicate and process various levels of supplies to the “affected area”. Contract for transportation and cross dock services for Region IV DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) desires to seek out a service provider who possesses the ability to develop along with key FEMA personnel, a network of transportation and emergency cross dock/freight forwarding services operations centers in the Southeast. As national emergency situations occur, the need for transportation and logistics services into the "Affected Area" are most critical. An efficient, reliable and highly flexible operation is needed to provide the Agency, as well as local governments, the supplies needed to present relief to citizens in the affected area. The service provider must possess an adequate owned and directly controlled infrastructure as well as information technology to efficiently mange, communicate and process various levels of supplies to the "affected area". In order to respond to an incident or event, FEMA Region IV may establish a FSA (Federal Staging Area) or ISB (Incident Support Base) at one of the following locations: (Primary sites in bold) 1.Naval Air Station Jacksonville, FL 2.Maxwell Air Force Base, Montgomery, Al 3.Meridian Air Base, Meridian, MS 4.Fort Bragg, Fayetteville, NC 5.Fort Campbell, Ft. Campbell, KY 6.Fort Gordon, Fort Gordon, GA 7.Homestead AFB, Homestead, FL 8.North Air Force, Aux. Field, North, SC 9.Fort Jackson, Columbia SC 10.Albany MCLB, Albany, GA 11.Fort Knox, Fort Knox, KY 12.Arnold AFB, Manchester, TN 13.Charleston AFB, Charleston, SC 14.Fort Stewart, Fort Stewart, GA 15.Moody AFB, Valdosta, GA 16.Fort Benning, Fort Benning, GA 17.Dobbins AFB, Marietta, GA 18.Naval Air Station Pensacola, Pensacola, FL 19.Columbus AFB, Columbus, MS Other FSA or ISB sites, including commercial sites, are possible and mission specific. The established FSA (or ISB) will provide commodity and resource support to a state(s) or geographic area within the FEMA Region IV states (Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Kentucky). Region IV may assist other regions throughout the United States. It may extend services into those other regions and territories as the need arises. Operational Requirements: Requirements for services include the following: 1.Transportation Services a.Bringing inbound commodities and resources from supply sources to the FSA to include both power only and power with vendor supplied, trackable trailer. Scale ranges from 1 to 150 loads. {ALL ORGANICALLY OWNED/CONTROLED} i.From FEMA Distribution Centers; 1.DC Atlanta (common) 2.DC Fort Worth (common) 3.DC Frederick (common) 4.DC Cumberland (common) 5.DC Moffett (Extremely Rare) ii.From other sources/vendors TBD. b.Shuttle Service for the FSA. {ALL ORGANICALLY OWNED/CONTROLED} c.Retrograde of commodities and trailers. i.Commodities to FEMA DCs or other sites. ii.Disposal of other vendors trailers to their drop yards. 2.Cross Dock Services {ALL ORGANICALLY OWNED/CONTROLED} a.Ability to cross load commodities and resources from outside sourced independent trailers to vendors' trailers for operational control. b.Ability to establish viable cross docks within 90 minutes' drive time to FSA. c.Provide the ability to cross dock a minimum of 5 trailers simultaneously requiring ten doors minimum. Ability to scale up to cross docking 10 trailers simultaneously (20 doors). d.Establish a cross dock rate of no more than 20 minutes/trailer with all documentation completed. e.Have sufficient yard space to accommodate inbound trailers with overflow capacity. f.Ability to track commodity and information required by FEMA in a format that complies with the requirements of FEMA Region IV Logistics. Core Company Capabilities Ability to deploy within 12 hours of official notice from FEMA oThis includes personnel, equipment, and mission essential technology. Ability and willingness to commence deployment to mission on "word" from FEMA, as opposed to waiting for a signed contract, which could take a few days to receive. Ability and willingness to manage other providers, such as trailer lease company or other carriers, thereby freeing FEMA to focus solely on the survivors. Providing FEMA with one LOGISTICS contact for the mission. Must have multiple facilities and real estate in each state (at least FEMA Region IV), and be prepared to stand up these facilities when the call comes from FEMA. oAbility to stand up more than one facility, simultaneously, during a mission is required (includes Operations, Communications, Printing, Security, Workspace for FEMA site staff, etc.) oFacilities should have adequate space for FEMA vehicles of various types. oCross Docks should be within 90 minute drive time of the FSA. Exceptions only with FEMA approval. o24/7 Security is required at all cross docks and contractor/FEMA sites. oAbility and financial strength as well as reputation to source additional real estate