99 -- Science Fair Award Delivery Service
- Notice Date
- 1/23/2017
- Notice Type
- Special Notice
- 492110
— Couriers and Express Delivery Services
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFLCMC/PZIO - WPAFB, 1940 ALLBROOK DRIVE, WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, Ohio, 45433-5309, United States
- ZIP Code
- 45433-5309
- Solicitation Number
- FA8601-17-T-0089
- Archive Date
- 1/28/2017
- Point of Contact
- roderick d. luckie, Phone: 9375224595
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- Support of the Air Force Science and Engineering regional Fair Program SOURCES SOUGHT The Government is conducting market research and identi fyi ng, as potential sources, compani e s that may possess th e expertise, capabilities, and experience to meet the requirements of the follow-on contract for the Sci e n ce F ai r A ward D elivery service. CAUTION: This Sources Sought is issued solely for information and planning purposes. I n accordance with Part I 0 of the Federal Acquisition Regulatio n, th e U. S. Government is conducting market research. The intended purpose is to identify potential sources that may possess the expertise, capabilities, and experience to meet the med center ' s requirements. It do e s not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a promise to issue an RFP in the future. Further. A FLCMC is not at this time seeking proposals, and will not accept unsolicited proposals. Responders are advised that the Government will not pay for any information or adm i nistrative costs incurred in respons e to this sourc e s sought. Pleas e b e advised that all submissions become Government property and will not be returned. All costs associated with responding to this sources sought will be solely at the responding party's expense. Not responding to this sought does not preclude participation in any future RFP, if any is issued. In accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation l 5.20 l ( e ), r e sponses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. It is the r e spons i bility of the inter e sted parties to monitor this f cd BizOps website for additional Information pertaining to this sources sought. I NSTRUCTIONS: 1. Below is a document containing a description of the Sc ie nc e Fa i r Del i very Servic e r e qu i re m e n t and a Contractor Capabi l i ty Survey, which allows you to provide your compan y ' s capability. •2. I f, after reviewing these documents, you desire to participate in the market research, you should provide documentation that supports your company ' s capability ty in meeting these requirements. Failure to provide documentation may result in the government being unable to adequately assess your capabilit i e s. If you lack sufficient experience i n a particular area, please provide details explaining how you would overcome t h e lack of experience / capabili ties in order to perform that portion of the requirement (i.e., teaming, s ubcontracti ng, etc.) •3. Que s tions relative to this market survey should be addr e ssed via email to R oderick Lu c k ie at roderick.luckie@us.af.mil. Verbal questions will NOT be acc e pted. 23 M AY 16 1. I The contractor s hall prepare packages of m ate rial s to be sh ipp ed t o recipients as def i ned b y th e gov e rn m e nt b ased o n th e current year's r e q ui r e m e nts for A ir Force participation i n science a nd e n gi n e e ring n g fairs. •1.2 The contractor shall prepare one typ e of package for regional science fairs i n th e quantities t h e gover n m e nt spec ifi es (approximatel y, but not to exceed 350 regional fairs). The government w ill spec if y these quantities and th e r eq uir ed s hippin g dates i n wri ti n g n o t l ess than 1 5 c a l e n d ar days prior to th e required sh i ppin g dates. The contractor sha ll p r epa r e the packages with th e exact conte nt s spec ifi e d b e lo w for eac h type of package. The gove rnm e n t will furni s h the package co nt e nt s. The co ntr acto r s hall as s e m ble t he presentation folders a nd contents i n accordance w ith paragraph 2.0. T h e contractor s hall pro vide all container and packaging materials, includ in g but n o t li mit ed t o boxes, mailing lab e l s, p add in g, plastic bag/wrapper and tape n ecessa r y for the packag e s to w i th stand norm a l s hippin g a nd handling wi thout damage t o th e contents. •1.2.1 Co nt e nt s for packages s hipp ed to r eg i o n a l scie n ce fair sc h ools. Co nt e nt s a nd amou n t s are su b j ect to change. •1.2.2 Four award packages (eac h award package w ill i ncl ud e approximately t hr ee, but not limited to it e ms s uch as: Victory S p o rt Bag, Son ic Soun d S p eake r, and Juni o r T ec h Organizer. The award content w i ll change from y e ar t o yea r. A p prox i m at e s i z e but n o t lim it ed to H20' 5"x W3. 