D -- GEO Location Services Worldwide
- Notice Date
- 3/14/2017
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 517919
— All Other Telecommunications
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Air Force Space Command, 30CONS, 1515 Iceland Avenue, Bldg 8500, Room 150, Vandenberg AFB, California, 93437-5212
- ZIP Code
- 93437-5212
- Solicitation Number
- FA4610-17-R-XXXX
- Point of Contact
- Janice M Kleitsch, Phone: 805.606.3873
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- SOURCES SOUGHT CAPABILITIES ANNOUNCEMENT GEOLOCATION SERVICES WORLDWIDE I NTRODUCT I ON This i s a Sources Sought synopsis be i ng conducted pursuant to FAR Part 10, Market Research. Th i s is an i n i tial step i n the p l anning process for the Geo l ocation Serv i ces Wor l dw i de I I support follow-on contract. The Government may determine whether a sole source acquisition is necessary based on the responses received as a result of this announcement. Th i s i s for pl anni ng purposes onl y and there i s no solicitation available at th i s ti me. Initial market research and FEDBIZOPS posting was conducted in July 2016 by 55 CONS, Offutt AFB. Requirements have transferred to the 30th Contracting Squadron at Vandenberg Ai r Force Base, California therefore updated market research and a new FEDBIZOPS posting is being accomplished. 30 CONS, Vandenberg AFB seeks potential qualified sources capable of providing world-wide interference geolocati on service 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year for the Jo i nt Funct i onal Component Command for Space (JFCC Spac e ), Vandenberg A i r Force Bas e, Californi a. The North Amer i can I ndustr i al C l ass i ficat i on Systems (NA I CS) is 517919, All Other Telecommun i cat i on s, Computer Systems Desi gn Servi ce, which has a small busi ness si ze standard of $32. S M. REQ U I REMEN T S Objective : The Contractor shall provide on-site support to JFCC Space upon request for an interference event anywhere i n the world and at any time, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days of the year during the contract per i od of performanc e. J FCC SPACE w i ll pro v i de a l i st i ng of l eased band w i dt h. The Contractor w i ll have 21 bu s i ness days to conduct ana l ys i s to deter m i ne wh i ch band w i dth has a geo l oca t i on so l u t i on set and w h i ch band w i dth does not have geo l oca t i on protec t i o n. Per i od of Performanc e : I t is ant i c i p a ted that t h e contract per i od w i ll be a base period of one ye a r (01 December 2019 thru 30 Nov 2020) and four one-year opti on periods pl us a six-month extension of services. Secur i ty: The contra c t or shall prov i de personnel w i th clearances commensurate w i th the DD 25 4, Department of Defense Contract S e curity Classification Spe c i fica t i o n. T he Contractor must possess at l east a Top Secr e U Sens i t i ve Compartmented I nformat i on (TS/SC I ) and Top Secre U Nuclear Command and Con t r o l (NC2) Security C l earance for operat i ons i n around TS /SCI and T S/NC2 faci l i t i es. INFORMAT I ON AND I N STRUC T I ONS: All businesses capab l e of provid i ng these services are i nv i t e d to respond. Any i nformation prov i ded to the government as a result of this sources sought synop s i s is vo l untary and the Government w i ll not pay for any informa t i on sub m i tte d. Respondents are requested to submit capab i li ty packages electron i call y as described below. Capa b i l i ty packages shall be one e l ectro n i c cop y. Capab i li ty package f i l es should be i n MS Office format (Wor d, Excel or PowerP o i nt) or Adobe pdf forma t and should not exceed 5 MB on one em a i l, to pass through the Offutt LAN. All packages should con ta i n UNCLASSIFIED material onl y. Capab i l i ty packages sho u l d not exceed 20 pages, each s i n g l e s i de count i ng as one page, 8.5 x 1 1 i nc h, w i th on e ­ i n c h mar g i n s, and font no sm a l l e r than 10 p o int Times N e w Roman. Capabil i ty p a ckages m u s t be rece i ved no l at e r th an COB 4:00 pm (pacific) on 14 Apr 2017. Capa b i l i ty package responses shall be sent via em a i l to and Respondents must i nclude the f o l l o w i ng i nforma t i on w i t h i n their statement of capabi l i ty package s : a. Company I n form a t i o n : Your compan y ' s nam e, addres s, a po i nt of contact w i t h e-m a i l address and t e l ephone numbe r. Federal Cage Cod e, Data Un i versal Number i ng System (DUNS ), bus i ness s i z e. and secur i ty clearance l ev e l. Your company must be re g i stered i n System for Award Management (SA M ). To reg i ste r, go to http s : / /www. sa m. go v. b. Sm a ll B u s i nes s : Small bus i ness respondents to this announcement shou l d i nd i cate whether the respondent i s a small business, 8(a} concern, vete r an- owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned sma ll business. HUB Zone sma l l business, small disadvan t aged business. women-owned small busi ness, or historica ll y b l ack college or un i versity (HBCU) or m i nority inst i tut i on (M l ) (as defined by the clause at FAR 5 2. 