capacity, even if only temporary, for a mission. oCarrier having its' own Real Estate Department is recommended. Autonomy granted and complete support provided by the company's executive management to the deployed management staff. This is to provide for streamlined decision making and insure that the decision process is at the field level. Decisions must be made quickly and accurately without the need for continually calling in for permission. A team relationship with FEMA is crucial for both to succeed. oOn-site presence, at the RRCC, of an executive level leader, from the logistics provider is a must. oTrained and experienced service provider management staff is on-site at all cross docks, FSAs and any location deemed necessary by FEMA. Typically, an FSA will require a minimum of a working lead and qualified assistant each shift (more depending on the scale of the mission). A cross dock will require a working lead, with enough supervisory support staff to manage receiving, cross docking, shipping, and information flow for each shift. Information system with easy web access, server redundancy and connectivity anywhere a FEMA mission may occur. This system must contain that capacity to {all required for cross dock operations}: oDriver/Tractor/Trailer database oQuick dispatch capability, oBOL generator (to FEMA specs) oReceiving (In-Gate), Shipping (Out-Gate), Cross Dock data capture. Must be in a format that can be easily shared with FEMA (Excel, Word, etc.) oTracking and tracing of commodities, trailers, processes. oElectronic reporting capability for the operation including measurable performance data FEMA requires (reporting times at a minimum). oConnectivity for field data capture and relay. Experienced Site Managers oMust have a bias for action and a strong sense of urgency. oUnderstands how FEMA works a mission. oAnticipates needs and works with FEMA leadership to achieve goals. oHas a demonstrated ability to lead his team and partners. oUnderstands that FEMA's mission goals can change for a variety of reasons and is adaptable to those changes. Must not become fixated on a particular issue causing him/her to lose sight of the overall objective. oMust possess excellent communication skills, and maintain an effective working relationship with FEMA. He or she must be a strong leader, and feel comfortable in expressing his thoughts to the FSA manager while still remembering that FEMA is the customer, and is in control of mission objectives. oCompany must maintain an active "Ready List" of suitable managers. Well reviewed and fully qualified driver data base for mission. oClean driving record and criminal back ground check. oUS Citizen! oFlexibility in work rules, oTakes direction from carrier management team on site without question, oTakes direction well, a team player, oProperly "represent the mission" to the public, oSleeper trucks preferred, but not required oDrivers must also be willing and able to properly operate forklifts, assist in cross dock work, and assist at POD delivery sights if necessary. Driver will NOT have a "not my job" mentality. oDriver must remember that FEMA is in charge, and will take direction from FEMA staff when necessary. oContractor will provide guidance for driver lodging and accommodations. Lodging, meals, rest, and related care services are the responsibility of the contractor's operational plans and the contractor's employees. FEMA is not responsible for the care of any contractor employee or their support staff. Demonstrated ability and experience working on U.S. Military installations. oWill conform to all rules and regulations established by the Military, FEMA, FPS, or any other entity that is in command of that facility. oWill provide a list of drivers and support staff (US citizens) including name, address, DL information, contact info, and last 4 of SSN (NOT THE ENTIRE SSN) to base security if requested. This information is often wanted in advance of drivers arriving to the base. Fuel Procurement- service provider must possess the ability to source fuel, including diesel and other fuels that carrier equipment utilize, such as propane, to support the operation during the event. Transportation: A.Inbound commodities and resources Contractor may be asked to provide line-haul service from various FEMA DCs (i.e. DC Atlanta, DC Fort Worth, DC Frederick, DC Cumberland, etc.) or other suppliers to the FSA. This service will constitute shuttle operations for the FSA, in spite of the load originating at a FEMA DC or other source TBD. Inbound loads would arrive at the FSA. An appropriate number of power units and drivers would be retained at the FSA for routine shuttle operations. Those units not retained would be subject to release. Fees for this service would fall either under line haul charges or Shuttle daily charges (based of initial quote) depending on power unit and driver retention. Power/drivers retained would be a