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M -- The Operation of Puerto Rico Job Corps Centers

Notice Date
Notice Type
611519 — Other Technical and Trade Schools
Contracting Office
Department of Labor, Employment Training Administration, Division of Job Corps Procurement Oversight - Technical &Training Branch, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-4308, Washington, District of Columbia, 20210, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Vera R Montague, Phone: (202) 693-3318, Steven A. Fusco, Phone: (617) 788-0188
E-Mail Address
montague.vera@dol.gov, fusco.steven.a@dol.gov
(montague.vera@dol.gov, fusco.steven.a@dol.gov)
Small Business Set-Aside
Puerto Rico Centers SECTION C. STATEMENT OF WORK INTRODUCTION This Statement of Work sets forth the contract performance requirements for the operation and management of a Job Corps center. C.1 GENERAL A. UBackground Job Corps is a national residential training and employment program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor to address the multiple barriers to employment faced by disadvantaged youth throughout the United States. Job Corps was originally established by the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964; current authorization for the program is the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014. Job Corps provides comprehensive career development services to students including academic, career technical, career success and independent living skills, career readiness training, and support services. The unique combination of services provided in Job Corps is intended to prepare youth to obtain and hold gainful employment, pursue further education or training, or satisfy entrance requirements for careers in the Armed Forces. B. UObjective The contractor shall provide material, services, and all necessary personnel to operate a Job Corps center (Center). The contractor shall provide enrolled youth, meeting Job Corps' eligibility or admission requirements, with a comprehensive range of career development services leading to employment and long-term attachment to the workforce. The contractor shall: 1. Provide academic, career technical, career success, employability, and independent living skills training. 2. Provide basic health care, counseling, and other support services as required by the PRH. 3. Conduct program operations in a setting that is clean, well maintained, and safe. 4. Assist youth in obtaining employment, additional education or training, or entry into the Armed Forces. 5. Provide support that prepares graduates to maintain long-term attachment to the labor market or further educational opportunities. 6. Integrate center operations with the local workforce development systems, employers, the business community, and community-based organizations. The general scope of work includes the participation of the contractor in demonstration projects initiated by the U.S. Department of Labor. An equitable adjustment shall be made for those projects determined to be an increase in work within the general scope of the contract via a supplemental agreement to the contract negotiated with the contractor. All disputes arising under these actions are subject to the disputes clause. C. UCenter Design The center shall operate at a planned, average on-board strength as noted below: Arecibo Job Corps Center Number Residential Male Students 72 Residential Female Students 57 Subtotal Residential Students 129 Nonresidential Male Students 28 Nonresidential Female Students 20 Subtotal Nonresidential Students 48 Estimated Total Average On-Board Strength 177 Barranquitas Job Corps Center Number Residential Male Students 80 Residential Female Students 66 Subtotal Residential Students 146 Nonresidential Male Students 41 Nonresidential Female Students 43 Subtotal Nonresidential Students 84 Estimated Total Average On-Board Strength 230 Ramey Job Corps Center Number Residential Male Students 120 Residential Female Students 70 Subtotal Residential Students 190 Nonresidential Male Students 38 Nonresidential Female Students 36 Subtotal Nonresidential Students 74 Estimated Total Average On-Board Strength 264 The contractor shall be continually prepared to receive a sufficient number of students to maintain the average on-board strength capacity noted above and a surge capacity of up to 103 percent, where facilities can accommodate the increased capacity. Performance up to 103 percent of capacity shall be performed within the estimated cost of this contract. During each Contract Year, the contractor shall not exceed an average of 103% of the planned OBS specified above. The contractor cannot request students or otherwise indicate availability to accept students to the extent fulfilling that request would put the center over the Contract Year average OBS of 103%. All costs incurred resulting from any enrollments which cause the contractor's OBS to exceed the Contract Year average of 103%, shall be deemed unallowable. In addition, the Department reserves the right to pursue legal action or otherwise seek relief against any contractors exceeding 103% Contract Year average. Exception: The Contracting Officer may exercise renewal options for up to no more than 2 year periods if the Contracting Officer determines that such renewal is in the best interest of the Job Corps program taking into account factors including - - A. significant improvement in