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48 -- Pre-Solicitation

Notice Date
Notice Type
511210 — Software Publishers
Contracting Office
Department of Energy, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Savannah River Site, Bldg 730-2B, Aiken, South Carolina, 29808, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Marie Coleman, Phone: 803-952-6522
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
This RFI is for an immediately available, commercial off-the shelf (COTS) product and not a software development effort. SRS needs to update the legacy applications that currently provide waste tracking at SRS. This RFI is requesting information on COTS products that may meet the requirements of the tracking systems. The supplier and the software will need to meet ASME NQA-1-2008, Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear Facility Applications, Subpart 2.7 Quality Assurance Requirements for Computer Software" software quality assurance requirements for this software. SRS seeks a COTS product that will meet the requirements for the waste tracking system. The software will be required to integrate with standard Server 2012 Active Directory. Each responder to this RFI must answer the questions below: Requirements and assumptions: · The software needs to be available, in use, and commercially off the shelf · The software will be required to pass cyber security vulnerability scans · The software needs to be an on premise solution and not a cloud solution · The software needs to meet ASME NQA-1-2008, subpart 2.7 Software QA · The software needs to be able to run on Windows 7/10 desktops if client based, or Internet Explorer 11 if web based. · The software needs to be able to accept data from the existing system For each item in the table below, respond with a Yes or No to indicate if the proposed software fully meets this requirement. Software Meets Requirement? 1.0 General (Y/N) 1.1 Provides capabilities to track the following waste types: 1.1.1 Low Level Waste 1.1.2 Hazardous Waste 1.1.3 Mixed Low Level Waste 1.1.4 TRU Waste 1.2 Provides real time waste tracking 1.3 The system shall provide for tracking of radioactive sources. 1.4 The system shall provide for tracking of waste through remediation, characterization, etc. 1.5 The system shall provide the option to move waste between waste types based on characterization changes. 1.6 The system shall support entry of legacy waste records (waste already in inventory, initially tracked by previous systems) 1.7 Capable of supporting multiple facilities for waste generators, onsite Treatment Storage and Disposal (T/S/D) facilities, and offsite T/S/D facilities. 1.8 For maintenance data (lists of values, etc.), provide the capability to make values previously used no longer available for future use without loss of previous data (no orphaned records) such as: 1.8.1 A user account may be deactivated without losing information about that user associated with previous work 1.8.2 A container type may be removed from the list for future use without loss of container type data where that container type was previously used. 1.9 For each time data is created, edited, or deleted, system will store data indicating which user made the entries (or deletions) and when. 1.10 System shall provide context specific online help. 2.0 User Accounts 2.1 System may only be accessed by authorized users. 2.2 Provide capability to limit users' abilities to create, edit, and delete data for waste owned by one or more specified organizations 2.2.1 Users can create, edit, and delete only data associated with only organizations to which that user has been granted access 2.3 Limit the capability to maintain lists of values to users with higher tier accounts such as: 2.3.1 Available container types 2.3.2 Unit of measure conversion 2.3.3 Locations 2.3.4 User accounts 2.3.5 Limit definitions 2.3.6 Waste characterization data for waste no longer at the generator's facility 3.0 Waste Characterization 3.1 System shall support reusable waste streams 3.1.1 Waste with the same characterization may be generated over a period of time without having to re-enter the characterization each time it is used. 3.1.2 Waste stream may have fixed radionuclide distribution, chemical content, etc. 3.2 System shall support placement of waste with different characterizations in the same container where appropriate. 3.3 System shall support various methods of radiological characterization 3.3.1 Entry of total activity 3.3.2 Entry of individual radionuclide activities 3.3.3 Dose-to-Curie 3.3.4 Smear-to-Curie 3.3.5 Scaled radionuclide quantities a. Entry of quantity data for any single nuclide present b. Entry of quantity of total plutonium 3.4 System shall support updating characterization by entry of assay results. 