shuttle; those not would be a line haul. There is no guarantee that the contractor will be asked to provide inbound service to the FSA. Power with Drivers: If tasked with bringing inbound commodities and resources to the FSA, the contractor can expect power only requirements (hauling FEMA owned or leased trailers) ranging from 10 to 80 loads. Trailers: If the contractor is tasked with providing commodity and resource movement from FEMA DCs (or other sources) to the FSA, the contractor may be required to provide trailers in order to move the commodities to the FSA for the response mission. If needed, the trailers either by leasing or from internal assets, trailers that are 48 or 53', Dry Van, reefer, or container, with "Barn Doors", and satellite tracking that is preinstalled on the trailer/container. Reefers and/or containers are only to be leased at FEMA's request OR be provided at the less expensive dry van cost. {All quotes should have specific line items for Dry Van, Reefer, and container (48' or 53').} Tracking can be through Qualcomm, Skybits, or equivalent. Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the trailers they provide are on site, at the DC(s) or other vendors ready for use by the FEMA for the FSA mission. If tasked with providing power and dry-van trailers for inbound commodities and resources, the contractor can expect a range from 10 to 100 trailers initially with up to 10% being reefers. Flatbed loads for Generators, Generator fuel tanks, and BOM kits may be required. A potential mix of 10 standard 48'+ flatbeds and 5 drop deck trailers may be utilized. There is no guarantee that this service will be required. B.Shuttle Service Contractor will supply "X" number of shuttle trucks, consisting of Power Unit and Driver, to the FSA Location(s) to provide shuttle service for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA Region IV will supervise the operational use of this fleet for the for movement of commodities from the FEMA Region IV FSA to a state SLSA,PODs or other points deemed necessary, for a specified number of days. The State will assist in providing direction, goals and objectives for this shuttle fleet, with a FEMA COTR being there to monitor the contract and its' application. FEMA will manage the overall operation. Locations: Possible FSAs will be located in the locations previously mentioned. Contractor will take direction from the FEMA representative as to what shuttle operations are to be undertaken. This will be overseen by the FEMA COTR. FEMA and the contractor have full responsibility for management and operation of the shuttle fleet during the designated time of this contract. Contractor will provide "X" number of shuttle trucks (Power Unit and Driver) to the FSA at _____am, _______(Month)_____________, ____(Day)_____, 20__. These trucks are to be ready to operate for shuttle missions when they arrive. Contractor is responsible for managing driver hours, and for keeping FEMA apprised of any shortages or pitfalls that may be encountered. Contractor may be asked to continue or execute resupply of the FSA as previously mentioned in the "Inbound commodities and resources" section. Contractor Management: Contractor will able to provide 24 hour management support on site that has decision making capability as it relates to normal shuttle operations, including dispatch, driver/truck acquisition, repairs, dismissing drivers/trucks, and seeing to drivers' daily needs. On site managers must have 24 hour support from executive level authority management (i.e. vice president or equivalent). Contractor may be required by FEMA Region IV to provide executive level authority support at the RRCC at FEMA Region IV, Atlanta, or other designated site. Executive level support must have complete decision making authority without having to go to other people(s) or entities. At FEMA's convenience, this position may function virtually, provided that the executive level (i.e. VP) individual is ALWAYS immediately available via phone and has immediate email access. Range and Scope of operation: Shuttle fleet will be able to operate 24 hours a day, although exact hours of operation will be determined by the requirements of the mission. Fleet will operate covering the states covered by the FSA and support operations. These operations can also include yard operations/management at the FSA to include staging and parking of trailers, trailer inventory, and flow management. Contractor needs to be prepared to operate an immediate service area of a 300 miles (per day) radius of the FSA. While the FSA will have a functional operating radius of up to 300 miles, FEMA will have authority to utilize the shuttle fleet for any movement (including use of vendor/contractor holding yards and/or terminals) within the continental United States. This is provided for improved service and retrograde flexibility. There is no guarantee of the use of the shuttle fleet for retrograde. Contractor will be able to provide emergency equipment service at the FSA if needed. This service is twofold in its purpose. 