program performance in carrying out a performance improvement plan; B. that the performance is due to circumstances beyond the control of the Job Corps Center operator, such as an emergency or disaster; C. a significant disruption in the operations of the center, including the ability to continue to provide services to students, or significant increase in the cost of such operations; or D. a significant disruption in the procurement process with respect to carrying out a competition for the selection of a center operator. Additional Considerations: The Contracting Officer shall only exercise a renewal option period if the Job Corps Center operator - - A. has satisfactory record of integrity and business ethics; B. has adequate financial resources to perform; C. has the necessary organization, experience, accounting and operational controls and technical skills; and D. is otherwise qualified and eligible under applicable laws and regulations, including that the operator is not under suspension or debarred from eligibility from Federal contracts. In the event that nonresidential students are enrolled, they shall be provided the following services, in addition to the core services available to all students: 1. Transportation to and from the training site for training days and for limited recreational activities. 2. A locker, lock, and nonresidential student lounge. 3. Lunch on all training days. 4. Breakfast on all training days. 5. Supper and weekend meals if the student wishes to remain on center. Center transportation is not mandatory when students stay for supper and weekend meals. 6. All benefits residential students receive, except as noted herein. Nonresidential students shall be considered to be in the performance of duty as Federal employees from the time they physically arrive at any scheduled center activity or program until they leave such activity or program. D. UGoverning Regulations, Handbooks The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014, is the Job Corps Program's authorizing legislation and is hereby incorporated into this RFP and the resultant contract by reference. The PRH has been developed to include all mandatory program operation and reporting requirements in one document and is hereby incorporated into this RFP and the resultant contract by reference. If for any reason any provision of this RFP is in direct conflict and inconsistent with a provision of the PRH incorporated herein, then (the RFP or resulting contract) shall be controlling and take precedence over the conflicting provision. The Job Corps program is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 20 - Labor, Subtitle A - Office of the Secretary of Labor, Part 670. The contractor shall follow the PRH, the Regulations, and all other requirements established in this contract. The PRH is routinely updated and amended and the contractor shall be responsible for complying with all updates and amendments. The PRH is available at: 30TUhttp://www.jobcorps.gov/AboutJobCorps/performance_planning.aspxU30T E. UCareer Technical Training by National Office Contractors A portion of the career technical training offered in this program may be training implemented under separate contracts between the U.S. Department of Labor and one or more national training contractors (NTCs) under the terms and conditions specified in the Memorandum of Understanding shown in the PRH as Appendix 302. (Any training programs operated by NTCs are identified in Section C.3.C.13 of the RFP.) C.2 SITES The UAreciboU Job Corps Center is located near/in the city of UGarrochales, Puerto RicoU. The property and site are described in the Facility Survey dated UJune 2013U, which is available as an electronic attachment. The UBarranquitasU Job Corps Center is located near/in the city of UBarranquitas, Puerto RicoU, The property and site are described in the Facility Survey dated UJune 2013U, which is available as an electronic attachment. The URameyU Job Corps Center is located near/in the city of UAguadilla, Puerto RicoU. The property and site are described in the Facility Survey dated UJune 2014U, which is available as an electronic. C.3 PROGRAM CONTENT A. UOutreach and AdmissionsU The contractor shall perform outreach and admissions activities as required by this contract, which ensure that the Job Corps program maintains a positive public image, maintains a ready supply of eligible and committed applicants, and works in partnership with individuals, communities, organizations, employers, and state and local workforce development systems. 1. Center's Role in Outreach and Admissions: a. Outreach: The contractor shall promote positive public awareness about the Job Corps program and shall ensure that the center is an active partner within the local community and with the state's workforce investment system. The contractor shall provide support to Outreach and Admissions contractors to ensure that the center is maintained at overall design capacity. The contractor shall establish relationships with and mechanisms to involve the local community, employers, and business organizations in the operation of the Job Corps center through center industry councils and business and community liaison activities. Public education and community/employer involvement shall be conducted in accordance with PRH 1.1. b. Admission: The contractor shall establish procedures for applicant file review on the center level to include processes for the review of applicant health information. The contractor shall ensure that all assigned students are contacted by the center prior to arrival. The contractor shall establish procedures for assignment of applicants to the center in accordance with the regional office guidelines to ensure the center maintains contracted student enrollment capacity as per PRH 1.4. 