3.4.1 Includes support for entry of values for: a. Plutonium Equivalent Curies (PEC) - (PU239 and U235) b. Fissile Gram Equivalents (FGE) - (PU239 and U235) 3.4.2 System shall compare assay results to the original characterization data and use the worst case for future limit checks for PEC and/or FGE. 3.4.3 System shall retain data on all characterizations applied to each waste container 3.5 System shall require waste be identified as either D&D/ER waste or Other (forecast category) consistent with separate funding for these waste types 3.6 System shall support identifying of PCB waste type based on a list of values 3.6.1 PCB Bulk Product Waste - Non Leachable 3.6.2 PCB Bulk Product Waste - Leachable 3.6.3 PCB Remediation Waste 3.6.4 PCB Article 3.6.5 Non-PCB 3.6.6 Not Specified (waste characterized before PCB tracking was initiated) 3.7 System shall support entry of rad survey data for each container 3.7.1 When subsequent survey results are entered, the system shall retain all previous survey results entered for that waste container. 3.8 System shall support review and electronic approval of waste characterizations 4.0 Shipping 4.1 System shall support shipping of waste: 4.1.1 To other onsite facilities 4.1.2 To offsite facilities from the Solid Waste Management Facility 4.1.3 To offsite facilities directly from waste generators 4.2 System shall support scheduling of shipments 4.2.1 System shall support electronic approval of shipment requests. 5.0 Shipment Receipts 5.1 System shall allow receipt of waste to multiple locations within the receiving facility from a single shipment 5.2 System shall support entry of X, Y, and Z coordinates for each container at time of receipt. 5.3 System shall allow user to cancel a receipt, returning it to the pre-receipt state. 6.0 Relocation within a Facility 6.1 System shall support relocation of waste to other locations within a facility 6.2 System shall allow relocation of waste to multiple locations within the facility 6.3 System shall allow limit checks on the total contents of a transport vehicle for batches of relocated waste. 7.0 Overpacking 7.1 System shall support loading and unloading of culverts. 7.2 System shall support other overpacking and removal of waste from overpacks. 8.0 Advanced automated waste tracking 8.1 System shall support use of barcoding in tracking waste 8.2 The system shall use RFID or other advanced hardware based solutions for waste tracking 9.0 Reports 9.1 System shall support ad hoc queries with user defined parameters 9.2 System shall be adaptable to changing reporting requirements such as: 9.2.1 Regulatory requirements 9.2.2 Management and user requests for data 9.2.3 Event and Emergency Response reports 9.3 System shall produce uniform manifests for onsite shipments 9.4 System shall support printing of barcode labels for: 9.4.1 Single waste containers 9.4.2 All waste containers on a shipment 9.4.3 Locations 10.0 Changes to Received/Stored Waste 10.1 System shall allow tracking of changes to waste no longer owned by its generator 11.0 Limits 11.1 System shall support limit checks applicable to: 11.1.1 Single waste containers a. System shall allow generators to specify intended destination or system shall make selection based on waste characterization b. Shall check container limits applicable to the specified destination when I. Container is created II. Container is edited. c. System shall allow application of limits to specific groups of container types (i.e., B-25's, 55 gallon drums, etc.) 11.1.2 Location total inventories a. For single locations b. For combinations of locations 11.1.3 Total contents of a transport vehicle a. Checked when a shipment is: I. Created II. Edited III. Received b. Checked for batch relocations where multiple waste containers will be loaded onto a single transport vehicle. 11.2 System shall support radionuclide limit checks such as: 11.2.1 Individual nuclide activities 11.2.2 Weighted totals of activities of groups of radionuclides (such as FGE, PEC, DEC, etc.) 11.2.3 Weighted activity totals per unit Volume 11.2.4 Weighted activity totals per unit of waste weight (such as TRU 100 nci/g) 11.2.5 System shall allow application of different limits based on waste form 11.3 System shall support application of different sets of radionuclide limits based on the presence of non-rad constituents (beryllium, elemental carbon, lead, etc.) above or below threshold values. 