J -- Chromate Coating and Resin Impregnation of B-52 Brake Housing - Chromate Coating and Resin Impregnation of B-52 Brake Housing
- Notice Date
- 7/6/2016
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 332812
— Metal Coating, Engraving (except Jewelry and Silverware), and Allied Services to Manufacturers
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFLCMC / AFSC / AFNWC - HILL AFB, ., Hill AFB, Utah, 84056, United States
- ZIP Code
- 84056
- Solicitation Number
- FA8224-16-R-0067
- Archive Date
- 8/4/2016
- Point of Contact
- Cyson Preece, Phone: 8015860642, Cameron J. Korth, Phone: 8017755306
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- Chromate Coating and Resin Impregnation of B-52 Brake Housing Synopsis: 1. NOTICE: This is not a solicitation but rather a Sources Sought Synopsis to determine potential sources for information and planning purposes only. 1.1 The purpose of this Sources Sought is to conduct market research to determine if responsible sources exist, to assist in determining if this effort can be competitive and/or a total Small Business Set-Aside. The proposed North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) Code is 332812 which has a corresponding Size standard of 500 employees. The Government will use this information to determine the best acquisition strategy for this procurement. The Government is interested in all small businesses to include 8(a), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned, Hubzone, and Women-Owned small business concerns. The government requests that interested parties respond to this notice if applicable and identify your small business status to the identified NAICS code. Additionally, please provide any anticipated teaming arrangements, along with a description of similar services offered to the Government and to commercial customers for the past three years. Any responses involving teaming agreements should delineate between the work that will be accomplished by the prime and the work accomplished by the teaming partners. 2. Program Details: The contractor shall perform a chromate coating application and resin impregnation of Air Force supplied magnesium B-52 brake housings. The work will be performed at the contractor's facility in support of the 309 th Commodities Maintenance Group (309 CMXG) at Hill AFB, Utah. The chromate coating is applied as a paint base and for corrosion protection. The resin impregnation is applied to prevent hydraulic fluid leakage through the porosity in the magnesium casting. The contractor shall receive, treat, and return the brake housings to Hill AFB within 14 calendar days. Lot sizes will range from 5 to 15 brake housings per shipment with no more than one lot shipped per week. The brake housings have no protective coating. In order to protect from humid air or shop environment that may accelerate corrosion, the contractor shall ensure to unpack just prior to processing. The contractor shall prevent damage to or the change to dimensions of machined surfaces. The contractor shall ensure that the internal housing passages remain free from contamination during the following treatment steps. CONTR A CTOR ACQUISITION STRATEGY AND C A PABI L I T Y QUE S TIO N N A IRE Chromate Coating and Resin Impregnation of B-52 Brake Housing. Your re sponse is h i g h l y a ppr e c iat e d. To request copies of the technical orders as referenced in the PWS contact Cameron Korth, Contracting officer, at P A R T I. B U SI N E SS I N F O R M A TION 1. Compa n y / I nst i tu t e N a m e : 2. CA G E C o d e : 3. Compa n y P oint of Conta c t (POC): a. N a me: b. T e lephone #: c. Email add re ss: 4. P h y sic a l Add r e ss: 5. W e b P a g e U R L : 6. P rovide y ou c ompa n y 's No r th Ame r i c a n I ndust r y Classifi ca t i on S y s t e m ( N A I C S ) Cod e : a. I f y our c om p a n y is a small business, it is a wom a n own e d busin e ss; s m a ll disadv a nt a g e d busin e ss, 8 (a ) busin e ss, H U B Z o n e busin e ss, S e rvi ce d Dis a b led V e te ra n O w n e d B usines s, e tc. P A R T II. ACQUISITION STRATEGY Q U E STIO N S 1. If you believe this should be solicited under a different NAICS code than provided above, please provide your suggested NAICS code. 2. A r e y ou a nt i c ipati n g y o u r c ompa n y to be a p rime c ontr ac tor o r a sub c ont r a c t o r? 3. A r e y ou a nt i c ipati n g a t e a m i ng a r ra n g e ment? a. A n y r e sponses on t e a m i ng a g ree m e nts s hould deline a te b e t w ee n the wo r k t h a t will be acc omp l ished b y the p r i m e a nd the w o rk a cc omp l ished b y t h e te a m ing p a rtn e rs. 4. What acquisition suggestions do you have for engineering, repair, modification and training services on Testek Test Stands (including evaluation criteria, Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) structure, contract structure, or other topics)? P A R T III. C A P A B I L ITY Q U E STIO N S 1. Provide a list of the equipment you have to complete this process. 2. Provide a list of clients for whom you have completed this process (process and contact information) 3. Provide your quality plans and a list of any certifications. 4. How many years have you been performing this process? I nt e r e sted Contractor's shou l d se n d a re spon s e to t he s our c e s so u g ht i nqui r y a n d qu e st i ons lis t e d a bove to t he Cyson Preece, Contract Specialist, at and Cameron Korth, Contracting Officer, at R e sponses shou l d be submi t ted b y 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST) on July 20, 2016.
- Web Link
- Permalink
- Place of Performance
- Address: Contractor Location, United States
- Record
- SN04172191-W 20160708/160706234524-03a78ed7b16d48237d46d01de29011a5 (
- Source
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