2. Direct Outreach and Admissions: (applies to centers with direct outreach goals and x is  is not applicable to this contract) The contractor's performance shall be measured against the goals established by the Employment and Training Administration each year in the Outreach and Admissions Outcome Measurement System. Youth screened for the UArecibo, Barranquitas, and RameyU Job Corps Centers shall come from: UPuerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands (if the students speak Spanish)U. The contractor shall be expected to recruit and screen sufficient numbers of applicants to generate arrivals in accordance with the delivery schedule in Section F. a. Eligibility Determination and Screening Factors: The contractor shall assess, verify, and document applicant eligibility for the Job Corps program, in conformity with the criteria and procedures listed in PRH 1.2 and Exhibit 1-1. b. Information to Applicants: The contractor shall provide applicants with accurate information about the Job Corps program, and about specific Job Corps centers, in accordance with PRH 1.3. c. Applicant Assignments: The contractor shall provide a regular flow of applicants for assignment to centers in accordance with regional procedures and PRH 1.5. d. Readmission: The contractor shall assess and verify that applicants for readmission meet criteria found in PRH 1.6. B. UCareer Preparation Period The contractor's performance shall be measured against the goals established by the Employment & Training Administration each year in the Outcome Measurement System. The contractor shall provide each new student with comprehensive Career Preparation activities designed to assist the student to acclimate to center life, fully participate in center activities, set career goals, and acquire basic skills to enhance job readiness and job search competencies, in accordance with PRH 2. 1. Center Plan: The contractor shall develop a comprehensive Career Preparation Plan that will ensure efficient and effective delivery of services to students. Specific requirements for a delivery system are outlined in PRH 2.1. 2. Introduction to Center Life: The contractor shall provide a comprehensive introduction to center life for new arrivals. The program shall provide activities to assist students in learning about center offerings, standards, and procedures and assist them in making a successful transition to center life. Requirements for program content and structure are contained in PRH 2.2. 3. Student Assessment: The contractor shall assess student needs and interests so that services can be assigned appropriately. Requirements for program content and structure are contained in PRH 2.3. 4. Personal Counseling: The contractor shall provide initial intervention and counseling services to address the personal and social development needs of students, and to coordinate the delivery of center and community services. Requirements are contained in PRH 2.4. 5. Student Career Planning: The contractor shall provide students with a program of career exploration, and assist students in selecting their career technical training programs and developing Personal Career Development Plans, in accordance with requirements contained in PRH 2.5. 6. Navigating the Labor Market: The contractor shall provide new students with an introduction to fundamental job search and information technology skills needed to successfully navigate the labor market. Requirements are contained in PRH 2.6. 7. Career Success Standards: The contractor shall provide new students with an overview and introduction to center expectations, behavioral standards, and the Career Success Standards they will be expected to meet during enrollment in order to successfully participate in the program and become employable as required in PRH 2.7. 8. Personal Development Skills: The contractor shall provide new students with an introduction to social and employability skills, conflict resolution skills, and introductory driver's education training to facilitate employment readiness and successful participation in the Job Corps program. Requirements for program content and structure are contained in PRH 2.8. 9. Career Development Readiness: The contractor shall ensure that students are fully prepared for successful participation in the Career Development Period by providing services required in PRH 2.9. C. UCareer Development Period The contractor's performance shall be measured against the goals established by the Employment & Training Administration each year in the Outcome Measurement System. The contractor shall provide an integrated program of center-based, work-based, and independent living skills training that shall meet all the requirements of PRH Chapter 3. The program shall be delivered to ensure that students:  Acquire the academic, technical and career success foundation skills, specific knowledge, and competencies needed to achieve their career goals.  Understand how to progress in the workplace environment.  