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X -- Detroit, MI Domiciliary The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Seeks Expressions of Interest for 31,124 Net Usable Square Feet of Medical and Rehabilitation Space in Detroit, MI - Attachment

Notice Date
Notice Type
531120 — Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses)
Contracting Office
Department of Veterans Affairs;Office of Construction and;Facilities Management (00CFM3B);425 I St NW;Washington DC 20001
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Julie K. Rayfield
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
Detroit, MI The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Seeks Expressions of Interest for 31,124 Net Usable Square Feet of Medical and Rehabilitation Space in Detroit, MI Notice: This is not a solicitation for offers, nor is it a request for proposals. The Government will not pay for any costs incurred as a result of this advertisement. Respondents are advised that the Government assumes no responsibility to award a lease based upon responses to this advertisement. Contracting Office Address Anntwinette Dupree-Hart, Contracting Officer, United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Office of Construction & Facilities Management, (003C4), 425 "Eye" Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001, Rm 6E411B Description: VA is seeking to lease a minimum of 31,124 net usable square feet (NUSF) (or approximately 40,461 rentable square feet) of space, as well as the greater of local code or a minimum of 155 reserved parking spaces, with a minimum of 10 of these spaces to be ADA accessible. Parking shall be for the dedicated use of the Department of Veterans Affairs. This 50-bed Residential Treatment Facility will be open 24 hours per day 7 days per week and will temporarily house veterans who are re-integrating into the community. VA will only consider space located in an existing building. NUSF is generally defined as the space remaining once common areas, lessor areas, and areas required by code are deducted from the rentable square feet of the facility. NUSF does not include areas such as stairs, elevators, mechanical and utility rooms, ducts, shafts, vestibules, public corridors and public toilets required by local code. A detailed definition will be provided by VA, should a solicitation for offers or request for proposals be issued for this project. Existing Space: Space in an existing building must be located on no more than two (2) contiguous floors and be contiguous on each floor. If space offered is on more than one floor, a minimum of one (1) passenger elevator and one (1) combination (passenger/freight) elevator must be provided. The building must be able to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act and meet security requirements as set forth in the Interagency Security Committee Standards and Best Practices (http://www.dhs.gov/interagency-security-committee-standards-and-best-practices) and be able to comply with recommendations established for Federal facilities by the Department of Justice, Vulnerability Assessment, dated June 28, 1995 (https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/156412NCJRS.pdf). Parking Requirements: On-site parking must 1) be dedicated for the exclusive use of VA; 2) be fully compliant with local laws, rules and regulations; and 3) total no less than 248 spaces. Handicapped parking spaces shall be designated in accordance with local code. The parking area must meet all requirements of Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards (ABAAS) (available at http://www.gsa.gov). Delineated Area: To receive consideration, submitted properties must be located within the delineated area. The delineated area for this project is "L" shaped and identified below as geographic areas 1 and 2. Geographic area 1: North of E. Jefferson St, East of M-10, West of Van Dyke and South of Vernor. Geographic area 2: West of I-75, South of W. Grand Blvd and South of E. Grand Blvd, and East of M-10 Lodge, and north of Jefferson Ave. Lease Term: Up to a 20-year firm term. Submission Requirements: Please provide the following basic information and descriptions pertaining to the building you propose for consideration by VA. VA assessment of your building depends on the information you provide. VA reserves the right to eliminate a property that fails to comply with the requirements herein. All submissions should include the following information: (1)Name of owner; (2)Address or described location of building; (3)Location on map, demonstrating the building lies within the delineated area; (4)Description of ingress/egress to the building; (5)Evidence as to whether the building is currently zoned for multi-unit rehabilitation housing; (6)Description of the uses of adjacent property; (7)FEMA map evidencing that the property lies outside the 100-year floodplain; (8)A narrative and map describing proximity of the building or land to the nearest bus and/or train stop, and major transportation routes, and (9)Evidence of ownership, if building/site submitted by owner. Non-Owners (e.g. prospective developers/lessors) submitting a building or land must provide evidence of authority granted by property owner to submit the property to VA for development. (10)Any information related to title issues, easements, or restrictions on the use of the building or land; and (11)A description of any planned land development or construction which will affect the site, including neighboring projects and road or utility line construction. (12)Age of building; (13)Total existing gross square feet, and gross square feet per floor; (14)Site plan depicting the building and parking; (15)Floor plan and net usable square footage of proposed space; and (16)Identification of on-site parking to be dedicated for VA's use. Market Survey: VA will conduct a market survey to evaluate all properties submitted in response to this requirement that meet VA's minimum criteria. The Contracting Officer will make an initial evaluation to determine if the offered buildings/sites meet VA's criteria as listed within this advertisement. If the site meets VA's criteria, the market survey team will evaluate properties on a Pass or Fail basis in accordance with VA market survey criteria. All interested parties must respond to this announcement no later than June 3, 2016, depending on amount of competition expected based on location and results of initial market research 4:00 p.m. EST. In order to receive a Solicitation for Offers, and correspondence prior to the submission of offers, please submit your property information, via email, to: Julie K. Rayfield Savills Studley 1201 F Street, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20004 t (202) 624-8532 f (202) 624-8555 jrayfield@savills-studley.com RESPONDENTS ARE ADVISED THAT VA ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY TO AWARD A LEASE BASED UPON RESPONSES TO THIS ANNOUNCEMENT and THE GOVERNMENT WILL PAY NO MORE THAN THE APPRAISED FAIR MARKET VALUE FOR RENTAL SPACE.
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
File Name: VA101-16-R-0143 VA101-16-R-0143.docx (https://www.vendorportal.ecms.va.gov/FBODocumentServer/DocumentServer.aspx?DocumentId=2729705&FileName=VA101-16-R-0143-000.docx)
Link: https://www.vendorportal.ecms.va.gov/FBODocumentServer/DocumentServer.aspx?DocumentId=2729705&FileName=VA101-16-R-0143-000.docx

File Name: VA101-16-R-0143 Delineated Area Visual.pdf (https://www.vendorportal.ecms.va.gov/FBODocumentServer/DocumentServer.aspx?DocumentId=2729706&FileName=VA101-16-R-0143-001.pdf)
Link: https://www.vendorportal.ecms.va.gov/FBODocumentServer/DocumentServer.aspx?DocumentId=2729706&FileName=VA101-16-R-0143-001.pdf

Note: If links are broken, refer to Point of Contact above or contact the FBO Help Desk at 877-472-3779.
Place of Performance
Address: Department of Veterans Affairs;Office of Construction & Facilities Management;Real Property Services (00CFM3B);425 I St NW;Washington DC
Zip Code: 20001
SN04114959-W 20160514/160512234551-27a64c614ab7f6e86cc5f439eb8bb2d8 (fbodaily.com)
FedBizOpps Link to This Notice
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