11.4 System shall support limits on the total quantities of non-rad constituents (beryllium, elemental carbon, asbestos, lead, etc.). 11.5 System shall support limits on chemicals by weight 11.6 System shall support limits on free liquid volume. 11.7 System shall support limits on NFPA categories. 11.8 System shall support limits on total weight by oxidizer classes 11.9 System shall support limits on waste weight 11.9.1 Based on container type 11.10 System shall allow limit definitions to be created, edited, and deleted by users with specific upper tier account access levels. 12.0 Maintenance Table Data/Lists of Values 12.1 System shall support entry, editing and deleting of maintenance table data by users with specific upper tier account access levels. 12.2 Maintenance table data shall include: 12.2.1 Units of Measure conversions 12.2.2 Locations a. Facility/Location/Unit (3 Levels) b. Row/Pile c. Component piles (groups of piles with limits applicable to the total contents of the group) d. X/Y/Z Coordinates 12.2.3 Container Types 12.2.4 Container type groups 12.2.5 Waste Stream Characterizations 12.2.6 User accounts a. List of authorized organizations for each user 12.2.7 Transporters for Offsite Shipments 12.2.8 Limit definitions 12.2.9 Special cases (characterizations and configurations which require special handling, labelling, spacing, storage, etc.) 13.0 History Records 13.1 System shall maintain records of all changes made to: 13.1.1 Container characterizations 13.1.2 Unit of measure conversions 13.2 Limit definitions 13.3 History records shall include: 13.3.1 Data modified 13.3.2 Date/Time of the modification 13.3.3 User who made the changes 13.3.4 Records of deletions of any data with history records 14.0 Recalculations 14.1 System shall provide the capability to recalculate waste characterizations for all affected waste containers when a correction is made to a waste stream characterization. 14.2 System shall provide the capability to recalculate any affected limits when: 14.2.1 A waste characterization correction is entered. 14.2.2 An upper tier user choses to do so 15.0 Waste Forecasts 15.1 System shall provide the capability for waste generators to enter and update annual forecasts of expected waste volume 15.2 System shall provide the capability to identify waste by forecast category 15.2.1 The system shall compare actual waste volumes with forecasted volumes in the same category 15.2.2 The system shall identify waste that was not included in the forecast All of the following questions must also be answered with respect to the proposed software. 1. What is the proposed software package? How long has it been in use? 2. Specify the hardware/software required to implement your proposed solution? 3. What is the initial cost of the software? 4. What is your the license model - concurrent/ not concurrent/per user? 5. What are the annual software license costs? 6. Does the software meet NQA-1-2008, Subpart 2.7 requirements for Nuclear Software? 7. How often are security updates offered? Is this a part of the maintenance costs? 8. How often are product upgrades/updates offered? Is this part of the maintenance costs? 9. Will the system support 150 active users? 10. Does the software have the capability to be configured by the end user to either change or provide added functionality? If so, describe this capability and provide examples of functionality that can be changed or added to the current system. Infrastructure Requirements: 11. Is this a client based or web based application? Will it run on Internet Explorer 11? 12. What database infrastructure is required (version)? 13. Is the system access controlled to authorized users only? Are there varying levels of access? 14. What other hardware devices does the software support or interface with? Services: 15. Have you installed this software at other Government or DOE sites? 16. Do you provide onsite support? 17. Do you provide installation or consulting services? 18. Is your Call Center/Technical Center on US soil? 19. Do you provide technical and end user training? 20. What are the maintenance costs associated with the solution? Comments (about items in general and any innovative approaches to consider) A supplier's response to the RFI does not guarantee they will be selected to participate in the RFP.
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC, Aiken, South Carolina 29808, United States, Aiken, South Carolina, 29808, United States
Zip Code: 29808
SN04389977-W 20170204/170202235613-919f7342457d4551535c6ee873de4cea (fbodaily.com)
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