Move successfully from the learning environment to the work environment.  Experience personal growth.  Learn self-management, personal responsibility, and both community and independent living skills. At a minimum, the training program shall consist of: 1. Center Plan: The contractor shall develop a comprehensive Career Development Plan that will ensure efficient and effective delivery of work place and life skills training to students. Specific requirements for a delivery system are outlined in PRH 3.1. 2. Administration and Management of Career Development Services: The contractor shall develop administrative processes to ensure efficient and effective delivery of training to students. Specific requirements for a delivery system are outlined in PRH 3.2. 3. Personal and Career Counseling: The contractor shall provide students with personal and career counseling services to assess individual needs, provide career guidance, and deliver appropriate services to meet individual needs. Personal and Career Counseling services shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of PRH 3.3. 4. Student Standards of Conduct: The contractor shall develop a system that promotes high standards of student conduct through the application of incentives and sanctions. The contractor shall maintain an environment that is free from drugs and violence. Students shall be provided with opportunities for due process in disciplinary proceedings. Rules and procedures for student conduct are provided in PRH 3.4. 5. Evaluation of Student Progress: The contractor shall provide a system for periodically evaluating student progress and collaborating with students to set short- and long-range career goals. Required content is found in PRH 3.5. 6. Center-Based Learning Standards: The contractor shall establish standards for curriculum design, development, and implementation. Requirements for content and structure are contained in PRH 3.6. 7. Career Success Standards: The contractor shall provide students with a center culture that regularly fosters opportunities to learn and practice a set of behavioral expectations that support employability and social development for career success as required in PRH 3.7. 8. Work-Based Learning Standards: The contractor shall incorporate work-based learning as a primary instructional method of training. Students shall be provided opportunities to learn about career opportunities and employer expectations, and to learn about and apply new occupational skills in actual workplaces and on work projects, including CTST projects. Specific requirements regarding training methods and procedures are found in PRH 3.8. 9. Reading: The contractor shall develop and administer reading skills instruction that provides students with the skills needed for employment in their chosen careers and assists them to function independently in society. Instruction is required for each of the reading competencies listed in PRH 3.9. 10. Mathematics: The contractor shall develop and administer instruction in mathematics skills that provides students with the skills needed for employment in their chosen careers. Instruction is required for each of the mathematics competencies listed in PRH 3.10. 11. High School Equivalency (HSE)/High School Diploma (HSD): The contractor shall provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to pass the examination for the High School Equivalency (HSE) test (HSE) or to obtain their High School Diploma (HSD). The contractor shall make every possible effort to assure that students attain their HSE or HSD. Specific requirements for the HSE /HSD program are found in PRH 3.11. 12. English as a Second Language (ESL): The contractor shall provide students with limited English proficiency the opportunity to develop English language and acculturation skills. Specific requirements for ESL are contained in PRH 3.12. 13. Career Technical Training: The contractor shall provide individualized competency-based career technical training for students. Training shall provide students with the skills required for entry-level employment in specific careers approved by the U.S. Department of Labor. Specific requirements for career technical training are listed in PRH 3.13. The following career technical training programs will be offered at the center: Arecibo Job Corps Center Training Slots* Career Technical Training Offerings On Center Off Center Electrical 24 Office Administration 30 Retail Sales 20 Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse 50 Facilities Maintenance 24 Advanced Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal Installer 20 ACT 8 Sub-Totals: 168 8 Total: 176 Barranquitas Job Corps Center Training Slots* Career Technical Training Offerings On Center Off Center Electrical 24 Office Administration 30 Cement Masonry 48 Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse 48 Facility Maintenance 24 Security and Protective Services 20 Retail Sales 30 ACT 2 Sub-Totals: 224 2 Total: 226 Ramey Job Corps Center Training Slots* Career Technical Training Offerings On Center Off Center Automobile Technician 20 Office Administration 30 Carpentry 20 Cement Masonry 24 Electrical 24 Culinary Arts 30 Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse 30 Medical Administrative Assistant 30 Plumbing 24 ACT 16 Sub-Totals: 232 16 Total: 248 31TU*Indicates programs offered by National Training Contractors (NTCs) 14. Concurrent Training ( is  is not applicable to this contract): The contractor shall broaden career technical training opportunities available to Job Corps students through linkages with external training providers. The program shall meet all the requirements of PRH 3.14. 