1. To maintain the contractors ability to provide service according to the contract (this represents a cost of doing business for the contractor. 2. FEMA may direct the contractor to provide emergency repairs to FEMA owned or leased trailers. FEMA directed repairs would be chargeable to FEMA. Contractor would provide copies of all parts and labor invoices for such charges. Contractor will be able to provide at least one yard hostler if requested by the FSA or FEMA Region IV. Contractor may be asked to provide "hot shot" service during the mission in support of the FSA or related facilities. This "hot shot" service is potentially separate from normal shuttle operations as it may have different pick-up and drop-off locations than normal mission needs. For example, it may be necessary to have contractor pick up specialized equipment from an outside source and deliver it to the disaster theater. This would make the "hot shot" run outside of normal routine shuttle/FSA operations, but would still be controlled by the FSA or the RRCC. C.Retrograde Contractor will be required to provide, at the time of quote, the cost of long distance line haul rates that may be used instead of shuttle rate for retrograde. FEMA RIV decides on what system (shuttle rates or line haul rates) will be utilized for retrograde. Retrograde includes not only the movement of commodities back to various, previously mentioned DCs, but occasionally, other sites that FEMA indicates. It also includes the movement of trailers that are retrograded to DCs (or other sites) that are not FEMA owned or leased, and NOT provided by the contractor, being taken to drop yards in the city/location proximate to the DC of unload. Trailers: Empty trailers provided by the contractor are considered immediately returned to vendor once that trailer is empty at the DC/unload site, provided contractor is the instrument for transportation (i.e. Atlanta, Fort Worth, Frederick, Cumberland). IN ALL ASPECTS OF TRANSPORTATION - Contractor is required to: The contractor is to provide shuttle drivers that are U.S. Citizens, have a working command of the English language, and have the proper licensing and insurance for the vehicles they are driving. Contractor is responsible for all driver care. Contractor and drivers must adhere to all Federal requirements and host facility requirements (i.e. Fort Bragg, Maxwell AFB, etc.). Contractor must supply means of contact with driver via cell phone or immediate dispatcher response between Driver and FEMA FSA contact. Contractor must maintain a driver log daily that includes a record of driver/truck availability, times in and out of FSA, dispatch log, BOLs, and a record of trailer drops. Examples of suitable logs will be provided as an attachment. If a dispatched driver/truck is out of service for any reason, the FEMA COTR must be notified immediately. Signed BOLs must be maintained and copies provided to FEMA for billing accountability. FEMA reserve the right to refuse payment for any claimed delivery without suitable signed BOL (and/or State documents) proof. Documentation must be available as close to "real-time" as possible for ongoing reconciliation. Contractor is responsible for being able to increase the shuttle fleet size by a minimum of 20 units per operational period. An operational period is 12 hours; therefore, the contractor needs the capacity to increase by a minimum of 40 units in a 24 hour period. Contractor will decrease the fleet size at whatever rate FEMA requests. Prior to billing, contractor will provide FEMA with an itemized listing of charges, by category, for audit purposes, to be reconciled in order to pay the "final" approved bill quickly. This "pre-bill" will be submitted to logistics in advance of actual invoicing. This pre-bill will be agreed upon by both FEMA and the contractor prior to invoicing. NOTE: When quoting this or any mission, ALL QUOTES will be based on the Department of Energy fuel price index or equivalent. http://www.eia.gov/petroleum/gasdiesel/ NO FSC will be accepted or paid without supporting documentation demonstrating an increase in fuel prices after the time of the initial quote. FSC is NOT to be built into the initial quote structure. Quotes must contain the following information when applicable: 1.Cost of shuttle power unit and driver per 24 hour period (solo) 2.Cost of Shuttle power unit and TEAM per 24 hour period (team) 3.Acquisition rate of shuttle power unit and driver, if any 4.Demob rate of shuttle power unit and driver, if any 5.Cost of trailer usage by day and mileage charge if any (note minimums) 6.Cost of yard hostler per day 7.Cost of FSA site management per 12 hour shift/person 8.Cost of Yard management per 12 hour shift/person if applicable 9.Cost of RRCC representation per person/shift if applicable 10.Cost of "Home Office" support, if any 11.Cost of line haul from FEMA DC (i.e. Atlanta, Ft. Worth, Fredrick, Cumberland) or other vendor to the FSA. 12.Cost of line haul from FSA to FEMA DCs(i.e. Atlanta, Ft. Worth, Fredrick, Cumberland). 