226-2). C A P A B I LITY P ACKAGE A N D E V AL U A T I O N : The Government w i ll iden t i fy compe t i t i ve firms by evalua t i ng the capa b ili t i es packages u s i ng the f o l l owing ev a l uation c r i t e r i a. Potent i a l offers sho u l d be specific i n referring to capa b i l i t i es i n the tech n i c a l areas stated b e l o w. The f o l l ow i ng i s cons i dered mandatory i n mee t i ng the req u i rements of the Ge o l ocat i on Ser v i ces World w i de contract: Demonstrate expert i se and ability i n 24x7x365 mon i tor i ng, detect i on and geo l ocat i on for wor l dw i de coverage. defined as all areas between 70 degrees North l a t i tude and 70 degrees Sou t h l a t i tude. Demonstrate the ab i l ity to perform 24x7x365 Worldw i de I nterference Detect i on mon i tor i ng for defined Government Leased, Commercial Satellite Bandwidth to provide proacti ve. full - period Carrier Monitoring, I nterference Detectio n, Geolocation I M i tiga t i on and EMI an a l y s i s in C- and Ku-band frequenc i e s. Demonstrate the a b i l i ty to de l i ver s i te specifi c. 24 x 7 x365 geo l oca t i on i n M i l i tary and commer c i a l X-ban d. Demonstrate the a b i li ty t o, on a Best-Efforts bas i s on l y, de l i ver serv i ce i n a geograp h i c re g i on i n wh i ch Vendor can on l y prov i de such service us i ng a th i r d -party Geo l ocation Syste m. D e m o n str a t e the abi l i ty t o, on a n a s - n eeded bas i s, perform 24x7x3 6 5 Wo r l dwide I nterference Dete c t i on monitoring for defined Government Leased. Commercia l Sate ll ite Bandwidth to provide proactive. full-period Carrier Mon i tor i n g, Interference Detectio n, Geolocation I M i tigation and EMI ana l ysis in UHF-band frequencies. Demonstrate the a b il i ty t o, on an as-needed ba s i s, perform 24x7x365 Wor l dwide Interference Detection mo n i to r i ng for defined Government Lease d, Commerci a l Satellite Ban d w i dth to pro v i de proac t i v e. full-pe r i od Carr i er Mo n i torin g, I nterference Detect i o n, M i t i gat i on and E M I ana l ys i s i n X-band frequencies. Demonstrate the ab i l i ty to d i rectly engage w i th JFCC SPACE personnel to deliver near real t i me i ns i ght to s i gna l s of i nterest. Demonstrate the ab i lity to provide a c t i ve mon i tor i ng of bandw i dth i dent i fied by JFCC SPACE to p r ovide JFCC SPACE operators with RF Space Situational Awareness (SSA). Demonstrate the ab i li ty to prov i de JFCC SPACE w i th mont h l y repor t i ng and analysis of worldw i de en v i ronment for i nterference events and RF SS A. Demonstrate the ab i lity to become fa m i l i ar w i th the techn i cal characteris t i cs of JFCC SPAC E ' s satellite s. i nclud i ng antenna coverage patterns and transponder configuration s. Demonstrate the ability to pro v i de J F CC SPACE w i th not i ficat i on p r i or t o the use of th i rd-party ge o l oca t i on systems i n order to allow JFCC SPACE to r eview these systems for se c u r i ty comp l i ance and re l i ab i l i t y ; shou l d JFCC Space deem a third-party system unreliable for any reason, the use of that third-party system may be denied by JFCC Space and a replacement must be found by vendor to provide worldwide coverage G O V E R N M E N T RESP O N S I B I L I TY: T h i s Sources Sought Not i ce is for commercial ser v i ces I AW FAR Part 1 3. T h i s sources sought s h o u l d not be construed as a com m i tment by the Government for any purpos e, nor does i t restrict the Government to an u l t i mate acqu i s i t i on approac h. Any i nformat i on sub m i tted by respondents to th i s sources sought is str i ctly voluntary and any offer subm i t t ed by such a firm w i ll be eva l uated w i thout prejud i c e. Quest i ons on th i s synopsis shall be su b m i t t ed via ema i l to Janice M. Kleitsch, Contracting Officer at: and Jennifer Johnson, Contract Specia l i s t at: Place of Contract Performance: Vandenberg A i r Force Base. Ca l i for n i a
- Web Link
- Permalink
- Place of Performance
- Address: Vandenberg AFB, United States
- Record
- SN04434054-W 20170316/170314234141-510b892efe9e8f91166d45def661c947 (
- Source
FedBizOpps Link to This Notice
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