15. Information Technology: The contractor shall provide students with instruction and practice in applied information technology, computer-based learning, and business-related technology. Specific skills and knowledge that must be incorporated into all training activities are outlined in PRH 3.15. 16. Residential Living: The contractor shall create a safe, clean, and attractive environment that allows students to learn and practice independent and community living skills. Requirements and content are found in PRH 3.16. 17. Wellness: The contractor shall provide instruction to students on practices that lead to physical and mental health and enhance employability. Instruction is required for each of the subjects listed in PRH 3.17. 18. Recreation and Leisure Time Activities: The contractor shall provide students with a comprehensive program of recreational activities and events that promotes productive and socially acceptable use of leisure time. Activities shall be provided that build self-esteem and enhance the Job Corps experience by providing opportunities for all students to participate in enjoyable and safe activities. The program shall meet all the requirements of PRH 3.18. 19. Student Government and Leadership: The contractor shall develop and support activities that enable students to learn and practice skills in leadership, citizenship, and self-government. The activities shall include a student benefit fund, to be managed by student government with the assistance of center staff. Requirements for content and structure are contained in PRH 3.19. 20. Driver Education: The contractor shall provide driver education training to all students who do not already possess driver's licenses. Students shall be provided the skills and knowledge necessary to pass the State examination and shall be given the opportunity to acquire a driver's license while enrolled. Specific requirements for driver education are contained in PRH 3.20. 21. Career Transition Readiness: The contractor shall develop and implement systems and procedures to assist students to effectively transition from center life to the workforce. Requirements are detailed in PRH 3.21. D. UCareer Transition Services Post-Center Career Transition Services ( is  is not applicable to this contract): The contractor shall provide or arrange for post-center career transition services for all eligible students:  enrolled at the UArecibo, Barranquitas, and RameyU Job Corps centers.  returning to the following geographic area: UPuerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands  relocating to the following geographic area:N/A For purposes of this procurement, the contractor should anticipate an annual inflow of students for provision of career transition services in the numbers shown below. Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands 564 Graduates 168 Graduates 329 Former Enrollees 98 Former Enrollees The contractor's performance shall be measured against the goals established by the Employment & Training Administration each year in the Career Transition Services Outcome Measurement System. The contractor shall assist eligible students in entering and maintaining long-term attachment to the labor market or further educational opportunities and training by:  Providing personalized career transition services.  Providing access to services that support successful transition.  Identifying and making referral to suitable employment or educational opportunities. The final objectives of this effort shall be quality placement, continued attachment to the workforce, and career progression. At a minimum, the program shall consist of: 1. Career Transition Plan: The contractor shall develop a comprehensive Career Transition Plan that will ensure efficient and effective delivery of career transition services to eligible graduates and former enrollees. Specific requirements for the plan are outlined in PRH 4.1. 2. Eligibility for Services: The contractor shall provide post-center career transition services to eligible graduates and former enrollees. Service shall be provided throughout the CTS service period prescribed by PRH 4.2. 3. Career Transition Services for Graduates: The contractor shall maintain contact with separated graduates, provide assessments, conduct placement services including job development and referral, identify transitional needs and refer to appropriate services, and maintain contact throughout the CTS service period to ensure the graduate remains connected to the labor market following separation. The contractor shall arrange to transfer responsibility if the individual relocates outside of the service area during the service period. Specific services are detailed in PRH 4.3. 4. Career Transition Services for Former Enrollees: The contractor shall maintain contact with eligible, separated former enrollees during the service period until initial placement, to identify job leads and provide referrals, as specified in PRH 4.4. 