5 x L I 8" an d weight of 1 2 l bs. 1.2.3 Six award cer tific a te s (see i t e m 2. 1 ) •1.2.4 Four presentation folders (see it em 2.2) •1.2.5 5 One in st ructi on s h ee t fo r eac h fai r package •1.2.6 Secure co n te nt lab e l on clear pl as ti c wrappe r on each awa rd package ( l abe l s w ill be provided by the governme nt ). 1.3 Wi thin seven days of contract award, the con tracto r sha ll in form the go v e rn m ent of the approp ri ate r ece i v in g add r ess t o w hich gove rnm ent ve ndor s s h a ll s hip govern m ent furnished materials for th e contractor's use i n preparing th e packages as required above. It e m s s pecified i n paragraphs 1. 2. 1, 1. 2. 2, 1. 2. 3, 1. 2. 4, 1. 2. 5, a n d 1. 2.6 w ill be r ec e i ved by t h e contractor in thi s manner. The contracto r will be mailed remainder of r eq uir ed gove rnm e nt furnished materials i f needed. C ontracto r s h a ll ope n r etu rn ed packages, in ve n to r y a nd s tor e th e ret urn ed m a t e rial i n the sa m e m a nn er as other gov e rn m e n t - f u rn i s h ed material. U po n govern m en t r eq u es t, the contrac t or shall return th e excess materials to th e address or addresses specified by the governme nt. The contractor s h a ll return th ese excess materials without damage n o t l ater th a n the dates spec i fi ed by th e governme nt. 1. 3.1 Prior to the s hippin g effort required by 3. 0 below and s u fficie ntl y early so as t o pro v id e ample tim e for the contractor to cor r ect all e rrors discovered by the gov e rnment, th e contractor shall d isplay to the government a fully assembled but not sealed package representing the package described i n paragraph 1.2. •2.1 The contractor shall assemble presentation folders and their contents as follows: •2.2 1 The top it em i n s id e the box should be a presentation ion folder that i n c l u des printed instructions and two extra awa rd certificates. •2.3 For the four presentation folders, the co ntractor sha ll insert an award certificate i n the middle of each folder, not under the viny l. •3.1 1 The contractor shall sh i p the above def i ned packages (see paragraph 1. 2. ) not later t h an the dates specified by the government (currently projected to occur between 1 December and 30 April of eac h year. Suffic i ent manning i s required within this period of t i me. The contractor shall use traceable shipp in g at th e l owest available rate. The return address shall be to the contractor' s site. Packages sho u ld be tracked by fai r number determ i ned by the Government. •3.2 In the event of return ed materials, the contractor sha ll determine the reason for th e return and notify the government wi t hin two normal business days of receipt thereof. The contractor shall accomplish repeat shipments of these returned packages w i thin seven ca l endar days of telephonic notific ation by the governme nt of the appropriate address for each such package. 3. 2 1 f notified by the government that a contractor package h as not arrived at the dest i natio n, the contractor sha ll tr ace the sh ipm ent and assure i ts del i very. I f the shipment i s irrecoverable, the contractor sha ll notify the government within two normal business days. The government will provide replacement material at the earl i est practical date. The contractor sha ll then repeat the sh i pm ent, w ith r ep l acement material, w ithi n two normal business days of recei vi ng the replacement. •4.1 The contractor sha ll establish, impl ement, maintai n, and use a system for accurately accounting for all government f u rn i shed i tems specified by paragraphs 1.2. 1, 1.2. 2, 1. 2. 3, l.2A. 1. 2. 5, and 1.2. 6 As a m i ni mum, th i s system shall identify the following information: •4.2. Quant i ty and r eceipt date fo r each specific type of item by fair number. •4.3 Quant i ty and sh ip date for eac h specific type or item by fair number. •4.4 Quant i ty o n hand (the quantity defined at paragraph 4.1 le ss th e defined at paragraph 4.2) at t he contractor's s it e for each spec i fic type of i tem. 5.0 In the event the governme n t furn i shes materials exceed i ng the quantity required to be s hipped. T h e contrac tor shall s to re the excess materials i n a manner preventing th e ir loss or damage unt i l required for subsequent shipme n t s or the government requests their return. •6.1 Within I 0 calendar days of the dates speci fied herei n, the contractor sha ll provide the government a n activity report summariz in g act i vi t y to date as of I January, I Februar y, I March, I April and 1 May. E ach r eport s hall in clude, but n o t li mi t ed to the fo llo w in g information: •6.2 A n it e mi zed accou n t in g rece ipt, s hippi n g, and inventory of gover n m e nt furn i s h ed materials as d efi n