13.Cost of holding an independents trailer at contractors holding yards in the above mentioned market cities, if any. 14.Specific listing of other costs not mentioned above that will be known and chargeable. Cross Dock Operations: Cross Dock Service Provider (CDSP) will provide a facility capable of cross docking ____X____ number of loaded trailers of commodities/product from Van/Reefer trailers to CDSP leased or FEMA owned trailers. Cross docking should be accomplished at a rate of at least _____ per hour. The cross dock facilities need to be within ninety (90) minute drive time to the FSA (Federal Staging Area). Locations: Possible FSAs will be located in the locations previously mentioned. Definitions CDSP = Cross Dock Service Provider Cross Docking Operation = takes product from a truck/trailer and moves that material in its entirety to another trailer or container that FEMA has control of. The receiving trailer/container is either leased by the CDSP or a FEMA owned trailer. Dedicated Terminal = is a cross dock solely used by FEMA. No other operations take place at that terminal. LIVE TERMINAL = is a cross dock still in use by the service provider or other entity. FEMA commodities are NOT the only products being moved at this terminal. Live terminals are not recommended and must be approved by FEMA Region IV Logistics Distribution Manager prior to implementation. Co-located FSA and Cross Dock = A Dedicated Cross Dock facility that has sufficient hardstand to accommodate both the cross dock operation and the FSA. This is desirable so long as the location has suitable ingress and egress, good proximity to the affected area, and meets the needs of mission requirements. Combining an FSA operation with cross docking at a live terminal is not recommended. Cross Dock Operation: The cross dock operation takes commodities and products from inbound suppliers, moves the commodities from the inbound trailer, and transfers those commodities to a trailer that the CDSP provides or a trailer that FEMA RIV that will be controlled by FEMA (transfer to a FEMA owned trailer is advisable if available). A dedicated cross dock is preferred. A segregated section of a live terminal may be accepted but requires FEMA Region IV approval. Contractor will provide a minimum capability of 10 consecutive or cross located dedicated doors and appropriate labor and management capable of cross docking 5 trailers simultaneously at an average rate of twenty (20) minutes/trailer. Time period required all physical and information/documentation be completed. The "new" trailer will then be dispatched to the FSA and inbound trailer that is now empty, dismissed. Ability to scale up to ten (10) trailers/hour if required. Facility Facility should have reliable electrical power, easy ingress and egress for trucks and equipment. Enough yard space for staging inbound trailers to be cross docked as well as staging of vendor provided empty trailers prior to cross dock operation. Space for 150 trailers is required with enough room for maneuverability. Sufficient operating room for substantial traffic flow. 1200 Square feet of office space/area for FEMA staff to utilize at the cross dock facility. Trash service - i.e. dumpster Bathroom facilities (Port-a-potty minimum) capable of servicing 10 FEMA {per shift}, CDSP crew, and drivers. Facility should have temporary phone, DSL min, with 24 hours' notice. This service is for the contractor. {Provider is fully responsible for the cost and implementation} Provider needs to be able to add phone and internet {T1} service for FEMA, ONLY IF FEMA specifically requests it. Security - Facility should be fenced as to strongly discourage intruders and provide complete control over access to the operation. Entrance and exit gates under the operational command of FSA manager. Provider will have approved security for the site, having 24 hour coverage. Security is responsible for gate and interior security. Flexibility - Adapt to a constantly changing environment and demands. Personnel able and willing to do whatever task is needed to complete the mission successfully. 24 hour operations capable. 