5. Documentation, Reporting, and Verification Process: The contractor shall establish a uniform system for documenting, verifying, and reporting Career Transition Services, using the criteria in PRH 4.5. E. UManagement The contractor shall provide direction, management, and administrative support to all functions and activities of the center. The contractor shall establish systems that ensure:  Effective program organization and management.  Program integrity and accountability.  Staff professionalism and development. At a minimum, the program shall consist of: 1. Program Management: The contractor shall establish systems that ensure achievement of program goals and maintenance of quality performance. Expected procedures for monitoring and tracking operations and outcomes are listed in PRH 5.1. 2. Personnel: The contractor shall recruit, hire, and retain qualified staff, in accordance with the requirements of PRH 5.2 and Exhibit 5-3. The contractor shall develop and implement policies which promote a working environment of equal opportunity that is free of race, gender, or ethnic bias. 3. Staff Training: The contractor shall provide training opportunities which ensure that staff possesses the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their job duties and enable them to serve as positive role models for students. Specific training requirements are detailed in PRH 5.3 and Exhibit 5-4. 4. Personal Safety and Security: The contractor shall develop and implement procedures to ensure students feel safe and secure on center and their rights are protected. Rules for protection of students, staff, and property are outlined in PRH 5.4. 5. Management and Reporting of Significant Incidents: The contractor shall develop and implement procedures to prevent, resolve, and report significant incidents in order to reduce negative impact on students, the community, and the Job Corps program. Guidelines for reporting and managing significant incidents are detailed in PRH 5.5. 6. Procurement and Property Management: The center shall establish systems to procure property, services, and supplies in a cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly manner in accordance with Government policies. The contractor shall also establish systems to provide procedures for receipt and accountability of Government-owned property, materials, and supplies, in accordance with PRH 5.6 and Appendices 505, 505a, and 505b. The contractor shall establish and maintain the Job Corps vehicle fleet in accordance with PRH 5.13 and Appendices 506, 507, and 508. 7. Financial Management: The contractor shall develop and maintain systems to effectively plan, budget, and control expenses that shall safeguard public funds and ensure the cost-effective provision of services to meet program goals. The contractor shall establish and maintain a financial management system that meets all of the requirements of PRH 5.7 and Appendices 502 and 503. 8. Facilities: The contractor shall establish and maintain a system for facilities maintenance in order to provide a safe and clean environment for students and staff. Facilities shall be maintained and managed in accordance with PRH 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11. 9. Energy and Water Conservation: The contractor shall operate an energy conservation program to promote energy conservation and reduce overall operations costs, in accordance with PRH 5.12. 10. Introduction to Environmental Safety and Occupational Health: The contractor shall ensure that students and staff work and live in environmentally healthy surroundings, in accordance with PRH 5.14. 11. Safety Plans, Inspections, Reporting and Recordkeeping: The contractor shall provide a safe training, living, and working environment and provide opportunities for students to learn and practice workplace safety procedures in accordance with PRH 5.14 through 5.20. Contractors shall be accountable for understanding and complying with the new federally mandated Presidential initiative, Protecting Our Workers and Ensuring Reemployment (POWER), which begins in Fiscal Year (FY) 2011, and with Departmental goals relating to the measurable outcome of 100% timely filing of first aid, and Compensation Act - 1 and 2 (CA-1 and CA- 2) claims in the Safety and Health Information Management System (SHIMS). As part of POWER, Job Corps must improve performance in the following areas: a. Reduce total injury and illness case rates. b. Increase the timely filing of workers' compensation claims. c. Increase the timely filing of Form Number CA-7 (Claim for Compensation). d. Increase the timely filing of Form Number CA-16 (Authorization for Examination and/or Treatment). e. Speed up employees' (i.e., students') return to work in cases of serious injury or illness. Protecting Our Workers and Ensuring Reemployment (POWER), which began in Fiscal Year (FY) 2011, can be further researched at 30TUhttp://www.dol.gov/owcp/dfec/power/U30T 12. Staff Housing ( is x is not available at this center): The contractor shall operate and manage staff housing associated with this center. The contractor shall ensure that rates are charged in accordance with OMB Circular A-45, which implements 5. U.S.C. Section 5911 (1976). This regulation requires that basic rental rates be set at rates prevailing in the area for similar housing. Following is a description of staff housing provided: The contractor shall submit a plan and schedule of rates pursuant to PL 88-459 for housing for non-students to the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR), no later than 30 days after contract award. Collection of rent shall become income to the contract and be reported as a reduction to costs on center financial reports. F. UAdministrative Support The contractor shall develop systems for providing support services and benefits that:  Facilitate students' successful participation in Job Corps.  