ed at paragraph 4. •6.3 Co ntr ac tor' s progress in sa tis fyi n g th e requirement of this St a te m e nt of Work. •6.4 S i gn i f i c a n t problems or i ss u es enc o un t ered w hich require gov e rn m e nt resolution. •6.5 J f contractor selected is loc a ted outside the loca l area o f the govern m e nt facility, contractor is responsible for shi ppin g extra award p ackages back t o gove rnm e nt at the dat e requested b y th e government representative. Shipments by Region for FY I 7 Eastern Time Zone 1 47 re gio nal sc i ence fairs Centr a l Time Zone 99 r eg i ona l sc i e n ce fairs Mountain Time Zone 30 regional sc i e nce fa i rs Pacific Time Zone 28 regional sc ien ce fairs **s ubject to change** Pl u s 7 regiona l s cie n ce fairs i n H a wa i i ( H awai i S tandard Time ) P l u s 1 1 r e g i onal s c i ence fa i rs i n P u erto R i co ( A t l a n t ic Ti m e lo ne ) P l u s 2 r eg i o n a l sc i e nc e fa ir s i n U S Vi r gi n I s l a nd s ( A tla nti c Tim e Zone) A p pr o x i m a t e l y 300 r egiona l I sc i ence fai r s F Y 1 6 **subject to change ** CONTRACTOR CAPABILITY SURVEY Part I. Business Information Pl ease pro v id e the follow i ng business i nforma ti on for yo ur company/institution and for a n y teaming or joint ven tur e partners: •• Company/ I n stitu t e Name: •• Ad d r es s : •• Point of Co nt ac t: •• CAGE Code : •• Ph one N umber: •• E -mail Address: •• Web Pa ge U RL : •• Size of business pursuant to North Ame ri ca n I nd u s t r y C l ass ific at i on Syste m (NA l CS) Code: 56 1 320, $2 7. SM B ased o n the above N A I CS Code, state \ · whether y o ur company i s : o Sma ll Bus i ness (Yes I No) •o Wo m a n Owned Sma ll Business ( Y es I No) •o Small Dis a d va nt aged Bus i ness (Yes I No) •o 8(a) C e r t ifi e d (Yes I No) •o H U B Zone Cer tifi ed (Yes I No) •o Veteran Owned Small Business (Yes I No) o Service Disabled Veteran S m all Business (Yes I No) *A ll inter es t ed contractors mu st be registered in SAM i n o rd e r t o be e li gi bl e for awa rd of Government contracts. The government r eserves the ri gh t t o co n s id e r a sma ll busin ess set-as id e based up o n responses hereto for any s ub seque nt act i o n. •• A state m e nt as to w h et h e r your company is domestically o r fo r e i g n ow n e d ( i f foreig n, please indi ca t e t h e co un try of owners hip ). •• Please provide a s t a t emen t th at th e respondent wi ll a llo w or w ill n ot a ll ow th e Government to release proprietary data. •• Pl ease provide a s tat e m ent to acceptability of th e fo ll ow in g proposed provisions a nd c l a u ses, UNCLA S SlF l ED//F O UO S c i e n c e F a i r De l i very Sources Sought as they are determined to be consistent with customary commercia l practice. •• FAR 52. 228-5, Insurance--Work on a Government Installation (Jan 1 997) •• DFARS 252.201 - 7000, Contract i ng Officer' s Repr e se n tat i v e (Dec 1 991 ) •• DFARS 252.237-7023, Continuation of Esse ntial Co ntractor Services •• DFARS 252.237 -70 24, Notice of Co ntinuation of Essentia l Contractor Services • AFFARS 5352.201-9 1 01, O m budsman (Apr 201 0) •• AF F ARS 5352.223-900 I, Health and Safety on Government Installations (Jun 1 997) ATT EN TION sma ll business respond e nts w h o are interested in submitting a prop osa l as the prime contractor for thi s effo rt: No set aside decision has been made; however, the Air Force i s contemplating se ttin g this acquisition aside for Small Businesses if there is suffic i ent demo n s t rated inter est and capab i lit y. Note tha t a k ey factor in determining an acquisition to be a Small Business Set Aside i s that two or mor e sma ll bu s ine sses prime contractors must be capable of perform i n g at l e a s t 50% of the ent i re sco pe of the Ce ll Save r Serv i ce effort, as defined i n Federal Acquis iti on R eg ulation (FAR) c l ause 5 2. 21 9 - 1 4, Limitat i ons on Subcontracting. The clause read s, in part, as follows: · Limitat o ns on S ubcont a c ting (Dec 1996)... (b) By s ubmis s ion of an offer and execution of a contract, th e Offeror/Contractor agree s that in performance of the contract in th e case of a contract for - ( I ) Services (except construction). Al l eas t 50 perc e nt of th e cost of contract Performanc e i ncurred for p e r so nnel s ha ll be ex pend ed for employees of the concern... ". Provide specific details and rationale as to how comp l iance with FA R clause 52.219- 1 4 would b e achieved, including specific details r ega rding teami n g arra n gements, etc. I f s ubcontracts are to be used, provide anticipated p e rc en tag e o f effo 1 1 to b e subcontracted and whether small or l arge bu si ne sses will be u se d. Teaming and /o r su bcontract i ng arrangements should be clear l y de l i n eated and pr ev ious expe ri ence in teaming must