12 hour shift (requires 1 to 2 hour overlap for smooth transition) Scalable quickly up or down. Additional Equipment Support: CDSP will provide ALL necessary equipment and support for the movement of product at the cross dock operation. Items include but not limited to, forklifts with operators, hostlers, covered cross dock facility, load restacking capacity, pallet jacks, dunnage, yard equipment for moving commodities, staging areas for trailers with commodities, and any additional support that FEMA and the ISB operation may need to be successful. CDSP will provide transport of cross docked trailers to the FSA. This will be done through use of a "Shuttle Fleet" (See Shuttle Fleet SOW). Trailers: CDSP will provide (unless FEMA provides), either by leasing or from internal, organic assets, trailers that are 53', Dry Van, reefer, or container, with "Barn Doors", and satellite tracking that is preinstalled on the trailer/container. Reefers and/or containers are only to be leased at FEMA's request OR be provided at the less expensive dry van cost. {All quotes should have specific line items for Dry Van, Reefer, and container (48' or 53').} Tracking can be through Qualcomm, Skybits, or equivalent. CDSP is responsible for ensuring that leased trailers are on site, ready for use by the cross dock mission. Trailers are to be inspected prior to receipt. CDSP is responsible for all physical damage to trailers. Any issues need to be handled between the trailer leasing company and the CDSP. Lease trailers are the sole responsibility of the CDSP. FEMA RIV will not accept any responsibility for damage, maintenance, or liability as the SP is responsible for the cross dock and transport of those trailers. If FEMA directs that the trailer be turned over to another party (Region, contractor, etc.), then a record of the condition of the trailer must be made and the FEMA/3rd party will assume responsibility for said trailer. Cross Dock Information The data transfer of information will need to consist of the following: Receiving Sequence Number (Order unit arrived at the cross dock entrance gate.) Date and time received. Name and phone # of driver Tractor # Trailer # (Nose number, not tail number) Transponder ESN# Trailer Seal # Commodity BOL Qty. Dock Door assigned New trailer #. New trailer Dock Door #. New Transponder ESN#. New Seal #. Commodity verification. Cross docked by: (name). Cross dock date. Cross Dock time. Notes: The above information needs to be correctly collected, and transmitted to the FEMA crew electronically. Excel format is strongly recommended. Other formats may be acceptable with prior approval. Please see the FEMA Region IV FSA and Cross Dock Guide, Version 3.6, for overall process flow and operational format. Other Duties Aside from the typical cross dock activities, the CDSP may be asked to participate in other tasks necessary to properly complete the mission. Other activities can include, but are not limited to product inspection, custom loading of trailers, reconstituting broken loads, and other activities necessary to complete the cross dock mission in support of survivors. Leadership Service provider must have executive level representation at the RRCC if requested by FEMA. This person will have complete decision making capability At FEMA's convenience, this position may function virtually, provided that the executive level (i.e. VP) individual is ALWAYS immediately available via phone and has immediate email access. CDSP will insure that an experience and seasoned management team and crew operate the cross dock facility, including the cross dock operation itself, yard control, and shuttle operations. The Cross Dock manager should have complete authority for all routine operational decisions, and have immediate reach back to superiors should the need arise. Quotes for Cross Dock Operations must contain the following information when applicable: 1.Cost of shuttle power unit and driver per 24 hour period (solo) IF REQUESTED 2.Cost of Shuttle power unit and TEAM per 24 hour period (team) IF REQUESTED 3.Acquisition rate of shuttle power unit and driver, if any IF REQUESTED 4.Demob rate of shuttle power unit and driver, if any IF REQUESTED 5.Acquisition costs of trailer (rate, if any) 6.Cost of trailer usage by day and mileage charge if any (note minimums) 7.Cost of Cross Dock site management per 12 hour shift/person 8.Cost of Cross Dock Labor (detailed as to quantity, scope) 9.Cost of Cross Dock equipment charges - if any 10.Cost to cross dock each trailer 11.Cost of Yard management per 12 hour shift/person if applicable 12.Cost of RRCC representation per person/shift if applicable 13.Cost of "Home Office" support, if anyCost of line haul from FEMA DC (i.e. Atlanta, Ft. Worth, Fredrick, and Cumberland) or other vendor to the FSA. 14.Cross Dock Facility costs - broken out by items previously listed, 15.Specific listing of other costs not mentioned above that will be known and chargeable. Additional information is available from the following: FEMA Region IV FSA and Cross Dock Guide, Version 3.6 Shuttle Fleet - Scope of Work - Standard Mission Cross Dock - Scope of Work ISB and Cross Dock Briefing - Standard Version PowerPoint ISB and Cross Dock Forms
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Address: 30034 Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta, Georgia, 30341, United States
Zip Code: 30341
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