Accurately track and document student participation and achievements to ensure accountability. At a minimum, the program shall consist of: 1. Student Attendance, Leave, and Absences: The contractor shall establish systems to monitor and track student attendance, provide leave when appropriate, and respond promptly when students are absent without authorization. Required elements for each of these systems are listed in PRH 6.1. 2. Student Allowances and Allotments: The contractor shall establish systems for issuing student allowances, allotments, and transition payments. The systems shall be uniformly administered and easily understood by the student population. Criteria for payment of allowances, allotments, and transition payments are detailed in PRH 6.2. and Exhibit 6-2. 3. Student Records Management: The contractor shall maintain student records in a manner that ensures accurate documentation of the services and benefits provided to students and safeguard the confidentiality of student information. Required documents that centers must maintain, and procedures for disposition of records, are outlined in PRH 6.3. 4. Student Enrollments, Transfers, and Separations: The contractor shall complete all enrollment, transfer, and separation transactions in accordance with PRH 6.4. 5. Student Clothing: The contractor shall provide clothing for students and shall guide them in making wardrobe selections that are suitable for the workplace. Specific requirements concerning clothing allowances and recordkeeping systems are found in PRH 6.5. 6. Student Transportation: The contractor shall provide economical transportation to students in accordance with PRH 6.6 and Exhibit 6-3. The contractor shall implement procedures for the recovery of unused transportation tickets, and shall reimburse the Government for the cost of unrecovered tickets in accordance with Job Corps policy. 7. Food Service: The contractor shall provide students with well-balanced, nutritious meals in a dining environment that is clean, sanitary, attractive, and pleasant. Food service program requirements are described in PRH 6.7. 8. Student Civil Rights, Including Religious Rights, and Legal Services: The contractor shall implement procedures that protect students' civil rights and promote an environment free from discrimination and harassment. All applicants and students with disabilities must be provided the opportunity to request and receive reasonable accommodation in accordance with Section 188 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and their implementing regulations. Guidelines for providing reasonable accommodation are outlined in PRH Appendix 605 Required processes for preventing and resolving student complaints are listed in PRH 6.8 and Appendix 602. 9. Student Support Services: The contractor shall ensure that students receive the basic support services included in PRH 6.9. The contractor shall provide students with opportunities to vote and attend religious services if they so choose. 10. Student Health Services: The contractor shall provide students with routine health services, support, and education, either directly or through referral to other providers, that shall enhance students' employability and encourage students to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Routine medical, dental, and mental health services and related health programs shall be delivered and administered in accordance with PRH 6.10, 6.11, 6.12, 6.14, Exhibits 6-4, 6-5, and Appendix 607. 11. Disability Program: The contractor shall provide individualized and coordinated services to all students with disabilities, ensure all policy and legal requirements related to serving students with disabilities are met, and ensure access for students with disabilities that focus on employability and independent living, as described in PRH 6.14. 12. Child Care Arrangements: The contractor shall assist Job Corps students to arrange suitable child care for their dependent children while they are enrolled in Job Corps, as described in PRH 6.13. 13. On-Center Child Care Program ( is x is not required): The contractor shall provide a structured child development program at theU________ Ucampus for approximately U______ Uchildren. Child development programs shall be operated in accordance with Exhibit 6-8 and Appendix 604. 14. Administration of Residential Parent/Child Program ( is x is not required): The contractor shall provide a residential training program for approximately __ single parents and their children. Parents and children shall live together in a dormitory specifically designed to accommodate children. The contractor shall provide a safe, 15. healthy living environment for parents and their children by implementing procedures for handling emergencies and illness, and for ensuring the operator of the on-site Child Development Center follows similar procedures. Minimum requirements are found in PRH 6, Appendix 604, and Exhibit 6-9. 31TUC. Center Environment: The center x is  is not designated as a non-smoking center.
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