b e provided. ATTENTION all poten tia l r espondents: The acquisition strategy for this progra m ha s n ot b een finalized. I f thi s acquisition i s not se t aside for s mal l business, it is antic i pated that th e contract ma y contain a small busin ess utilization requir e ment. Pl e a se provide feedback on t he requirement and what areas are li kel y candidates for SB s ubcontracting. Part II. Capability Survey Questions •1.. D esc ribe brief l y the capabilities of your facility and th e natur e of th e services you provid e. Include a d es c r i ption of yo ur staff compos i tion and managem e nt structure. •2. Describe your compan y' s past experience on pr ev ious projec t s s imilar in comp l e x i ty to this require ment. I nclud e contract num b e r s, a brief d es c r i ption of the work performed, period of performance, agency/organization supported, and individual point of contact (Contrac t i n g Officer or Program Manager). •3. Describe you r company's capabil it ies for generat i n g, hand ling, processing and storing classified material and data. •4. Describe your company's capabilities for generating, hand ling, processing and stor in g tec hnical reports. •5. Describe your company's capabilities and experience i n provid ing statistic a l, techn i cal test & eva l uation support to ident ifi ed acquisition programs. Identify what software programs are u t i l i zed to generate these data products and what forma t s are availab l e for delivered items. •6. Are there spec ific requ i rements in the documentation that we provide that would cur r ently preclude your product/service from being a viab l e solut i on to our requirement? 7. Descr i be yo ur capabilities and experience i n managing websi t e content projects and development of tracking databases, inc l uding subcontractor invo l vement. I ncl ud e any exper i e nc e i n project planni ng, work breakdown structures, resource allocations, schedu l e tracking, risk analysis and cost management. •8. Are there estab li shed market prices for our requ i remen t ? I f you offe r this p r oduc t and / or service to both U.S. Government and commercia l sources, i s the same workforce u sed for both the U. S. Government and gener a l public? I s ou r req ui rement offered to both under simi l ar t erms and conditions? Briefly descr i be any d ifferences. •9. Describe your standard warranty and return process for goods and services furnished to the government for items s i m i l ar in nature to this requirement. I f your company is intereste d, e -m a il your responses to roderick.luckie @ u s.af.mil. E -m ai l responses shou ld be received no l ater than 27 January 2 0 1 7. Direct and succinct r e sponses are preferred. Marketing materials are conside r ed an i n suffic i e nt response. A l so, pl e ase mail two orig i nal signed copies of your respons e, on o r before the same date, to: AFLCMC/PZIOAB, Bldg. 1 Attn: Roderick Luckie 1940 Allbrook Dr. Wright-Patterson AFB OH 4543 3 (9 3 7) 522-4595 All respon s es must be U NCLAS SI FI ED, no cla ss ified material will be accepted or considered with this Sources Sought Sy nop s i s. Th e response to Part I. Business Information should be sing l e spaced, I 2pt font. The r esponse to Part 11. Capab iliti es sho u ld be lim i t ed to no more than 1 0 pages (8. 5x 1 1 in ches), si n gle spaced, I 2pt font. I n add ition, identify a representative to s upp ort further Government inquiries and requests fo r clarification of th e inform at i o n provided. if needed. Respondents should indicate wh i c h portions of thei r response are pr op ri e t a r y and s h ould mark them accordingly. Th e Ai r f orce will handle proprietary item s i n acco rdan ce w ith FAR 2. 1 0 1 and 3.104. Responses t o questions from interested parties will be promptly answered and posted on this Fed Biz Ops webs it e, unless some release of proprietary information is involved or th e answer addresses a question pecul i ar to a company or that company's response. I nformation feedback sess i o n s m ay be offered to re spo nd e nt s after the sources sought assessmen ts are completed. A n I ndu st r y Day (date to be determined) with one-on-one i nfor m a t ion sess ions with respondents may be offered to clarify the Government ' s under s tand ing o f th e i r s u bmittal, the capability rami fication s. or to discuss their business approach.
- Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
(https://www.fbo.gov/spg/USAF/AFMC/88 CONS/FA8601-17-T-0089/listing.html)
- Place of Performance
- Address: WPAFB, Dayton, Ohio, 45433, United States
- Zip Code: 45433
- Zip Code: 45433
- Record
- SN04378309-W 20170125/170123234634-bf35714afd8024ef7e95715cea381d91 (fbodaily.com)
- Source
FedBizOpps Link to This Notice
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